Title: Five Days To Resist Or Impress
Theme: No Theme
Pairings: Zoro/Robin
Setting: AU. Unrelated to 'Midnight Cat'.

There are days when I find it so hard to write. And then there are days I write endlessly because I cannot stop. This is written out of pure fun – the idea was meant to be irrelevant to OP and is an independent original story, but then I realized I will be too lazy for it. But I promise you this will be lightweight, simple, easy read, not heavy, and nothing serious.

I'm also curious, well, I was wondering (and afraid) if you will eventually be bored of my Zoro/Robin stories? Because generally too much of something can give that sort of effect, you know. Haha. I'm just curious, I don't want your love for Zoro/Robin to fade away by having too much of these two, but it's good if you don't.

Chapter One
No, Sir

"So Zoro, did you bring me anything from Germany?"

"Yeah, guys' phone numbers. I thought it's a good gift for you, Robin. You want?"

"I hate you."

"I hate you more. Anyway, how are you? You didn't reply my messages since February."

"Well, you didn't send me any postcards from Germany."

"I didn't know you like postcards."

"Of course you don't, you barely know me even though we used to date for four years. But isn't it obvious? If you're abroad, you should send postcards."

"I've sent you emails that you never replied."

"Short emails. I prefer if you'd tell everything. Like what do you do, where did you went, send pictures of your temporary home and your feet covered in snow, you know."

"Kay, Robin. I will. Next time."


"You obviously haven't read my latest email."

"Too lazy. What is it about, Zoro?"

"About a vacation."

"You're going away, again? I didn't get to see you yet."

"That's why it's our vacation. You and me. I thought we might catch up after a year in Germany. I brought you some souvenirs from Paris too, you know."

"Our vacation? Where to?"

"Remember that place we call our second home?"

"You want us to go there?"

"Yeah, why not? It's a good excuse to get off work and catch up."

"I guess I could. I needed a break too. Work is stressful. How long do you plan this vacation is going to be?"

"Five days. I guess. What day is today?"


"Oh, good. I'll see you next Wednesday. We'll go next Wednesday."

This is the phone call that Roronoa Zoro made one day after he arrived home from Germany. They say it's very unhealthy to be close friends with your former lover, and in Zoro's case, his former girlfriend of four years, Nico Robin, but who sets the rules, anyway? Zoro and Robin writes letters to each other once in a while, meets up every time Zoro arrives home – which is probably four times a year – and whines to each other about life and other deep embarrassing secret. But it's okay, because they are close friends and former lovers.

I hope I don't bore you (: Thank you for reading and reviewing.