Recently I've looked through a few Beta profiles in hopes of finding one. I've asked someone, and I really hope that they say yes because frankly, my stories are complete messes.

Thank you to the four who reviewed. This one's for you!

"So…he's really awake?" He dare asked once again, to which Tsunade glared at him in response.

"That is the third time you asked us that. You know the answer," The Hokage managed to growl out through clenched teeth. Naruto gulped audibly as his eyes trailed to the large oak door that separated Sasuke from the rest of the world. He was awake and only a few feet away from confrontation, but Tsunade forbid him, or anyone for that matter, to enter the room. This time to avoid conflict, Sakura immediately went straight to her Shishou. As the busty blond was yelling out orders to the nurses and particularly Shizune, the rebellious rosette took it upon herself to slip out of the room and run straight into Naruto's messy apartment, screaming incoherent words and tugging on his sleeve as he were previously indulging himself into some instant ramen. She hauled him straight to the hospital, only to see the entire floor heavily guarded by a multitude of different ANBU. At first they blocked their path, staring at the two in bewilderment as they tried to push pass the wall of security. They could not register the fact that messing with the other ANBU may mean life or death in itself, but thankfully Tsunade, with old man Kakashi by her side, told the troupe to let the two in. Now they sat in a semi circle in front of his room, sitting in a tense silence as they absorbed the situation.

"So…he's really awake?"

"Naruto!" Tsunade seethed, annoyed by his lack of response. He was dazed and his eyes were glassy as he continued to stare in the direction that the Uchiha were in. The Jinchuriki container made no move of recognition at the yelling leader. This made her twitch in annoyance, but the feelings dispersed as her hazel eyes trailed onto the head of her pink haired apprentice, which was bowed and unusually quiet. Releasing a sigh, she turned to the only sensible one in the room at the moment, who was too busy staring at his two ex-students with a father like look in his lone eye.

"Kakashi?" Tsunade prompted, hoping that he would at least offer some reasonable reaction to this event. He met her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Hokage-sama." He replied in a slight mocking tone, one that the said woman detected immediately. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest in defiance.

"In his charts it said that his Temporal lobe has been damaged. Actually…the whole top part of his head has been hit pretty hard. At least his hippocampus is still intact…" She murmured mostly to herself. Kakashi brought a fist to his mouth and coughed subtly, which snapped Tsunade from her doctor persona and transition back to Hokage. "Basically, brain damage. We don't know the severity of how much of him has been affected, but it's most likely amnesia, as proposed by Sakura when her patient was first admitted," She explained. "Strangely enough, that does not seem to be the case, for earlier today Sasuke clearly recognized his ex-teammate and called her by her first name."

"We've established that, yes" Kakashi nodded.

"So what I need you to do, seeing as to how you're the only one in a rational state of mind right now is to interrogate Sasuke and see what you can get out of him. He seems to be calm, relaxed, and still a bit sluggish from the medication we have provided. You have experience in the field, so I trust you know what you're doing." She raised her eyebrow, silently asking for agreement.

The silver haired Jounin took a moment to process the information and then nodded.

Gesturing to the ANBU stationed outside of the door, they took a step aside allowing the sharingan wielder to pass through.

The man was not concerned in the slightest. Sure, Sasuke had tried on more than one occasion to kill the whole lot of them, but something about the situation made him feel lax and safe as she strode to the bedside of an immensely dangerous murderer.

He smiled, though he knew that it would hardly be shown from his mask. The young man lying on the bed stared at him with wide eyes, only registering now that he was offering him a kind gesture to which he returned.

"Hello." Kakashi greeted.


His voice was different. It did not hold the evident arrogance and pride it had back then. This one was just a little bit higher, a little bit more innocent. He sounded genuinely confused, but happy to have a visitor. Kakashi stared him down, the only evidence of malice was the way his crossed arms tightened at the response.

"Do you know who I am?" Kakashi asked.

"No." Answered Sasuke truthfully, and he could tell.

"Do you know who you are?"


Interesting thought Kakashi as he loosened up and shifted his weight to his other leg.

