A/N: So, I know that I said I wouldn't post a new story, but I just couldn't get the idea out of my mind. Besides, I always come up with ideas while I'm writing. Anyway, I'm at a slight writers block for Leave Of Absence. I have a plot written out, it's just the actual writing part. I'll update it whenever I can actually write the chapter.

About this story: This is all completely AU, although most of the original characters are in it. Therefore, none of the storyline from Glee happened, but I did take some aspects from it. This first chapter is set a few weeks into junior year. Finn just transferred from another city, so he doesn't know anybody. Well, he does. Read to find out :B Um, the title may change because I just came up with it on the spot. I'm going to try to alternate between point of views, but it will still be in third person. The lines will be an indicator for a change in pov or simply a time lapse. There will be mentions of different pairings, but I haven't decided on those yet. Well, I hope that you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Glee.

There were quite a few perks that went along with being the captain of the Cheerios - popularity, admiration, ruling the school. These were just a few of the many things that Quinn loved so much about being the HBIC of William McKinley High School. She really was a blessed girl. She had the beauty that a girl would die for, a family that provided whatever she needed, the perfect boyfriend, and a mind that allowed her to maintain perfect grades. Anyone could see that Quinn Fabray really had the whole package. However, there was one thing that she wanted more than anything in the world.

"Hey sexy," a voice whispered into her ear as she rummaged through her locker, ultimately snapping her out of her thoughts.

She scowled in distaste and stated, "Puckerman, get the hell away from me."

"You know that you don't want that, babe," Puck replied, a wide smirk on his face.

Annoyed with his persistence, Quinn pushed him away from her and turned around to face him. "I'm dating Sam. How many times do I have to tell you before it finally sinks into that tiny brain of yours?"

"Until you dump that loser and date me," he replied as he leaned toward her.

Disgusted, she slapped him across the face and slammed her locker shut before hurriedly making her way to yet another boring period of the day. She was just about to enter her math class when she was joined by Santana.

"What's wrong, Q?" Santana asked curiously, noticing the cross look on her best friend's face.

"Puck," Quinn spat. "He doesn't know when to give up."

The Latina laughed lightly. "It's Puck. What do you expect?"

"I expect him to understand that he has no chance with me," the blonde replied bitterly as she took her seat at the bland table.

"Aww, don't be mean. I'm sure that after spending a night with that boy, your opinion of him will change greatly," Santana teased.

Quinn stared at her best friend in bewilderment. "That's disgusting, San. I would never have sex with him, or any boy for that matter. Not even Sam."

"Don't knock it 'til you ride it," the raven-haired girl retorted with a smirk, obviously dismissing her comment, before sauntering toward her own seat.

The head cheerleader simply shook her head and rolled her eyes before she uninterestingly looked around the room. Repulsion surged through her at the sight of Rachel Berry. How could someone have such an awful sense of fashion and be so annoying? Then again it was manhands. She laughed lightly before turning her attention to the front of the room where the teacher began to lecture. Not surprisingly, she had already learned about today's topic. With a sigh, she decided that she might as well get a start on the homework.

"Can I help you?" were the words that snapped the blonde out of her trance. Curious, she looked up from her work to find a tall boy standing next to Mr. Roberts.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm in this class," the boy replied a little awkwardly as he handed the teacher a paper.

Mr. Roberts looked over the sheet once before nodding. "Welcome to McKinley, Mr. Hudson. If you may, please take a seat next to Miss Fabray." He handed a few papers to the boy before motioning him toward his seat.

Normally, Quinn would be more than a little upset to have someone sit next to her who wasn't one of her friends, but she was strangely okay with this. There was something about this boy that appealed to her.

Once he took his seat next to her, she leaned over and whispered, "Hey."

He looked at her in surprise. "Hi…"

"So, what's your name?" she asked, though she had no idea why. Being polite was never one of her fortes.

"Finn," he said quietly.

Surprisingly, she smiled. "I'm Quinn."

He smiled back at her and nodded before turning his attention to the front of the room.

