Sookie wasn't always the most the most popular girl in the room and she surely wasn't use to every eye in the room being on her but she had to come to terms with the fact that her human life was over.

She walked into Fangtasia her hair flowing down the open back of her skin tight leather dress; it was the first time she had been out in months without wanting to eat every person in the room. She couldn't blame Eric for looking at her funny when she told him she wanted to main stream after all she had been drinking human blood regularly without any issues at least that's what she told him.

The bar was packed tonight and Sookie noticed the A-B negative sitting in the corner alone pretty quickly, it was her favorite blood type after all and the fact that it was a male only enticed more. Her fangs dropped and her mouth was watering but she knew Eric's rule

"No feeding on humans in Fangtasia,"

But Sookie couldn't help being drawn in the direction of the wonderful smell that was filling the air she started walking toward the booth slowly just wanting to get a closer look she told herself.

Sookie stood a few feet away from the corner booth watching the only person in the room that mattered at that moment, the urge building in her was strong and lately it had gotten harder and harder to control leaving her breathless as the animal inside of her took over.

The pulse in his, neck the sound of his heart pumping life through his body the life Sookie wanted to take. Her mind was fuzzy and the need to have his blood was more than she could take so she moved a little closer and closer until she could feel the burn in her throat telling her she needed a drink.

"SOOKIE" Eric wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her to him "I think you need a drink" he whispered into her ear as he handed her a bottle of true blood,

"Yeah I do" Sookie said leaning a little closer to take another sniff of the glorious blood bag before she downed the bottle.

They hadn't figured out how the whole no maker thing worked yet but Eric and Pam were doing their best to help her adjust, there were many times Sookie had asked Eric to just command her not to want human blood and every time he would have to explain to her that it only worked if he was her maker.

"Thanks" Sookie mumbled hiding her face in his chest until her fangs retracted,

"I'm not ready for this Eric I want to eat everyone" her eyes welled up with red tears as her frustration got the best of her but she knew better than to let her emotions get the best of her.

In the first couple of weeks that was all she had was emotions and they were far from your normal I'm sad or happy it was more like I'm mad so I break you, I'm sad so I hurt you, I'm hungry so I eat everyone, so Sookie had to learn quickly that it wasn't a good idea to let her emotions out of the tiny box she had worked so hard to squeeze them into.

"Well suck it, up your already late and this is your job as a vampire until its safe for you to work around humans again"

Eric pushed her into a booth far from the corner of Mr. A-B negative and motioned for Pam to bring Sookie her usual. In the past Pam would have hated sharing Eric's attention with a baby vampire but since the vampire was Sookie who was completely unpredictable and clumsy as a vampire it amused her, she enjoyed watching Eric freak out as he tried to keep Sookie in control.

"Here" Pam sat the tray of True Blood in front of her

"you should have eaten him" Sookie knew she was teasing her Pam was just as against anything going wrong in Fangtasia as Eric was and she proved that the first night Sookie came to work there.

Sookie had only been a vampire for a few weeks but Eric thought it was a good idea no matter how much Sookie protested, "It will help me keep an eye on you" he pleaded with her knowing she would have a hard time going back to work at Merlots now that she was a vampire.

Eventually Sookie agreed to go along with what Eric wanted after he used his vampire sex god magic on her of course, that night Eric made sure she fed before the bar opened and he made sure there had a True Blood in her hand at all times but still things managed to go wrong.

It was a Tuesday night and Eric assured her that it wouldn't be a busy night but what he didn't count on was everyone in town wanting to see the new vampire in town, thanks to the way she was turned Sookie's vampire debut was big news. Eric hustled her in the rear entrance of the bar keeping her hidden until she had fed on a human donor

"It's a woman "Sookie complained sitting in Eric's office looking at the brunette woman in front of her,

"Picky little cry baby" Pam mocked as Eric sat at his desk with his hands in his hair.

"I don't like women Eric" she whined again

"Jesus Christ if she don't want her I'll take her" Pam purred with excitement

Feeling like he was ready to break Eric slammed his hands down on the desk "Enough already it's like dealing with two kindergarteners Sookie drink, Pam you get to stay with her until she does" and he stomped out of the office without looking back.

"He just hates watching me drink from men I swear" Sookie stood walking around the woman not wanting to touch her "what's your name" she looked the woman in her eyes "Amanda" her voice was soft and sweat "Amanda tilt your head for me please" the girl di as Sookie asked "I'm going to bite you now ok" pam sucked her teeth at the two of them "are you asking permission now."