"Do you know anything about yourself? Your past…or where you have been for the last couple of weeks? The events before that? Or what about what happened to you before you got your head hit so hard –" But before he could continue with the onslaught of questions, he observed the person on the bed squirming nervously.

"I –," Sasuke tried to say something, to form his thoughts into words. He was acting extremely strange and far from himself. "I don't know. I don't know any of those things! I don't…I don't remember…." His voice was verging on hysteria as it finally dawned on him that he honestly could not remember a thing. He tried rifling through his brain, hoping that something; anything about him would pop up, but when he tried all he could draw was a complete blank. He began to struggle, feeling the tightness of the restraints on his wrists and ankles. "Why am I being held captive?" He demanded, his voice raw with fear. "Where am I?!"

Kakashi blanched, for this was not the reaction he was going for. He expected the Uchiha to quickly turn stoic and look away from his past mentor, refusing to give anything up no matter what will be said or done to him. That was who Sasuke is, that's what he would have done. It seems that the dark haired man honestly did not remember a thing.

"Hey hey, calm down." Kakashi lay a hand on his arm, which immediately stopped all of Sasuke's fussing. His muscles tensed under his touch, a response he was used to, seeing as to how ninjas must be aware of the on goings of their body. He noted how he still held the intuition and reaction of his 'normal' self. A dangerous asset if he were to be angered or frustrated.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked in ragged breaths as he stared up at the strange man before him.

"Me…I am of no importance. The only thing we need to find out right now is stuff about you."

"But I don't know who I am!" He growled, unsatisfied with the situation.

"We can if you would just relax." Kakashi's voice was mellow and slow, and his friendly demeanor seemed to be working on the Uchiha. His heartbeat slowed as he breathed in and out, trying not to feel too overwhelmed. "Good." Kakashi praised, his eyes crinkling as he smiled in reassurance. "Now, answer me this: Do you remember anything about yourself at all?"

Sasuke inhaled deeply, and once again tried to think about himself. "I… I am alive." He breathed out, his voice low and calm.

Kakashi raised his eyebrow in interest.

"That's the only thing I know. I remember being surprised that I am alive." He nodded slowly, as if confirming the memory. "I remember the world being out of focus. I was alone in the woods…and I staggered, reaching for a low branch and pulled myself up only to whisper 'I am alive.' And then I walked. I walked and I walked and I walked until—" He gasped, remembering something new once again. He looked up at Kakashi, for this newfound information was clearly vital. His mouth were open, trying to form the words as the Silver haired man simply patted his shoulder in assurance.

"And then I saw her! I saw her, where is she?" He asked, his voice laced with excitement as he began to trash around once again.

"Who did you see?"

"Sakura, Sakura! I saw Sakura!" He exclaimed with a broad grin on his face.

Kakashi was taken aback by his behavior. Never before had the 'old' Sasuke shown any other emotion other than distain and annoyance. This burst of happiness and excitement, to say the least, was quite infectious. The Jounin couldn't help but feel gleeful at the fact that he recalled something from his past.

"Who is Sakura?" Kakashi had asked, playing along.

"I don't really know. All I know is that she is important. And the fact that she is the only thing I can remember about my past must mean that she is," Sasuke reasoned. Kakashi could only grip the bar from Sasuke's hospital bed.

"Right. Well, Sasuke I'll be back another time. See you soon, hopefully!" He faked cheeriness in his voice as he smiled and waved. Sasuke raised his eyebrows and lifted his head to watch him leave.

"Wait!" He called out.

Kakashi turned around.

"You never told me your name!"

With a bittersweet smirk, he could only stare directly into the onyx eyes of his ex-student. "It's Kakashi."

"Kakashi," Sasuke said slowly, committing it to memory. "It was nice meeting you!"

"Right," He managed to say. "It was nice meeting you too, Sasuke."

"Sasuke?" He asked, confusion evident in his voice. "I'm Sasuke?"

But as he said this, Kakashi was out the door and he were alone once again.