She kept her eyes on him for a few seconds. It was pretty clear that he didn't have a strong sense of style, as he had on a polo shirt and jeans, but it worked for him. In fact, she thought that it was pretty cute. 'God, what the hell is wrong with me?' she chided herself. 'I already have the perfect boyfriend - the captain of the football team! I need to stop thinking about this dork.'

With that thought in mind, she peeled her eyes away from Finn and began working on her homework once more. The fact that he hadn't shown much interest in her did happen to pop into her mind a few times.

"I see that someone has found a new friend," Santana remarked as she joined the blonde on the way to lunch.

Quinn rolled her eyes, preparing herself for the Latina's critique. "What's wrong with Finn?"

"At first glance? Well, aside from being freakishly tall and having a horrible taste in clothing, I'd say he's pretty hot. However, he does have one major flaw."

"And that is..?" she questioned, slightly worried.

"He's in Glee club," Santana stated and immediately began to snicker.

Quinn couldn't help but join in the laughter, but for a different reason. "You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I was, but nope," she replied as she continued to laugh. Quinn, on the other hand, became silent. Only losers joined Glee club. Rachel Berry was the perfect example. With the way things worked at this school, being in that club basically classified as being at the bottom of the food chain; the untouchables. That was the complete opposite of where she was - the top, the queen. Therefore, socializing with Finn would basically be an act of social suicide. Not that she had had any intentions on talking to him after their previous encounter, anyway…

Once she had taken her rightful seat next to Sam at the jock-Cheerio table, she found that she couldn't even engage in conversation with them. For a second, her eyes scanned the room in search for someone in particular. There. Much to her dismay, he really was sitting with the outcasts, or rather the Glee club members. She only paid enough attention to notice that Rachel was practically gawking at the tall boy. After rolling her eyes, she tuned back into her own table, forcing herself to focus on the meaningless gossip that was circulating amongst her fellow peers. She didn't understand why it was suddenly so hard to take part in the routine event.

"So, Finn, what was it like in Cincinnati?" Rachel chirped as her eyes searched the boy's face intently.

Finn stared at the girl in confusion. He had never told her where he'd lived before. Hell, he just met her five minutes ago! There was a part in his mind that was telling him to be scared. Forcing a polite smile, he claimed, "Awesome." Simple and to the point was good, right?

Apparently not because that one word caused the small brunette to begin to talk animatedly about different things from the city he had grown up in. As if he didn't already know. He wanted to ask her how she knew about his life, but he had a feeling that he didn't want to know. After a few seconds, he gave up on listening to her (she really liked to talk) and glanced at the boy sitting next to him: his step-brother. How could things have changed so quickly? Just a few months ago he was happily living in a cozy house with his mom, attending a school with more than a couple hundred students. Now here he was in lame-ass Lima, Ohio, living in a new home and going to a new school; all because his mom decided to fall in love again. Weren't people only supposed to fall in love once? That's what he thought, but, then again, he wasn't exactly the brightest kid on the planet.

There were a lot of changes that went with completely changing your life. For one, Finn now had a new step-dad, Burt. He was cool and everything, but he just couldn't picture him as his father. It was a little funny because he couldn't really picture his real dad as his father, either. He had died fighting for his country when Finn was only three years old. That obviously didn't allow him to remember much about the man who had raised him for his first few months. The only thing that he had to remind him of Christopher Hudson was a withered old picture and a few of his war items.

With a sigh, the tall boy gave his attention back to the very annoying brunette sitting across from him.

"… So, what made you join glee?" she asked happily, completely unaware that he hadn't been listening to her for the past few minutes.

"Oh, uh, my… Burt and my mom suggested that it would be a good brotherly bonding thing to do," Finn replied, shooting a now hostile glance at the well-dressed boy sitting next to him. It was still hard to think of him as his new step-brother. Better yet, he couldn't believe that he had to join freaking glee because of him. It didn't take a genius to figure out that singing wasn't popular in this small town. After all, there were only twelve members in the club. He was also well aware that he wouldn't gain any popularity from being in the New Directions, but that was the one thing that didn't bother him. As far as he was concerned, popularity was overrated.

Rachel smiled. "That's a great idea!"

