DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Darker than Black franchise, I only claim my OC's introduced in this story.

Darker Than Black: Reacquaint

Chapter 1: A Mysterious Call

"Based on the MO, this man was likely killed by a Contractor who manipulates gravity." Goro Kobayashi told Misaki Kirihara as they looked down on the corpse of an executive businessman.

"Victim is Arata Inoue, age 45. We had gotten Intel recently that he may have had connection to recent exploits against his own company to fund a terrorist group." Misaki read the credentials. "Time of death pinpointed at 4:32 P.M. this afternoon, when a man in dark clothing raced from the scene, no one was able to get an ID on him, let alone stop him."

"This man is most likely our Contractor, so we'll start from there, by trying to find witnesses who saw him leave the company."

"One thing I find strange is that the computer on Arata's desk is turned on its side." Misaki pointed out.

"Could have been knocked down when the Contractor used his ability." Goro suggested.

"I don't think so. If that were the case I would expect the body to be much closer to the desk." Misaki pointed out. "Also, it doesn't appear that is was tossed on its side, but rather placed like that. I would guess it has something to do with the Contractor's Obeisance."

"Good eye, that might help us get an ID on him if he's already in our database." Goro said, then Misaki's phone rang.

"Excuse me a moment." Misaki said and stepped to the side as she took out her cell phone and answered it. "Hello?"

An unfamiliar voice spoke to Misaki. "Go to the Gate at 6:00 P.M. if you want to see BK-201 again." The voice told Misaki, then hung up immediately.

"H-hey, wait!" She said loudly, hoping he would give her more information.

"Something wrong Misaki?" Goro asked, surprised by her reaction to her caller.

"N-no, but I need to go somewhere. Please continue the investigation without me." Misaki told Goro as she hurried out of the building.

Misaki looked at her watch; it was already 5:26 P.M., not giving her a lot of time to get to the Gate before BK-201 was there, or so she took from the call. She took her car and drove strait to the Gate without stopping for anything. As she arrived she took a look at her watch.

"5:58." She said to herself, just a couple minutes early.

Misaki waited impatiently, really hoping this call wasn't some sort of prank. Just as 6:00 O' clock came, Misaki's phone suddenly rang, and she didn't hesitate to pick it up. "Hello?" She said, not taking her eyes off of the Gate.

"Good thing you did what I told you to do, then again I had already seen you would." The voice from before said with approval.

"Are you watching me?" Misaki asked, looking around calmly.

"Don't be silly, I just know you're there that's all." The voice answered.

"You told me I'd be able to see BK-201 if I came here." Misaki pointed out.

"That I did, and you will see him, I just never said you'd actually see him at the Gate."

"Stop playing games." Misaki warned him.

"Game?" The voice repeated in question. "This isn't a game, it's a novel. You are just one of the characters I have decided to cast the name of."

"What are you talking about?"

"Congratulations, Miss Misaki Kirihara. You have been chosen to play the role of my main Heroine." The voice said, half sounding like he was joking. "And do rest assured that our big-shot Hero is indeed BK-201."

"Stop talking in riddles. Tell me who are you?"

"I am the author. Who else?"

"What did I just say.

"I'm being serious here. You and BK-201 are my main characters; and of course I had to add the little doll girl."

"Doll? Are you talking about Izanami?"
"Yes and no, after all Izanami and BK-201's Doll are technically two different people. But she does serve as an important character."

"Why did you have me come here if BK-201 wasn't going to show up?" Misaki asked.

"Now, now, Miss Kirihara. A plot has to start somewhere right? And what better place for this story to begin then with the slightly desperate police woman looking for answers to questions she's had for years staring at the place she last saw the man who is both her enemy and ally." The voice laid it out for Misaki to envision.

"Slightly desperate, are you talking about me?" Misaki asked, displeased with the character description this mystery man had given her.

The man on the other end laughed at her response. "Who else would I be referring to? Certainly not your Co-main Heroine who has yet to be casted."

"Another Heroine, who?" Misaki asked.

"Now, now, If I gave you my whole list of characters before we even reach chapter two, what fun would that be?" The voice responded. "I'm sure it will become obvious to you soon though."

"If this is chapter one, when did you cast BK-201?"

"In the Prologue of course." The voice said as if it were obvious. "You won't know what happened then for a while though, you need to turn the pages forward before you can learn what happened before."

Misaki was getting confused and agitated now, but decided for her benefit it might do her good to play along for now. "Well then, where does the next scene of your novel begin?" She asked with little enthusiasm.

"Now you're getting it!" The voice said with excitement now that Misaki had taken in the whole book-writing theme he was in. "Well then, without further ado I will give you the setting of the next scene and a bit of what to do when you get there.

"You will drive back to your police station where your Co-workers will exit and greet you. They will ask to speak to you about the case you were working earlier, and that is when you will receive my next call. Now on you go." The voice said and hung up.

Misaki sighed as she put her phone away, highly uncertain if this person should be considered trustworthy, or even sane for that matter. Nonetheless she got to her car and drove off for the police station.

When she arrived Kouno and Saito came out, just as the mystery man had predicted, and they greeted her. "Hey Chief," Kouno said.

"Chief," Saito also said as the two approached.

Kouno spoke. "Hey about that case/" Just then Misaki's phone rang, and she answered it strait away.

"Yes." Misaki answered, and Kouno looked a bit steamed about being blown off so quickly.

"First off, don't tell you subordinates about any of this yet, the time will come when it is time for them to learn, but that's not for a good while."

"Fine, so what happens now?" Misaki replied, quickly accepting what this man said as the best choice.

"You catch your Contractor." The man said, surprising Misaki.

"What do you mean catch the Contractor?" Misaki asked, getting suspicious, and startling Kouno and Saito.

"Exactly that. In just a few seconds a man in a suit with blonde hair should be passing behind you..." The man said, and Misaki subtly look to the side and saw a man that fit the description. "This man is the Contractor that killed Arata Inoue."

"How can you be sure? I can't just take your word for it." Misaki told him.

"Watch him a few more seconds and tell me. He's just about to make Obeisance." The man told her, and she watched the man as he set a can of soda down on a pole, then lifted the can of soda and set it on its side.

"That's..." Misaki started.

"Exactly; it's the same as with the computer on the desk at the crime scene." The man finished. "If you put a gun to his back and tell him not to manipulate gravity he will give you the rest of the evidence you need." Kouno and Saito saw what happened as well and picked up the same message.

Per her instructions, Misaki walked up to him and put a gun to his back. "Don't even try manipulating gravity, Contractor. You are under arrest for the murder of Arata Inoue."

The blonde man did just what the man on the phone predicted and gave them the rest of what they needed to convict him. "How did you find me so fast?" It was essentially a confession.

"A little outside help; now why don't you go inside the station with my subordinates." Misaki told him, and Kouno and Saito took over.

"OK, you have my attention, now what happens next?" Misaki asked, but then realized that the dial tone was sounding on her phone. "... He hung up." She told herself, and then went inside to help with the Contractor.