Author's Note:

This is the final chapter! Ending note for the next story at the bottom.

Five days. Five long days. Sherlock was finally coming home today. Thomas was at school and Mrs. Hudson had taken Amy for the afternoon. He couldn't wait to shag John into the window. The ride in the black car ride seemed to take longer than usual, probably because he was so anxious. He made his way up the stairs two at time in his excitement. He was already slinging his coat onto the couch by the time he stepped through the door. "Honey, I'm home."

It hadn't been easy trying to occupy himself but John had managed. Hunched over the stove stop, scrubbing away in an attempt to clean it after the debacle that had been dinner the previous night. But that...was Sherlock's voice. He looked up and nearly darted into the living room. "Sherlock?" He grinned like an idiot, tossing the dirty sponge behind him into the kitchen and moving forward. "Sherlock, God," he muttered as he embraced his husband and eagerly pressed his face into the man's chest.

Sherlock smiled and embraced John tightly. "God, I missed you so much." He bent his head and kissed the top of his husband's before letting his chin rest on it. He could just hold onto John like this for awhile and be perfectly fine with it. It had felt like forever since he had last held his husband like this.

Having Sherlock hold him this close made John smile like an idiot. He still smelled like Sherlock despite spending a week in some hotel. "Missed you," he muttered into his husband's chest with a chuckle. Sleeping alone had been tough and he had found himself out on the couch more than he would care to admit. But now with Sherlock back he could sleep soundly against the warmth that was Sherlock. "Love you."

"I love you too." Sherlock continued to hold onto John, his eyes closing in contentment. He finally released his husband, pulling away slightly so he could kiss John on the lips. He wasted no time to explore his husband's mouth. John tasted wonderful. He had missed being with his husband, kissing, everything really.

John moaned into the kiss, clutching at his husband's shirt as he opened his mouth without a second thought for Sherlock. Kissing. Jesus, Sherlock knew exactly what to do with his mouth, how to turn John's knees to jelly. He leaned heavily against Sherlock, exhaling shakily through his nose. Apparently they weren't wasting any time. He let his tongue move tentatively against Sherlock's.

Sherlock smirked, pleased. His arms wrapped around John once more, so he could pull his husband close to him again. His fast growing erection pressed into John causing him to moan into his husband's mouth. He hadn't really had the privacy needed to get off at all while away from the flat, so it didn't really surprise him he was turned on so quickly. Would John be up to shagging right away?

Already hard. Jesus, Sherlock's erection was against John's stomach. He was already a bit hard himself and couldn't help it. The kids were gone and, damn it, it had been a week. Using his hand in the shower wasn't the same. After a long moment he pulled away from the kiss, turning his head to suck at Sherlock's neck. "Now?" He asked shakily, still leaning heavily against his husband.

"Oh God yes." Sherlock was ready and apparently John as ready to go as well. "I want you so bad right now," he admitted. He moved his head to his husband's neck and began sucking and biting on it eagerly. He bucked his hips into John, moaning against the skin. He was looking forward to shagging his husband. The thought made him moan again, the bites becoming more aggressive in his excitement.

John gasped and backed up several steps, letting his back hit the window. Chilly. It was cold against his back even through his shirt. It was going to feel so amazing against the front of his body with Sherlock's warmth pressed behind him. "Want you i-inside of me," he whimpered at the rough bites at his neck. God, he wanted Sherlock so bad and he couldn't control it. His hips pressed forward slowly and rolled into his husband.

The window. Yes. Fuck yes. Did they have the camera handy? Sherlock suddenly wanted the shagging against the window and recording it. "Can I shag you against the window now?" His breath was thready and rough against his John's skin. He pressed his husband into the window roughly, his erection tight against his husband's stomach.

John grunted as he was pressed into the window, tensing his stomach against his husband's erection. "Please," he whispered as he clawed desperately at Sherlock's back. "Camera. It is in the bedroom," he muttered nervously. They were going to tape it. They were going to shag against the window and videotape it. "Nervous," he finally admitted.

"No need to be nervous Love. You will be too busy getting shagged by me to notice anything else." Sherlock smirked as he trailed his tongue along John's neck and up to his husband's ear to nibble a moment before pulling away. He smirked again and moved to the bedroom swiftly. He grabbed lubricant and after a moment found the camera. They were really going to do this, weren't they? He was so excited about it, it had been one of his fantasies for awhile now and they were finally going to do it. And they were taping it. God, this was going to be amazing.