"Fuck you Pam" Sookie hissed her fangs extended she sank them into the girls neck drinking for only a few seconds and then licking the wounds clean "there now she's all yours" she waved her hand around the woman as if she were a door prize and pushed past Pam as she walked into the bar.


"Old bag"

"Whiney baby vamp"

"ENOUGH" Eric yelled from the main room of the bar

It was almost eight and the bar would be opening in a few minutes so Eric went over what she was supposed to do for the night step by step including a fifteen minute break every hour so that she could feed but what he neglected to tell her was how necessary those breaks would be.

Vampires and humans alike piled into the bar as soon as the doors opened and all of them were there to see her, Eric sat center stage where he could see every corner of the bar as usual while Sookie sat in a booth in the center of the room. Sookie was told not to speak or react to the people who came up to her, he told her it was like acting she needed to hide her manors and upbringing and appear to be a fierce vampire to avoid drainers and wacko's.

She was doing well until a couple of hours in when she had forgotten to take her fifteen minute break, a very delicious man walked up to her table asking to see her fangs. Sookie couldn't help herself he smelled wonderful just like Gran's homemade pecan pie and she wanted him, she was just about to ask him to join her when Eric appeared out of nowhere.

"No" he whispered low enough for only a vampire to hear but Sookie's mouth was watering and she had already zoned in on the man's pulse it was too late as she dove into the air hissing and clawing at the man determined to taste his blood. Eric pulled her back but she fought like a wild woman twisting and turning in his arms drawing the attention of the entire bar, Eric squeezed harder trying to gain her attention hoping she would calm down but his grip only made her fight harder.

"Sookie stop Now " Eric said in her ear no wanting to hurt her but refusing to let her break free from his arms, Eric knew there was never a vampire made the way Sookie was and he had worried himself sick since she turned not knowing how The Vampire Authority would react to her. He tried to explain to her that things could go either way; they could let her live as a normal vampire or they could stake her for fear of what she might be capable of.

Thankfully Pam appeared in front of her a few seconds later and she knew just how to calm Sookie down "stupid little bitch" she said grabbing a hand full of Sookie's hair and yanking her head back she poured a vile of A-B Negative into her mouth and shoved her back into the booth. Pam's laugh echoed over the silence in the bar as she turned to the crowed and bowed like the whole scene had been a show put on just for the patrons of Fangtasia.

But tonight was different because Sookie had to prove herself to The American Vampire League by meeting with Nan Flanagan and she was already off to a bad start, "Ok I'm good" she said looking up at Eric and smiling to show that her fangs were gone "so where am I sitting tonight."

Eric couldn't help but laugh at her questions because he knew she was going to absolutely hate his answer "well uh your on stage tonight honey" he pretended to flinch while he waited for her reaction, Sookie stood looking up at him her mouth gaping open unable to make any words come out. She was never liked being the center of attention and to know she would have to be on stage in bar full of humans and vampires while being on her best behavior was too much.

"Bull shit"

"What did you say" Eric looked down at her stunned

"This is bull shit Eric"

"Just do it Blondie" Pam appeared behind her grinning from ear to ear

"This was your idea wasn't it grandma" Sookie looked from Eric to Pam

Pam had made it a habit to point out little things to Eric that she thought would be a good way to test her but Sookie knew she was just trying to get a reaction out of her after all it meant she could jump in and play bitchy vampire savior like she had before. Pam didn't deny setting Sookie up to be the main event of the night, it was just up her alley and now all she had to do was sit back and wait for Sookie to put on a show.

"Fuck it" Sookie threw her hands up walking away from Eric and playfully shoving Pam out of her way as she walked up onto the stage to sit in the faux throne that sat next to Eric's, Pam grinned a fangy grin at her and winked letting her know that it was all in fun before going back to tending bar.

The night seemed to be going by quick enough as Sookie sat center stage downing her eighth bottle of True Blood trying not to laugh at the fang bangers that surrounded her offering any and every sexual favor they could think of, she tried to appear mysterious looking around the room without looking at one in particular but deep inside she didn't feel mysterious she felt hungry.

Sookie was sitting quietly on stage thinking about what it would be like to drain every human in the room when she felt tension pour over the bar, she didn't see Nan and her guards walk in but the sudden change in atmosphere told her they were there.

