Chapter 3: Taiyaki

Since young, Len had known what he needed to do, and what other people expected from him. And that was all there is to it. He became a talented son for his parents and lived up to the expectations of others as the heir of the Tsukimori family. He didn't whine like other children did, asking for toys and everything, he didn't want any of that. He had only ever focused on practising the violin and the need for toys or any other things had never actually popped up in his mind. At least he remembered so.

So for his whole life, for 17 long years, he had done exactly what others expected of him. A good, talented person with quite few words to say.

Therefore, when that question suddenly came flying out of Ryotaro's mouth... he didn't know how to answer it.

What did he wish for?

The question rang inside his head as it echoed throughout his whole being. No one had ever asked him such a thing before... And now when it was voiced out, by an almost stranger no less, for the first time in his life, Len was left unable to utter a single word out of his throat. He couldn't answer it. He simply just couldn't, because he didn't even know what he himself wanted.

Len stood there, stunned, and, surprisingly enough, Ryotaro actually kept his mouth shut and sat there silently, studying Len's feature as the spirit of the violinist stood still next to the library's window. His mouth was opened then closed for a few times before something eventually came out of his lips.

" I-I... I don't know..."

For the first time in his life, Ryotaro saw Len struggled in an attempt to actually find something decent to say. The guy had never been one for words, but he certainly wasn't one to be lacking of them under any circumstances. This was new. The pianist thought to himself as he kept quiet, wanting to see how this would turn out.

And he was stunned. Ryotaro was stunned when he heard Len say that he himself didn't know what he wanted. What was this? Some kind of joke? Was he making a joke of sort? But the confused and somewhat disoriented look on that face told him otherwise. He really didn't know it then...

Ryotaro had always thought that Len would be the type to know and understood all too well what he wanted and needed. And yet again he was surprised. This was the first time Len had admitted that there was something that he didn't know. Even though it should have amused Ryotato much to see the other struggling like this, he wasn't. This was serious, it not only involved Len, it was also very much related to him. So much that he hated it because he didn't like the thought of having this guy following him around for the rest of enternity... The pianist fought back the urge to shiver and moved his eyes back to reading the random page in front of him that he had just flipped to.

" Well... whatever it is, just figure it out soon. It says here that seperation of body and soul shouldn't be prolonged because it may result in the soul being unable to... get back to the body at all."

They turned to look at each other for a moment there, based on what Len said then he had been away from his physical self for at least a week... It didn't sound good because there was ( of course ) no information on how long a soul could stay out of its protective shell of a body, so they could only presume the worst...

" We don't have much time left... So think hard, okay?" Ryotaro spoke slowly in a low voice, watching Len carefully as the other looked back at him without so much of a word before nodding slightly and tore his eyes away.

Suddenly, there was a twinge of what Ryotaro could only identify as fear as it was softly brewing inside of him, at the pit of his stomach. However, the feeling was so strange, distant and foreign that he couldn't actually lay a finger on it. It was as if this wasn't his own feeling that he was experiencing... His eyes wandered over to where the almost transparent figure was standing near the window where the light was beaming down.

Could it be... could it be that in their current situation, they, he and Len, were somehow... connected? And perhaps this fear that was swelling far at back of his mind was, in reality, Len's fear?

He averted his gaze away, suddenly feeling this sadness seeping into him while looking at the frail figure standing there and staring blankly at something beyond the layer of glass. He dreaded the thought that was starting to loom in his head... What would happen if... if they didn't get Len back to his body in time? His body would die and that soul would forever follow him? Suddenly, the idea of having Len following him around didn't scare him anymore that much anymore ( not as much as one minute ago that is ). Rather, it was just that he didn't like what was happening and how all of this was unfolding.

If things were to turn out like that, then Len would... die a very meaningless death, and his dream along with all the talent and glory that followed would end up dying along with him. Not being able to do anything and watched as your body wither away right before your eyes... that kind of helplessness seemed so very... frightening and sad at the same time. No matter how much he disliked Len, he wouldn't want that to happen to the guy, he, no one, deserved to feel that way.

No one.

Golden eyes watched as Ryotaro interacted with his friends, classmates, juniors and seniors. Len could clearly see that the pianist was quite popular in the General Education Department, almost everyone knew him, either just by name or through all the things others were saying about him. Either way, the guy was popular. Everyone who knew him smiled and greeted him as he was walking by and he would always flash that cheerful and warm smile back at them.