John watched Sherlock for a long moment and stood against the window, and then eyed the video camera. This was what Sherlock wanted. All for him and his husband was right. Once everything started he would probably forget about the camera. Now all he had to worry about was people seeing them from the sidewalk. Shagging. They hadn't been near each other for almost a week and now Sherlock was beyond excited. It would all be amazing.

Sherlock finally found a suitable place for the camera to be on. Hit record now? Set a timer? Was he just over thinking this? No time to think, just act. He hit the red button and moved quickly over to John. He pressed his husband roughly into the window again with an excited growl, as he began biting the unmarked side of John's neck.

"Ah!" John closed his eyes for a moment, tilting his head to the side as his arms wrapped tightly around Sherlock. Ignore the camera. Once they started shagging then everything would be fine. "Good. 'S good," he muttered as he opened his eyes and looked directly at the camera. It was recording their every move. Did he moan louder? Make everything look better? He exhaled shakily and held his husband closer.

Sherlock lifted his head to look at John. "Relax Love. It is fine. No need to try so hard." He smiled and pressed his lips against his husband's. He moaned into the kiss as he pushed his hips against John once more. "Can't wait to be inside of you. Your naked body pressed against the glass and everyone will see what I get to come home to everyday."

Calm. John slowly returned the kiss and moaned softly. Sherlock's low voice was enough to force his eyes closed. Everything he said made his heart beat faster and suddenly he didn't want anything else. Just Sherlock. "Want you. God, I want you to pound into me and make me shout," he whispered. He didn't care if the camera couldn't pick it up. He reached between them and palmed Sherlock through his pants.

Sherlock moaned, his knees almost buckling at the mere touch of John's hand on him. He whimpered, pressing into the touch. "I want you too," he moaned into his husband's ear. He began nibbling on it. Did they make things last a bit or get right down to the shagging? He was telling John not to be nervous or worry and here he was trying to make things perfect.

Right. Slow. If they were going to videotape this all then it should go slow. John swallowed hard and pulled his hand away from the bulge in Sherlock's pants. "How bad do you want me, Sherlock?" Teasing. That was something he could do. He gently nudged his husband's head back so he could nibble on Sherlock's ear. "Tell me how bad, Sherlock. Tell me."

"Want you so badly. Please?" Sherlock moaned into John's ear. He had wanted to just shag his husband into oblivion into the window at the time he had first thought of it and here he was begging now. He didn't care though. He didn't mind begging. "Going to turn you around and take you from behind while I jerk you off." His lips moved back to John's neck and began to nip and suck once more.

"Slow or hard?" John asked with a growl as he pressed his hips tightly into Sherlock. "Want you to bite my shoulder, claw at my hips. Can you do that? Is that too much?" He reached blindly between them and started unbuttoning his husband's shirt. "Make me speechless. Want to be speechless. O-Only your name." He swallowed hard. He was hardly this forward but the video camera was making him a bit more bold.

"Hard. Shag you so hard you won't even be able to say my name." Sherlock was feeling cocky and confident right now. He had been waiting for this moment for a few years and after not shagging for a week he was he ready for a good, hard shag. He dropped his mouth onto John's shoulder and bit down roughly with a growl. His hands were pressed against the cool glass, fingers scratching without traction with small screeching noises under his finger tips.

"Ah!" John gasped and arched against his husband. "Fuck. Yes. Please." He swallowed hard and pulled Sherlock's shirt off. Much better. He ran his hands down his husband's chest, admiring the few gray hairs he found the trail that led into his husband's pants. "I want you to have to carry me back to our bedroom when you are done with me," he said softly as he started undoing Sherlock's pants.

Sherlock growled excitedly and slammed his hips into John's roughly with a moan. Hard and fast. He didn't want to wait anymore. Even now his husband was taking his clothes off. He moved his hands to John's shirt and helped his husband get it off. "Can't wait to be inside of you." His hands moved to John's pants next, fingers fumbling in his haze of arousal.

"Now. Inside me. Now." John gasped and helped Sherlock get his pants off. He slid his underwear off and did the same for his husband. "Love you." He gave Sherlock a quick, rough kiss and turned around. Eyes closed. He couldn't look down or he would see people walking on the street. He moved a hand and started stroking his cock slowly as he stuck his ass out. "Please, Sherlock."

