A/N Prepare yourself, this is the end.
Rory Gilmore is walking dreamily through the dark streets of Stars Hollow, thinking of the day to come and of all her good fortune. As she approaches the house she's lived in for the majority of her life her thoughts are interrupted by her mother's screams.
"Rory's getting married!" Lorelai Gilmore dances around her daughter.
Rory shakes her hair out, attempting to bring herself back to reality, she manages a simple grin.
"Come on! We have to get ready!" Lorelai exclaims as Sookie and Lane appear at the front door.
*Inside the house.
"I can't believe you all kept this from me." Rory says pretending to be angry.
"Jess told me that if I didn't tell you, he'd buy me a puppy." Lorelai says in a childish tone of voice.
"Hon, I don't think Luke will go for that." Sookie states.
"And I think Jess may have said that just to get you to behave." Rory interjects.
"Mean." Lorelai replies folding her arms. "I want my puppy......I was going to name it Willy."
"Willy the dog?" Lane says warily.
"Time to paint nails!" Sookie announces.
"Put the movie in first!"
Lane jumps up and grabs the tape from the tv.
Rory turns to the tv as familiar music starts to play.
"We're watching care bears?" Rory raises an eyebrow at her mother, "I'm getting married tomorrow and we're watching care bears?"
"Hey! It was what we watched on our first ever movie night..and being that this will be our last movie night as single women, I figured we'd end just as we started." Lorelai pouts.
Rory smiles at her mother, "Turn it up."
*6:30am Sunday morning.
"Get up!" Sookie nudges Lorelai.
"Nooooo, Sunday day of Rest." She moans.
Sookie bends down to her friends level, "Rory's getting married..." She coos in Lorelai's ear.
Lorelai sits up. "What time is it?"
"Where's Ror-"
"Already in the shower."
Lorelai sighs, "So what now?"
"Luke left some danishes on the table."
"Luke was here?"
"For a minute."
"And no one woke me?" Lorelai asks offended.
"Luke said he didn't want to bother you.....that you're kind of grouchy in the morning.....but now that I'm here I can see he was totally off guard." Sookie says sarcastically.
Lorelai stands up mumbling to herself, "Not...grouchy, Damnit..grrr..stupid duke, stupid backwards hat...."
"Come on eat your danish, once Rory gets out of the shower we've got to start getting ready, we have to be down at the bridge by 11:30" Sookie announces.
*11am *Sookie is adjusting Lane's dress as Lorelai pins Rory's veil on.
"Alright, sweets you're all done." Lorelai says softly.
Rory takes a deep breath and then looks into the mirror, "Mom, it's perfect."
"Not exactly..." Lorelai says pulling out a small yellow box and handing it to Rory.
"What is it?"
"Something borrowed."
Rory opens the box revealing a delicate white gold necklace with a small diamond flower on it. "Where'd it come from?"
"Grandpa gave it to me for my 13th birthday" Lorelai smiles at one of the few cherished moments she had with her father.
"Thanks mom."
"Everyone ready, because my car is leaving in 5 minutes." Sookie says with authority.
*11:15 *All of Rory and Jess' family and friends are gathered in chairs along both sides of the Stars Hollow Bridge. Rory looks amazedly at the crowd, shocked by some of the faces present. There on the left side sits Paris and Ivy league boyfriend, Russell. Seated five rows down is Dean, his with Shauna and their daughter Kate. Rory's eyes suddenly travel to the front where her grandparents are seated next to Rachel and Mark who has Cole in his lap.
"Rory." Christopher Hayden's soothing voice breaks Rory's concentration.
"You, look amazing." He says breathlessly.
"Thanks dad." Rory says linking arms with her father.
Suddenly the music starts.
"Ready kiddo?" Chris smiles at hi daughter.
"Let's go." Rory says returning Chris' grin.
Luke puts is hand on Jess' shoulder causing him to look up from his feet.
"You've done good." Luke whispers as Sookie and Lane make their way dwn the aisle, Lorelai behind them.
Jess takes a deep breath as the music gets louder and Christopher appears at the end of the bridge with Rory on his arm.
Jess' eyes are fixated on Rory, her beauty comparable to no other. Tears well up in his eyes as Rory meets his gaze. Those eyes, since their first meeting had done him in every time, making him yearn for something more. Those eyes had made him run away more times than he cared to remember, but they'd also brought him home a thousand times more.
Jess' thoughts are broken by the elderly pastor's voice, "Who gives this women away?"
"Her father and mother do." Chris's calm voice answers, letting go of Rory's arm and leading her towards Jess. He kisses his daughters cheek and then takes his seat next to Sherry.
"Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today.."
The pastor's words to the spectators are lost on Jess. He hears nothing, but Rory's light breathing, he sees nothing but her dazzling blue eyes, to him there is nobody there except for him and Rory.
Tears form in Rory's eyes as she once again locks gazes with Jess. They had been through a lot in the last 7 years, if someone had asked her 5 years ago if she ever thought this day would come, she would have replied no. How could it, Jess was unstable, unreliable, and Rory was never good enough for him. Yet here today, 7 years after their first meeting their they were standing in front of their family and friends pledging their lives to one another.
Soothingly Jess takes Rory's hand in his.
Rory smiles at him, he smirks back at her. She stifles a giggle as the pastor continues. Rory watches Jess, his dark brown eyes mesmerizing, his full pink lips calling to her.
"I believe Rory and Jess have written their own vows, Jess please continue." The pastor says as all eyes turn to Jess.
Jess clears his throat slightly,
"Rory, from the first day I met you I knew that I'd never meet another person like you. Over the years I came to know your deep thoughts, your hopes and your dreams. From the moment I laid eyes on you I was taken back by all your beauty and intelligence. I've felt privileged that you chose to confide in me, I've adored our friendship and now as I stand here today I can say that you are my world my everything. I haven't heard a word this man up here has said because I was mesmerized by you. When I'm with you, I see no one other being, when you speak I hear no other sound, when you say you love me I feel nothing by my heart beating fast. Rory, I love and on this day I offer my life to you, so that we may be forever together." Jess' voice is calm, his eyes on Rory, and his tears becoming more visible.
"Rory, go ahead." The pastor says.
Rory sniffles quietly and then starts,
"Jess, I still remember our first exchange, standing in the street, the book with notes in the margins. I may not have known 7 years ago that we'd end up here, but that night, as I walked home alone I knew that I had just met a very special person. Life together has not always been easy, we've had to overcome a lot, but you make all the tears worthwhile. Jess you are the pillars that support me, you always told me that I could be anything I wanted and you were always there to make sure that I was doing exactly what I wanted to. 7 years after we first met, your voice still sends shivers down my back. With you, everything seems new and exciting. You make my life better just by being near to me, and today as I pledge my life to you I look forward to many more years of trials and tribulations, explorations and discoveries with you, my best friend, the love of my life." Tears are flowing down Rory's face as she finishes her vows, Jess lifts his hand up and wipes them away.
"Jess repeat after me..." The pastor interrupts this touching moment as he begins the ring ceremony.
*10 minutes later.
"It is my privilege now to pronounce you husband and wife."
Rory squeezes Jess' hand.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Jess pulls Rory into a gentle kiss, as everyone looks on clapping and cheering.
"I love you." Jess says as he breaks the kiss.
Rory answers him with another kiss.
"I would now like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Marino" The pastor says with delight as the music starts up and Jess and Rory make their way down the aisle.
*3 hours later. *Pictures have been taken, The cocktail hour is over and the reception has started at the inn.
*The first notes to 'Fan of your life" begin marking the first dance.
"Please welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Marino." The band announces.
Jess leads Rory onto the dance floor. She cuddles close to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
All the guests watch as the two newlyweds move gracefully across the floor.
"Dance?" Luke asks holding his hand out for Lorelai.
"I thought you don't dance." Lorelai smirks.
"I think I can make an exception this one time." Luke smiles at Lorelai Gilmore, the love of his life, he loved to make her crazy as she did him, but even more he basked in the glory of giving in just to see her genuine smile at simple victories.
*10 minutes later.
*Rory and Jess are standing off to the side taking a break from dancing; Lorelai and Luke approach them.
"Hey there Mrs. Marino!" Lorelai exclaims.
"Isn't that weird." Rory asks.
"It is, and what's weirder...your kids are going to have Danes blood." Lorelai crinkles her face in disgust.
Rory giggles.
"It doesn't turn you into a vampire or werewolf or anything." Luke defends.
"It does, however cause you to have a distaste for coffee and red meat." Jess smirks.
"Bite your tongue!"
"My grandchildren will be drinking coffee black form their bottles, and as for red meet, I am now issuing a Saturday night dinner every other Saturday where we will eat nothing but red meet and fried foods."
"You can't mandate that." Jess grins.
"My mother did, why can't I?"
"Grandma did it because we owed her money." Rory replies. Seeing Lorelai's fake pout she continues, "But I think it's a great idea, so every other Saturday!!"
Lorelai and Rory hug.
Jess moves closer to Luke, "You, know thanks for, uh being there for me."
