Heart's Desire
Epilogue- Straight from the Heart

Author's Note-
Wow- the end. Finally!!!! I am so sorry it took this long to finish the story, but I was so busy! I'll have something new soon- more on Prophecy Fulfilled- The Six. If you haven't read it yet, please read it! It may be boring so far, but I think that it's actually pretty cool. Please read and review that if you like Heart's Desire or if you didn't like Heart's Desire.

I don't own Jonathan, Alanna, Raoul, or Gary. They belong to Tamora Pierce. I do own Matthew and Kelsie. S Club owns the song Straight From The Heart.

I see my future there in you eyes
Together and forever it's you and me
You see, 'cause I won't be listening to what
My friends have got to say
I know they'll be there all the way

You promised, and I know that you will always care
Through good times, and through bad times
You're always there

Hold me now don't ever let it go
I'm in love with you but you already know
I want this love to last and be forever
If you believe and you can only see
That making love to me
Would make your life complete
Hold me tight and say you'll leave me never
Straight from the heart you've changed my life
Forever, forever more

I dream of waking up in your arms
And watch the sun bring in the day
You see, what I can imagine,
I am sure we can achieve
Which means never giving up on this dream

You comfort and you guide me
When skies are grey
And I feel you and I
Need you just say you'll stay

Hold me now don't ever let it go
I'm in love with you but you already know
I want this love to last and be forever
If you believe and you can only see
That making love to me
Would make your life complete
Hold me tight and say you'll leave me never
Straight from the heart you've changed my life
Forever, forever more

You promised, and I know that you will always care
Through good times, and through bad times
You're always there

Hold me now don't ever let it go
I'm in love with you but you already know
I want this love to last and be forever
If you believe and you can only see
That making love to me
Would make your life complete
Hold me tight and say you'll leave me never
Straight from the heart you've changed my life
Straight from the heart you've changed my life

It was the perfect end. Kelsie had never seen anything that was quite so beautiful. Flowers were everywhere, and they were all arranged in a way that made them the most beautiful that they could possibly see. Everyone was happy, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was perhaps the sunniest day Tortall had ever seen, but even the sun's brightness didn't compare to the bright smiles on Alanna and Jonathan's faces. Kelsie no longer regretted anything that she had done since coming to the palace- well, she regretted what had happened to George, but that had in no way been her fault and she no longer felt guilty about it. In fact, she was glad that she had been able to help save Jon. It was the best thing that she had ever done in her life. Kelsie wondered what George would think if he were here right now. He would be happy for Jon and Alanna, even though it would have probably hurt his feelings. He really had loved Alanna so much. Maybe Alanna was right after all. George was happier where he was now. Kelsie supposed it was better that George had died for the two people who meant everything in the world to him. He probably would have lost the thing he loved most anyway, and today only proved it.
The temple had never been so crowded, and Kelsie had never seen so many people dressed up and gathered for one occasion, even if it was the marriage of the King. Kelsie looked around and saw quite a few familiar faces. Matthew was seated next to her, and on his other side was Thayet. She had returned from setting up her school for the underprivileged to attend Jon and Alanna's wedding. In the front were Gary and Raoul. They were Jon's best men- he hadn't been able to chose one over the other, so he had chosen both. Kelsie smiled brightly. It was the most beautiful ceremony that she had ever seen, and to think that it may never have happened if it hadn't been for her.
Kelsie had spoken to both Alanna and Jonathan the night before, and both had told her how much they appreciated the help she had given him. They confided in her that if she and Matthew hadn't given them that extra little push, they may have lost each other forever. Jonathan had gone so far as to say that Kelsie's plan wa sthe nicest thing that anyone had ever done for them.
Once the ceremony had ended and Alanna and Jonathan were legally married, there was a party for the King, the new Queen, and their close friends. They didn't want to be surrounded by the rest of the kingdom. The wedding was the end of a big week for the group of friends. It had come during the Midwinter Festival, which was already a busy time of year anyway, but on top of that, the day before had been Kelsie's seventeenth birthday, and three days earlier had been Matthew's Ordeal of Knighthood.
The party was a great ball. At the very beginning, Jonathan and Alanna opened it with a dance- their first as King and Queen of Tortall. After that, Kelsie danced with Matthew. The night was cool but not bitterly cold, and Matthew and Kelsie went out into the garden. "Kelsie of Tirragen, I'm in love with you. Will you marry me?"

Author's Note-
THE END!!!!!!! Finally, I thought it would never be done! I know, the end doesn't really tell you what happens, but hey, Alanna and Jon got married, that's all you need to know. If you ask politely, I might just write another story and tell you what happens to Kelsie and Matthew. I think you guys probably already figured it out, though. I'm leaving it like this so that you guys can create your own ending. If you want, Kelsie can say no, or Kelsie can say yes, or whatever. Thanks to everyone who stuck with this from the beginning- I owe you guys! Reviews are appreciated- if you guys didn't like it, I won't write more, I'll go back to Harry Potter. Luv ya!