A/N: Next chapter's up! I hope that you all enjoy it!

Beast Boy does not wonder the halls when he leaves the room, not like he wants too. Instead, he makes his way back up the stairs and down one hall, two halls, then three. Up another flight and into the room that has been set aside for himself.

It is empty.

Very empty and big and he doesn't feel that thrill now, the one that had coursed through him whem Ororo first showed it to him earlier that day. Now, instead of seeing a room that is all his, he sees a room that never will really belong to him.

After all, in a week or so, he will be gone. Back to the tower, to his team, to the people that have taken him in as family.


Hours pass by, and Beast Boy is left alone in his room. It is not much different from when he is at the tower, save this room lacks a bunk bed and is no where near as cluttered.

That bothers him. It bothers him a lot. He does nothing about it though, instead finding the highest surface in the room that will hold his weight and settling there.

It ends up being the dresser. Dark, smooth wood and a top with just enough room for him to curl up on. His legs tuck up near his chest and his head is pillowed by one arm, the other hanging off the side. It is hard beneath him, but the feeling of being off the ground is reassuring, even as it sends a trickle of fear through his chest.

Animal instincts, muses Beast Boy, are all very conflicting things.


The young boy is still curled on top of his dresser when sun begins to stream through the open window the next morning. He is awake, even though his eyes are closed and his breaths are even, debating the merits of actually getting up and finding breakfast.

They aren't big today, though it doesn't surprise him.

Nights when Beast Boy or more noctornal then anything, his appetite wanes to almost nothing. Stress takes hold and he is aware of every little thing - like the footsteps coming down the hall, pausing at his door, knocking against it.

His dark green eyes snap open, head swiveling around to stare at the door. Beast Boy sniffs, and he recognizes the scent as the girl that smelled like fear yesterday.

Kitty, he thinks, though he isn't positive on her name.

"Yeah?" asks Beast Boy, and his voice is heavy with sleep even though he has been almost awake for hours.

"Like, Beast Boy? Mister Logan wanted me to come get you and, like, show you where the Danger Room is." says the voice, and he notes that the girl on the other end sounds nervous.

Doesn't hesitate in sliding off of the dresser though, feet hitting the ground with a dull thump that doesn't quite reach his spine. Beast Boy isn't entirely certain what a Danger Room is, but Logan is the one asking for him so he doesn't hesitate in opening the door, only vaguely aware of the fact that his clothes are rumpled and dirty.

Kitty takes a quick step back when it swings open, and Beast Boy grins at her. Fear once more fills the air, but he just laughs, and it is all white teeth and two sharp canines.

"So, Logan wants to see me?" he asks, when the laughted finally peeters away. "Welp, lead the way!"

She doesn't move right away, instead looking him over from slightly narrowed eyes. Brushes a piece of brown hair away from her smooth face - and Beast Boy notes the fact that she's wearing the same form of outfit that the girl from before, Jean, was wearing when he first arrived.

Uniforms, he decides. Then he decides that he doesn't like the fact they all look the same.


They walk in silence and Kitty cannot decide what she thinks of the new boy.

He seems friendly enough, she supposes, but she's always been hung up on how someone looks. Rouge, Kurt, Hank; it took her a long time to adjust to them all, and even now she gets caught off gaurd when bumping into them at night.

So Beast Boy's appearance bothers her.

He's green and his teeth are sharp and his clothing is odd.

He seems nice though, and doesn't try to talk to her as they walk. Just looks around the place with wide eyes, watching as the smooth decor of the manor disappears and is instead replaced with silvers and metals and things that shine. Kitty leads him down the hall and presses the button that brings about the elevator, stepping inside and turning around to hit the button for the basement level.

Then she realizes that Beast Boy hasn't joined her yet.

He is just standing there, staring at her with suddenly wide eyes and hands that have been curled into fists. Like he's afraid, but of what?

"Uh, Beast Boy?" asks Kitty, slightly confused, more than a little worried.

He doesn't answer. Just stands there and stares, hands fisting and then opening and closing again.

"Like, we kind of have to get down there so. Mister Logan doesn't like waiting around..." she mutters, still not sure what has happened.

Then Beast Boy gives a harsh blink and shakes his head, that too bright smile back on his face. His fingers uncurl, but the action is stiff and forced, just like the steps he is suddenly taking towards her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." he says, and his voice is just as chipper as it had been earlier.


It's a test, Beast Boy tells himself, just like everything else the older man does.

Riding the elevator, that is. Being in something so confined and not spooking the girl there with him. Or maybe Logan wants him to scare Kitty? To show that he has the same regular fears as everyone else?

If that is it, then it's one of the few things that Beast Boy cannot do for his old friend.

No, he has spent too much time trying to perfect his ask. To steel his defences and fight back against the thousands of emotions that are constantly roiling inside of his chest.

So, instead of running like he want too, instead of clawing at the walls and trying to break free, Beast Boy just stands there. Leans against the cool metal wall with his hands crossed over his chest and his eyes closed, looking for all the world like he's at peace save for the way that his gloved fingers are digging into his arms.

After all, he's here to help the students. Not show them his own petty fears.