Settling in.

Odd, Aelita and Vida arrived at the mansion at the same time. Odd and Aelita were picked up by Storm while Vida was taken by her aunt Martha. Aelita and Odd were given a room to share while Vida got her own. Odd managed to get them to allow her to bring Kiwi, but he had to sleep in a small room to keep him from making too much mess and getting in the way, thankfully he couldn't sleep outside because he was a very short-haired breed of dog.

"I can't believe how big these rooms are, I mean, compared to back at Kadic." Odd said while they were in their shared room.

"I'm glad we get plenty of room, you know how I hate closed in spaces." Vida said. "Right, let's see if we've kept our powers from Lyoko."

Odd went first. She crossed her arms in front of her and concentrated on making a shield in front of them. A disk of purple appeared and grew until it was almost as tall as Odd.

"Okay, you have your Shield ability, what about your Laser arrows?" Vida asked.

Odd held up her right arm and supported it with her left, she focused on the feeling of shooting a gun and pulled the mental trigger, an arrow head left her wrist and imbedded itself into a wooden board that they had set up. Odd then hissed slightly and started rubbing her wrist.

"Are you okay?" asked Aelita.

"Did firing that hurt?" Vida asked.

"I'm fine. It only hurt slightly, like pulling a thorn out. I guess since I'm in the real world firing something out of my wrist isn't going to be without its drawbacks." Odd said.

"My turn." Vida said.

Vida held her hands out in front of her and concentrated on growing her claws out to a more lethal length, slowly her claws grew out until they were an inch long. She then made them shorten to their original length.

"So my Quick-slash is there, just not so quick." Vida said.

"How are you going to do your illusion abilities if you have them? You don't have your Crystal staff to focus your power." Aelita pointed out.

"I can try though." Vida said.

Vida closed her eyes and tried to focus her power into making a simple illusion of a ghost. When she heard a gasp from her friends she guessed she had done it and opened her eyes to see the results. But instead of her illusion there was a white mist in front of her trying to take shape. But what really caught her eye was her hands, they were made of crystal and glowing slightly.

"Ah, my hands!" Vida exclaimed, turning them over to examine them.

The glowing stopped and the white mist quickly faded away, but her hands remained made of crystal.

"That was unexpected." Odd commented, touching Vida's hands to find they were solid and cold as rock.

"Can you still move them?" Aelita asked.

Vida flexed her fingers, showing she could move them.

"Aelita, you figure your powers while I try and figure out how to change my hands back." Vida told Aelita.

Aelita held up her hand and concentrated her energy into it, a ball of pink energy formed on her palm.

"Well, my Energy fields work." Aelita said.

Aelita was suddenly hit by an unexpected sneeze and accidentally fired her Energy field at Vida. Vida held up her crystallised hands in defence, the Energy field hit her left hand and was adsorbed into it.

"Ah, hot, hot, hot!" Vida cried.

She flung her hand out and the Energy field launched out of it, hitting the board and making it explode.

"Great, I have my absorption powers, it just burns light hell to use them." Vida complained, shaking her hand of the phantom pain left behind.

"You alright?" Odd asked her.

"Yeah, the pain went as soon as it left my hand, but it still felt like putting my hand in hot water."

"Just one more to go," Aelita commented after they all calmed down. "My Creation ability."

Aelita focused on making a small rock. A blue outline of one appeared but kept fading then getting stronger before fading again. Finally Aelita gave up and panted in exhaustion.

"Well, you can do it, but it'll take a lot of practise and power, probably more than my illusions since you're making them solid." Vida said.

The three girls had to rest since discovering how to use their powers took a lot out of them. Vida tried time and time again, but she couldn't turn her hands back to normal, every time she tried they would gradually turn back to skin before returning to crystal.

"I hope I'm not stuck like this, it's going to make doing a lot of things very hard." Vida complained.

Aelita sighed. "Let's go see the professor, he might be able to help." she said.

The girls walked our of the room and knocked on Xavier's door.

"Come in, children." Xavier said.

"Uh, professor, we've got a problem." Odd said as they walked in.

"We were working on our powers and this happened." Vida said, showing what happened to her hands. "And I can't turn them back."

"Ah, what exactly happened?" Xavier asked.

"Well I was focusing on my powers to try and see if I had any outside of the new fox features and tattoo, when I opened my eyes there was a white mist that looked like it was trying to take shape and my hands were like this only glowing slightly, when the glowing stopped the mist disappeared but my hands stayed the same." Vida explained.

After Xavier examined Vida's hands he sighed. "I'm afraid there's not a lot I can do, try meditation, it might help." he said.

The girls sighed before going back to their own rooms to fully unpack before going to bed.

There you go, story filler about their powers.

Voting time.

When do you think Vida's hands should return to normal?

Should Layla become a mutant, and if so, when should she get her mutant powers?

When should the X-Men find out about XANA and the Lyoko warriors.

Should any of the Lyoko characters be related to any of the characters form X-Men Evolution?

What do you think should happen next?