AN: So here's another story, RainingLullaby encouraged me to post it. I wasn't sure if it would be worthy enough :x My husband is my muse~ He's the reason I wrote this haha. Thank you Raininglullaby for the amazing Beta skills. Oh, also! She has a story out! Go check it out ! It's wonderful! I promise.

WARNING: There is a lemon(malexmale sex) scene towards the end of the fic. If you are uncomfortable with that, just skip over it. It doesn't take away from the fic. This is a VladxDanny and it is slash.

"Desiree…" Vlad's voice was calm, approachable, even smooth. His demeanor was not one of intimidation. It didn't hint at any fury he might be feeling. "May I inquire on something dearly important?"

Desiree floated in the air in front of Vlad with a bored expression on her face. They were in his lab. The ghost portal was open since she had used it to come here to seek Masters. Not that she wanted to, but given the circumstances, she figured she might as well inform him of what happened. Not without being difficult first. "Yes, Masters?"

"Why…is there a kitten…that strikingly resembles my lover, down to the ridiculous insignia on his chest…in my presence…instead of my Daniel?" He asked calmly, although his teeth were now clenched together.

Desiree looked down at the black and white kitten making its way towards Vlad. The kitten was black with patches of white on its paws, neck and hair, just like Danny in his ghost form. It also had the DP insignia on his small chest. What stuck out were his bright neon green eyes. They looked up at Vlad almost lovingly. The kitten happily pressed himself around Vlad's legs, purring contently. "If we want to get technical, Vlad Plasmius, that kitten is your Daniel."

Vlad lost it. "What do you mean this thing is my Daniel?! If this is some sort of joke, I am not laughing. Change. Him. Back!" He shouted, his command having an air of a threat to it if she did not do what he demanded. The kitten meowed unhappily, not liking the man's voice being raised like so! To help the man feel better, he continued to rub himself against Vlad's legs, cutely encircling himself between them.

"Meow?" The kitten stood on his hind legs and pawed at Vlad's right leg. "Meow!"

Vlad looked down at the kitten. Okay, he was cute, but that didn't make him feel any better. He wanted his lover back! The kitten continued to paw at Vlad until he finally bent down and lifted the little thing into his arms. Happy, the kitten nuzzled at Vlad's chest, never stopping its purr.

"I cannot." Desiree said simply, watching in amusement as a vein twitched on Vlad's forehead. Ah, so he was losing patience with her. Wasn't that just too bad?

"And why is that?" he pet the soft black fur in his arms. It was the only thing keeping his flaring temper from exploding.

Desiree shrugged. She casually crossed her arms as she answered. "My master made the wish, and therefore I cannot reverse it."

"What if I simply wish for Daniel to return to his human form?" That had to work, right? It was still a wish she had to grant.

Desiree shook her head. "It will not work, Plasmius. You cannot simply undo another's heart's desire once it has been wished."

"What moron wished for my Daniel to be a soft, cute, kitten?!"

"I cannot reveal that as well."

Vlad switched to his ghost half. He had lost his patience with the ghost and was going to do anything to get Danny back to his human-self. He carefully placed his lover down onto the floor and approached Desiree. Desiree scowled and shrunk back a bit, wishing she wasn't so intimidated by the man. Plasmius was a powerful ghost and she would be a fool to challenge him.

"If it makes you feel any better," She said hastily, hoping to prolong the inevitable, "Danny can return to his human form at midnight."

Vlad stopped his approach. He cocked a brow at her. "Well why didn't you just say that?"

"Because it's not permanent. He'd return to his kitten form when the sun rises."

Vlad clenched his teeth in anger. "That doesn't help me! Tell me who made the wish right now!" Glowing pink ecto energy appeared in his hands.

Desiree knew what would happen if she didn't do what he demanded. She didn't want to get hurt and frankly, she didn't think she deserved it. After all, she was gracious enough to bring Danny over to him after the incident happened. This is how the man repaid her? How ungrateful. She wasn't going to stand for it. The man always bullied his way into getting what he wanted and she'd be damned if she gave him something else. "You'll have to find me first." She smirked tauntingly before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

The ghost portal swung itself closed. Vlad let out a roar before zooming out of his mansion to look out into the night sky. Disappointed that he could no longer sense her, he grudgingly descended back into his lab, where his lover was. Danny the Kitten sat on the floor, looking at his surrounding area. Vlad wondered if any of it was recognizable to Danny. With a heavy sigh, he switched back to his human half and got onto his knees before the kitten. The kitten looked up at him inquisitively.

