Chapter 1: Commandeered

Just a casual afternoon, Kagome Higurashi is leaving her high school, in her car driving home. "Mom is definitely gonna kill me." She said gloomily. Being a junior she is, she is not the best there is. She's just doing everything she can to pass her grade. She pulls into her driveway, and grabs her things before heading inside. Luckily, her mom isn't home until a few hours. Kagome heads up to her room and just does tonight's assignments. She pulls out her science textbook and begins writing down her answers on the question sheet. She decides to take a break a get something to eat.

Kagome's mom arrives home and parks her car into the garage. She enters the house, "Hello?" She calls out to see if her daughter is home. "I'm in here mom." Kagome replies from the kitchen. Mrs. Higurashi smiles and sits across the table from her. "How was your day, sweetie?" She asks nicely so far. Kagome shrugs her shoulders, "Nothing new apparently." Kagome responded. "So nothing exciting happened I assume?" Mrs. Higurashi asks more. "Nope." Kagome said. Mrs. Higurashi sighs, "I don't want to do this, but can I take a look to see how you've been doing in school?" Kagome slightly stiffens, "Sure, let me get my stuff." She replies as she goes to her room. She collects her school supplies, and heads back down to the kitchen where her mom is making tea. Kagome sets down her science homework so far for her mom to see. Mrs. Higurashi reviews it so far. "I find it that you really are working hard on science but what about your history and math assignments?" Kagome digs into her bag and pulls out what she requests to look at. "I haven't started on either of them yet. I just finished my science." Kagome explains to her. Unknowingly a piece of paper flew out of the backpack and onto the floor. Kagome didn't even know it slipped out. Mrs. Higurashi catches the sight and sees it's a failing grade of her health test. "Kagome, I see you're haven't improved your health knowledge." She said sternly to her. 'Knew it.' Kagome thought mentally. "Yes I know mom. It's just so hard for me to pronounce those long names for diseases and such." Kagome explains to her calmly at first, but her mom isn't though. "I've had it with you, Kagome!" she yells at her daughter angrily. "It's because you never listen to me!" Kagome yells back. "You promised to do better in school, and this is the fourth failing grade." Mrs. Higurashi said back to her while showing the failing grade in front of her. " I did promise, mom. You just never listen to reason." Kagome snaps back at her. "Young lady, I'm not going to tolerate you lack of disrespect towards me." Kagome calms down but deep inside she's mentally crying. "Go to your room, and bring down your electronics as well." Mrs. Higurashi demands her.

Kagome heads upstairs into her room to take her laptop, iphone, and ipod and its accessories. She brings them down and set them onto the dinning room table. Mrs. Higurashi takes them in a bundle. "I'll be hanging onto these. Until then, I want to see you down here, studying. Do I make myself clear?" Kagome's mother asks seriously.

Kagome is as said, studying her subjects. She isn't brilliant, but not stupid either. She's just a misunderstood average student in High School. She didn't had any friends, so she isn't popular either, but she doesn't want to be one at all. It's all nothing but distraction, blowing off her studying. She'd be bullied as well. If she told her mom about that, her mother would tell the principal about it, but they wouldn't do anything about it either. So she's nothing but an outcast, "Nothing will change the school program." She mumbles to herself while trying to stay focus on her homework. Kagome only lives with her mother and her older Irish Twin sister, Kikyo. Kagome is the baby basically and has to do all the work because her mother is working on her job, and Kikyo is in college far away. "They never agree, listen to me. I just can't stand them controlling my life. I've have rights and I'll prove that to them." Kagome narrows her eyes as well coming up with a plan from inside of her head.

Later that night, Kagome stays awake until midnight. She quietly gets out of her bed, and gets her backpack. She first starts off with some spare clothes, then she sneaks into the kitchen and packs some food and water. 'Now for my other stuff.' She said in thought as she goes into the room where her mother stashed her electronics. She finds them, and stuffed them into her backpack. Afterwards, she finds her way to the garage where her car is parked. Thinking of a way to get it out without making a sound to alert her mother. She gets in it, and put it into neutral, so that it can move on its own.

Quietly as she tries to get out of the driveway, 'So far so good.' She said to herself as she makes her way out of the driveway. By the time she got herself at a good distance from her home, she gets into her vehicle, and tossed her backpack into the back seat. She starts the ignition, "There you go. Now how about a nice road trip?" She asks it even though it doesn't have a mind of its own. She drives out of the town, "Next stop, anywhere but here." She concludes as she drives straight into the night.