Hello!, I am so glad and thankful for all of your reviews, follows and favs, you make my day, really. Here it is, a new, longer chapter, I hope you like it, we are close, almost there, so be patient. Lots of love for everyone who takes the time to read this.

Disclaimer: I only own my pervy imagination, TBBT is Chuck Lorre´s and Bill Prady´s property.

Chapter 12. The only logical explanation.

Amy´s lungs seemed out of air. Sheldon´s voice seemed to have left her without breath. She jumped violently and snatched her hand without hesitation, turning to the source of that disturbing voice.

Sheldon´s eyes were flashing with fury, just like they had at his office what seemed like a hundred years ago. She found herself momentarily lost in that sparkling blue eyes until he turned towards the comic book store owner. It took her a huge effort to pay attention to what he was saying to Stuart. This was not at all the boyfriend she was accustomed to. He usually whined and had fits when something displeased him. This was quite different. His body language and words dripped anger and aggressiveness.

Amy found herself oddly mesmerized by this sight. It was always kind of arousing for her watching her boyfriend asserting his dominance as alpha male. Although there was something this time that made her slightly scared of him.

She heard Stuart stammering something about her hand. Sheldon´s eyes met hers again, and his hand was closed around her left arm. Next thing she knew, she was being dragged by her boyfriend through the comic book store door and out into the street.

Amy found herself out of breath, but now because he kept dragging her along and his long legs made impossible for her to keep up with him unless she kept running. After realizing they were almost at her place she decided she had had enough of it. She resisted then, but to no use—boy, I hadn´t realized how strong he really is—She felt his chest about to explode so she dug her heels and urged him to stop.

-"Sheldon…stop now please"—Apparently he hadn´t listened, he kept walking briskly, entering her apartment building and dragging her up the stairs and straight to her door. Amy felt desperate and angry, so she raised her voice and tugged at his arm with all her strength—"Sheldon Lee Cooper, I said stop…now!"—This time he complied, although he made it so abruptly that she bumped a little painfully on his right arm.

-"auch!...Sheldon, what do you think you are doing?"—Amy talked more calmly now. After all they were no hippies, they shouldn´t be arguing in the middle of the hallway-"I thought you were under quarantine and wouldn´t left your place until next week"—She tried to control her breathing and her racing heart stammered against her throat while she glared at him.

He hadn´t released her yet and was watching her with his jaw set and his eyes furrowed. His voice was cold and angered when he finally spoke through greeted teeth.

-"I don´t want to talk about it out here. I think it best if you open your door and we get in before we could start arguing in the middle of the hallway, like some kind of hippies on a quarrel"—His right eye was twitching and he released her, standing rigidly besides her.

Amy wasn´t really sure about entering her apartment with him in his state, he was scaring her all right. She fumbled in her purse for her keys while thinking about some excuse until he groaned and took the keys from her trembling hands, opening the door, letting himself in and gesturing for her to enter.

Amy thought that even if he was angry he would never hurt her, she felt deep inside sure of it. On the other hand, he had been that angry the last time and they had ended nearly having intercourse on his desk. That had been in a public place, and now he was inside her apartment, arching his eyebrows at her with sparkling furious blue eyes, silently urging her to enter.

-"Are you ever going to enter Amy, or shall we stand here the entire afternoon?"—Sheldon felt angry, yes, but jealous like hell would be a better description. He couldn´t process correctly what his eyes just had witnessed. He couldn´t understand it, she had said that it was up to him, that she would understand if he decided to keep away from her and she would be waiting for him, yet he had walked on her, apparently flirting with another man. With not other than Stuart, who had once dated her.

