Pairing: Main Kagami/Kuroko, side GoM/Kuroko and others

Chapter rating: K

Disclaimer: All Kuroko no Basuke characters belong to that awesome son of a beaver Tadatoshi Fujimaki, so I don't own anything but the plot.

Arc I - A Single Light

Chapter One - Smile


The boy looked down at the one calling his name before running his fingers through the mass of shocking blue hair currently resting on his lap. Kagami leaned back against his bedroom wall, feeling the head in his lap bury itself farther into his stomach; the other boys face was completely hidden by the material of his shirt.

Kagami let out a sigh, letting his head fall back against the wall as well and closing his eyes. His fingers continued to gently move through the soft hair; the other boy was lying perpendicular to him on the floor, using his legs as a pillow. Kagami opened his eyes as he felt movement, and found baby blue eyes gazing back at him.

The other boy had sat up, legs on either side of his hips as he straddled him. Kagami could feel the other's grip on his shoulders tighten as the smaller boy leaned his face in closer, before whispering softly.

"Kagami-kun," his breath fan across the others face before pulling back, a slight smirk sliding into place before continuing, "Taiga…."

Kagami felt his hand moving on it's own, reaching up to pull the other closer, mouth opening to call out his name.

"Kuro-" eyes snapped open as the boy sat up straight in bed, "-ko…" the rest of the name falling from his lips.

Kagami looked around in a daze. What the hell was that? Different thoughts flew around his head at once, and he could feel a headache coming on already. One question struck him in particular; did he just have a dream about his teammate? The basketball player let out a groan before falling back into his sheets. It was too early for this.

He lay there unmoving hoping for the pain in his head to just pass, but couldn't help but miss the comfortable feeling of the head in his lap. Another groan left his lips as Kagami pressed the heels of his hands into his closed eyes. He really hoped nothing was going to come of this.


The headache didn't go away. In fact by the time lunch rolled around Kagami felt far worse then he did that morning. He fell forward into his desk and closed his eyes; it seemed like every time he tried to look at the board everything would just start spinning. Not that Kagami was a model student to begin with but it's never been this bad.


The taller male didn't even bother being surprised as his teammate suddenly appeared in front of him. Instead he opt to just looking up, and grunting a response.

"Kagami-kun are you feeling ok? You seem like you're failing more in class than normal." Kuroko's expression didn't really look too concerned, but his head was tilted slightly as he asked the question. Kagami frowned, that sounded more like an insult than being worried.

"I'm feeling fine, why're you asking?"

"It's just that lunch started 10 mins ago and you haven't started eating. Plus you don't have your normal huge pile of food," he looked around as if searching for said pile of food.

Kagami blinked before realizing that he was right. Normally at this point in the day he would be famished and probably half way through his 5th sandwich. With this realization he pulled out his bag and dumped it's contents onto his desk, picking up a random sandwich and started eating.

"What do you want?" Kagami raised and eyebrow questioningly as his teammate just stood there staring at his bag. The smaller boy looked up to meet the other's eyes.

"I was just thinking that food really is all Kagami-kun brings to school."


Looking away Kagami didn't notice the blank gaze that lingered slightly before turning away as well. Kuroko returned to his own desk to eat his own lunch, quietly observing the one in front of him.

The rest of class seemed to drag on forever, and Kagami breathed a sigh of relief when they finally ended. Wasting no time at all he headed straight to the gym with Kuroko on his heals, ready to work off the day's weariness. Practice progressed normally; they did a few drills, ran a few laps and played a practice game at the end. It was in that very game that Kagami ran off court to puke his day's meals into a poor unsuspecting trashcan.

The rest of the team stopped playing and came over to see if he was ok.

"Kagami you don't look too good why don't you go home for the day." Aida glanced over with a worried expression before writing something down on her clipboard. "Eat a proper meal and get plenty of rest."

Kagami didn't bother arguing for once and just quickly made his way back to the change room, to pack his stuff and leave. He did feel like crap, every step seemed to only make his head pound harder against his skull as his vision swam a little. A nice long nap did sound good right now, and with that thought as motivation he made his way home.


Kuroko was already at the school gates when someone shouted his name. He stopped walking and looked back as Hyuga caught up with him and tossed him a gym bag.

"Kagami forgot it in the change room, do you think you could give it to him? You know where he lives right?"

Kuroko nodded in response.

"Oh and the coach says that he probably shouldn't come to school tomorrow, tell him to stay home and rest until he's fully recovered."

Kuroko nodded again before replying, "I'll let him know," and with that he turned away from the team captain and continued walking. It just so happens that Kuroko did know where Kagami lived, he had gone over once before to work on a school project together. From what he remembered it wasn't far from the school, but in the opposite direction of his house. Letting out a sigh he decided he might as well drop the stuff off first then head home.