"Yeah," Finn replied unenthusiastically. Sure, he actually did like to sing, but that was more of a hidden passion of his. He didn't understand why his mom and Burt chose to exploit his hidden talent.

When Rachel began to babble on once more, he let his eyes drift around the small cafeteria. A small smile appeared on his face when he came across the obvious 'jock' table. It was funny how basically every high school had one of these cliques. Most of the kids who belonged to it tended to be stuck-up assholes, too. After a brief scanning of the table, his eyes landed on the blonde from his math class. He'd be lying if he said that she wasn't absolutely beautiful. In fact, she was probably the most gorgeous girl that he'd ever seen. But he knew her type – the popular, bitchy cheerleader who was most likely dating the popular, douche-bag football player. His suspicions were confirmed when a blonde boy clad in a letterman jacket leaned over and kissed her. A small chuckle escaped his lips before he tuned back into his table.

"What's the deal with Quinn Fabray?" he asked nonchalantly, interrupting whatever Rachel was saying.

"You mean the shallow white girl?" Mercedes piped up.

Finn nodded his head in confirmation.

"She's the ruler of this drab land," Kurt stated. "We are all her loyal, though highly unappreciated, subjects."

The tall boy laughed at that.

"She's the typical cliché of a blonde cheerleader," Rachel clarified in a menacing tone.

"How so?"

The diva released an angry huff. "Her boyfriend is Sam Evans, quarterback of our horrible football team, yet he's still the most popular guy in the school. She's the head cheerleader of the Cheerios, which happens to be one of the best cheerleading squads in the country. How that happened? I have no idea. She's also the president of the celibacy club, which I find completely ridiculous. Anyway, if you aren't in her little clique, she won't even bother to give you the time of day. To sum things up, she's a bitch in every way possible." Everyone at the table couldn't help but flinch a little at the tone that she was using.

"I'm guessing that you two don't get along?" Finn questioned jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

Rachel didn't find that funny at all. She gave him a hard look and he eventually looked down at the table.

"Well," Artie began after a few awkward seconds of silence, "Are y'all ready for rehearsal today?" That got the conversation rolling.

Although he loved music and everything, Finn felt out of place when people started to go all in depth about song choices and artists. While his companions began to converse about Lady Gaga and Adele, he found that he had zoned out once again. It was definitely unusual for him to lose focus so many times within such a short amount of time, but he didn't dwell on the fact too much. Surprisingly, he found that his gaze landed on the blonde Cheerio once more. The more that he looked at her, the more he began to think that maybe he and his new friends were being a little harsh when critiquing her. It was doubtful, but maybe the head cheerleader wasn't like the cliché she was pegged to be. Based off of the soft features of her face, she didn't look like the type who was mean or a bitch, as Rachel had put it. If it wasn't for the uniform and the perfectly made ponytail, he wouldn't have even stereotyped her as he had before.

About a minute had passed before the girl turned her head and locked gazes with him. Within those very few seconds that they were looking at one another, he could've sworn he felt his heart pick up ever so slightly. Quickly categorizing that thought as absurd, he abruptly broke the trance and looked down at his very unappetizing cafeteria food. He really didn't know what had come over him. Three people had just confirmed his suspicions of Quinn Fabray only minutes ago. Why would he question them?

The now confused boy shook his head slightly. Once the bell rang, he pulled out his schedule and scanned the sheet for his fifth period class. 'Oh joy, Chemistry!' he thought to himself sarcastically. He had never been one to excel in academics, but science was by far his worst subject. Absentmindedly, he cast a glance at the now empty jock-cheerleader table. A slightly frustrated sigh escaped his lips as he stood up and began to make his way to his next period. He didn't know where this sudden attraction or whatever the hell it was came from, but it needed to stop. Immediately. There were so many more important things to focus on rather than a stuck-up cheerleader who probably thought less than little of him.

I know that this seems like a cliche story, but it's not. Well, maybe it is. I don't know! All I know is that this will be fun to write. Well, let me know what you think! If this doesn't appeal to you, I did have one more story idea. Once again, I'll update LOA whenever I can. Thanks for reading!