Chapter five
The force or the Universes Chakra
Narcissa was the first to recover from her shock remembering that the boy used to eat four bottles of formula for a meal as a baby. Also being a sixth generation descendant of the Sarutobi she had a strong thirst for knowledge which fit well with her job at the ministry before she got pregnant with her darling little dragon. (She would be going back to that after Draco started school. She would also admit the boy was a bit of a brat but she loved him anyways. She also helped her husband with his book.) She researched the wizards and witches from Mu for several texts for Hogwarts for the sections on the Mu. She also did the research on the clans of Mu for the Newt level classes on Mu clan history. So she knew that the Uzumaki clan, do to their longevity and massive chakra reserves they had a very high metabolism and needed to consume a massive amount of calories to maintain there chakra reserves. But part of their bloodline of creation they could for a period of a week an Uzumaki could survive on no food with nine-tenths of the massive chakra still usable after rest and some water. But they would have to consume a massive amount of food after the week was up to stay at peek operating condition, if they do not they would only have about four-tenths of their chakra refilled until they could replenish their chakra with a massive meal. She also knew that a Jinchūriki needed double the amount of calories to operate properly. So she was not as surprised as the other two when she saw how much the boy ate. "I see you still have a massive appetite Naruto." the woman tells the grinning boy as he smiles contently.
"That I do Mrs. Malfoy but I think I keep most of my manners as I ate." The blond responded to the woman's comment. At this the two men at the table come out of there shock and share look. "That reminds me Lucius there is something I could use your assistance with." Snape tells the blond haired man. "And what would that be Snape? It's not like you to ask for assistance unless it's something important." Lucius asks the dark haired man. "Well it will be in your official capacity as a fellow Experimental Potioneer. It has come to my attention that a certain lost ingredient has been found and I would like to attempt the potion. But as you know it is required that two people with an Experimental Potioneer license are required to be able to attempt a lost potion for documentation reasons. So I thought you and your wife could have come over for dinner today and well we do the potion?" Snape tells the blond haired man being intentionally vague about the potion.
Lucius new that Snape would not be so vague about an old potion unless it was something that was either sensitive, dangerous or both. "That would be nice since it's just the two of us until Draco returns home next week. The little tyke is at his grandmothers for holiday." The man checks his wrist watch seeing it was about noon now " well shell we be there at say four that will be enough time for us all to get cleaned up and you time to get more food for the bottomless pit here, If that's ok with you my Lovely Flower." The man asks his wife. "It would be good to have dinner with Snape again it's been two long. I could tell Naruto a few things about his mum well you two are doing the potion. After all the two of us were close for the two years we were at Hogwarts before I graduated. Its settled we will see you at four Snape, Naruto." the woman tells the two.
As Naruto reaches for his wallet to help pay for his meal Lucius stops the boy. "It is ok Naruto I always treat the club to breakfast every Friday so this is my treat." The man tells Naruto. "But I eat a lot I should help with the bill and I am not part of the club." Naruto protests what the man had told him. "You are part of the club now since you currently reside in the London area and are of Mu ancestry and any one with Mu ancestry is considered part of the club." Lucius tells the boy who looks like he is about to argue more.
"Naruto can you cook" Lucius asks the boy before he can protest more. "Yes why?" Naruto asks the man. "Then I'll tell you what why don't you make dinner for us to make up for your bottomless pit of a stomach. That is how you can pay me back if you feel the need to help pay this time. But I assure you I am not going to be put in the pore house for treating you to a meal every Friday you run with us. Consider them a gift to make up for missing eight years of birthday and Christmas gifts after you make us dinner ok. By the way I won't take no for an answer." Lucius tells the boy. "Fine but you better be ready for a big dinner." the boy tells the man pouting.
"Now I understand that you're a sage but did you know you can unlock your ability to sense chakra… without needing to enter sage mode. As a matter of fact this can be learned fairly quickly if you would like to learn I could teach you right now. It would be a good time since there are two sensors here to answer any questions you might have. If you don't want to try now I could always teach you latter." the man says to Naruto. The boy puts on a contemplative look for about two minutes. "Let's do it now since there are a lot of higher chakra signatures around here since it is a club for wizards and witches with Mu heritage." Naruto tells Lucius with a smile.
"Well then close your eyes and feel for the nature chakra all around us but don't start drawing it into yourself. And when you feel it tell me by nodding your head Naruto." The man tells Naruto in a calm voice. Naruto almost immediately nods his head to Lucius. "Now you could connect your chakra to the plants chakra or you could attempt to connect to the universes chakra. If you would like to try nod your head yes and I will tell you how if not nod you head no." Lucius tells the boy who nods his head yes indicating that he would like to try to connect to the universes chakra.
