Gohan Roxas: It's BAAACK! Sorry it's been so long between chapters, but I had very few ideas. This time I decided I'd focus on a certain character's backstory. And no, it's not Roxas, nor is it Sora or Axel (who was Lea in chapter one, but he's Axel from now on).
Sora: Who is it?
GR: Spoilers…
Commander's Office
Light Guardians HQ
1000 hours
12th July 2012
Eraqus Hamill tented his fingers, listening to Sora's report on the incident. According to him, Roxas had had this girl – Naminé Villiers – at his apartment for whatever reason when the vampire, who intelligence had been able to identify as Xaldin Fisher, attacked. Fisher had attempted to attack Ms Villiers believing he was Roxas.
It was troubling news. Particularly in light of the fact that Fisher was a known associate of the one thing in the world who wanted Roxas dead more than anything: Xemnas St. Peter.
Eraqus cleared his throat as an indication for Sora to stop talking. "So let me understand. Roxas does not want Naminé's memory to be erased, as per the usual procedure, but instead wants to offer her protection here."
"Yes sir," Sora nodded. "At least, that's what he told me last night, sir."
"In other words, he has learned to love again." Despite the gravity of the situation, Eraqus chuckled.
"Never mind." Eraqus thought about it. "Perhaps it's not such a bad idea after all." He stood up. "As of now, Roxas Strife is fully reinstated to the Light Guardians, and the civilian Naminé Villiers will be informed of the truth of what we do."
"Are you sure that's a good idea, sir?" Sora asked delicately. "Not that I'm questioning you, or anything…"
Eraqus smiled. "I know, but the usual rules have to be suspended for now. Send for Ms Villiers, and send someone to tell Roxas he's back on the job."
Sora grinned. "Yes sir."
A few minutes later, a terrified-looking blonde woman was led into his office. She flinched slightly at Eraqus' scars.
"It's alright. I'm a friend," he assured her. He held out a hand. "My name is Eraqus Hamill."
She shook the hand warily. "Naminé Villiers."
He sat down and gestured for her to do the same. "How much do you know about your new friend, Ms Villiers?"
"Not much," Naminé admitted. "Can you tell me more, Mr Hamill?"
Eraqus chuckled. "Oh, the things I could tell you, Ms Villiers. And please, call me Eraqus."
Naminé smiled. "Thank you, Eraqus."
The Director of the Light Guardians leant back in his chair. "Before I tell you the story of Roxas Strife, I need to tell you my story."
Hollow Bastion
2230 hours
12th December 1982
Eraqus Hamill strode confidently through the hallways, knowing that stealth was not an option with this particular mark. This vampire was on par with Dracula in his prime, and he'd killed many an agent who'd been sent in to destroy him. So why send Eraqus in? Alone, at that?
Simple. He was that damn good.
Eraqus' black cloak kicked at his heels; his footsteps echoed throughout the building. He stopped. "You know I'm here!" he shouted. "You may as well make things easier on us both!"
There was a dry chuckle; a haunting sound. A bald old man with a white goatee and yellow eyes landed with a heavy thud in front of the altar. He stood up as straight as he could and glared at Eraqus.
Xehanort Nimoy.
"I admire your bravery, boy," the vampire sneered. "There may be much stupidity involved as well, but it is bravery nonetheless."
Eraqus did not take the bait. "Can we skip the preamble, please? My wife hates it when I'm late for dinner."
Xehanort cackled. "Very well." His eyes flashed crimson as he leapt with inhuman speed at Eraqus.
The hunter leapt out of the way and took cover behind a bench. He pulled his Colt revolver from his holster and shot at the vampire.
Contemptuously, Xehanort dodged the bullets, then vanished.
Eraqus looked around, shocked. The files never said that Xehanort could do that.
He felt breath on his neck; he turned to see Xehanort behind him.
The next thing he knew, he was on the floor, his face bleeding from the deep gashes Xehanort's claws had inflicted.
Xehanort cackled again. "Any last words?" He moved towards Eraqus, his hands behind his hunched back.
"Yes," Eraqus panted out, struggling to right himself. Xehanort moved closer to him.
The vampire's mouth suddenly gaped open, and his gaze moved down to the wooden stake that was now stuck into his heart.
"Requiescat in pace," Eraqus breathed his catch-phrase through gritted teeth.
Slowly, Xehanort became engulfed in dark flames. The flames consumed him until there was nothing but ash left.
"And may no-one remember your name," Eraqus murmured as he walked out of the chapel, his blood still dripping down his face.
Commander's Office
Light Guardians HQ
1100 hours
12th July 2012
Naminé's eyes boggled as Eraqus told the story of how he got the scars that rested on his face.
Eraqus smiled kindly at her. "It's difficult to take in, I know. But that story relays back into present day. You see, Roxas – or Ventus, as you knew him – is the son of Cloud Strife, one of the best agents this organisation has ever seen. Roxas was a prodigy. He already knew exactly what to do. I saw that with my own eyes. Roxas was the first agent I inducted into the Light Guardians after I became Director."
Naminé remained silent.
"As for Xehanort's connection to this, he was the one who turned Xemnas St. Peter. Xemnas is currently the oldest – and most dangerous – vampire on the planet. And Roxas, for lack of a better term, pissed him off."
"H-how?" Naminé stammered. She was amazed at what she was hearing. Even more amazing was the fact that she was believing every word.
"Two years ago," Eraqus began, "Roxas and his wife, Xion, were sent to rescue an agent from the custody of Xemnas. In the attempt, Xemnas' wife, Larxene, was destroyed by Roxas."
Naminé suddenly felt a surge of pride for the man she'd known as Ventus Tribal.
"Unfortunately, Xion was killed during their escape."
The wedding band. The sorrowful look on his face. She felt even more sympathetic to him now.
"After that, Roxas was placed in witness protection as Ventus Tribal in Twilight Town, where he met you."
"So I have you to thank, then?"
Eraqus blinked. "Excuse me?"
"If you hadn't sent Ven…I mean, Roxas…to Twilight Town, I would never have met him. So…as weird as this sounds, thank you."
Eraqus smiled and took her hand in his. "It was my pleasure."
Throne Room
The Castle That Never Was
2240 hours
12th July 2012
Xemnas clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly. How Xaldin's failure irked him. Xaldin was among the most efficient of his servants. And yet he had failed. Destroyed by that cursed Roxas Strife.
Xemnas roared suddenly and tipped over his table, spilling the wine glass of blood onto the floor.
The shy footsteps of Lexaeus entered the room. "What news?"
"The hunter has returned to his base with the girl," the servant rumbled.
"And our informant?"
"Prepared to do whatever it takes, My Lord."
Xemnas grinned insanely, blood staining his teeth. "Excellent. He cannot run or hide now."
Sora: Wait, what?! Informant?
GR: I'm saying nothing.
Roxas: Hey Gohan…
GR: Yeah?
Roxas: What was that stuff Eraqus said to Xehanort?
GR: Oh that. Yeah, that was a few nods to both the Hugh Jackman "Van Helsing" movie and the "Assassin's Creed" series. If you saw that, dear readers, kudos to you.