Survivor: Panem

(A/N: Please vote for your favorite characters in my profile poll!)

Caesar Flickerman appears in the 74th Hunger Games arena wearing his sparkly blue jacket. He stands in front of the Cornucopia, with 18 starting platforms forming a half-circle around him.

"Welcome, welcome, everyone!" Caesar exclaims. "We are here at the start of our competition! Let's meet our tributes!"

9 of the players suddenly rise up from underground up onto their platforms. They all look around at each other, some of them totally shocked to see that there are so many empty platforms.

"Surprise, surprise!" Caesar announces. "Only 9 of you tributes this year will participate – the others of you have all been sent home! You will all be on one tribe – the Tributes Tribe! Let's meet our contestants!"

Glimmer – District 1

Marvel – District 1

Clove – District 2

Cato – District 2

Foxface – District 5

Rue – District 11

Thresh – District 11

Katniss – District 12

Peeta – District 12

"Now, you may be wondering who your opponents are… here they are!"

The 9 other contestants rise up on their platforms to view their opponents.

"Yes, these are all past victors of the Hunger Games – participating on the Victors Tribe! Let's meet them!"

Cashmere – District 1

Gloss – District 1

Enobaria – District 2

Brutus – District 2

Wiress – District 3

Beetee – District 3

Mags – District 4

Finnick – District 4

Johanna – District 7

"Now, you may be wondering why I am standing here, and why there aren't any swords. The reason is that you will not be killing each other this year!"

The players look around at each other in utter confusion.

"You are on two tribes, competing against each other in the ancient reality TV game of Survivor! We have revived it here for the 22nd century as Survivor: Panem! Now you will have to outwit, outplay and outlast each other to make it to the end to be the ultimate victor and win lots of money and food for yourself and your family. The losers will not die, but instead be compensated for their time out here. It is President Snow's great gift to everyone, that for one year we stop the bloodbaths and try out a different game!"

The contestants are so confused at this point, but they feel very relieved.

"Now, to begin this contest, you will all take off from your starting positions and race after whatever you can find in the Cornucopia. There will be no hurting of each other, only scrambling to get items. The weapons you find will not be used to kill each other, but rather to hunt for food for your tribe. Once you have collected as much as you can, grab the map with your tribe's name on it and head out to your new camp with your tribemates. Tributes, you'll go to the right of the Cornucopia. Victors, you'll head to the left. Survivors ready? Go!"

Immediately the players take off running toward the supplies. Cato and Glimmer get their hands on a machete and a bow and arrow. Katniss also finds a bow and arrow.

"Get that food!" Peeta yells.

He points in the direction of a box, which Marvel and Clove quickly pick up before Brutus and Enobaria can get over to it. Foxface scoops up a bunch of berries, with a label clearly reading "Non-Poisonous" on them.

"Hey, give me that!" Finnick shouts, as he grabs a fishing spear that Thresh also has his hands on.

Thresh and Finnick begin fighting for the spear, until Finnick finally pulls it away from him.

"Don't mess with us!" Finnick screams at Thresh. "We've actually won the Hunger Games before!"

Thresh steps away from Finnick with a bit of anger, but Rue's smiling face quickly gets his anger cooled off. He goes to help her collect some food.

"We got everything we can," Peeta tells the two of them. "Let's go."

After about 10 minutes of scrambling, each tribe has collected a fair amount of supplies and is headed off in the direction of their camp.

(A/N: When a person's thoughts are in italics, it means that they are talking in a confessional, directly to the camera, away from the rest of the tribe, at a later time than it is actually shown.)

Episode 1

As Bad as Being Dead

Day 1

Tributes Tribe

"We got a lot of stuff," Cato tells Glimmer as they arrive at their campsite. "This should be enough to keep us going for a long time."

"Why did they change the rules?" Clove complains. "I was looking forward to killing some people."

"Hey, cheer up," Peeta replies. "Aren't you happy you're going to live?"

"I was prepared to die," Clove retorts.

"I want to win at all costs," Clove says. "I have never – for one moment, even – thought about anything but winning. All I wanted is to come home as the champion. And if I come home a loser, that's just as bad as being dead."

Marvel starts a fire for the tribe, whose camp is up the hill from a stream of water. The tributes sit around the fire and introduce each other.

"I'm not familiar with you," Katniss tells the girl from District 5. "But you remind me of a fox."

