Again. Filler-ish. Un-betaed. Slow development. Blegh. Love all of your response. *E-hugs.

THIS IS IN THE PAST. Continuing from last chapter.

Disclaimer: Go figure.

Beyond The Sky


Tsuna widened his eyes in fear at the sudden act of anger shown by Verde; what did his father do to make the doctor this mad?

He looked at the doctor's face - shadowed glassed-eyes under his green messy fringe with a tight frown – and flinched at the sudden spread of a deadly killer aura. The doctor's terrible gaze then landed on him, but it immediately softened to a stare and Tsuna visibly relaxed.

So it wasn't his fault. He wasn't given any blame. How… unusual…

Verde tried, tried, to suppress his rage for a certain lowly existence of life – humans seemed much more better than him – and a foreign feeling bloomed in his heart.


He hadn't felt that kind of emotion in him for quite a long time. Heck, he never felt any kind of emotion in a long time. So what made this boy special?

"A-ano… D-Doctor…?" The little boy (Tsunayoshi, he reminded himself) timidly asked; breaking his reverie about the new discovery – him, having feelings. Feelings.

"What is it, Tsunayoshi?" While waiting for the boy to come up with an answer, Verde observed Tsuna and planned multiple choices that he could take action next. It wasn't long before another stuttering mumble broke his musings. "W-what did D-Dad s-say?"

Oh how he hated to break the news.

Weighing the pros and cons of being honest, Verde decided that the boy should know about this matter as early as he could. It's wrong to give false hope to a boy who seemed to already lost a part of his innocence.

Yes, he found out the reason why.

Looking straight into the boy's eyes – hopeful, expecting eyes – Verde unconsciously clenched and unclenched his first for what he was about to do. A small drop of sweat dripped from his forehead and made its way to his chin, then dropping off to the ground; he had faced much, much, more worse situations than this, but why is so hard to break it to the boy the horrific news? Taking a small breath, he spilled the truth -

"...He doesn't know you."

- and left a stain on the pure white soul.

The phrase entered his ear and went out the next. It kept repeating inside his head, like a broken media player that was making your ears bleed with the scratchy tune; Hedoesn'tknowyouHedoesn'tknowyouHedoesn'tknowyou.

He doesn't know you.

He had expected that. He had expected it. He really did.

But it still hurts.

Uncontrollable, tears started to stream down his face and – if it was any more possible – his eyes turned more dull. The doctor couldn't help but felt a tinge of guilt. But what's a much better time to tell the truth than now? Let the boy be in pain –

Because having all of the hurt hitting you now is better than feeling it torturing you little by little.

"Stop crying Tsunayoshi, wipe those salty liquids away. It's unsightly."

"I, I c-can't…! I c-can't s-stop c-c-rying! I-I d-don't k-know w-w-why, b-but I j-just c-can't s-stop c-crying...!"

Tsuna tried his best to stop, really, he did. Though his body and his childish instincts thought otherwise. And he gladly gave in. He gave in to the misery, he gave in to the black abyss he was feeling right now. He gave in to the sorrow he felt; his wails bounced through the walls and the tears flowed like a broken dam.

He needed someone. He needed somebody. Some comfort, some warmth. He needed a hug from his mother. He needed a rub on his back from his father. He needed a tissue to wipe his tears. He needed a hand to blow his nose. He need sweet words to sooth his tantrum. He needed… He needed… He needed a family.

But he has no one; no one at all.

The man didn't do anything and just stared at boy bending over and crying into the sheets - his wails now muffled and those tiny, fragile hands clawing at the blanket. The boy looked like he had gone insane, and Verde almost thought he did.

Walking slowly to the agonizing boy –what a pitiful sight it was – he slowly, awkwardly, wrapped his long coated arms around the boy's tiny figure and squeezed. He had read somewhere - in a book, on the internet, he couldn't remember - but a hug could sooth an emotional child. And it worked.

Tsunayoshi stopped crying.

Verde didn't know what came onto him but he silently heaved a sigh of relief and continued to hug the hiccuping boy. The tiny child cried so much that his eyes were bloody red and his throat was sore from the screaming; his body still trembling and flinching every time he took a deep breath.

Thinking of other ways to comfort the boy more, Verde slowly rubbed his back and held Tsuna closer to his body, to the warmth. It would be awkward, strange even, if anybody else came into the room, and saw Verde, the green-haired, maniacal –it had been proven-, human-hater doctor to actually give comfort to a kid. A young living being that wasn't a metal scrap. A little boy.