Well, John seemed to be more anxious than he was. It made Sherlock smirk. He prepped his husband roughly and then slicked his cock down with lubricant. He rammed into John with a loud moan, wasting no time in getting into a rough and fast pace. One hand dropped from the glass, to his husband's penis. He moved John's hand out of the way so he could he jerk his husband off while he shagged the man against the window from behind. He grunted from the effort, head bent down so he could begin biting John's shoulder, growling with enthusiasm. Scratching. Right. The other hand moved from the window as well, nails digging into his husband's skin. He leaned into John heavily for support, keeping with a fast rhythm and thrusting as deeply as he could each time.

The window was cold and John's cheek was shoved roughly against it with each thrust. "Nngh, fuck," he shouted as he pushed his hips back slightly. Enough room for Sherlock's hand and enough of an angle that each thrust hit his prostate just right. It hurt a bit, the burn was just right and Sherlock was doing everything he wanted. His eyes were slammed shut, head turned to the side so he didn't have to look outside. "Sher-" he moaned and pressed back against his husband.

Sherlock smirked and bit down into John's other shoulder with another growl. He moaned with each deep thrust. This felt wonderful. His fingers continued to claw at his husband's back, leaving red streaks in their wake. He tried to keep pace with his hand on John's cock with each thrust inside of his husband, knuckles banging into the glass some but he ignored that. There would be bruises later but that was nowhere near the abuse John's body was taking right now. His husband was enjoying it and hell, he loved dishing it out.

Each thrust felt like it shot through John's body, a mix of pleasure and pain to remind him how wonderful Sherlock was and how old he was getting. He wanted to say so much, that he loved it and wanted more but his mouth wasn't working. He couldn't do anything but press his chest against the glass and moan with each thrust. At the rate Sherlock was going he was going to be hoarse by the end. "Mmph." He opened his mouth and moved one hand to grip Sherlock's thigh. After several moments he curled his fingers and dug them into his husband's skin.

Scratching. "Yes," he managed to moan out and then bit into John's shoulder again. Sherlock was lasting longer than he thought he would, considering how fast everything was going and the exertion involved. Especially since they hadn't shagged in days. He was getting close now though, he could tell.

John tensed as he came across the window, falling limp against it as Sherlock continued to thrust into him from behind. Fuck, his legs were going to give out. Maybe Sherlock's worries about his age were more accurate than he cared to admit. He turned his head slightly and pressed his forehead against the cool glass as his free hand slid down the glass. "Sherlock," he whispered.

Sherlock stopped scratching and released John's cock so he could support them both better by placing his hands back on the window. He moaned out his husband's name as he came after a few more quick thrusts. Shit. That had been amazing. Despite being worn out he managed to stay standing, but breathing heavily. He didn't want to crush John against the glass by collapsing into his husband. He tried to say something but his breathing was still too erratic. He closed his eyes, his cheek resting on John's shoulder.

John finally whimpered and coughed slightly. Definitely hoarse. Very much worth it, though. He tried to push himself off the window but his arms were shaking too much and collapsed against the cool glass with a sigh. Sherlock had certainly made sure he wasn't going to walk. For a moment he tried to keep himself standing but finally gave up, leaning back against his husband. Warm, sweaty... "Sherlock," he muttered as his head fell back on to Sherlock's shoulder.

Shit. Usually Sherlock could support John easily but he somehow managed to now, even though he was barely holding himself up at the moment. He leaned forward, hoping the window would alleviate some of the pressure needed to keep them both standing. "Love you," he managed to breathe out. It appeared neither of them were going to be moving anywhere soon. Should they edit this bit out or leave it in the video?

John groaned and moved back against the window, his body falling forward with a thud against the window. "Love you too," he said softly in reply as he finally managed to at least catch his breath. In his afterglow he could hardly think straight but he knew almost immediately how horrid the pain in his body was. Scratches, bites...God, his arse was feeling worse than it ever had. "Bed? Can we..." His eyes closed together and slid down to his knees on the floor.

Right. Suck it up. He had to carry John when in worse shape than this, he could do it again damn it. Sherlock slid his arms under his husbands arms, so he could keep John from sliding all the way to the floor. "I got you Love." With stamina he didn't realize he still had, he hoisted his husband up and stumbled to their bedroom. Had he gotten too carried away? It was what John had asked for. He gently placed his husband down and then unceremoniously collapsed in a heap next to John on the bed. The camera was still running but he didn't have the energy to go turn it off right now.