Everyone laughs, including the girl. "I guess you can just call me 'Foxface,' then," she replies.

"Foxface seems very mysterious," Katniss says. "I'd like to make an alliance with her, but I'm afraid that if I do, I'll end up with a knife stuck in my back."

"So, how do you play this game, anyway?" Thresh asks.

"It's just like the Hunger Games, only instead of killing people, you vote for who you want to leave the game," Rue explains. "You make alliances, and if you're mean, you backstab people."

"I wonder if the concept for the Hunger Games came from this Survivor show in any way," Peeta says. "If so, our ancestors have a lot of explaining to do."

As the day goes on, Glimmer and Cato seem to be getting along very well, cuddling with each other and laughing at each other's jokes. Clove looks over at them with extreme jealousy.

"This is when I wish I was allowed to kill," Clove says. "One throw of a knife – and that girl would be dead."

"I really like Cato," says Glimmer. "He seems to know exactly what to say – he's such a great guy. I'm so glad I don't have to kill him."

Victors Tribe

The tribe arrives at their camp. They set down their supplies and take a look at their position – near a cave and streams of water. Almost immediately, Johanna begins ordering around the tribe.

"Okay, you electric people – you start making our shelter!" she yells at Beetee and Wiress. "You District 1 snobs – you make our fire!"

"And what are you going to do?" Gloss yells back at her.

"I'm going to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing!" she screams.

"This Johanna girl – it's hard for me to figure out how she won the Hunger Games before," Gloss says. "I can't reason why anyone would let her survive, with her attitude."

The tribe begins to get their things together, but Johanna refuses to do any work. Instead, she stands over her tribemates and makes sure they are doing their jobs.

"Is that good enough for you?" Cashmere asks.

Johanna takes a closer look at the fire Cashmere has built.

"No, it's not!" she shouts. "Make it bigger! It's not like the other tribe's going to come over here and kill us!"

"I'm not used to being ordered around like this," Cashmere says. "Johanna – she's going to be the first one killed – or, rather, voted out."

After the tribe has put together their shelter, they huddle around the fire to discuss the game.

"I thought for sure we were on our way out here for another Hunger Games," Enobaria comments.

"Are you that brainless?" Johanna replies. "I knew from the very start we were in for some sort of surprise. In fact, I predicted we'd be playing a game in this style. I'm only surprised that they selected some of you to play."

Mags looks rather shocked by Johanna's comment, but the others simply shake their heads.

"I volunteered for this because I wanted to save someone's life," Mags states. "I wouldn't have come if I knew I were just playing for money."

"You mean you don't need any money?" Johanna asks. "Fine, I'll just take your prize money after the game is over!"

"Seriously, how brainless can that old woman be?" Johanna wonders. "She says she doesn't care about winning. Well, in that case, what's the point of even playing? Get out of here and leave the real competitors to play!"

"You know, this isn't much different from the original Hunger Games," Beetee comments. "It's going to take strategy, physical skill, and getting people to like you."

"The only difference is that no one dies," Wiress adds.

"I think that whether this game is Survivor or the original Hunger Games, I'm the favorite out here," Finnick says. "I'm probably the best out here at every single thing that goes into winning this game. But I must build an alliance. When I get a chance, I know exactly who I'm joining forces with."

Day 2

Tributes Tribe

Foxface and Rue sit around the fire eating some of the rice that the tribe collected at the beginning of the game. Meanwhile, Katniss and Peeta go off hunting in the woods.

"Katniss, if we want any chance at winning this game, we've got to stick together," Peeta tells her.

"I'd imagine that would be the case," she replies.

"I'm serious," Peeta states. "You know the Careers are going to team up. You know Rue and Thresh are going to team up. Our only chance is if we make a strong alliance, one way or another."

"Then we team up with Rue and Thresh," Katniss responds. "Because if my life were in danger, I would bet on either one of them saving me."

"You sure we shouldn't go with the Careers?" Peeta asks. "They seem to be very smart and strong."

Katniss ignores Peeta as she sees something in a hole of a tree. She pulls it out.

"What is this?" she asks.

She gasps as she opens it up to find her mockingjay pin.

"That's your pin, isn't it?" Peeta questions.

"Yes, but I wasn't allowed to bring it into the arena," Katniss replies. "But I found it right here in this tree!"

"There seems to be a note attached to it," Peeta adds. "'This is an immunity mockingjay pin. Use it before the votes are read at any Tribal Council to cancel out all votes against you. You may use it yourself or give it to anyone else.'"

