Naruto Uzumaki Book One the Sleepless Ninja and the Three Pure Blood Girls
Chapter one
Naruto was a boy of about four feet tall he was small for his age of ten but that did not stop him from being the best chunin he could be. He wore an orange and blue jacket with a white collar with a white swirl on the left side with a pen attached to a cord attached to the swirl. A second red swirl was on his back. He wore a pair of orange pants on, he had a holster strapped to his right leg and a second larger round one on attached to the back of his belt on the right side. He wore a head band with a metal plate with a stylized leaf emblem engraved on it. This headband kept his sun kissed blonde hair out of his eyes. His bright blue eyes were twinkling with mischief.
The boy was on his way to see the leader of his village the Hokage, after he had received message from an ANBU that the Old Man wanted to see him. After climbing the steps of the Hokage residents he sees man with shoulder length greasy black hair and a hook nose. He was wearing a black cloak or robe of some sort and holding an open hardcover book of some sort. The man seems familiar to the boy despite the fact that Naruto was shore he has never seen the man before. His deep black eyes fallowed him as he walked to the Hokages office door and knocked on it as he waved to the Hokages secretary.
A voice from behind the door says "come in" so Naruto opens the door and enters the office. Sitting in a large chare behind a desk is a small old man with a grey beard and black eyes. He was wearing a red and white robe with a pentagon shaped hat with the symbol for fire on it. The man's face was wrinkled with age and he had a few liver spots under his left eye. This man is the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and beside the old man was a fairly tall man with very long white hair pulled in to a pony tail at the back of his head and black eyes. The man had red lines going from the corner of his eyes down his cheeks and wore a kabuki inspired ninja outfit. This is one of the most powerful men in the hidden nations Jiraiya Namikaze a Wizard-Nin, Naruto's master and paternal grandfather and his paternal godfather. "What is gramps doing here old man? Did he get caught peeping on the woman's hot springs again and needed a reprimand or were you two using your crystal ball to watch the woman changing rooms in the hot springs again?" the small boy asks his grandfathers mentor the third Hokage and his grandfather figure.
"No Naruto Jiraiya has something to tell you." The old man says blushing at the boys comment. "Well what is it Grandpa?" the blond brat asks the tall man. "Congratulations Jōnin Naruto." Jiraiya tells Naruto as he through a scroll at the boy which hits the sun kissed blond boy in the head. "Could you say that again I think my ears are playing tricks on me? Did you cast a Genjutsu on me old man. Making me think I was the youngest Jōnin to in the history of the hidden leaf. I'm going to prank you so bad that Konohamaru will feel it. I'll start now with this Se-mmmhhh." Naruto's rant is stopped by Jiraiya before he can use his infamous Sexy jutsu on the old Hokage. "Naruto check the dam scroll I hit you with before you start throwing accusations like that at sensei." The second oldest man says to Naruto as he hands him the aforementioned scroll and removes his hand from the boy's mouth. Glaring at his grandfather he opens the scroll and unseals the contents.
Inside the scroll is an orange jōnin vest and Jōnin certificate that just needs his signature. The boy stars at it in shock for about three seconds before he jumps up and starts dancing around. "O-yah I'm the youngest jōnin in village history take that Itachi I beat you." After three minutes of this Jiraiya hits Naruto on the head to stop his antics. "Calm down brat and sign the thing and make it official, you hyperactive brat." Naruto takes a massively deep breath cosign the old men's ears to pop and then signs the certificate signifying that he is now a jōnin. Then he hits Jiraiya in the stomach "don't call me brat Pervy-Sage I'm a jōnin now respect that." Naruto yells at Jiraiya who immediately retaliates with a second blow to the head yelling "You're just a brat jōnin." Before Naruto and Jiraiya's squabble could become a large scale all-out fight that would destroy his office… again the Hokage clears his throat cosign the two to stop mid swing with Jiraiya holding Naruto by his jacket and Naruto's fist in Jiraiya's face. "Naruto as you know your mother was a Nin-Witch, a friend of hers is here and would like to talk to you." Hitting a button on his desk the old man says" you can come in now."
Severus Snape was sitting in the waiting room off the Hokage residents reading a book on potions that could no longer be produced called Potions Lost to the Dark Wizards of the Middle Ages volume two of three. He was reading about a powerful potion that could remove any curse from an object or intangible thing like a job position and even block the unforgivable curses for a period of twenty four hours. It was known by two names an official designation and a nickname. Its official designation was Curse Breaker. Snape however found its nickname to be far more amusing, the Holy Curse for its incredible ability to destroy and counter the Dark Arts. Unfortunately of ingredients the one it was depended on the most a plant called the Swirls Rose named for the swirl pattern in the center of its bud that was composed of seven petals.
It was whipped out in the early thirteen hundreds by the dark-wizard Lriws. The ingredients were seven grams of ground white oak bark, seven silver sickles, seven fluid milliliters of blessed wine, seven lamb hairs and seven dried petals and seven thorns from the Swirls Rose, brood in seven pints of Christian holy water in a number seven iron cauldron for seven hours. The complete potion would fill seven, number seven potion bottles. This potion is in a way the only known potion to be a form of true cure for lycanthropy and with one application of seven drops it could modify the mystic properties of lycanthropy virus to give the infected complete control of their transformation. It would also make the transformation of the infected painless like that of an Animagus. The virus or 'venom' of the werewolf would also be severely weakened to the point that if a person was bitten by a werewolf in full transformation it would only give an infection similar to that of a person bitten by an untransformed werewolf. This got him thinking of Remus Lupin a member of his tormenters from his days as a student of attending Hogwarts, the Marauders. The red head man had recently come to him in person to beg forgiveness for not stopping his friends from bulling him as a child. Well he did not completely forgive him saying as much to him, he did offer to brew him the wolfs-bane potion for just the cost of the ingredients, he even welcomed him to stay for tea after he picks up the potions. The man then hears the door to the waiting room open and the blonde boy he raised for two years well his grandfather reconfigured his spy network so the man could raise the boy himself. He watches as the boy waves at the secretary and then knocked on the office door. After the boy enters the room Snape goes back to his book, turning a page of the book he sees a picture of the rose. The rose's petals were a bright orange similar to the color of the boy's jacket. A few minutes later the secretary tells him he can go into the office.
To be continued…
Arthurs note: I have not read past the forth book. I also have not read the books in since book fours first printing so I will be using the harry potter wiki to get the main points of the stories.