Amy walked slowly but resolved into the apartment and went directly to the kitchen where she started making preparations for tea. They both needed some, she thought. The sound of the door closing made her jump slightly as a rush of adrenaline made her shudder. Now she was alone with her furious boyfriend in her otherwise empty department. What would happen next?. Sheldon was obviously jealous. He may want for her to explain herself. Maybe he would be angry enough to claim his rights over her like a real cave man, he had done so back at the store, but even if she knew, rationally that his actions should be offending and angering her, the effect was quite the opposite, she found his attitude a little scary but highly titillating at the same time. Maybe she was behaving like a cave woman, finding the idea of him claiming her for himself as the most enthralling thing that had happened in her entire life—Oh my gosh, what the hell am I thinking?, all this years of unresolved sexual tension are finally affecting my mind.—She forced herself to keep busy with tea.

Sheldon couldn´t help but keep thinking about what Leonard and Penny had told him, about Amy wanting a full, adult relationship and about how she could find other man who could give her all she needed. His mind was a twister of torturous thoughts-Maybe she has changed her mind and decided she has have enough of me and my issues. Maybe she needs more affection, more…physical contact and she is looking for it elsewhere. Maybe she had been looking for a better boyfriend, maybe not so brilliant but so much more romantic and all that hogwash the girls always like. Maybe, like Penny said, I have lost my opportunity and someone has taken my place—he shuddered.

Penny´s words pierced his mind like a knife: "Amy won´t remain a virgin forever Sheldon"—Sheldon felt his blood boiling and his stomach churning at the same time. He was feeling slightly dizzy and recognized the impending symptoms of a panic attack. Not now, he thought. Now I have to know what the hell happened at the comic store with my girlfriend, and if she is still my girlfriend for that matters, I have to solve this, I can´t lose her, I need to know what is going on-. He leaned on the door, closed his eyes, breathing deeply several times, allowing the oxygen to reach his brain and forcing his muscles to relax a little, trying to void his mind of all thoughts. It took a great effort but after counting up to twenty he felt slightly better.

Sheldon opened his eyes and walked slowly towards the couch. He sat down in his spot at Amy´s and kept staring at the opposite wall, full of images of monkeys and a shelf containing a lot of books about brains and mushy things like that. He could hear Amy´s movements from the kitchen. Then there was silence, a very awkward silence. He took a deep breath and stood up, turning to face her. She was standing behind the counter, with a strange look in her eyes, her face slightly flushed.

-"Amy, I am making a supreme effort to control myself and avoid making any assumptions about what I have just witnessed. I would like for you to offer an explanation …"—Sheldon´s voice was calmer now but still had a cold edge.

Amy recognized that cold edge and felt angered by his attitude. He had rejected her after all, he didn´t even send her requested e-mail informing her about his decision. Yet she had tried to be understanding and show him her support and affection by waiting for him. Now he was being this cold and severe to her because he saw her chatting with another man. He didn´t want to give her nothing yet he expected for her to be secluded from humanity just for him not to feel jealous or insecure. It was all about him, as it always had been. His feelings, his security, his quirks, his needs.

-"I don´t understand why you are so upset. You made perfectly clear that you would be hiding in our apartment, working on freeing yourself from your unwelcomed fictional feelings towards me. I accepted your decision, your rejection, even if you didn´t even had the decency to inform me about said decision. You were supposed to be in quarantine, so what were you doing at the comic book store?"—Her tone was cold now too and her eyes were sending daggers at him.

-"Really, Amy Farrah Fowler?, are you questioning my presence at the comic book store?. I go there every week, while you have gone there like thrice in your life, so, logically I should say that it was a shock to me to find you there, apparently flirting with Stuart, precisely with him, a man you once dated. The one we could say you have a story with, and precisely while I was supposed to be in my apartment, unsuspecting about your whereabouts"—He felt his right eye twitching slightly, but kept his grave countenance.

-"What do you mean "unsuspecting". If you are trying to imply again that I am cheating on you we could very well end this conversation along with the relationship agreement. I won´t tolerate you insulting me again Sheldon Cooper, you better think very well your next words"—She walked and stopped just behind the couch, narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest contemptuously.

Sheldon felt a shiver through his spine. He couldn´t help but stop in his tracks at her words. He didn´t want another quarrel nor the termination of their relationship, so he breathed deeply again and again, attempting to control his raging mind.

