
Caesar attempts to calm down the wildly-cheering audience by motioning with his hand.

"Steady, steady!" he shouts. "It is time to begin our reunion, with all 18 of our contestants from this season!"

Caesar points over to a set of risers, which has 3 rows of 6 people each. The players who went farthest are sitting on the bottom, with those voted out first on the top. Finnick is seated on the far right, with Johanna sitting next to him.

"Congratulations again to our Victor, Finnick Odair!"

The crowd cheers once more for Finnick.

"Finnick, tell me, how did you manage to win this game? There were lots of times that the numbers were against you, but you found a way through."

"It's all because of Johanna," Finnick replies. "I give her all the credit in the world. She kept me going even during some difficult situations in the game."

"But the jury gave all the credit to you, as they all voted for you."

"Well, that's because Johanna took all the heat off me. She got everyone mad at her, so that she looked bad while I looked good."

"Was that a strategical move by you?"

"Yes, it was. I knew Johanna could take the heat while I could coast by. But she really played a great game as well, I can't stress that enough."

"Now, to what we've all been wondering about. You and Johanna made love out there…"

Johanna and Finnick both blush as Caesar says this.

"Johanna, are you pregnant?"

Johanna laughs. "Of course not, brainless! Packed in with our supplies was some protection, in case of situations like this. So we made sure to use protection so that wouldn't happen."

"Now, the other thing we have to wonder about – how does Annie feel about this?"

Caesar walks out into the first row of the audience to talk to Annie Cresta.

"Annie, how did you feel when you saw Finnick making love with Johanna?"

Annie blushes. "I know that Finnick truly loves me. He has done that many times in the past, against his own will. I don't hold it against him at all."

"Wow! Annie, you're very loving and supportive of Finnick!"

"I'm just so happy he won, so now we don't have to live in poverty."

Caesar then walks back onto the stage. "Okay, so what was with that showmance between you two, Finnick and Johanna? Any real feelings there?"

"No! None at all!" Johanna shouts.

Finnick laughs. "Of course Johanna has feelings for me, but she knows that I love Annie. So while we love each other in one particular way, ultimately my heart belongs to Annie."

The crowd gives a cheer upon hearing this.

"Okay, let's talk about our other romance, between Cato and Glimmer. Is this real?"

Cato immediately gets down on one knee in front of Glimmer.

"Glimmer, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Glimmer shouts.

Clove looks on with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"So, we've got these two star-crossed lovers, one from District 1, and one from District 2! Where do you two plan on living?"

"I'm going to 1," Cato replies.

"Of course, we know how Clove feels about this. What do you say to Clove?"

"I'm sorry, Clove, but I chose Glimmer," Cato states.

"Don't worry, I'll hold it against you for the rest of your life," Clove replies snarkily. "I'll never forgive you for it."

"Cold!" Caesar exclaims. "Now Clove, your alliance was in control of this game, until you turned on it by voting out Glimmer. Do you regret that?"

"There were four of us, and I made it to the top four, so no, I don't," Clove replies.

"I know that you, Enobaria, were not too pleased with that."

"I worked so hard to get back into the game," Enobaria states. "I took out the likable people in Peeta, Rue and Katniss and I was ready to take out Finnick too. But Clove screwed me over and took away my chances of winning the game."

"Rue, you in particular were stunned by that move."

"I still admire Enobaria," Rue replies. "She made a move to help herself get along, it was all part of the game. She didn't actually kill me."

"Peeta, you were definitely surprised as well."

"I couldn't believe it," Peeta states. "But that's the way this game goes sometimes, you can't predict what's going to happen."

"Now, Katniss, you were voted out when Johanna flipped on your alliance, not wanting to pick rocks."

"I should have figured Johanna would do that," Katniss responds. "Unfortunately for me, I didn't prepare for it, and that's why I got voted out."

"Now, I want to talk about the different strategies you guys used. Finnick, your strategy was to let Johanna take all the heat. As for you, Foxface, you totally flew under the radar the entire game."

"I thought it would work," Foxface replies. "It did, in a sense, that I never received a vote against me. But I also never received a vote for me, because no one thought I was bold enough."

"Johanna, what was your strategy in particular?"

"Isn't it obvious, brainless?" Johanna responds. "I used Finnick the whole game to get what I wanted. But it turns out Finnick was using me. So I have to give him credit for that."

"I like how Johanna played, I really do," Finnick states. "Ultimately, though, her personality cost her a chance at getting any votes at the final Tribal Council."

"Indeed it did," Caesar states. "On to some of the surprises of the game. Brutus, you were shocked when Enobaria turned on you."

"I thought she would stick with me and force a tie," Brutus replies. "I never thought she would turn on me like that, but I should have expected it from a Career. She ended up making it a long way because of that."

"And as for you, Thresh, you were blindsided by the two immunity mockingjay pins."

"It was a surprise," Thresh states. "But I guess that's how it goes sometimes, the other guys just have too much firepower."

"Okay, really quickly now, through the rest of our contestants, starting with you, Marvel. Give us a sense of what this game meant to you."

"It was very enjoyable, of course until I got voted out," Marvel replies. "I enjoyed competing out here."


"I didn't expect what Clove did to us," Cashmere responds. "Clove really fooled us."


"I agree with Cashmere," Gloss states. "We really got played by Clove."


"Johanna flipped in order to save herself from the purple rock," Wiress states. "And tick tock, that ended my game."


"You know, I'm really surprised to go so early," Beetee states. "I thought I had much more in me than that."

"And Mags."

"This game just isn't my thing," Mags states. "I don't think I'm the right fit for it at my age."

"Okay, then, we now have the announcement of who is the fan favorite of this season. Our four contenders are: Finnick, Glimmer, Foxface and Rue!"

The crowd cheers loudly, then waits for the announcement.

"Finnick, it is notyou. Glimmer, you… are… out. And the winner is… Rue!"

The audience explodes in celebration.

"Congratulations, Rue, you will receive twice as much money as you would have received otherwise!"

"Thank you," Rue replies with a smile.

"And now… a final announcement. President Snow has decided to put an end to all Hunger Games, and replace them with Survivor seasons! There will be no more killing of innocent children! And all 18 of you will receive a large sum of money, to go back home and live a new life of wealth! Finnick, you of course will receive the most! Congratulations to all of you!"

The crowd explodes with excitement, and all the contestants congratulate each other with high fives and shaking hands.

"That is all for Survivor: Panem," Caesar states. "Congratulations again to Finnick Odair, our Victor!"

The Capitol anthem "Horn of Plenty" plays to close out the show.