John groaned slightly and curled into himself, ignoring the pain in his body to press into Sherlock's side. "Good. 'S good," he whispered with another small cough. He couldn't have asked for anything better. It was exactly what his husband had wanted and they had gotten it all on tape. They could watch it all again. "You are wonderful. Thank you," he muttered as he pressed a gentle kiss against Sherlock's ribs.

Sherlock frowned as he watched John. Shit. He had really hurt his husband, hadn't he? No more rough shagging. He couldn't keep doing this to John, no matter what his husband said about it. He managed a faint smile, bent his head and kissed the top of John's head. "Love you." He had said it just moments ago but he felt like it needed to be said again.

Soft kisses. John smiled a bit glanced up at Sherlock. "You have gray hair on your stomach," he whispered wryly. "Noticed it when I was undressing you." He grinned eagerly and, despite the pain in his body, looked more like a little boy than a man who had just been shagged. "You are getting old, just like me," he chuckled and pressed his nose against his husband's side.

Sherlock smirked. "Yeah, I have noticed. Takes more effort to get up off the floor than I would like." He nestled his head against John's gently. Even after shagging, he enjoyed being close to his husband. "Are you all right Love?" He shouldn't have been so rough. After talking about John getting older at the manor he hadn't intended to ever do it again, but he had been selfish and couldn't help himself.

Did he lie and make sure that Sherlock had no idea? Or did he tell the truth? John swallowed hard and nodded, smiling a bit. "Of course," he said softly, trying to keep his face as emotionless as possible. There was no need to worry his husband at all and make him think that he had done anything wrong. He'd been just as willing to go rough and take everything that Sherlock gave him.

Except, he'd had to carry John to the bedroom. Sherlock didn't comment. No point. They already had this discussion and this was his first day back to the flat in awhile. He didn't want to ruin the moment. "All right. Well, I don't know about you but I plan on staying in bed the rest of the day. Tired. I might even nap. I didn't really sleep while I was away from you. Maybe now I can, curled against you." That sounded wonderful really.

"As wonderful as that sounds," John cut himself off with a yawn and closed his eyes. "We have got children coming home soon." But staying awake wasn't an option, really. He was already fighting sleep and could barely raise his voice above a loud whisper. "Somebody has to deal with 'em at some point," he added with a snort. "Quick nap, though. We can do a quick nap."

Sherlock wasn't sure he would be able to do just a quick nap. If he fell asleep now, he was certain he would sleep for several hours. His body needed it really, with the lack of sleep and a rough shagging. He hadn't realized just how tired he was until now. It wouldn't be the first time he forced himself to stay awake and it probably wouldn't be the last. "It's fine. I will sleep later."

"No," John whispered, shaking his head and wrapping his arm around his husband's torso. "Stay. Sleep. Mrs. Hudson, she can..." He winced as his entire body tensed in pain. Fuck, he was in more pain than he thought but he would fight through it. "Sleep," he repeated as he glanced up at his husband. For the first time in a week he had an opportunity to sleep next to Sherlock, fall asleep with his constant breathing. "Sleep with me."

Sleep did sound very alluring. Sherlock frowned as he felt John's body tense up. Pain. Obviously. And it was his fault. How could he fall asleep now? Knowing that his husband was hurting because he had no self control? Hopefully Mrs. Hudson wouldn't mind watching the children. Even though he didn't think he deserved any kind of respite, his eyes closed as sleep overtook him before he even had a chance to fight it.

There. John smiled a bit and watched Sherlock for a long moment. Watching the man sleep was the eighth wonder of the world. He yawned, shifted to pull the blankets over both of them, and curled right back into his husband's side. Hell, Mrs. Hudson probably heard them and knew to take care of Amy and Thomas for a bit. "I love you," he whispered into Sherlock's side before finally giving into sleep.

Thank you so much to everyone who left reviews/subscribed/favorited this story! The next fanfic will be for Halloween, since it is that time of year. Audrey and I thought it would be fun to do it. For those asking about Mycroft and Lestrade, it will be further explored and explained later on in the series. There are at least three stories left in this saga. A title hasn't been made for it yet and I am unsure when the new story will be up. Friday or Saturday at the latest!