The apartment itself was a fairly new looking building, with smooth brick and shinny windows. It was 5 stories tall and Kagami lived at the very top. Kuroko let out another sigh and began the climb, by the time he found the right door his arms were tired from holding the weight of the extra bag. Just what was in there anyways?

Setting the bag down to relieve his arms, Kuroko rang the doorbell and waited. He stood there for about 3 mins before trying again. After a few tries he decided to just walk in and drop the stuff off, maybe he was asleep. The door was unlocked so Kuroko entered with out a hassle, setting his shoes neatly by the door and looking around.

The apartment was about medium sized, with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and 1 bedroom. Kuroko spotted Kagami sprawled out on the couch of his living room, and upon closer inspection realized that he wasn't asleep at all. The other was just gazing tiredly at the T.V not really seeing what was on the screen. Kuroko walked farther into the room, but didn't seem to catch the others attention until he actually moved in front of the T.V.

Kagami let of a startled cry bolting up straight on the seat.

"K-kuroko! What the hell are you doing here? Also when and how did you get in?"

Kuroko just looked back with the same blank expression, and for a few seconds Kagami thought he was going to reply with his normal 'I've been here the whole time'.

"The door was unlocked and I walked in just now. You forgot your bag at school and Hyuga-kun asked me to return it to you. He held up the bag to prove what he said.

Kagami sank back into the couch and relaxed, to be honest he hadn't even notice that his bag was missing, it's not like he did his homework anyways. Tiredness was overtaking him again and he fought the urge to close his eyes.

The couch dipped as another weight was added. He was startled again at the sudden presence of a cool hand on his forehead. Kagami observed the other as he pulled back his hand; right knee still on the couch.

"Kagami-kun you seem to have a fever." Kuroko spoke quietly, and Kagami watched in awe as a worried frown replaced the normally blank look. "Have you eaten yet?"

It took Kagami a few moments to tear his eyes away from the slightly downturned lips and focus on what the other was saying, managing a shake of his head. The other stood back up and made his way toward the kitchen without saying anything else, but Kagami got the idea. Settling back down into the couch he let the soft sounds of dishes clanking to lull him to sleep.


Kuroko wasn't by any means good at cooking. When his parents weren't home he got by off canned foods, boiled eggs and packages that had preparation instructions on the back. So looking around Kagami's kitchen he found a box of soup mix and set to work. It was his first time being in the kitchen actually and Kuroko had a pretty hard time finding the things he needed. After the pot of water was finally boiling Kuroko added the soup mix and stirred it a few times, before putting the heat on low and going to check on Kagami.

The other was fast asleep on the couch still in his basketball clothes, sprawled out and half falling off. Kuroko mentally sighed, looking around the room for something to use as a blanket for the other; his eyes landed on the jacket he had brought with him.

"Kagami-kun really is and idiot, you can't get better sleeping like this." Kuroko scolded his sleeping teammate while laying the jacket over him.

It was already dark outside, and Kuroko wasn't surprised to see that the clock read 9:47pm. Digging through his pockets he pulled out his cellphone (yes he has one), leaving a quick message for his parents informing them of the situation. His parents always told him to never be outside alone after dark, so he figured they wouldn't disapprove of him staying over.

Seeing that Kagami was still fast asleep with no signs of waking up Kuroko decided to eat some of his own meal and do his homework. The room was quite as he worked.


At some point Kagami had woken up. It took a few mins for what he was seeing to connect with what had happened. Kuroko was sitting at the kitchen table, his back to Kagami, pencil scribing away on what was probably homework. The other must have decided to stay the night seeing as it was already approaching 11:00pm. Warmth spread through his chest at the thought and he couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Oi, Kuroko how long do you intend to stay up? It's not good for your health you know."

If the other was surprised he didn't show it, turning around and calmly meeting Kagami's eyes.

"Kagami-kun I hope you don't mind, I decided to stay the night since it was already so late."

"It's fine, I don't mind." Kagami made to stand up but instantly felt dizzy and fell back into the couch. His head still hurt, and everything ached when he tried to move. Kuroko's hand was on his forehead again, but this time Kagami's head induced mind couldn't help but noticing those pale pink lips as the other leaned over. He couldn't help but imagine pressing his own lips against them and soaking up that cool warmth radiated from the smaller teen.

"I think the fever got worse Kagami-kun, do you have any medicine you could take?" Kuroko stood back up with an expectant look on his face, blissfully oblivious to his teammate's thoughts.