Sheldon´s eyes lingered over her, brown sleek hair, flashing green eyes, flushed cheeks. Even if she obviously was angry and her body posture wasn't exactly friendly, he couldn´t help but notice that it highlighted her chest, covered by the thin fabric of her summer dress—When did she take out her cardigan?—He couldn´t help but notice the way her breasts moved in time with her breathing, remembering how it felt when he had kissed them at her office. He kept staring, mesmerized until he heard her gasp audibly, apparently reading his mind. He then looked at her eyes, finding them brilliant but not in anger, but something different, her pupils were dilated and her cheeks were even redder, her lips were slightly parted and her breathing was labored.

He forgot about everything. Nothing else mattered besides watching Amy, her skin, her eyes. He couldn´t even remember that he had to answer her.

Amy couldn´t believe it. They had been arguing and she had been really angry at him for being such a jerk again, then he appeared to be reconsidering his attitude and suddenly everything changed. She could see fear in his eyes when she talked about terminating their relationship and he kept silent, breathing deeply. Then his eyes wandered over her and everything changed.

His eyes fixated over her breasts and suddenly his expression went blank. Amy felt his intense gaze over her body as if he literally was touching her. Somehow she was sure he was remembering the way he had touched her at his office and the memory made her feel a warming growing in her nether region—what is wrong with me, how can I be pissed off an instant and so aroused the next one, just because he is staring at my chest!—But she had to accept it. She could feel the impending symptoms: elevated heart rate, clammy hands, vascular throbbing, there was no use in denying it.

Amy used all her strength to focus again on the discussion at hand. He hadn´t said anything yet and she needed to hear him, she wouldn´t have him offending her again. She gasped, trying to bring some oxygen into her clouded brain. He looked at her eyes and she felt her knees weak when she noticed his dilated pupils and his entranced look over her lips—get a grip, Fowler, you need to be strong or you better get accustomed to be his toy girlfriend forever-

-"Sheldon, I am waiting for an answer…"—Her voice was slightly trembling and she cleared her throat.

Sheldon jumped at her voice and cleared his throat loudly. He couldn´t shake the sensations running through his body now. He felt utterly conflicted, one part of him just wanted to take her in his arms and fulfill all of those daydreams that had had him in the shower during the last days, but other part of him was still wanting to run away as far as he can from that vixen, refusing to give in and act like a crazy hippie in heat.

-"Dear Lord Amy, stop driving me crazy, stop threatening me with breaking up"—He walked around the couch and came to a halt really close to her, their bodies barely touching. She refused to retreat, but leaned against the back of the couch. He noticed how soft her lips looked and how her dress afforded him a good view of her cleavage from his stature, she had a golden necklace on and he could see how the little monkey hanging from it was sitting just where the valley between her breasts was barely visible—Oh Dear Lord, I had never wished for me to be a little piece of jewelry before, what is wrong with me?—this was going to get out of hand and he needed to get a grip on himself before he acted like a salvage again. He took a step back, averting his eyes from her, but she wasn´t finished.

-"I am not threatening you Sheldon. I just don´t understand why would you be interested in maintaining a relationship with a woman who, according to you, is ready to cheat on you on the first opportunity. In that case I don´t think it´s logical to maintain this relationship"—Amy straightened herself and raised a little her voice—"as to the explanations you asked from me before, I will only tell you that I am an adult woman, and I may be your girlfriend but I am certainly not your slave nor your property, I am free to go wherever I want and talk to anyone I choose. I wasn´t behaving myself in any reprehensible way and you have no right…"

Sheldon felt his blood thumping in his ears by hearing this, he didn´t even listened to her properly, to him she was confirming his worst thoughts—So she thinks she can go wherever she wants and do what she wants willy-nilly, maybe this is not the first time she had been at the comic book store—That thought set his blood in fire—Maybe now she is just looking for some excuse to ditch me and go looking for Stuart.—He remembered Penny´s words again, about how she had suffered when Leonard was with Priya and knew that he could never stand watching Amy dating Stuart.

