A/N: So, there was mixed feelings about the last chapter (mostly positive, but some negative), so I just wanted to make something clear… I do think Andy is being a little ridiculous in how she dealt with Sam in the couple chapters I had them interact… if you're going off the storyline in the show. However, in this story, Andy's emotions are still all out of whack. Her one of her first encounters with Sam after the kidnapping was him pouring his heart out to her—at that time she was worried about Dean and feeling picked on for her belief in his goodness. Needless to say, it was not good timing and she took it quite personally. Later on, after she is "betrayed" by the person she had invested in and grown close with (remember, this is the first guy she had even connected with since the breakup), Sam (another man who has seemingly betrayed her) pours out his feelings of love to her. I think it is reasonable that she is angry, though maybe she directs more of it to Sam than he deserves. However, I do not think she is a jerk by any stretch of the word. She's hurt and still working things out (Stockholm syndrome is very real). I know this note is probably unnecessary and most of you probably skipped it, which is totally fine, just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

Sam was not musically inclined by any stretch of the word, but it was not completely unusual to for him to hum a song that someone or the damn radio got stuck in his head. It was, however, unusual for him to create his own tune, and walk in rhythm to that tune. It wasn't until he was halfway through the police station that he noticed his fellow coworker's odd stares and blank expressions. He did not fully comprehend why they were acting different until he walked up to Oliver and Luke, who stared at him, Oliver shaking his head in disbelief while Luke had a scowl on his face.

"What's up, buddy?" Oliver asked.

Sam shrugged nonchalantly, as if he did not know what the older cop was referring to. "Nothin'."

"I haven't seen you this happen since…" Oliver stopped short as realization hit, his eyes opening wide. "… Andy. Oh my god, you guys did it. You son of a bitch, you did it."

Sam turned away with a sheepish grin.

Oliver's face lit up, receiving his confirmation. "Way to go buddy." He said with an elbow nudge.

"Congratulations, Swarek." Luke said somewhat bitterly, already beginning to walk away. "I'm glad you got your act together."

Sam shook his head, chuckling to himself.

Oliver slapped Sam's arm, pulling back his attention. "Hey, so, what happened? Last I remember Andy hated your pathetic guts."

"I dunno," Sam said with a shrug. "We uh… we talked."

"Talked?" Oliver repeated, sounding unimpressed.

"Yeah, yeah… we talked." He said again with a nod. "Then we made out… then we, well, uh, the rest isn't really appropriate for this conversation."

"You sly dog." Oliver said with a goofy grin, and then his expression turned serious. "I'm happy for you buddy, I really am, but I saw how much you messed up that girl the last time you two were together. I don't know why she's decided to give you another chance… she's a good kid, Sam. A keeper."

Sam nodded in agreement. "Yes she is, Oli."

"If you hurt her again, you'll have me to answer to." Oliver said, his voice never before had sounded so serious. "I mean it. Someone needs to be looking out for Andy."

Andy let out a big breath once she stepped out of the psychologist's office, completely worn out but elated. Traci stood across the hall, her arms crossed and her eyes wide with curiosity.

"So? How'd it go?"

Andy quickly pulled the door shut behind her, gesturing for her friend to follow her several feet away from the door before she stopped. She put on her best, blank poker face and shook her head slowly. "Those damn psychologists—they think they know everything."

"Oh sweetie," Traci said reaching for a hug. "I'm sor—"

Andy hurriedly unfolded a piece of paper and held it up to the detective's face, stopping her friend mid-word. "I've been cleared for active duty! Desk work, of course, until the doctor clears me for physical duty, but still… I'm back!"

"Oh my god, that's awesome Andy!" Traci exclaimed, throwing her arms around her for a quick hug. "So, tell me, what happened? What's changed since yesterday? I'll admit and say I was very surprised when you called and asked for me to pull some strings to see the doc again…"

"You know, I uh, I…" She stammered lamely. "I guess I just saw things clearly after yesterday's appointment."

"Huh." Traci didn't look convinced. "You know, I thought I saw the strangest thing earlier… I could have sworn I saw you getting out of Swarek's truck a block away from the station. But that's crazy right? That's just me imagining things? Because last I remember, we still hated that guy."

Andy bit her lip, but a smiled slipped from her teeth's grip. "I promise I was going to tell you! I just wasn't sure I was ready for everyone to find out. Not right away at least, not all at once."