Swallowing, Vlad thought he could try to at least see what his lover's state of mind was in. "Daniel?" The kitten meowed, although Vlad wasn't sure if it was out of acknowledgment to his name being called or because he figured he was just being spoken to. He tried again. "Daniel dear, can you understand me?"

The kitten simply tilted his head to the side before getting up from his sitting position and making his way towards Vlad. When he was close to Vlad's hand, he nudged his head against it, silently but demandingly asking for attention. Sighing, Vlad petted the kitten. He took a look at the watch on his left wrist. Well, he only had to wait two hours before Danny would switch to his human form. Maybe then, Vlad could obtain some answers.

Vlad took the kitten into the kitchen. He propped him on the table before rummaging through the cabinets in search for something to give to Danny to eat. Kittens liked tuna, right? Did Danny like tuna? He couldn't remember. His mind was frazzled with the fact that his lover of two years was now a cute ball of fur. He took out a bright red plate and placed the tuna onto it. He then grabbed a bottle of milk and poured it onto the saucer. After placing it on the table where Danny was standing on, he watched the kitten meow happily before stuffing his little face onto the plate of tuna. Vlad rolled his eyes.

"Even as a cute kitten you eat like a barbarian." Vlad said, although without malice.

He couldn't imagine how this could have happened. When they woke up this morning, it was just a typical Saturday. Danny said he had a few plans he needed to take care of and would be gone until nightfall. Vlad wasn't too happy about that, but decided to keep himself occupied. He read a book, went for a walk in the park, wrote out plans on how to steal more money and ideas that would benefit him…the usual. He had missed his lover the entire time. Ever since they got together after Danny started his first year of college in Wisconsin, they had been inseparable!

Vlad smiled fondly at the memory. One night Danny appeared at his doorway drunk and went into a rant about how unfair it was that he had to be Vlad's enemy but still find the man incredibly sexy and attractive. The older man had just stood there, dumbfounded and insanely amused. He couldn't wait to use the humiliating situation as black mail. Of course, Danny had to go ahead and kiss him and make him feel like he was on top of the world and it all went downhill from there. Well, uphill, if you really thought about it.

They hadn't told his parents right away. They waited at least six months before giving them the news. Jack took it well enough, but Maddie and Jasmine were a whole other story. He didn't blame their rage, of course. It was understandable. Danny's friends reacted no differently as Jasmine and Maddie. Eventually, however, they forced to accept the fact that Danny was Vlad's partner and had no intention of separating anytime soon. That was another problem; Danny spent so much time with Vlad, he was starting to neglect his family and friends. Not on purpose! Danny loved his friends and family. He was just sometimes too tired or Vlad would plan special and nonrefundable events on the days Danny had to spare.

Danny the Kitten finished his meal and made his way onto the saucer of milk, lapping calmly at it. Vlad reached for him and scratched the back of his neck. Danny purred contently and continued to drink his milk. Really, Vlad should have known to keep an eye on Danny! He should have questioned where he would be all day when he had the chance. Well, there was nothing that can be done until midnight so Vlad decided to just wait. Danny hopped off the table, leaving the plates for Vlad to clean up before he went off to explore.

Vlad followed the kitten everywhere he went. Danny explored the many hallways and doors. He went into the library, the private theatre, the living room, and their bedroom before settling himself in front of a fire place. Taking a seat closest to the fire, Vlad sat down and stared at the clock. Finally, only a few seconds until midnight. He felt anxious as he waited for the hand timer to click to midnight. When it did, the kitten glowed a bright white light and slowly began to change its form. Small paws changed into hands, limbs stretched out to human arms and legs and the small head changed into the size of a human's. Vlad was relieved to see his lover again, but paled when he noticed some features didn't remove themselves. Danny still had long, black cat ears and a long black tail.