The mere thought of watching them together, kissing, cuddling made him feel nauseated.—Well, if Amy Farrah Fowler thinks that I am going to stand aside while she gives into her baser urges with another man she is completely wrong, and I will show her that. I will be damned if I give up my woman that easily.

-"Stop now, Amy Farrah Fowler"—Sheldon interrupted her with a stern tone while stepping closer to her, towering over her smaller frame—"I am very aware that you are a grown up woman, that you are a brilliant professional and a free human being, but I beg to differ in one of your statements"—He stepped closer to her, their bodies touching and his right hand found his way around her waist pulling her closer, while his left hand took her face so she had to crane her neck to look him square in the eye—"because, as a matter of fact, you are MINE"—His voice was low now—" for I not only have a legal contract to prove that you are committed to me as my girlfriend, but I can and will claim you as my woman in every single way"—His eyes were darkened and he pulled her closer, trapping her against the back of the couch.

Amy barely could breath. Sheldon´s eyes were mesmerizing, dark, dangerous. His words kept ringing in her ears. She couldn´t believe what she was listening. She felt his body against her and his hand on her face. Her own hands were limp at her sides until she felt the back of the couch on her backside and took his shoulders to keep herself from falling backwards.

Sheldon found himself oddly delighted at her astonished expression, her dilated pupils and her shallow breath—"I will let you know that I can give you what you want, you will have no doubt in your mind that you are mine"—He leaned down and touched lightly her lips with his, pulling apart immediately and staring deeply into her eyes—"What do you want Amy…?"—his breath was hot against her aching lips—"do you want me to kiss you?"

Amy couldn´t have moved even if her life depended on it. She couldn´t think, the feeling of his body pressing her against the couch, his taunt muscles under her hand, his lips barely touching hers drove her crazy in less than one second. She knew that there was something that needed to be said, she tried desperately to remember why she was angry at him just a moment ago, but to no avail.—Is Sheldon really asking me if I want him to kiss me?—finally she whispered the only word that followed that question in her mind—"yes…"— and closed her eyes, begging him silently to oblige.

Sheldon practically kissed the word on her lips, crushing their lips together in a hard kiss. He pulled away briefly, panting slightly before leaning again and kissing her more softly, pressing his lips gently against hers, copying the movements he had seen at the movies, after all, having an eidetic memory could be helpful sometimes. She was very still at first but after a few seconds she started moving her lips softly under his, creating a sweet friction that sent electric shocks from their united lips through their bodies.

-Fascinating—Sheldon thought clumsily. He suddenly felt the need to try something more. He opened his mouth to take her lower lip and sucked gently at it. She moaned into his lips and he felt all his body vibrating at this. His hand went from her face to her neck, combing her hair in its way down her back and he pulled her even closer, feeling her breasts crushing against his chest -Dear Lord, she is so sweet, so soft, I could do this all day—

Sheldon moaned in delight and moved his hand around her, looking for something he had been obsessing during the last days, he found it blindly and felt his heart leaping in his chest as his hand cupped her breast, realizing that it fitted perfectly his hand—She is perfect, so perfect for me, we are like pieces of a puzzle—he squeezed it not too gently and ran his thumb across it, feeling her nipple hardening under his hand. He kept kissing her, slipping his tongue over her lips, urging her to open her lips for him. He was now far too lost in sensations and all he wanted was to keep going, feeling more of her.

Amy had been trying to remember why shouldn´t she be kissing him right now, but after he sucked her lip and upon feeling his hand on her breast she just lost track of her thoughts-oh my gosh, does he know what he is doing?... he´s driving me crazy"—That felt so good she couldn´t help but keep moaning at his caresses and when his tongue ran through her lower lip her knees trembled. She opened her mouth and laced her arms around his neck, combing his soft hair with one hand while feeling his tongue brushing the inside of her mouth and her teeth and she used hers to lightly caress his mouth.