From what he had collected from listening to all the chatters while trailing behind the other, Ryotaro was well-known for his good look, out-going and charming personality, intelligence, and he was, apparently, a good soccer player, too. ' The dream of many girls' they said.

' So he only acts like a prick around me then...' Len thought absentmindedly and continued follow after the tan.

The locker room was opened, Ryotaro threw down his bag onto a small wooden bench and, without a warning, took off his shirt. Tan skin was exposed under the light and one could see all the firm muscles moving underneath the skin and the flat but strong-looking stomach. Len's eyes widened before turning his back to face Ryotaro.

" Warn me before you change next time, Tsuchiura. Even though we're stuck together, there should still be at least some privacy between us, you know."

Ryotaro's eyes widened after hearing the words. Subconsciously, he turned around to find that the violinist was standing with his back facing him. He couldn't seethe expression on the other's face, but this sudden tiny flare of embarrassment that was making him feel slightly awkward told him just exactly what was going on. And after the initial shock, Ryotaro laughed, hard.

He laughed pretty loudly as the sound echoed inside the locker room. It was lucky that they were alone in this room, if not, things could prove to be quite troublesome. Len's eyebrow twitched, irritation was quickly overwriting whatever it was that he had just felt as he turned around to confront the pianist, who then was still laughing quite whole-heartedly.

" What's there to laugh about, Tsuchiura? I don't remember saying anything that comical to make you laugh like a lunatic like this." His tone was harsh in an attempt to shut that annoying laughter, but his effort was in vain. It only served to make the tan laughed harder than he already had, and after a minute or two of laughing his gut out, Ryotaro finally tried to calm himself in order to breathe properly again.

Gosh, that was a good laugh. Ryotaro thought to himself before reaching up and wipe the tears out of his eyes. He thought he had managed to stop laughing when looking at that uninterested and irritated face of Len and the way he stood there with his arms crossed made him thought otherwise.

Really, the situation wasn't at all that funny itself, but because it involved Len and his normally cold attitude that made it all the more hilarious.

" Done? Good. Now explain why you were laughing like that because I am sure that I didn't say anything funny, not at all."

Ryotaro couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight, with Len crossing his arms and all. Seriously, it wasn't at all that intimidating as before.

" Well, because only girls will get embarrassed when they see a guy change out of his clothes, Tsukimori." He stated it out in a matter-of-factly fashion, and this made Len's eyebrows furrow even more.

" I still don't see how that can make you laugh."

" What can I say? Different people have different opinions. And it's not like I have anything else to offer beside what you yourself have anyways? So what's there to be embarrassed about?"

Len's mouth opened to retort, but decided not to because he knew that if this were to drag on, it would never end. "... Just be quiet and change. You do know that you're already five minutes late, right?"

Snapping his neck to his left to see the time, Ryotaro swore under his breath then quickly changed into his training uniform.

" Damn it! Why didn't you tell me?" He said through gritted teeth as he struggled to put on his shoes. Len merely shrugged as his lips turned up to form a small smirk.

" Well, you were having the time of your life, so I didn't want to appear rude by cutting in just to tell you the time." He said, mockery lacing each word as Ryotaro raced out of the door with all he might, not wanting to get punished by the team captain.

In the end, running five laps around the field wasn't at all that bad, one lap for each minute. He had thought that the punishment could be worse, but he was apparently wrong. Maybe his captain was going easy on him was because of the fact that it was nearly the end of the semester anyways that he really wasn't in the mood to actually punish anyone to severely. Two more weeks. Two more weeks and Ryotaro would be out of school, and the holiday would officially begin.

Golden eyes watched as the tan ran around the field, passing the ball from one person to another. He was sweating profusely, but the smile was always plastered on his lips. He really did look like he was having a good time himself, and for some strange reason, Len felt like there was a small spark ignited inside of him as this tiny bit of excitement was flaring up...

Strange... There was no reason for him to be feeling like this...

His eyes followed Ryotaro's movement on the soccer field then it dawned upon him. Was he somehow connected to the pianist? The question rang inside his mind, it didn't seem like there was any other explanation for this. Why would he feel excited in his current situation?

That must be it, their souls must have been connected in some strange way that could make them somewhat feel the emotions of each other. Len stood there, looking down at the green grass bathing in the afternoon sunlight.

He didn't really know whether this was actually good or bad. Truth to be told though, from the beginning, there hadn't been anything good or lucky about this. The whole situation itself was messed up.