Danny yawned and stretched like a cat before opening his eyes, which were now a sparkling blue. When he spotted Vlad, he smiled happily and crawled his way towards the man. Vlad swallowed past the lump in his throat. His lover had no right to look so tantalizing, crawling towards him like that with an innocent yet sexy smile. When he reached Vlad's legs, he propped himself up a bit and nuzzled Vlad's right thigh. Vlad loosened his tie, suddenly feeling extremely hot and uncomfortable in his suit.

"D-Daniel!" Vlad called, wondering if his lover was even consciously aware of what was going on around him. Oh no. Was Danny simply a cat in a human form?

"Yes Vlad?" Danny asked, still nuzzling Vlad's thigh.

Good lord was the young man purring? "Daniel, where were you today?"

Danny stopped nuzzling to look up at his lover. He looked thoughtful before answering. "I was out."

Vlad pulled Danny up and had the younger man sit on his lap. Danny had grown over the years, but he had a much smaller frame than Vlad's. It was something Vlad couldn't help but tease whenever he had the opportunity, knowing it infuriated his young lover. However, now was not the time for that. "Daniel, this is serious. I need you to tell me where you were today."

Danny let out a low whine, not wanting to answer the question. Instead, he nuzzled Vlad's chest and neck, pressing light kisses onto exposed skin. Vlad shivered. He was tempted to just forgo his questioning and just take Danny right there and make love in front of the fire. Shaking his head to stay focused, Vlad pushed Danny away at arms-length so he could look at his lover in the eyes. Danny, seeing the serious look from his over, pouted sadly. "I don't remember."

"You don't remember, or you don't want to say?"

Danny grinned cheekily. "Both!"

Sighing, Vlad shook his head. "Daniel, dear, don't you feel sort of…off?" he asked, hoping hinting at the problem would get Danny to focus. He didn't know why his lover was being so difficult.

Danny frowned at the question, his ears drooping against his head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the fact that you now have a tail and ears above your head."

"What?" Danny turned around and was surprised to see a tail. He grabbed the tail and traced it from the tip to where it met with his body. He then raised his hands and placed them above his head, feeling something soft and fluffy that suspiciously resembled cat ears. Without a word, he jolted off of Vlad's lap and ran into the nearest room with a full body mirror.

Vlad took a deep breath and released a heavy sigh. "3…2…1…" He counted off.


Vlad couldn't help it. He chuckled in amusement when his lover came back looking sickly pale and enraged. "I HAVE CAT EARS!" Danny shouted, pointing to them. He pulled out his tail from behind him and pointed to it. "And a TAIL!"

"I clearly remember just going over that." Vlad's amused smirk dropped. "Now do you see why it's important for you to recall where you were today? And who you were around? Why was Desiree with you today?"

"Desiree?" Danny asked, seemingly unsure himself. He made his way back to Vlad's lap and plopped himself down. Even though the situation did not call for it, Vlad eyed Danny's body hungrily. The young man was incredibly attractive, even when he looked distressed. Danny didn't seem aware of his lover eyeing him lustfully. "I don't remember. I came here with Desiree?"

Vlad forced himself to look into Danny's eyes. "Yes, she was the one who brought you here. Okay, let's try this: what is the last thing you remember?"

"I remember waking up this morning, telling you I'll be out… We showered together… had some breakfast…showered again…then I went through the ghost portal to fly towards Amity Park… and that's the last thing I remember." Danny said sadly, frowning when he couldn't recall anything else.

"You don't remember anything after that? Did you at least get to Amity Park?"

Danny shrugged. "I don't remember. I was supposed to meet with Sam and Tuck. Then go see my mom and dad at their house. After that, I was going to uh—get something, at a store." He paused then checked his pockets. "Aw man. I didn't even go get it."

"What were you going to buy?" Vlad asked curiously.

Danny childishly stuck out his tongue at Vlad. "Noneya!" He was going to buy Vlad a gift. It was difficult to buy the man a gift since he was a billionaire and had anything he could probably ever want. Still, he figured Vlad might appreciate the gesture behind it. He was disappointed to know he hadn't gotten it today. He was hoping to surprise the man tonight.

"Perhaps it's important to know? What if you had gone there and something happened? It might help if you tell me which store, Daniel." He wasn't truly sure if it would help. He just wanted to know what Danny wanted to buy that he couldn't tell his lover. Especially when he had told Danny countless times that Vlad's fortune was his to use at any time. He was a bit offended Danny would keep something from him, unless it was supposed to be a surprise?