His body stiffened and for one moment she thought he was going to pull apart, repulsed, until she felt his tongue going deeper into his mouth, in a hard, searing kiss, while he kept massaging her breast and his other hand went south, cupping her backside, thrusting against her hip, pulling her leg over his hip in a fluid movement. She couldn´t help but broke the kiss while squealing at the sensation of he against her very core—Oh lord, he feels so…big—Not that she had a lot of experience but it stroke to her that he was kind of impressive and that made her feel a little worried, remembering the stories she had heard from Penny and Bernadette, about their own first times being painful—what did I get myself into?—she had told Sheldon that she would be ready for him, but she felt suddenly nervous now that it seemed that he was going to finally take her offer.

Sheldon was well past the thinking point right now. The feeling of her soft mouth yielding to his sent him over the edge. His instinct was leading him again and he kissed her hard, literally invading her mouth, running his hands all over her. His pants were killing him by now, the familiar aching throbbing between his legs. He cupped her back side forcefully and brought her nearer to him, thrusting into her while pulling her leg over his hip. Amy broke the kiss and squealed. He groaned, in frustration, feeling and unknown fire running through his body, he could see her surprised eyes just before burying his head in the crook of her neck, kissing and nibbling her tender skin while he kept thrusting into her body and used his hand to caress her thigh, bringing her dress up until he caressed her bare but, turning his hand until his fingers were almost brushing against her aching core.

Amy felt his hand running up her thigh, dragging her dress up until her waist and then felt him caressing her backside, brushing lightly her very center through her panties. His other hand was stroking her breast fervently while he kept nibbling at her neck. She only managed to keep moaning and moaning while stroking his hair with one trembling hand and supporting herself with a clenched fist on his superhero t-shirt.

Suddenly she heard a whistling loud noise—wait, surely my blood pressure is high right now, but that is too much loud to be me—

Sheldon stiffened and stopped immediately like echoing her thoughts. Pulling apart, but not breaking their embrace he turned his head right and left with a slightly confused expression in his handsome face.

-"Darn it!—Sheldon hissed, furiously—"What fresh hell is that bleeding noise?"—His breath was labored and his hands kept her in place, kneading her soft skin and making her feel like a brainless mass of nerves.

Suddenly the answer came to Amy´s blurred mind—"The…the kettle, Sheldon… I wanted to make some tea"—Amy felt really embarrassed now, the loud noise made her remember that they were supposed to be talking and no eating each others faces. She awkwardly put her hands on his chest, trying to disentangle from his tight embrace. He didn´t yield at first, but finally he seemed to realize that he was holding her in a so much intimate way and released her abruptly, taking a step backwards and watching at his hands as if not believing where they just had been.

Amy found her knees really wobbly, but gathered herself and walked to the kitchen with all the grace she was capable of at the moment. She poured the hot water in the already prepared mugs. She took the tray and brought it to the coffee table, passing an apparently petrified Sheldon in her way to the living room. She took her place in the couch and waited for him.

Sheldon couldn´t believe what he had just done. His brain was in a short cut. He didn´t know if he should be running away to his apartment or if he would be brave enough to face Amy Farrah Fowler now. The fact that Amy was waiting for him, apparently calmly sat in the couch and offering a hot mug of tea made him aware that she was still amenable to talk. He was still resolved not to let her go, and he supposed that running away would be a crass mistake, clearly leading to her terminating the relationship—so be it, let´s talk about this once and for all. Man up Cooper, and do what you have to do, even if it is act like a real hippie—He breathed deeply twice to help calm his racing heart and turned around the couch, taking his place beside Amy.

Amy sat rigidly, and took a sip of her tea, just for something to do. Sheldon did the same, his hands were shaking slightly, and he forced himself to breath deeply so as to control himself—I am the master of my body—he chanted again and again in his mind. After he finished his tea, he finally felt calmed enough to talk.

-"Amy, I…"-he hesitated, he wanted to say too much and yet couldn't bring himself to do it.—"I think that an apology is in order, for I behaved myself as a completely irrational beast again"—He hung his head and kept staring at his hands, clasped tightly over his lap.