"Wow, this is special," Katniss states. "If you're ever in trouble, I'll let you have this."

"Keep it for yourself," Peeta replies. "Winning is a lot more important to you than it is to me."

"So today I found my mockingjay pin, and it's apparently useful in this game," Katniss says. "This could help me go a lot farther in this game."

Back at camp, Cato pulls together all the Careers.

"We're going to be an alliance of four in this game," he tells them. "Whatever we do, we don't betray each other. We stay loyal all the way to the end."

"Sounds great, Cato!" Glimmer replies.

Clove rolls her eyes at Glimmer.

"So Glimmer's trying to get in good with Cato?" she says. "Whatever. If I have to stick it out in this alliance, I will, but the moment I get a chance at her, she'll be gone!"

Rue and Thresh notice that the rest of the tribe – save for Foxface – seems to be getting along, and that they don't have anywhere to turn.

"If everyone else teams up against us, what are we going to do?" Thresh wonders.

"I'll talk to Katniss," Rue says thoughtfully. "She ought to be able to help us."

And while the others all plan their alliances, Foxface simply eats the food that the hunters bring back – seemingly scheming something on her own.

"My goal is to fly under the radar throughout this entire game," Foxface says. "If no one notices me, then I'll be safe."

Victors Tribe

Finnick asks Johanna to join him while he goes fishing. As he uses the spear to catch some fish, she wonders why she has been brought along with him.

"I thought you said you had something for a girl back in your district," Johanna states.

"I do," he replies. "I like a girl named Annie."

"Then what are you trying to get close to me for?"

"I think that we could make a very good alliance in this game."

"Oh? And why would you say that?"

"You're smart, you're strong – you're a lot like me. You and I can go a long way in this game."

"Very well then, but that's only two of us. Who else are you going to get to join us?"

"Mags, Nuts and Volts."

"That old hag? You've got to be kidding!"

"For us to have a majority alliance, we need her help."

"We'll see about that."

"My plan to get Johanna as part of my alliance seems to have worked," Finnick says. "She seems to like the idea, and once I get Nuts and Volts on board, we can take out the Careers one by one."

"Finnick is off his rocker if he thinks I'm dragging around that old woman in this game with me," Johanna says. "My cooperation in this alliance will depend on how much he caters to me."

The Careers, meanwhile, have their own plans.

"Us four stay together as long as possible," Brutus states.

"We'll do no good by turning on each other," Enobaria adds.

"Who will be our first target?" Cashmere wonders.

"The old woman," Brutus replies.

"Mags seems to be relatively useless to this tribe," Brutus says. "If she can't help our tribe physically, then she's going to have to go."

When Finnick comes back from fishing with Johanna, he pulls aside Beetee, Wiress and Mags.

"We're all sticking together," he tells them.

"Fine with me," Mags states.

"So we're going to vote out Johanna?" Wiress asks.

Finnick gives Wiress a dumbfounded look, as he sees Johanna on the other side of the camp, eating some of the fish.

"No, we can't do that," he replies. "Johanna is useful to this tribe – believe it or not."

"Name one way," Beetee retorts.

"She's strong," Finnick states. "You may have never seen her with an axe before, but she's pretty good."

"What good will that do for us in this game?" Beetee wonders.

"Just wait and see," Finnick responds.

"The real reason I want Johanna on my side is because she's a big mouth," Finnick says. "She'll draw all the negative attention to herself, while keeping all the heat off me. By telling her what I want to be done, she can be the villain, while I stay safe."

Day 3

Tributes Tribe

That morning, the tribe receives a parachute. Katniss and Peeta scramble to grab it and find out what is in it.

"So, what is it?" Marvel asks.

"It's a note of some sort," Katniss replies.

"I'll read it," Peeta says. " 'Today you will compete in your first immunity challenge. Win this challenge to avoid having to go to Tribal Council and voting off one of your own.'"

"Sounds pretty easy," Cato states. "We should have no problem beating those guys."

"What will the challenge consist of?" Katniss asks.

"Doesn't matter," Cato responds. "We'll dominate no matter what it is."

"I can't wait to have my first chance at showing my strength in this game," Cato says. "This is going to be our big opportunity."

Immunity Challenge

"Come on in, guys!" Caesar Flickerman announces.

The two tribes enter the immunity challenge area, each looking very confident.

