A/N: Sorry for the disappearance. It's been crazy here in RL.

This chapter was named after a quote by Amy Zhan.

"She wanted to go back. She wanted to be a little girl again, the one who thought getting high meant being pushed on the swings and pain was falling off her bike."

Last time: Billy and Jacob threw some special dust into the fire, causing it to spark and crackle.

I was given a bowl full of the paint, and, seeing a vision sent from the Spirits, I smeared the symbol in my mind, all over her face and neck. She's mine. Ari did the same to me, claiming me as hers.

After the ceremony, I could finally hold her in my arms, and I felt complete. I kissed her, knowing that nothing could ever tear us apart.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that are in this story, except Ariya. She is my own little creation.

Emmett POV

Holding her hair away from her face, rubbing her back soothingly, I cursed Jacob and his vision of the future. Because once again, he was right.

My Ariya got pregnant.

I got her pregnant.

We're pregnant. (She gets pissed off when I don't say the "we")

And, as I predicted, Sam was pissed off.

He nearly beat me to a pulp when Ari and Jake stepped in.

Jake was especially protective of the baby because he knew that we would become the Alpha couple, and our babies would be pack babies. The boy inside of her, if he phases, will be Alpha, and be the future Chief of the tribe.

As far as the Cullens go, it's been quiet, which may or may not be a good thing.

Because she's pregnant, she's been advised to not phase.

My wife is pregnant.

I had gotten my last name changed to Black, as per Jacob's wish. He said it would be easier for the tribe to accept the baby if he had a tribal name, especially one as important as Black.

So, now I was known as Emmett Black, and I have a wife, now called Ariya Black.

She's so perfect, holy shit.

I proposed to her on the beach at sunset. I bought this round cut halo diamond ring set in a silver band that I knew she would love. I know my girl isn't the flashy type, but I wanted her to have a ring that would reflect her beauty. The diamond doesn't even shine as brilliantly as her beautiful eyes do.

She got so excited that she tackled me to the ground screaming yes before I could even put the ring on her finger. I honestly believe that I couldn't love her more than I did than in that moment, until our wedding day, that is. She looked so happy and in love, her gentle stomach cradling our baby, her promise to spend the rest of her life with me circling around her tiny ring finger.

We got married before she started showing, but I wouldn't call it a shotgun wedding. She is my forever. I will never be happy without her in my life, so we were just delaying the inevitable by not getting married. I want her to share a name with me, share a life with me, and have lots of babies with me.

She looked beautiful in a short white silky layered dress. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, and the ends were cut so that there was a sheer layer on top that reached lower towards her knees. Her long brown hair was in what the girls called beach curls, with a wreath of white flowers draping delicately around her head.

I cried when I saw her walking down the aisle with Sam on her arm. I didn't realize that I could be that happy. Her eyes were shining with tears that threatened to come down and ruin all of Leah's work. Hell, she could have those raccoon eyes, nose running, with a red face, and still be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.

When Billy told us that we could kiss, I grabbed her up, bending her backwards as I almost attacked her lips. This was my moment to shine. I wanted everyone that could see, feel the passion and love that I have for her. I kept the amount of spit low, and the tongue limited. All I wanted to do was take her home and make love to her, make her feel how I couldn't ever dream of letting her go.

Her dad and stepmother attended the wedding, not really happy with the way her life was going, but they saw how happy she truly is, and relented, giving us a few very generous gifts. I think her father was fairly happy to know that I was well off. Her stepmother was happy when she saw the ring. I was working to help Sam's construction company, and Ariya was taking classes as prep for nursing school. She wants to work for the tribe, for free, helping out our tribe.

This baby is really bringing the pack and the tribe together. Everyone seems okay with us; even Elder Ateara is coming around.

Jake's been just great to us. He's always there if we need some protection if there's a leech sighting. Other members from the pack offered to stay, but he believed that it would be best if he kept guard over all of us, especially with the baby on the way.

God, I just loved to watch her belly get all swollen with my baby growing in there. I was just so beautiful, and I have never been more attracted to her. She's been a lot more affectionate with me now that she's pregnant, which is a plus.

The pack has been very attentive towards her, very protective over her. Jake says that it's the rush of hormones that she has, the scent that's coming from her. The pack just can't keep their noses away from her.

I don't know what is going on with the Cullens, and most importantly Rosalie. She's been acting really strange. I don't understand why she's not letting this go, letting me go from the family. She has a mate. I deserve to have mine. She never even gave me a single thought before, never cared about what I did before.

Until now.

Until I found my Ari.

I wonder what's going on with her.

Rosalie POV

We needed to get him back.

I needed to get him back.

Every time I just looked at Emmett, I was reminded of my human life. I just remembered the baby blue eyes that he had, along with the dimples, and immediately thought of Henry, Vera's son.

I became addicted of the feeling of comfort that was brought with looking at him over these last few decades, that I can't let go of it now.

I want it.

I need it.

I need Emmett to feel it.

I need to get him back. I can't live without it.

I can't live without him.

I need Emmett.

A/N: Once again, I'm so sorry for the extremely late update. Graduation is a month away! Please review! I know I don't deserve it, but I would really appreciate it.

Until next time