Anybody else who saw this, would think, that it was phenomenal.

A few minutes later, the green-haired man slowly moved himself out of the bed as he heard light snores coming from the brunet. He stepped out of the room and heaved a tired sigh. Never had he handled a situation like this one before.

He had never had any experience with children. More importantly, he never even had any experience with another fellow human all this time. His interactions were always either with robots or his pet alligator. He found it useless talking to humans; and that bastard can be the prime example why.

And that woman too.

It didn't need a genius like Verde to know Tsuna had been traumatized and (the highest yet most ugliest possibility) abandoned, by his – dare he say it – mother. The wide tearful eyes, the pale complexion when mentioning the name, and the hands that were trembling and clenching so hard that the knuckles turned white.

Now, more than ever, Verde despised the human kind.

He hated them before, but seeing something like this, something like abandoning your own kin, your own flesh and blood, right before his eyes was just… he couldn't describe it. He couldn't find a word disgusting enough to even describe the situation.

But when seeing Tsuna, little Tsunayoshi, the young boy who is experiencing all this, releasing his pain awhile ago in the room made Verde think that the boy was the only worthy being that deserved attention, love, and all other warm feelings he could think of.

And it made Verde feel that he wanted to be the one to give it to him.

His green eyes gazed hard at the floor, and he stood up from leaning against the wall during his thinking. Pulling out his own self-modified smart phone, he speed-dialled a certain man's number and a small crease between his eyebrows was formed as he figure out how to place his words right.

A couple of rings was heard before a deep voice resounded from the device.

"...What do you want?"

"I want you to take somebody in for me,"

A long pause was heard and Verde was sure that the other person was baffling at what he just said. I mean, even he himself would be shocked to hear something like this coming from his mouth.

Verde the man who practically lived with robots and secluded from society suddenly asked for somebody to take someone in. Someone. Not 'something'.

"….Any reason?"

"Just shut up and take him in. Take good care of him. Very good care,"

"…Hmph… Whatever you say,"

"I would not say 'thank you',"

"…You're most welcome. Send the kid tomorrow, I have some free time in the afternoon,"

"Then I'll see you soon,"

And the conversation ended. Smirking a bit at his plan, he walked down the empty corridor and continued his part-time job – being the maniacal, weird, creepy doctor of the Vongola Hospital.

Missed by the green-haired man outside, just right after he closed the door shut, Tsuna had smiled serenely in his sleep and snuggled closer to the big pillows of the hospital bed.

Deep in his slumber, he dreamed the moment where he cried just now – and remembered that someone hugged him. Someone rubbed his back. Someone gave him warmth. Someone became a family for him.

Even though the tight hug was no longer felt, there was still the warmth that lingered around his body; tickling his senses. He remembered the musky smell or iron and slightly burned metal – it was unusual but somewhat comforting for him.

In his deep sleep, Tsuna felt that he now had a bond attached to the slightly awkward yet very unique green haired man. The man who, when he was in his misery, in his black abyss, shined bright lights into his state of depression. Those bright lights flashed away all the pain, like strikes of lightning that blinds the enemies and gathers all the fear.

Tsuna felt his fear being taken away from him – away and taken by the lightning.

In a dark room somewhere in a huge mansion where the location is undetected by unwanted people, there was a man looking out a window and a smirk was on the man's face.

He turned around and sauntered to the door, chuckling lightly to himself and went out of the room; closing the door quietly with a small whisper –

"Welcome to the Vongola Orphanage, Tsunayoshi,"

R/R ::: I wonder if you guys even read this part.

LOL Did this chapter suck? HAHA. So yeah, slow development and this fic is not going to be a drabble anymore. It's a long multi-chaptered one. Scream for joy readers. I'm going to cry because of my other unfinished fics. The plot is slow moving since I'm still a rookie who has to describe every single thing. HEY, I TRY HARD. :P

On another rant, I won't be posting for a week or two considering I'm going to travel to a lot of places and there's also my exam. Don't worry, the next update would be long; I hope. No, I'll try.

Leave a review guys, try reach till a 100+ reviews and I'll be posting the next update faster! XD That is all.

Reije ; out.

P.S.::: Sorry if I'm not replying to your reviews; haven't got enough time. Sorry. Oh, and Yuu3, just want to say that I love you for an unexplainable reason. You don't have to know. Nope, you can't know. 8D