"I don't think it's that important." He mumbled, not wanting to tell his lover. His ears perked up as an idea struck him. "Oh! Why don't I call Sam and Tucker and see if they remember me being with them?"

Vlad wanted to pout, but the young halfa actually had a good idea. "Alright, but if that doesn't work, you should tell me what store you were supposed to visit. I could give them a call … perhaps you used your credit card today?" he asked hopefully. He'd be able to trace Danny's steps by looking at the history of purchases made that day.

"You mean the one hooked to your account but just has my name on it? Yeah I got rid of it."

"What? Why?!" Vlad asked, affronted.

Danny took out his cell phone and dialed Sam's number first, ignoring Vlad's question. Unfortunately, it went to voicemail so he left her a message to have her call him back. He called Tucker next and it didn't even ring. It just went straight to his voicemail. He must have forgotten to charge his phone again, which was typical. Danny left him a voicemail as well. After, he tried his parents and sister but they didn't pick up either. "Guess I'll try tomorrow morning."

Vlad flinched, deciding now was the appropriate time to tell his lover something very important. "Ah, Daniel, that won't be happening."

Danny tilted his head to the side, his cat ears tilting with the motion. Vlad couldn't help but smile at the cute sight. "Why not?"

"You don't recall being a kitten, do you?"

"A kitten?" He frowned, and then laughed, figuring it was just a joke. "Good one!"

"I'm not kidding." Vlad said carefully.

Danny stopped laughing. He stared at incredulously at Vlad, wondering why Vlad insisted on the joke. "Vlad, that's impossible."

"So are being half-ghost with cat ears and a tail yet here we are." At Danny's glare, Vlad cleared his throat and started to explain. "Desiree forced herself into my lab and appeared with a kitten in her arms. I knew it was you the moment I saw the kitten. Only you can get yourself into trouble like this, Little Badger. According to her, someone made a wish for you to be a kitten. However, the transformation is only until midnight. At midnight you revert back to your human form but with … accessories and will turn back to your kitten form at sun rise."

"Oh." Danny's ears drooped again, his tail swishing in an agitated manner. "I always wanted you to get a cat but this isn't exactly what I had in mind…"

Vlad rolled his eyes. "Oh ha-ha. It's bad enough you make fun of Maddie…" Speaking of which, he wondered where she had gone? Last he saw her, she was in his study room but then left right before Desiree appeared in his lab. He hoped she wouldn't give Danny a hard time. She was a spoiled cat who didn't like to share toys or her owner's attention.

Danny couldn't help but grin. "So what now?"

"Now…" Vlad pulled Danny flush against his chest. "We have a little fun…" He whispered huskily, licking at the shell of Danny's human ears. He was surprised Danny had them. In his cat form, his human ears were hidden behind his hair. "I've missed you, Little Badger. I thought about you all day." He nipped at the ear, implying which thoughts occupied him the most. He wrapped one arm around the slim waist to pull Danny close, and used his hand to play with the black, soft tail. For whatever reason that Vlad could not explain, the tail and cat ears were a turn on. They just looked so cute on his lover. If it weren't for the fact that Danny would change back to a kitten come some rise, this wouldn't be a hard change for Vlad to adjust to.

Danny mewled and arched into Vlad's touch. When Vlad stroked his tail, it felt amazing! He could feel Vlad's hard on underneath him. Grinning mischievously, he ground his hips onto it, electing a low moan from his older lover. Danny let out a gasp when Vlad grabbed Danny's ass and gave it a firm squeeze. His tail swished excitedly as his older lover pulled him into a rough but passionate kiss. Moaning into it, Danny wrapped his arms loosely around Vlad's neck. Their tongues fought for dominance but Vlad easily overcame Danny. Vlad felt incredibly eager for two reasons; his lover had been gone all day and the feline parts on him looked deliciously sinful.

Danny's shirt was slowly lifted off, forcing them to part enough so they could toss it aside. Grabbing onto Vlad's business suit, he tried to phase it off, only to realize he couldn't. "Vlad, I can't use my ghost powers." Danny said worriedly.