"Both of your tribes will be competing for this," Caesar states, holding out a statue of President Snow. "This is the immunity idol, with the likeness of our beloved president, Coriolanus Snow. If your tribe is in possession of this, you do not have to go to Tribal Council. The losing tribe must go to Tribal Council, where one of their members will be voted out of this game."

Cato merely shrugs his shoulders, while Finnick looks on with little care.

"Let's get to today's immunity challenge. On my go, you will send 3 members of your tribe running through the field, trying to avoid getting caught in a trap. Each of them will attempt to grab a backpack. You will then have those members toss the backpacks to the 3 members of your tribe who are standing on top of the Cornucopia. Those 3 members will use the supplies inside the backpacks to build a harness to lift the final 3 members of the tribe up onto the Cornucopia. The first tribe to get those players up onto the Cornucopia wins immunity and is safe from Tribal Council. I'll give you a moment to strategize, and then we'll get started."

The tribes talk to each other to figure out who they want in each position, then they take their positions.

"Running for the Tributes are Katniss, Peeta and Glimmer! Running for the Victors are Finnick, Johanna and Gloss! Survivors ready? Go!"

The players start running through the field as fast as they can, with Finnick clearly leading all the rest of the players. Johanna is next behind him, with the others trailing quite a bit.

"Big lead for Finnick!" Casear shouts.

Finnick reaches the backpacks first, and he grabs one and tosses it to Beetee. Johanna is next to reach the backpacks, and she tosses one to Wiress. They begin working on their contraptions while the others catch up.

"It's a big lead for the Victors!"

Finally, the other four catch up and toss their backpacks to their tribemates. Gloss tosses his to Brutus, while the Tributes have Cato, Thresh and Marvel working on their contraptions.

"The Victors, going with their best builders on the Cornucopia, and it seems to be working as they build a bigger lead!"

Beetee gets his contraption together and lowers it to Cashmere, who gets into it, while Beetee begins pulling her up. Wiress is next to finish her contraption, and she lowers it to Enobaria. The Tributes frantically try to catch up.

"It looks like this one is clearly in favor of the Victors!"

But the Tributes begin to catch up as they lower their contraptions to their tribemates. Cato brings up Clove, Thresh pulls up Rue, and Marvel lifts up Foxface. Their strategy is working, as the strong players lift up their lightweight tribemates quite easily.

"A comeback may be in the working for the Tributes!"

Mags begins having some trouble getting into her contraption. Brutus frantically waits while she continues trying to figure it out.

"Mags, really slowing down the Victors!"

Beetee pulls Cashmere up onto the Cornucopia at the same time Cato gets Clove up on top of it. Seconds later, it's Marvel pulling Foxface to the top, and Wiress getting Enobaria up. Only one player remains per tribe.

"Who will get there first?"

Mags finally gets in, but it is too late. Thresh pulls Rue to the top, with Brutus helplessly looking on.

"That's it! Tributes win immunity!"

The Tributes break out into loud cheers, with Cato and Marvel bumping their chests together. Thresh hugs Rue while Katniss and Peeta give each other high-fives. Clove makes sure to give a taunting look to the losing tribe.

"Congratulations, Tributes, this is for you."

Caesar hands the immunity idol of Snow to Katniss, who shudders when touching it, and the Tributes head on back to their camp.

"Victors, I got nothing for you but a date with me at Tribal Council tonight."

The Victors head back to their camp, stunned and defeated.

"Unbelievable that we lost, all because of that old hag," Johanna says. "No doubt she's got to go home first."

Victors Tribe

The Careers of the tribe had already made up their mind, but this just made things even easier for them to decide.

"There's no way we should have lost," Enobaria complains. "Mags has got to go."

"Mags it is," Brutus agrees. "She may have been a victor a long, long time ago, but not now."

Finnick, however, wants his alliance to go in a different route.

"We're sticking to the plan, and voting off one of the Careers," he tells his alliance of Beetee, Wiress, Mags and Johanna.

Johanna looks on with annoyance, rolling her eyes.

"We can't let anything get us off our task," he adds.

"I can't have Mags go or my alliance is doomed," Finnick says. "Even if Mags was awful in that challenge, I need to keep her around. I hope Johanna can see that."

Tribal Council


The nine Victors Tribe members walk into the Tribal Council area, where they find torches waiting for them, as well as Caesar Flickerman standing near a fire.

