Ok I got a Beta now and we are starting over.


0o Third Person Point Of View o0

Bella tilted her head in amusement as she watched the Mafia Boss opening and shutting draws of the old, antique desk her sister bought him. Bella's father was a peculiar man, with smooth wrinkles around his cold brown eyes. There was no doubt Charlie Swan was a handsome man, but just one glance from his cold black eyes, would send shivers up people's spines.

"How long have you been there?" The Boss Man asked, finally noticing his daughter's presence as he looked up from his desk.

"What were you looking for?" Replied his daughter, ignoring her father's question. Any other person who ignored Charlie Swan would be tortured in the worst way, but not Bella -Charlie always had a soft spot for his daughter.

"Do you always answer a question with a question?" Charlie shot back as he stood up to fix his black tie.

"You should know," she retorted, "I do get from you, old man," Bella always loved these silly conversation with her father, it made her feel normal...almost.

She smiled and looked around her father's office. It was old fashioned, with many tall bookshelves of old books and different trinkets. The wood floor would make a loud crack every time a person makes a small movement -a perfect alarm system as far as Charlie was concerned, though Bella found it incredibly annoying. The walls were light brown with a yellow, mellow light hanging from the ceiling. The rest of the house where he resides was modern, but Charlie liked old fashioned things, and that included his prized office and every object that was in it.

His study was located on the very top floor of his house, as close as he can be to the helicopter pad on the roof which he can easily access if there was an attack.

Bells mentally sighed and straightened up, turning around and striding out the office with grace even a ballerina would be mad with jealously. She made her way through the halls of her father's house and down the two sets of tile stairs, her black pumps clicking as she went. Bella passed many different paintings and objects of art as she headed towards the front door. She grabbed her door handle, stopping one last time to look up in the direction where her father is and smiles before opening the beautifully carved door and stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

Trees surrounded the property as tall gates guarded the lands, keeping unwanted intruders out. The mansion was located on the edge of a peaceful forest, just outside of New York City. It is, after all, a great location for Charlie and his clients to meet, in different terms- sometimes good and sometimes bad. The bad ones were always a bit...messy.

Bella walked down the steps of the front porch and headed towards her beloved nebular black Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle that was parked 15 metres away.

A massive grin spread across Bella's face as she hitched her leg over the vehicle's seat, taking her black helmet from the handle and gently putting it on her head. Her unzipped red jacket hung in her body in the most erotic way as se started up the purring engine, not bothering to zip up her jacket. Bella released the clutch and sped down the driveway. She could see the large gate in the distance opening as she pressed her accelerator harder. She passed the gates in a blur, getting onto the deserted tar road and headed towards the centre of the city.

Driving at inhuman speed, Bella grinned broadly as the trees passed her, loving the adrenaline and fear that pumped through her veins. Some would call Charlie's daughter an adrenaline junkie, but they wouldn't live to tell the tale. Bad mouthing Bella was definitely a no no, Charlie was the the meanest and baddest of all the Mafia bosses out there; everyone feared him and he liked to keep it that way.

Trees thinned out as Bella got closer and closer to her apartment in Manhattan, cars and people everywhere, blocking Bella's motorcycle. But eventually, she arrived at a tall skyscraper that overlooked the city. She parked her bike down a private parking area under the building and hopped off, walking to the elevator that was just a few feet away from her.

Pushing the up button, Bella waited impatiently for the elevator to arrive while muzak sounded softly through the small speakers of the small box of a room.

A small dining noise echoed from the elevator doors as the opened, revealing the booth. Bella stepped inside the elevator and pressed one of its many buttons, closing the doors. While the lift was taking her higher, her phone in her jacket pocket made a noise, indicating a message has been sent to her.

Pulling out her brand new iPhone, Bella read the message- it was from Jacob Black and it read:

Want to kick some ass?

Bella replied with a:

Hell yeah :)

Meet at ''bite me'' around 9



Hope you liked it. Thank my beta TheDemonOfTwilight

Love, peace and, rubber gloves!