Vlad was too lost in his lust to really care. "I'm sure it's nothing." He said before attacking those swollen lips once more. He groaned in annoyance when Danny pulled away.

"Vlad, I'm not kidding. I can't change into my ghost form." Danny felt panic slowly start to rise in his chest. His ghost half meant everything to him. He would be terrified if it had somehow been taken away.

"It's probably just the wish interfering with your ghost powers. I promise you, Little Badger, I'll find a way to reverse this and you'll be back to your normal self." He smiled reassuring, feeling victorious when Danny smiled back. Now that his lover was assured, he could get back to his fun. He leaned forward and nipped Danny's lower lip, licking it apologetically when he realized he bit a little too hard. Danny didn't seem to mind. He seemed more occupied in ripping Vlad's shirt apart, which is what he did. The expensive suit was ripped open and tossed aside, revealing Vlad's toned chest.

Vlad trailed kisses down Danny's neck, a fire shooting up his spine when Danny let out a loud moan and gasp. "Vlad!" He nipped at Danny's shoulders and bit into the junction of Danny's neck hard enough that he tasted blood. Danny could only moan in response when Vlad licked the wound. "Ahh—Vlad…" he panted, wanting to taste his lover. He crawled off Vlad's lap and sunk onto his knees. Nuzzling Vlad's thigh, Danny mewled before using his teeth to pull down the man's zipper and unbuttoned the pants with his hand. Vlad could only watch in awe. He had to lift his hips enough for Danny to pull his pants down.

Danny eyed the straining erection covered by black silk boxers. He cupped it with his hand and squeezed, smirking when he heard a grunt above him followed by a loud moan. He loved hearing Vlad make noise. The man was usually quiet and always so focused on pleasuring Danny.

"D-Daniel," Vlad panted as his lover leaned forward to nuzzle his crotch. He moaned, wanting more. He wanted to feel his lover's hands on him. "Daniel…" his younger lover finally pulled down his boxers and released his hard erection. The top already had some precum on it. Smiling wickedly, Danny leaned forward to lap it up, like a kitten. Vlad groaned at the sight, enjoying it probably more than he should. His cock pulsed with desire when Danny flattened his ear and teasingly continued to lap on the top.

"Master?" Danny asked with a playful tone and smirk.

Vlad shivered and smirked down at his lover. "Yes, kitten?"

"Kitty wants some milk…"

"Oh, god." Vlad groaned, finally caving and stroking his cock. "Have some then, little ba—kitten." Not needing to be told twice, Danny suddenly swallowed around Vlad and sucked, hard. "Daniel!"

Danny hummed in response and continued to suck. Occasionally he pulled away to lick at it like a pleasant treat. Vlad moaned and barely resisted the urge to bulk into the warm mouth. If there was one thing Danny was very talented at, it was using that mouth of his. He always licked, nipped, and sucked just the right way. Enough to tease and drive Vlad utterly insane, and then enough to bring him over the edge. He played with Danny's cat ears as the younger halfa continued to worship his manhood. Scratching, tugging slightly and pinching them. Danny purred in response. "Ah-! Daniel!" When he felt that familiar pull start to gather in his stomach, he grabbed a handful of Danny's hair and pulled him away.

Breathing heavily, Vlad all but collapsed onto the chair. Danny grinned smugly and licked his lips, knowing Vlad loved it when he did. "Meow?"

Chuckling, Vlad got off the chair and maneuvered Danny with him to lie in front of the fire. The rug beneath them was soft and comfortable. It should be for the price Vlad paid for it. He kissed Danny, tasting himself as he explored the warm cavern and phased his pants and boxers off. Danny moaned in pleasure, arching into Vlad's body to get some friction. His neglected cock stood proudly as Danny shamelessly grinded against the other, letting out lustful moans.

"V-Vlad," Danny pouted. "P-please, I need you."

"Mm…How do you need me, my little kitten?"

Danny whimpered when he felt a finger trace his entrance. "T-there!"

"Here?" he pressed his finger on the hole but did not push in.

"Yesss." Danny hissed out.

"Beg for it."