"Each of you grab a torch and dip it in the fire," Caesar states. "This is part of the ritual of Tribal Council. In this game, fire represents your life. Once it is gone, so are you."

The players obey Caesar and then place their torches in their designated places before taking their seats.

"Let's talk about this game in general," Caesar says. "While the other tribe had no idea what was going on, you had somewhat of a hint that this was going to be different, didn't you?"

"I knew it all along!" Johanna exclaims. "I had it figured out from the very start. There's nothing that gets past me!"

"So in a sense, you had an advantage over the Tributes, but you squandered it."

"That's not my fault! That's the fault of that old woman Hags… I mean, Mags."

The Careers have a chuckle at Johanna's remark.

"So, is there a bit of division in this tribe?"

"I would say so," Finnick states. "I think the Careers are off trying to do their own thing, and they're splitting up this tribe."

"I think otherwise," Enobaria breaks in. "It's my opinion that Finnick has aligned himself with the old woman and the annoying girl, and we're just trying to win here."

"But how can you win if you are split like this?" Caesar wonders. "It doesn't look like you are working together very well."

"That may be your perception, but I think we are getting along just fine," Beetee states.

"What about this failure in the challenge, Mags?" Caesar asks. "If you failed your tribe, shouldn't you go home first?"

"If that's the way they feel, then that's the way it goes," Mags replies. "I can't do anything about their opinion."

"Okay, we'll see what the opinion of this tribe is, as it is time to vote. Beetee, you're up first."

The Capitol Anthem "Horn of Plenty" plays as the players go to vote.

Beetee goes to vote.

Brutus goes to vote.

Cashmere goes to vote.

Enobaria goes to vote.

"Mags, you proved it to everyone that you don't deserve to be here," Enobaria says.

Finnick goes to vote.

"I'm voting for you, Enobaria, because I want this tribe to stay united, and you and your Career friends are splitting us up," Finnick says.

Gloss goes to vote.

Johanna goes to vote.

Mags goes to vote.

Wiress goes to vote.

"I'll go tally the votes," Caesar states.

Caesar gathers the votes, rearranges them, then returns to the players.

"Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be taken away by a hovercraft immediately," Caesar tells the players. "I'll read the votes."

He pulls out the first vote.


He takes out the second vote.


Enobaria looks on with annoyance.


Enobaria glares over at Finnick.


Mags gives no response.

"Mags. Three votes Mags, two votes Enobaria."

Caesar pulls out the next vote.

"Mags. That's four votes Mags, two votes Enobaria."

Caesar takes out the next vote and opens it slowly.


Enobaria gives Beetee an angry glare.

"Enobaria. We're tied, four votes Mags, four votes Enobaria, one vote left."

Caesar pulls out the final vote and opens it extremely slowly.

"The first person voted out of Survivor: Panem…"

All the players look on with wonder as Caesar opens the vote.

"… Mags."

Mags does not give much of a response, while Finnick angrily glares over at Johanna.

"Mags, you need to bring me your torch."

Mags gets up slowly, takes her torch, and brings it over to Caesar.

"Mags, the tribe has spoken," Caesar states as he snuffs out her torch.

Suddenly a cannon fires, and a hovercraft comes floating in to take Mags away.

"Only three days in, and this is clearly, a tribe divided," Caesar states. "Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night."

The players take their torches and walk back toward their camp.

"I guess I'm just not meant for competition any longer," Mags says. "I'm lucky we weren't out there playing to the death, or I would have been a goner. The game has passed me by."

Who voted for whom:

Beetee – Enobaria

Brutus – Mags

Cashmere – Mags

Enobaria – Mags

Finnick – Enobaria

Gloss – Mags

Johanna – Mags

Mags – Enobaria

Wiress – Enobaria

Scenes from our next episode:

Clove mingles with the District 12 Tributes, but only for her own benefit:

"What's this? A Career talking to us lowly people from District 12?" Peeta jokes.

"Be quiet and listen to me," Clove snaps. "I want to end this Cato and Glimmer thing before it buds into anything else."

Johanna finds something that may prove to be game-changing:

"'This is an immunity mockingjay pin," she reads. "Use it before the votes are read at any Tribal Council to cancel out all votes against you. You may use it yourself or give it to anyone else.'"

And the fate of a player's game may rest on the color of a rock:

"There's no way I'm risking my life in this game on the color of a rock," Johanna says. "Finnick is crazy if he thinks I'm doing that."