"No, this is the first time I've gotten sick since coming back to Japan and I just never felt the need to stock up on any." Kagami managed to snap out of his thoughts and answer the question.

"Ok then, I'll go out and buy some tomorrow so you'll just have to wait till then. For now please eat something Kagami-kun, I'll warm the soup back up, please don't fall asleep again." His voice had a slightly teasing tone to it, and Kagami smirked.

"Yah yah, just hurry up."

By the time Kagami finally put his spoon down to signal he was done, it was nearing midnight and both males were having a hard time keeping their eyes open. (Note: I doubt teens these days have a problem staying up this late but whatever). Kuroko suppressed a yawn with his hand before opening his mouth to talk, but Kagami cut him off before he began.

"We'll both be sleeping in my room." He'd been thinking about it the whole time while eating, coming up with different ways of saying it but in the end decided to just go with the direct method. But seeing the other's blank look at his words he quickly tried to explain the situation. "You see I don't have any extra blankets or pillows… so I couldn't let you sleep on the couch and…" he trailed off awkwardly waiting for the other's reaction.

Kuroko for his part didn't really give much of a reaction, simply nodding before following the other to his room. With his back to him Kagami never noticed the way Kuroko shifted his gaze to the ground; or the light blush that had formed on those pale cheeks.

Getting settled into bed was extremely awkward as expected. Kagami owned a single twin sized bed like all normal kids his age, the piece of furniture was in the in the right corner of the room using the wall as the backrest. But in the end after some shuffling around and curses on Kagami's part the pair finally found something that worked, and silence enveloped the room.

Kuroko lay facing the wall, having changed into some of Kagami's pajamas and was now dozing off into a peaceful slumber. Kagami however couldn't find it in himself to close his eyes. Every time he did another reminder of just how awkward this whole situation was flashed into his vision. Kuroko's back brushed against his with each inhale and exhale and if he listened he could hear the other's gentle breathing.

Kagami resisted the urge to turn around and pull the other's smaller form against his. As much as he wanted to just press that cool skin against his heated body to relive the burning, logic spoke to him for once and Kagami took its advice and didn't move.


They woke up extremely close together. Kagami was the first to open his eyes, only to find his vision obstructed by a mass of blue hair. It was comfortably warm and his mind briefly registered that he didn't feel sick anymore, before sinking back into the dream like daze. Kagami tightened his hold on the smaller body pressed against him as it shifted slightly; Kuroko tilted his head upwards to avoid suffocation. Dazed red eyes met sleepy blue ones, as Kagami continued to cuddle Kuroko.

It took a few moments for the sleep-induced state to wear off.

Kagami froze; laying paralyzed eyes still locked with Kuroko's now slightly widened ones, one arm thrown hazardously over the other's waist pulling them closer. The seconds ticked by and neither made any attempt to move apart. The initial shock wore off slightly and Kagami felt the tension slowly start to fade. They fell into a comfortable silence, and simply basked in the other's presence.

Kuroko's breath brushed against his neck and Kagami's free hand moved up to thread itself into the blue hair. It was soft, just like it was in his dream, just like he'd always thought. And Kagami wondered when he had actually made that observation, but didn't ponder on it as he gently pet the others head.

The seconds ticked by and Kagami had almost drifted off to sleep again. Kuroko was the one to break the silence.

"Kagami-kun school's going to start soon, coach said for you to stay home today but I should get going soon." He turned over and pushed himself up as far as he could with the heavy arm still slung across his waist. Watching amused as the other boy finally caught on and jerked back embarrassed, falling off the bed in the process.

Smiling slightly to himself Kuroko leaned over to check if the other was ok, before getting off the bed and heading for the bathroom to get ready for the morning. He was still tried, even though on a normal day he would have been up long before this. Checking the time again Kuroko decided that there wouldn't be enough time to shower, and just opted to taming his wild bed hair by brushing.

Kagami hadn't gotten off the floor yet; instead he just sat there, deep in his newest train of troubling thoughts. Has Kuroko always looked like that? Has he always had such a slim form that would cause Kagami's shirt to hang so loosely off him? The Seirin power forward was sure that he shouldn't have been so fascinated by that pale porcelain skin reveled when the shirt slide a little too much off his shoulders. Kagami's mind flashed to the way Kuroko's lips had been slightly upturned when he had looked over the side of the bed.

He's never noticed any of these things before, so why was he seeing them now? Maybe this was another symptom of his sickness? Kagami shook his head before finally getting up off the floor.

Even with these hesitations, Kagami couldn't help but wish Kuroko would smile like that more often.

I'd love to hear people's opinion of this story. It's gonna start out light but later on will have some more serious plot, and content that matches the story's rating...

Please Review ^^