" Now Naruto before I tell you how I'd like to warn you that only three humans have ever connected to the chakra of the universe, so do not get discouraged if you can't. To do sense the universal chakra you have to first enter sage mode. Do those for me now and do not worry you will still be able to connect yourself to the chakra of the earth if you cannot do It." the boy nods and begins to pull the chakra of the very earth into him. When the only change that Naruto develops is a red tint around his eyes the adults who have all read Lucius book are shocked that Naruto is a perfect sage. This is something that no one except the sage of six paths has been able to achieve and he lived one thousand nine hundred and ninety one years ago. Through his research Lucius learned that the man was born at noon on December 25th. But Lucius was drifting in thought and had to get back at the matter at hand. "You're a perfect sage that is most impressive. Most impressive indeed, now try to use your sage chakra to feel beyond the chakra coming from the earth from what I have read it should be a beyond massive chakra source."
Nodding Naruto begins to attempt to feel for a massive chakra source. In attempting to do this the boy begins to unconsciously draw his closes partners' chakra mixing it with the three types of chakra he already is using. As Kurama's chakra enters his system he begins to feel a comforting yet malevolent chakra beyond that of the Earths, beyond even what he can tell is the suns fiery chakra. He could also tell that it's light and dark chakra were truly infinite. "Naruto if you can feel the chakra of the universe. Use your chakra not the chakra you are using to feel it but just your own chakra to attach a link in the form of a line to it." Naruto hears Lucius voice instructing him what to do. The boy dose as he is told and suddenly he feel everything as if he is truly one with the universe as if he is the universe itself, but his head also starts to hurt badly. "Naruto if you have or have not succeeded let go of your sage chakra now." Lucius tells the boy in a worrying tone. The boy dose so almost instantly after Lucius finished speaking.
The boy then emptily grabs his head and falls backwards off his chair screaming in pain. As the only woman at the table grabs the child in her arms and she mutters a pain relieving spell and casts it wandlessly. A few minutes later after the massive headache reseeds to a somewhat more bearable level, Naruto begins to talk. "What was that I felt just now? It felt like I was one with everything and that I was everything? Then my head started to hurt badly." The boy tells the adults as he rests in Narcissa arms since his head still hurts somewhat. "That my boy is something a mortal can never have omnipotence being one with all things in the universe. I take it you were successful in taping into the chakra of the universe itself?" Lucius asks Naruto even though he has a good idea of the answer. "Yes I did feel it I even connected to it like how you told me to." Naruto tells the man as his headache continues to go away.
"That's good because I would not let you do that again since if you had not cut away your store of sage chakra when you did you head would have literally exploded. But you will never have to try again because with that tether you are now the most powerful sensor alive in terms of sensing ability. And before you ask I would have used magic to erase the memory of how to connect to the chakra of the universe from your head Naruto. You do not have to worry about the tether being cut. Once you have fully opened the connection it the connection will be made of the universes indestructible chakra." The man says as Naruto's headache finely completely goes away. "Why would you do that?" Naruto asks the man still a little subdued from his experience as well as feeling a mother embrace for the first time he can remember.
"Because Naruto if you were to attempt the technique again you would not be able to cut the flow of chakra from the universe and would be absorbed into it killing you and also preventing you from entering even limbo. Your existence would effectively be erased. But since that did not happen don't worry about that. Are you feeling better now is your headache gone?" the man asks the boy in a calm voice but the boy could hear a hint of worry in it. Naruto looked around the table for a moment seeing worry hidden in both Lucius and Snape's eyes, he was sure that if he was even a little less observant he would have missed it. "Ya its gone now. That headache was worse then the one I got when granny hit me in the head with a sake cup." the boy said rubbing his head lightly. "Naruto I have to warn you to never attempt to draw on the universal chakra, because if you try you will go into chakra overloaded and quite possibly blow up the plant. The last person who tried to draw on the universal chakra caused the sinking of Atlantis. The man did not have nearly as much charka as you do." Lucius tells the boy whose eyes go wide thinking that that would be bad.
"Now do you what to try your new sensing ability or would you rather wait." Lucius says seeing the look in his wife's eyes. A look that said that if he tried to push the boy he would sleeping on the couch for the next month, and that he would not be getting anything for the next three months…minimum. The boy then perks up and smiles brightly "hell-ya…ouch." the boy says as Narcissa hits him on the head hard. "No swearing Naruto." The woman tells the boy in a stern voice. Looking at the woman Naruto sees a similar look in her eyes to what Lucius saw moments ago. But this one said that if he swore again she would paddle his ass until it was redder then the Weasley's red hair. Not that he knew who the Weasley's were.
Wisely cutting back his reply Naruto smiles again. "Let's do this now Mr. Malfoy." Lucius tells the boy to close his eyes again. "Now stay calm, let go of your senses and look for the connection you made like you would look for nature chakra. Don't be discouraged if you can't find the connection right way it will take some time." Lucius tells the boy remembering just how impatient his mother could be. "And when you can feel it, do not try to pull chakra from it into yourself like you would with nature chakra. Instead push a small amount of chakra into it to allow for a flow of chakra to be able to enter it. The amount you will need is about enough for you to stick to a tree for a second." Lucius instructs the boy on what to do.
Nodding his head the boys closes his eyes and he let's go of his senses focusing on his chakra feeling for the connection he made to the universe. After ten minutes pass and Lucius was about to put a stop to it when he felt Naruto's chakra change slightly. The man knew it was done. The boy had succeeded in activated the connection.
To be continued…
Yes there were star wars references.