Ryotaro was helping his mother out in the kitchen, and soon the food was being neatly placed down onto the table. The little brother of the house started laying out the clean bowls and chopsticks for everyone as the father came in with his wife after changing out of his suit, he just came back from work not too long ago.

The food was good, Len thought to himself, so it was due to this connection that he was able to have even the slightest of taste in his mouth. The violinist took one last glance before floating back to the foot of the staircase and sat down. He wasn't dead, not yet, so his spirit was still pretty much powerful, powerful enough for him to be able to touch and move solid things to a certain extent. His eyes strayed out at the door and the bright street light that was shining through its thick glass.

Ryotaro turned his eyes over at the foot of the staircase as he put a piece of radish in his mouth. After realizing that they were emotionally connected, Ryotaro understood more or less that Len's emotion was like the surface of a calm pond, no wind, no ripples, no nothing. It was as flat and calm as a mirror reflecting the blue sky above with a mist curtain surrounding it, shielding it away from prying eyes. Before, most of the time, he couldn't really tell what in the world Len was feeling, he kept to himself pretty well with that face always remained in an indifferent state. However, as things had unfolded quite rapidly recently, Ryotato thought that he had somehow found away to get through the mist, slowly, but steadily, he was getting there. The closer he got, the better he was at interpreting Len's emotions, and what was going through his mind at times. Like he said, the violinist's emotions were pretty much calm most of the time, but because of that very same reason, even a small drop of water would disturb the whole pond, sending ripples coursing through its mirror-like surface, disrupting the peace. With him going further and further through the curtain, he could definitely feel the changes from deep within...

It was not like he was prying, even if this was considered so, he couldn't actually help it. This connection had been set up with neither of their knowledge nor permission. Even if he did get a glance at Len's heart, it wouldn't change anything. In the end, when everything was over, they would remain as they were before all of this had happened. Rivals.

No more, no less.

Ryotaro was quite unpredictable, Len knew that for a fact, but now that there was sort of a bridge connecting their emotions, he could understand that all the more clearer. Crystal clear in fact.

As more and more time passed by, Len could sense the waves of emotions better. Sometimes, it was like fire, passionate, determined and strong-willed. Sometimes he could be just as equally cold and uncaring, indifferent or even annoyed at things he didn't like. Suddenly, Len wondered to himself whether or not those were the feelings the pianist had whenever Len was around. He had always looked pissed, annoyed and uncomfortable in the presence of Len. Maybe then he was still feeling them, that was pretty much certain, since Len was constantly around him now.

" Ever tried out Taiyaki at the stand nearby?" The pianist closed the door behind him and sat down at his desk, taking the hot and steamy fish-shaped cake out from the paper bag. He looked almost happy to be holding it in his hands and eating it. " They are seriously good!"

Len looked sceptical as he eyed the cake, it looked just like any other Taiyaki he had seen. What was so special about it?

" I don't like sweets." Len stated flatly, he had never liked sweet, and the cake normally has sweetened red beans in it, so he didn't like the thought of eating though many had tried to persuade him to. And it wasn't long before the taste of the cake started spreading all over his taste buds. He should have felt nauseous, he didn't know if spirits could get nauseous or not, but when he was still in his body, whenever he ate something that was slightly too sweet for him to take, he could feel pile coming up his throat. That was the main reason why he didn't want to get near sweet food. Strangely though, he didn't. He wasn't at all nauseous. The bean filling was actually very... good. It was just at the correct sweetness for him and even though he wasn't really eating it, Len could tell that the cake was good.

" Does that mean you have never eaten any Taiyaki before?! Wow..." Ryotaro said in a tone of disbelief as he stared at his half-eaten Taiyaki then back to Len. " I know, how about we buy you one at the store when you get back to your body? You'll like it, trust me."

Pissed, annoyed and uncomfortable... Len was so sure that Ryotaro would feel like this whenever he was around... Then why hadn't he felt any of those negative emotions? Why did he felt so peaceful, calm and... warm?

" I mean, it's better eating for real than to be told what it is like, right?"

Suddenly, a smile broke on his lips. A big, gentle and warm smile. And Len was genuinely stunned by this. Somehow, his stomach felt so strange and fluttery.

" S-sure."

Len lowered his head and turned his gaze to the window.

Just because he had had a look into Ryotaro's emotions didn't mean that things were going to change between them. When this is all over, Ryotaro and he would turn back to ignoring each other's existence. And that was it.

Nothing would change.

To be continued...