Hey guys! Well here is the new chapter! Thanks for all the reviews!


Professor Ripley stared at the white haired being in front of him.

"W—wh—what are y—yo—you" He stuttered out with wide eyes.

Danny raised an eyebrow.

"What am I?" Danny reiterated with a laugh. "You should ask your students there, they would know."

Mr. Ripley glanced behind him at his three cowering students. Unfortunately they seemed to be just as scared as he was. Maddie was the first to break from her self-induced paralyses.

"You're a ghost…" She gasped out in wonder after her mind pieced all the info together.

"Ding, ding, ding, you've won a prize!" Danny mimicked a game show host's voice.

"What?" Mr. Ripley blurted out. "But, but, but there's no such things as ghosts!"

Danny frowned.

"Do I look fake to you!?" He shouted as he flew up to the professor's eye level.

The professor's legs went out from underneath him and he nearly crumpled to the floor, thank heaven that Vlad caught the man before he did.

Danny laughed "Relax Dude I was only messing with you."

"Wh-what?" The professor sputtered.

Just then a flash of lightning followed by a rumble of low thunder darted threw the sky, causing everyone to look up.

"We should probably head for shelter soon; I don't want to be stuck out here in the rain." Vlad mumbled out loud to no one in particular.

"Good point V—man but we got no place to crash. So how's that gonna work?" Jack exclaimed, his eyes still nervously locked on the young white haired ghost.

"Well I—uh," Vlad scrambled for an answer.

"Well You guys could stay with me and my family…" Danny offered.

The group of four stared at Danny with confusion.

Maddie was about to say something but she was cut off by the loud motor of a very big silver and green R.V.

"Oh no…" Danny muttered as he watched the GAV screech to a stop. The word 'Fenton' was proudly displayed in green lettering on the side of the vehicle. Danny dragged his hand down his face knowing it would be a very bad thing for his past parents to meet their future selves.

Jack stared at the green logo on the side of the vehicle.

"Fenton? Hey that's my last name!"

Danny shook his head realizing it was too late now. He watched as his mother climbed out of the GAV and rushed over to him.

"Danny! Are you ok!" She called before she engulfed him in a hug, completely ignoring the other four people next to him. "Why did you hang up on me like that!? I was so worried that a ghost had hurt my baby boy!"

A blush crept up on Danny's face as he hesitantly hugged his mother back.

"Sorry mom….I was kinda…. Occupied…" Danny replied slowly before he scrunched up his face. "And what do you mean hung up on you? I told you I had to go!"

Maddie pulled away from Danny slightly.

"Occupied by what?" she asked, ignoring the last part of Danny's response

Danny just pointed.

Maddie looked in the direction that he was pointing to find what appeared to be herself, Vlad and Jack in their collage years and her Biomechanics professor?

"Danny?" she asked her complexion unusually pale. "Are they….?"

Danny shook his head yes.


"I don't know how they got here but I can tell you how it's possible later. As for now, do you think we can head home? There's about to be a Thunderstorm."

Maddie just simply nodded.


Vlad stared out the window of the G.A.V. Water was streaking down the glass from the pouring rain outside and at the pace that they were moving he really couldn't make out his surroundings. So really he was using this brief time to catch up on his thoughts.

The ride so far had been eerily quiet… Not Maddie or his professor or even Jack had said a single thing since they had all climbed into the vehicle, and THAT was saying something. Especially since Jack never knew how to shut up. All he ever did was talk and talk and talk.

The only sounds that could be heard was the pitter patter of the rain, the squeaky sound of the windshield wipers and the faint whispering of the strange blue suited woman—Who apparently was named Maddie, Vlad found that to be quite ironic—As she whispered to the white haired boy. Vlad knew the boy's name as well; he just didn't really like it. He couldn't, for the life of him, figure out why; if you had such a cool name like Daniel would you shorten it to Danny?

It just gave the name less command; it made it less intimidating…Not that the boy had issues in that area. He had already almost caused Vlad to wet his pants at one point, heck he made professor Ripple's knees buckle out from underneath him and that man was as hard as stone!

Vlad jumped slightly when he felt someone poke him in his side. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was only Maddie. She had decided to climb in the back and sit next to him when everyone had first piled into the large car. Jack and Their professor were occupying the seats in front of them and Maddie was in the driver's seat with Danny sitting in the passenger next her. So in all technicalities Vlad was sort of sitting alone with Maddie….. in a way.

Vlad shot Maddie a weary glance.

"You know you just scared me half to death Madeline."

Maddie scrunched up her nose at the sound of her full name. She really hated it when Vlad called her that.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean too." She quickly apologized while running a hand threw her thick red hair.

"It's perfectly alright." Vlad answered. An awkward silence passed between the two for a few minutes before Maddie finally said something.

"So… what do you think of our new friends?" She asked as she sent weary glance towards Danny and Maddie.

"Well Maddie seems to be ok… But that ghost kid…. Danny…. Well…..He kind of scares me." Vlad answered truthfully.

Maddie raised an eyebrow. "You mean that Maddie person doesn't give you the creeps?"

"No, why?" Vlad asked.

Maddie's face scrunched up in disgust.

"It's just….. Did you see how she was treating that ghost Danny? She called him her son and she was hugging him…..Treating him like he was human…like he was alive. It's just so wrong!"

Vlad blinked "How is caring for your son wrong."

"It's not; it's caring for your dead son that's wrong. I would bet you that he's still a ghost because his family refuses to let him go, He probably can't cross over because of that…" Maddie explained while shaking her head sadly. "It's just so wrong."

Vlad loved Maddie, he really did, but sometimes he didn't understand her. This was one of those times.

"Don't you agree?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah it's totally wrong….." Vlad said with slight hesitance.

"I know right?" Maddie said as she nodded he head in agreement. "It's almost like it's a less drastic form of necrophilia."


Well guys that's the end of this chapter! I should have another up soon!

What do you think of Maddie and Vlad? Should I give the young Maddie and the old Maddie different names to avoid confusion?

Please leave a review!