Amy felt her heart sank upon hearing him. He was apologetic, just after what could be one of the most enthralling moments of her life he had to go and ruined it for her. For god sakes, she was so tired of this nuts game. It was better when there was virtually no contact between them. At least then she had felt frustrated, but nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Her loins were positively screaming and now he was apologizing…so what next?. Maybe he would avoid her for the whole next year, just to be sure that he won´t do something like that again. She knew very well that Sheldon had his quirks since she first met him, and she loved him just as he was, she wanted him in heart, body and soul. Well, the body part was the most difficult for them, and she had been certain that a lot of patience would be necessary on that score, but this was just unbearable. Being tempted with little glimpses of paradise, feeling the passion unravel inside her, just to be denied and rejected.

-"Sheldon, I am sorry but I can´t accept your apology"—She avoided his eyes and tried to keep her voice steady. She wouldn´t cry. At least she had to keep some self respect—"I don´t want for you to regret what just happened, but you obviously do it"—She sighed—"I don´t know what do you want from me Sheldon, but this situation can´t continue. You kiss me, touch me, make me feel like a desirable woman and then you reject me. I would rather have you not touching me at all. I can cope with that, but not with this torture. You are driving me crazy!"—She raised her voice, she felt so frustrated.

-"But…Amy—"Sheldon looked astonished at her outburst—"that´s precisely what I am talking about, I know I shouldn´t be doing this. I would never meant to hurt you. I am very fond of you Amy, I…"—He felt a great lump in his throat and stopped, nervously staring at his united hands over his lap, he didn´t like it when people raised their voice, he hated fights and was really stressed now—"Amy…the truth is that I…"-He sighed and muster all his courage for what he was going to say—"I am afraid I might lose you Amy. You are such a special person"—staring directly at her eyes he continued—"I cannot expect for someone as intelligent and logical as yourself to stay in an unsatisfactory relationship. It is only logical that you eventually would seek a better option"—He sighed and looked again at his hands—"I would. I couldn´t really blame you"—His face went very pale and his hands were fidgeting nervously—"Probably you are right and we should terminate the relationship agreement.."

Amy let out a loud groan while putting her head between her hands—"what the hell, Sheldon?—she felt so frustrated, he would rather run away from her than face his own feelings or desires—"I have been nothing but patient and I think I have been a good girlfriend to you. I have observed our agreement to the slightest details. I have driven you wherever you wanted to go. I have accompanied you to your doctor appointments"—She started raising her voice again, anger getting the better of her—"You have absolutely no reason to think that I would be cheating on you"—She glared at him.

Sheldon stood up abruptly, and started pacing around her small living room like a jailed lion, his voice were full of anger again when he spoke

-"Indeed you have been an excellent girlfriend Amy. Yet you haven´t answered my question about your presence at the comic book store"—Then he caught eye of her glare and added quickly—"I am merely stating the fact that you haven´t answered my question, I am not implying that you were flirting with Stuart, even if the facts seem to support that alternative"—He said sternly.

Amy breathed deeply, trying to gather some control over herself-"Sheldon, I wasn´t flirting with him, you are offending me again. I was merely asking his help in choosing a gift for you…"

-"A gift for me?—Sheldon´s voice was high pitched—"Amy, what on earth are you talking about, you know my birthday was last month and you know pretty well I don´t care about presents. I don´t like them because I never know how to reciprocate"- Sheldon looked confused but anger was still present.

-"I just wanted to show you that I respected your decision about your "Pon farr" issue, and that everything was all right between us". She felt her cheeks flushed at the mention of his problem. She couldn´t help but remember her vivid dream about them at the zoo.

-"Really Amy…—Started Sheldon again but she raised her hand to stop him.

"I haven´t finished talking Sheldon. I accepted your decision but that wasn´t easy for me. I passed some days in hell. You have no idea how hard has been for me dealing with your continued rejection. Today I finally felt slightly better and I thought I could go out and enjoy the weather. I decided to go looking for something at the comic store and I was really surprised to find you there. I was behaving perfectly well and I have not violated our agreement in any way. I must assure you I have no idea why you are so determined to think that I could cheat on you. I don´t like to repeat myself, but I must say it again, you have absolutely no reason to think ill of me"—She stood up and put her hands on her hips to emphasize her words.