"Sookie" Eric called motioning for her to join him in his usual booth

It was time to face the music and she hoped that all of the preparing her and Eric had done was enough, her throat felt dry and she seemed to be breathing heavy even though breathing at all was unnecessary she felt every emotion running through her body fear, anxiety , and most of all hunger.

Making her way through the crowd of people at the end of the stage without sinking her fangs into someone was torture and it didn't help matters that Mr. A-B Negative had moved from his booth and was swaying and dancing around the dance floor with some random fanger, "keep your eyes on Eric" Pam whispered following through the crowd behind her "don't fuck this up Blondie" Sookie turned and smiled at her feeling thankful for her bitchy sister in-law at that moment.

Sookie turned her eyes back to Eric and realized how much see could see his age his true age in his eye lately, he was worried about her and what the authority might decide to do and it was showing but the worst part was that he didn't even know the battle she was fighting inside.

Finally reaching the table Sookie nodded to Eric and then Nan like they had discussed the night before "show respect Sookie not just for me and Nan but for what she represents the Authority" he drilled each word into her brain telling her over and over again that their lives depended on it.

She took her seat at the table across from Nan with Eric beside her for support, "I'm sure you know who I am" Nan stated flatly as if she was so popular that it would be hard believe she didn't

"Yes Mrs. Flanagan I know who you are" Sookie put on her best ass kissing shoes and went to work.

"The representative of the one true Authority"

"She has done her homework" Nan said waving her hand as if she was impressed,

"So you are how old now Mrs. Stackhouse?"

"She is seven months old now" Eric answered quickly unsure if Sookie would remember to give her vampire age instead of her human one,

Nan looked at Eric unpleased by his in intrusion in their conversation "I believe I am here to speak to Mrs. Stackhouse" the tone in her voice was cold and sarcastic making Sookie want to jump over the table and claw Nan's eyes out for talking to her Eric that way.

"Show no emotion" she reminded herself of the second important rule Eric gave her as she looked up at his face and saw that the tone in her voice hadn't affected him,

"Now, MRS. STACKHOUSE how do you like being a vampire so far?" Eric had warned about that this question would be asked and it was a tricky one, if Sookie answered to eagerly going on and on about how wonderful being a vampire was they would know immediately she was covering something up but on the other hand if she told them she hated her new life they would assume she would become a problem sooner or later.

"Well Mrs. Flanagan it is hard but I am adjusting well enough" Eric beamed at her

"I am trying to main stream which I am sure you know is difficult but I think I will manage" again Eric smiled down at her shocked at how well she was handling herself,

"It must be hard being such a young Vampire and not having a maker" Nan looked from her to Eric and back again and Sookie quickly remembered the last rule Eric had told her.

"Do not talk about your human life with any vampire they will only find a way to use it against you," Sookie knew if she told Nan that she knew what to expect when she was turned because she had spent so much time with vampires she would ask the how and why's and Sookie would have to explain that she was a telepath and Nan would assume she could still read minds.

"Eric and Pam are helping me adjust to my new life" Sookie looked up at Eric whose eyes were fixed on Nan

"How's that working for you?" Again with the cold sarcastic tone it was killing Sookie not to react,

"Well it has its ups and downs but I know Eric wouldn't tell me to do something I shouldn't" her answer was honest and unrehearsed.

"I'm sorry do you smell that mmm it is quite lovely and so rare," Sookie knew what smell she was talking about it was the same smell that had plagued her all night A-B Negative was walking past their table as he headed for the bathroom in the back.

"yes it does smell good" Sookie said averting her eyes from the man who's blood she was referring to,' this is a test Sookie just a test' she told herself over and over again trying not to fly out of the booth and sink her fangs into the delicious blood bag that just walked past her.

Sookie knew that fatal mistake would be her last and she managed to keep her fangs retracted while Nan continued to go on and on about how lovely the stranger smelled daring her to slip up,

"Not my type" she said taking a swig from her bottle of True Blood and immediately knew the mistake she had made.

Eric told her so many times that she should never act as though drinking from a human any human was beyond her even if she was mainstreaming, human blood was their life source and even though they have blood substitutes every vampire no matter how old or enlightened would prefer human blood.

It was too late to retract her statement and nan didn't seem like the kind of woman to forget what she just said so she decided to elaborate instead, "what I mean is I prefer females" she lied taking a page from Pam's book and making it her own.

Nan stood without a word pointing her boney finger at Eric and walking off toward his office leaving a clueless Sookie at the table surrounded by men in heavy armor carrying guns, she started to panic was this it did she say the wrong thing and now Nan would give some random order that ended her life.