"Are you sure about this, Andy?" Traci asked hesitantly. "I mean, just the other day—"

"I'm sure." Andy responded with conviction. "I'm more than sure."

Traci smiled and nodded, and left things at that. "I'm really happy for you… both of you."

"Thank you." Andy said, unable to keep a grin off her own face.

"But I will not hesitate to kick his ass if he pulls anything like that again." Traci warned.

Andy laughed lightly. "Don't worry, it shouldn't… and if it does, I think I'd like to have that honor myself."

"Good." Traci said with a chuckle. "Okay, I have work to do, and you have a boyfriend to go find. I'm sure Oliver is suffocating the guy…"

Funny enough, Traci had been right about Oliver suffocating Sam. When Andy found them, Sam shot her a look, begging her to rescue him.

"Hey!" Sam called out to her, his voice louder than it needed to be. He hurried away from Oliver, standing a few feet away from her. "Uh, so, how'd it go?"

Andy smiled and held up the piece of paper. "I'm cleared.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." She nodded. "Though I'm surprised it happened so quickly. Just yesterday she talked about how we'd have to do a couple weeks of therapy…"

"Congrats, McNally." Oliver said, reaching over to give her an awkward side hug. "Why I don't I take that to Best for you and get everything squared away?"

"Thanks, Oli." Andy said as she released the paper to him. "I appreciate it."

"No problem." The balding man said as he walked away.

Sam, who sat down and reclined at his desk, pushed a brown paper bag towards her. "I got you lunch."

Her eyebrows shot up as she recognized the bag. "Lou's?"

He simply nodded.

"I could definitely get used to this." She said with a wry smile as she dug into the bag and pulled out a burrito.

"Don't." Sam warmed, pulling his own food. "It's your turn next."

Andy chuckled, knowing he was right, and took a bite from her food. "Mmm… so worth it."

They sat undisturbed eating their food, that is, until a loud screech startled them.


Andy nearly dropped her food to the ground as she stood up quickly, immediately recognizing the voice. "Gavin! Hey buddy!"

The little boy ran up to her, his arms opened wide. She took it as a cue to sweep him up into her arms, the pair of them giggled ridiculously.

"I brought you somethin'." Gavin said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah?" Andy asked. "What'd you bring me? More cookies?"

The boy shook his head and pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket, shoving it into her hands. "Nope! It's a birthday… a birthday in-tation."

"Invitation." His mom corrected, amused.

Gavin grinned and tried again. "In-ven-tation."

"Yeah?" Andy accepted the invite, pulling it from its sleeve and smiled warmly. "You're having a cops and robbers birthday party, huh?"

"Yeeeep!" He nodded enthusiastically. "I'm gonna be the cop. You can too."

"Thanks buddy, that's so awesome." She said. "I will definitely be there."

"You should feel honored, Andy." Gavin's mom began. "Gavin keeps asking you to be his new babysitter, and he was infatuated with his current one, until he met you. I tried to explain to him that you already had a very important job, but he didn't care. So, just throwing it out there… if you ever want some experience, maybe to practice for when you have kids of your own, you would be more than welcome to watch him for a night."

Andy laughed at the idea, but nodded anyway. "Yeah, maybe sometime… that'd be fun."

"Yay!" Gavin exclaimed loudly, pumping his fists.

His mom laughed. "Sounds good. Come on Gavin, we have to go. I'm sure officer Andy has a lot of work to do."

"Your mom's right." Andy said as she lowered the boy to the ground. "Thanks for stopping by."

"You should wear your uniform to my party." Gavin said seriously. "Oh, guess what?!"


"I'm gonna be four!" He said excitedly, holding up four fingers proudly.

Andy grinned. "That is awesome. I will see you then."

"BYE!" Gavin shouted, waving with one hand while his mom pulled him away with the other.

Andy perched on the edge of Sam's desk and casually turned to him with a crooked smile. "So, Sam… what do you think about kids?"

The end.

Yep, that's it. I didn't think the ending was going to come so soon, but it did. It just felt right. I don't want to completely write how their rekindled relationship is going to work, as I am completely sure the show will do a WAY better job than my pathetic attempt. This story was just something that kept me going while the show is off-air. Thank you all so much for reading! Hopefully I'll get around to posting another RB story soon (I have a one-shot in the works). In any case, I hope to hear from you all. Leave me a comment and let me know what you thought. Thanks!