Something snapped inside Sheldon at her words and he finally let out what was tormenting him, from the deepest of his chest he let out a loud groan.

-"Oh, don´t you toy with me, woman!. I have good reasons to think you could get tired of me and go looking for someone else"—Sheldon heard her gasp in surprise and outrage but continued angrily—"You have been very clear about your intentions of having a more intimate and physical relationship. You conducted experiments on me to increase my affection for you. You knew I wasn´t ready for it, but that didn´t stop you"—Sheldon went on breathing heavily and staring at her from his impressive stature—" On top of it, it has been pointed out to me in numerous occasions by our so called "friends" that my failure at giving you what you want could only lead to you looking for someone else, someone who could fulfill your requirements"—He suddenly deflated and hung his head, hunching—"they think you deserve a better boyfriend, someone who could give you what I can´t".

Amy let his words sink in and than felt a great rush of relieve washing over her. She could have an idea of what Penny and Leonard could have been talking to him and now could see why he had been acting so irrational. Besides, he was right about her pushing him forward and forward. She had conducted her experiments on him looking for increasing his feelings for her. But Sheldon was a very special man, she had been successful in her intent, he now was aware of her as a woman and even wanted her, if what happened at his office was any indication, but now he was having trouble handing the new feelings she had awaken in him—Okay, apparently this has been in part, my mistake, I have been pushing too hard, too soon—She breathed deeply and looked up into his eyes.

-"Sheldon, listen to me. I don´t want someone else. You are the only one I want. You make me feel happy and complete in a way nobody ever had"—She reached out and took his hands in hers, feeling him jump but didn´t release him—"you are right about me pushing you, and I am so sorry for doing it, but I couldn´t help it, I wanted more, I still want more. I made a mistake by trying to rush things. I am to be redundant now, but it seems necessary. I want to be intimate with you Sheldon, but only if you want it too."—She squeezed his hands and was happy to feel him returning the pressure

-"You are right too about me threatening you with breaking up, I felt offended by your assumptions about my fidelity"—She looked for his eyes until she met them and looked square at him. –"You shouldn´t listen to anyone when they tell you I am going to leave you for anyone. I won´t do it Sheldon. There is no one better than you for me. You are the one for me"—She released his arms and took his face in her hands, facing him and allowing for once her eyes to express her real feelings, she had to tell him, now.

-"I love you Sheldon"—He squirmed in her hands and his eyes opened bigger than saucers—"it´s okay if you don´t feel the same, but I wanted you to know it, even if you accuse me of being a hippie". She smiled to him sweetly—"I will wait for you to be ready to be with me, in every sense because I am sure that you will be ready, sooner or later, and it will be worth waiting".

Sheldon stood there, looking at her eyes and feeling like he was drowning in a green sea of confusion, it was just impossible for a person to feel all this emotions at once. Relieve to know that she wouldn´t leave him. Guilt, to know she had been sad feeling rejected by him. Proud, he was the only one for her, she didn´t want anyone else-Ha!, suck that Penny!-. Confusion, they had always thought of love as some unnecessary hogwash. Excitement, she would be waiting for him to get intimate when he was ready. He felt a sudden shudder at that last tough. If she only knew how ready was he, that his desire for her was so overwhelming that no amount of kolinahr had been enough to control it.

Sheldon croaked then the first words that reached his lips-"But you said… you said that love was a social construct and added no value to human relationships"—he couldn´t help but watch her lips and admire how swollen they were from his previous outburst. He thought he could gladly kiss her again right then.

Amy felt her heart sink by hearing his words, but collected herself immediately—"Yes Sheldon, I know, but since that day too many things had happened that made me change my mind. I have found that the only logical explanation for all the feelings I have been experiencing, for my longing for you, is the obvious answer: I am in love with you".