Swallowing dryly, Danny looked into Vlad's eyes. They were swirling with lust, love, and so much desire. It made Danny feel sexy and wanted. Only Vlad could make him feel this way. "Please, please Vlad! I need you! In me, now!"

"Only if you're a good little kitten…" Vlad whispered tauntingly, kissing down Danny's chest. He latched onto a nipple and swirled his tongue around it before biting it. "Tell me you want me." He demanded huskily, giving the other nipple attention with his mouth.

Danny gasped. "I-I want you! Vlad! Please! I need you!"

Vlad hummed in approval before reaching over to his discarded pants to search for a small bottle of lube. He made it a habit to carry it on him when he discovered Danny was one to randomly pounce on him at any hour of the day just for sex. He opened the bottle and coated his fingers with the gel before returning to his lover. He traced his finger on the entrance before roughly pushing in.

Danny groaned in delight, but still wanted more. He squirmed underneath Vlad, who was eyeing him hungrily. He was just as impatient to enter Danny. His lover looked so good, lying on the rug, his cheeks red, his ears perked up and lustful pants escaping parted lips. "V-Vlad! Nnngh…Feels good! Ah-AH! Vlad!" he shouted when Vlad touched his special bundle of nerves. Vlad inserted another finger and began to scissor Danny's opening.

"You're so tight, my kitten. I can't wait to be inside you." He groaned at the thought, his cock pulsing in agreement. He needed to be inside Danny now.

"Vlad, just – hurry! I'm ready, just fuck me already!"

Not wanting to deny his lover, Vlad coated his cock with liberal amount of lube before tossing the bottle aside and entering his lover in one, swift thrust. Danny screamed, arching off the soft rug. It hurt a little, but the pleasure he felt immediately out weighted the pain. He moaned and squirmed as Vlad impatiently waited for Danny to adjust. Panting, Danny wrapped his legs around Vlad's waist and pulled him forward, his lover immediately getting the hint. Vlad pulled back before forcefully thrusting back in. He leaned forward and kissed his lover's swollen lips as he fucked his lover hard and fast, just how Danny liked it.

"Ah-! Oooh Vlad! VLAD!"

"Daniel!" Vlad moaned, burying his face in the crook of Danny's neck as he thrust harder into the tight, moist heat. He felt something soft yet hard touch his leg and it took him a few seconds to realize it was Danny's tail. He groaned, suddenly feeling more turned on. "Daniel…"

Danny lost himself in Vlad's thrusts. His body felt hot and he'd jolt when pleasure would shoot up his spine. He didn't want it to end. Vlad knew just how to make him feel incredible. "V-Vlad…" Danny gasped out, only to be cut out by a mewl he couldn't suppress. "Ooh…I-I'm c-close… Ah, s-sooo good-!"

Vlad was close, he could feel it, but he wanted his lover to cum first. He gripped onto Danny's cock and timed it so he was stroking in time with his thrusts. That did the trick. With a loud shout of Vlad's name, Danny came all over Vlad's hand and their chests, coming harder than he had in a while. Vlad only had a few more thrusts in before he was coming inside his lover. They waited until their beating hearts and panting breaths became less harsh before Vlad gingerly pulled out of Danny. Danny winced at the empty feeling but contently cuddled to Vlad's chest, purring happily. Chuckling, Vlad pulled Danny close to him and pressed a feathery light kiss on Danny's sweaty forehead.

"Daniel," Vlad whispered, pulling his lover into a sweet and loving kiss. "You're so wonderful, my little kitten."

Danny blushed at the comment and buried his face underneath Vlad's chin, inhaling the man's musky scent and the smell of sex still hanging heavily in the air. "Meow?" Danny wrapped his tail around Vlad's leg. "Maybe this whole being a kitten thing isn't so bad?"

"My thoughts exactly. However, I don't like the idea of having a pet cat during the day and a lover only at night." Vlad said firmly, remembering he still had to find the fool who made this wish on his lover.

Danny drooped his ears. He had forgotten about that. "Oh. Right." He yawned tiredly and cuddled into his lover's arms. "I'm sure you'll fix it." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

Vlad tightened his hold on Danny. "I hope so, Daniel. If not, someone is going to pay and pay severely." He promised darkly.

A/N: So…what'cha think? Worth continuing? Hope you guys enjoyed it.