Merlin's POV
Merlin glanced up at the sign as he walked into the office as he had done nearly every day for the last three years. It read:
Medival Banking Group Ltd
Whitehorse Way
02367 543789
Usually he would enter with a downcast expression but today he was particularly cheerful and he skipped up the marble steps and into the glass lift. He was happy because his girlfriend, Morgana and him had just entered into an official BDSM relationship. Merlip worked in the Camelot Department- each department was named after a medieval theme- as a junior marketing manager. Morgana worked in the Uther department nicknamed the hovel due to it's grumpy personnel. The Uther department dealt with the banks finances and many of it's occupants were bored of staring at numbers on a screen day after day. He had come into work on his day off the give Morgana instructions for tonight. He whistled a tune as he crept up behing Morgana.
"Boo!" He said prodding Morgana's back and startling her. She whirled round with a shocked expression on her face which quickly changed into a smile as she saw Merlin.
"Merlin! What are you doing?"
"These are for tonight." He said handing her a folded up sheet.
Before she even had time to thank him he had already run off.