Sheldon kept looking at her lips and his brain kept repeating the sight of them forming the last words:"I am in love with you, I am in love with you, I am in love with you". He felt frozen and his breath was caught in his lungs.

Amy watched his pale face getting paler by the second and his complete stillness made her uneasy—Oh, gosh I think he is having a panic attack—She softly caressed his cheeks while retiring her hands and asked him worriedly—"Sheldon, are you okay?"—She took a step away from him, maybe he was in need from some space.

Sheldon´s brain was a like a twister: love. That word again. That word really terrified him, for he knew very well how it could be applied to other people in his life: his mother, meemaw, his brother and sister and even his friends. But with Amy this was a completely different story. Penny had asked him if he loved Amy, and had suggested to him that that was the case since he only felt…the way he had been feeling as of lately about Amy, not women, just her.

What does romantic love entail?—mused Sheldon. He supposed he could make a research about it. Up to now he had been told that he had a lot of symptoms of a person who is in love, i.e: physical desire, specifically for Amy; he felt concerned about her well being (that was really a big deal for him); he was positive about his desire of remain pair bonded with her. Well, he wasn´t one to rush into conclusions but all the present evidence seemed to point out at the same conclusion: Sheldon Lee Cooper was in love with Amy Farrah Fowler.

And she had said she was in love with him. She had said she wanted to be with him. And Sheldon didn´t feel scared at all. On the contrary, all he could feel was a warm sensation spreading from his chest through his body, every single beat of his heart felt like a little explosion. He had felt something similar in other moments of his life, when he achieved something, when he had been awarded, but never had this felt so strong, so overwhelming. He suddenly felt like he was opening his eyes for the first time. He felt like he had discovered a whole new universe that had been there all the time, ignored by him. He was submerged in all this startling discoveries and he could feel how something was igniting inside him. Something that now he could welcome instead of avoid it as the plague. He smiled slightly, absent mindedly.

Amy was really worried now. Maybe she had better call Leonard to come and get Sheldon home, or to a hospital.

-"Sheldon, please just sit down and I will call Leonard…"—She gestured him towards her couch, without touching him.

Sheldon snapped out of his crashed inner world and felt slightly dizzy. He only listened part of her words and decided to sit down, he really needed it, placing his head between his knees and trying to regain control of him again, while Amy reached her phone and started dialing Leonard´s cell number.

-"Hello, Leonard, this is Amy. I am a little worried about Sheldon. He is in my apartment but apparently he is having some sort of panic attack"—She stopped, listening at Leonard—"Yes I know, but I went to the comic book store and found him there, we had a kind of an argument and…long story short, he is in a bad state and I would really appreciate it if you could come and help me taking him to a hospital"—She could hear the strain in her voice but breathed deeply to avoid crying. If the mere idea of her loving him was enough to put him in a catatonic state, what could be her hopes for their future together?—She could feel her heart sinking slowly in her chest, but then the phone was snatched from her hand rudely and she turned to face a bright pair of blue eyes staring deeply at her while Sheldon started to talk to Leonard.

-"Hello, Doctor Sheldon Lee Cooper here. Leonard, I would like for you to ignore Amy Farrah Fowler´s request. I am in no way having a panic attack and I most certainly am in no need from anyone taking me anywhere"—He took a deep breath while Leonard´s voice were audible at the phone and then interrupted him with a firm voice—"I am planning on staying here by an uncertain amount of time and Amy and I would be very engaged in private business so we would appreciate if you and the rest of our friends avoid calling on us during the next hours"—Amy could hear the surprised "WHAT…?" from the phone but Sheldon kept talking, with a calm tone of voice—"I have nothing more to tell you, so thank you Leonard and good bye"—He finished the call and put the phone on the table while staring at his open mouthed girlfriend with deep blue eyes.

A/N: Muahaha!, I think this is what is called a cliffhanger? What do you think will happen next?, soon you will know my dearest, but I have a request for you…review please!, because that makes me happy and I write more and faster when I am happy, thank you for reading. I can´t wait till September, can you?