Seeing his former teacher emerge out of Sasuke's room, Naruto immediately stood up with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Sensei! " He exclaimed, running up to him and meeting him halfway. The two women behind them looked up from their previous positions, curious on the details he has to share. "Sensei, is he alright? Does the bastard remember anything?" Naruto's voice was frantic, for he wanted answers right at that moment. Kakashi heaved a sigh and put his hand on his teammate's shoulder, the tips of his fingers calloused from years of constant injuries and summoning. His fingers were slightly crooked from his ANBU days where he would be tortured for information and they'd heartlessly crack every bone of his body.

"He doesn't remember a thing about himself." Kakashi's voice had grown soft as he explained. As much as he tried to put up a strong front, it hurt him just as much as it pained Naruto and Sakura. He watched the young man grow up, only to delve into the ways of the wicked, betraying them all with his katana in hand. "The only person he recalls," As he spoke, his gaze raised from Naruto's eyes to Sakura's own emerald pair. She tensed as she felt him scrutinizing her, nervous as to what he were going to say. "Is that Sakura is 'important'" he said, reciting Sasuke's own words.

Naruto couldn't lie. He was a bit upset that his bird brained friend forgot all about him, but he was happy that he knew at least something, and even more relieved that the little something is Sakura. Better her than his brother or Orochimaru.

Tsunade brought her index finger to her chin and rubbed it for a while.

"There could be numerous reasons as to why he would remember solely you…" She trailed off as numerous deductions entered her mind.

Sakura didn't want to hear it.

"So now what? " Thankfully Naruto cut in before Tsunade could continue. "What do we do?"

Standing, the Hokage pursed her lips as she strode towards Naruto and Kakashi.

"If he really doesn't remember a thing, then I think the best thing we could do for now is to try to reintroduce him to his life before he left. Get him talking to his old friends, lapse him back to training, and seeing where to go from there. A mandatory trial is to be held by the city council, of course." She grumbled, angry at the fact. As much as she held a dislike for the Elder's and their medieval traditions in punishment, she knew that it was a requirement and it must be faced soon.

"Sakura?" The Hokage turned to her student, who was still sitting down, her face turned to her lap as she clenched her pale fists. She was concerned at her sudden lack in interest. Sakura was obviously avoiding the whole scenario, which is something she had to dismiss soon. "I have plans. Since you are the only one he truly remembers, then maybe you could be the one to hel—"


Everyone around them, even the curious ANBU, turned to the pink haired girl sitting alone. They were surprised at her outburst. For one, she clearly dismissed the orders of the Godaime. Second, she passed on an opportunity to spend time with the man she once loved so dearly. Didn't she feel the same? You don't simply just throw away a love that you once cherished as much as your own life.

"Excuse me?" Tsunade's voice was dripping with discontent.

"I said no," Sakura stood, and it grew apparent as she lifted her head to look at them all that she'd been crying this whole time. "He isn't Sasuke! That's not him. You can't just try to act like this is all okay, it's not! It won't be until he gets his memory back! That person laying on that bed is only a shell of who he is,and soon enough Sasuke will get his memory back, and he'll go back to the vicious little asshole he were the last time we saw him. You know, that time he tried to kill you, Naruto?" Her tone was filled with malevolence. Her fists were shaking as she breathed in and out, finally letting out her pent up frustration.

"…Sakura?" a small voice quivered behind them all, to which everyone turned to see a confused Sasuke standing with the doors open. The ANBU tensed, surprised that they had failed to notice the fact that he managed to rip himself out of the chakra laced restraints and opened the door right underneath their noses. He were still skilled, they had to give him that.

At that moment he looked desolate. The small frown on his face showed evidence that he had been listening in on their conversation, and to say the least he were honestly hurt that Sakura would call him such things. He stared at her, his heart broken at the very sight of the sole person he remembered and wished to see the most hated him.

Sakura hated him.

Seeing this foreign expression on his face forming some type of emotion other than anger caught her off guard once again. She backed away, feeling terrible that she were the cause of his frown. The way he looked at her, so broken and confused made her feel the same. At the moment, the only thing she could register was the strong urge wishing to run up to him and hug him. To cry and sob, but all the while holding him close and knowing that he is here.

This scared her.

And so she ran.