Art Project

Hey! Since you kept saying that I should do more, I decided to make a BONUS CHAPTER! It's actually really random, about the art projects. Enjoy!

Chapter 6: Art Projects

Third Person

"Class, it is now time to show your art projects," Mrs. Troll said. "Who wants to go first? Please stand up and bring your project."

The whole class just sat there.

"I said, 'Please stand up and bring your project'!" Mrs. Troll repeated. Nothing. "Okay, fine, Rochelle, Deuce, why don't you come up and show the class your project?"

"Huh? What?" Deuce asked.

"She wants us to show the class our art project." Rochelle whispered.

"What art project?" Deuce asked. Rochelle shook her head.

"Just get up." Rochelle nudged him. Deuce got up, and Rochelle got the paper.

"Okay, what did you do?" Mrs. Troll asked.

"One of the most awesome and most common art." Deuce said. Rochelle looked sad, and embarrassed.

"Our project was messed up, and we had five minutes before class." Rochelle explained.

"You did stick people, didn't you?" Venus asked.

"We did stick people!" Deuce shouted.

"He did stick people." Rochelle corrected.

"They're awesome!" Deuce said. He showed the paper of stick people.

"Cher Dieu, s'il vous plaît me tuer." Rochelle said loudly. Some monsters laughed, even though they didn't know what she said.

"This is PSY." Deuce said. Rochelle covered her face and burst into a fit of giggles. The class laughed.

"And this is One Direction." Deuce pointed to some stick people.

"Are they getting eaten by alligators?" Jinafire Long asked.

"No…they're getting eaten by Venus McFlytrap." Deuce said. Mrs. Troll shook her head at him.

"Dude!" Venus snapped.

"Dudette." Deuce said.

"Just…sit…down." Mrs. Troll grumbled.

"We're getting an A?" Rochelle asked. Mrs. Troll gave her a Look.

"A minus?" Rochelle tried again. "Okay, I know. F."

"F plus." Mrs. Troll said.

"What's an F plus?" Rochelle asked.

"You'll find out." Mrs. Troll said. Rochelle sighed, and sat down.

Cleo's POV

"Harder!" HH Bloodgood shouted at me.

"I'm trying as hard as I can!" I shouted. Why is she making me massage her feet?

"Just try harder!"

"Okay." I said. Then, I started squeezing her feet really hard.

"Ow…ow…Cleo…maybe a little softer…" HH Bloodgood said.

"Why? You said as hard as I can." I said.

"But…ow…that's too hard." Bloodgood said. I started thinking…then I began to smile, as I squeezed Bloodgood's feet even harder, enjoying the sounds of the headless woman groaning in pain.

Third Person

"Okay…next, Catrine and Skelita." Mrs. Troll said. The two ghouls, werecat and calaveras (Mexican skeleton), stood up, holding their project, and they walked to the front of the room.

"This is our art project!" Catrine exclaimed.

"Yeah…it's just some manga versions of ourselves." Skelita said.

"It looks magnifique, in my opinion!" Catrine spun around, revealing her pink underwear. No one said anything, though.

"Oui, oui. Beaucoup mieux que les gens bâton ceux Deuce fait." Rochelle said.

"Merci beaucoup." Catrine said.

"Vous êtes les bienvenus." Rochelle said.

"Will you stop talking in French?" Venus asked. "It's making me wilt."

"Désolé." Rochelle looked down. "I mean, sorry."

"Carry on." Mrs. Troll said to Catrine and Skelita.

"This is manga me," Skelita said. "Tengo el pelo negro y como veis, tiene bastante más destacado de naranja."

"Uh…what she said." Catrine said. Some kids laughed.

"Very wonderful, you too. You both get an A." Mrs. Troll said. The two ghouls curtsied as everyone clapped.

"The next time we have a project together, and you ask me, that is an automatic non." Rochelle whispered into Deuce's ear.

Okay, that was the bonus chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Also, notice how this chapter is totally random, and kind of has nothing to do with the rest of the story. Bye! :)
