Chapter 2

"I don't feel good." Frankie whispers to me.

I felt his head, it was burning. "Alright, you stay here and rest. I have volleyball practice. But I'll be back by five." I said ruffling his hair, I kissed his forehead then headed outside to walk to school four blocks down. Once I finally got there, I ran to my class, late again. Got Mrs. Moran's lecture then went to my seat, worrying about Frankie.

"Okay, girls get rested up for our game tomorrow." Coach said then dismissed practice.

I packed up all my books and volleyball, and then started walking home in my volleyball uniform, too lazy to change. People started staring at me as I passed but I've gotten use to it, I'm always the odd one out of the bunch. I walked up to my house to hear crying and shouting. I ran into see my 'dad' slap Frankie straight across the face. "What are you doing?!" I screamed. Frankie looked over at me with tears in his eyes. "He's sick!" I yelled. I ran over to him and made sure he was alright. I sent him up to our room. "How could you be so cruel?!"

"You don't tell me what to do you bitch!" He yelled then hit me across the face.

I got up and ran up to mine and Frankie's room as he chased after me. I slammed the door shut and he started pounding on it. I grabbed backpacks from under my bed with all the stuff we would need to survive if we ran away. I had packed it a couple weeks ago.

"What are you doing?" Frankie asked sitting up in his bed.

"We're leaving." I said quietly. He got up and helped me grab everything and I opened the window and I grabbed my bat just as 'dad' smashed the door down. "Go, go, go!" I yelled. Frankie got out and I barely made it. He started coming after us. I saw a few hundred feet in front of us a bus just puling up to the station. We ran up and paid real quickly and his in the back. But he got on but stayed in the middle. I had a plan