"I wouldn't have missed your wedding for anything, you've grown on me kid." Luke says patting Jess on the shoulder.
"Not just today, you've been like a father to me and put up with a ton of crap and I just wanted to thank you. There's no way I would be here today if you hadn't come into my life."
"Yeah, well I think we did each other good." Luke says eyeing Lorelai who whispering to a giggling Rory.
Lorelai interrupts this touching moment, "You know, I didn't get my puppy."
"What?!" Luke asks.
"Jess said he'd get me a puppy if I didn't tell Rory about today, and I didn't." She says folding her arms.
Jess clears his throat, "You know that I could never get a dog into your house without look kicking my ass...."
"Yeah." Lorelai grumbles.
"So I waited to have it brought over until I was sure Luke would be far away from the house." Jess smirks.
"You mean..it's there right now!?" Lorelai exclaims.
"Might be, the place was supposed to send him over sometime between 3-8."
"You got mom a dog?" Rory asks wrapping her arms around Jess.
"Well, no."
"What?!" Lorelai says angry.
"It's not really fair to the dog to be all alone, so I got two. One for Lorelai and one for Luke." Jess' smirk broadens.
Lorelai screams, "I have two dogs!"
Jess nods.
Luke gives Jess a stern look, "Why would you do something like that?"
"Because, I love how your forehead creases when you're angry."
"Come on Luke! Let's go check on our babies!" Lorelai says pulling Luke away.
Rory giggles, "You're amazing you know that?"
"Just keep that in mind for future reference."
"Come on, let's go dance." Rory pulls Jess towards the dance floor.
As they dance, holding tightly onto one another Rory sighs, remembering that day in the diner that changed everything, the day that Jess found himself and admitted that he loved her.
Jess looks down at Rory and kisses her forehead. Jess had changed so much in 7 years, he was no longer a boy, but a man with a future, someone to go home to, family and friends, and a great life ahead of him.
Their hands now intertwined, their hearts beating at one, Rory and Jess Marino continue dancing; there eyes are oblivious to the people around them, they see only each other, hear only their hearts beating until the song ends and they walk off the dance floor prepared to start their new life together.
A/N This is the last chapter. I haven't decided yet, I may continue this into another story but deff. Not for another few weeks. I'm a sorry if the ending's abrupt or too sappy, but I'm strapped for time and I only had 2 hours before class to write this. Thank you all for your support and positive comments. I hope you enjoyed my work. Thank you
Rory Gilmore is walking dreamily through the dark streets of Stars Hollow, thinking of the day to come and of all her good fortune. As she approaches the house she's lived in for the majority of her life her thoughts are interrupted by her mother's screams.
"Rory's getting married!" Lorelai Gilmore dances around her daughter.
Rory shakes her hair out, attempting to bring herself back to reality, she manages a simple grin.
"Come on! We have to get ready!" Lorelai exclaims as Sookie and Lane appear at the front door.
*Inside the house.
"I can't believe you all kept this from me." Rory says pretending to be angry.
"Jess told me that if I didn't tell you, he'd buy me a puppy." Lorelai says in a childish tone of voice.
"Hon, I don't think Luke will go for that." Sookie states.
"And I think Jess may have said that just to get you to behave." Rory interjects.
"Mean." Lorelai replies folding her arms. "I want my puppy......I was going to name it Willy."
"Willy the dog?" Lane says warily.
"Time to paint nails!" Sookie announces.
"Put the movie in first!"
Lane jumps up and grabs the tape from the tv.
Rory turns to the tv as familiar music starts to play.
"We're watching care bears?" Rory raises an eyebrow at her mother, "I'm getting married tomorrow and we're watching care bears?"
"Hey! It was what we watched on our first ever movie night..and being that this will be our last movie night as single women, I figured we'd end just as we started." Lorelai pouts.
Rory smiles at her mother, "Turn it up."
*6:30am Sunday morning.
"Get up!" Sookie nudges Lorelai.
"Nooooo, Sunday day of Rest." She moans.
Sookie bends down to her friends level, "Rory's getting married..." She coos in Lorelai's ear.
Lorelai sits up. "What time is it?"
"Where's Ror-"
"Already in the shower."
Lorelai sighs, "So what now?"
"Luke left some danishes on the table."
"Luke was here?"
"For a minute."
"And no one woke me?" Lorelai asks offended.
"Luke said he didn't want to bother you.....that you're kind of grouchy in the morning.....but now that I'm here I can see he was totally off guard." Sookie says sarcastically.
Lorelai stands up mumbling to herself, "Not...grouchy, Damnit..grrr..stupid duke, stupid backwards hat...."
"Come on eat your danish, once Rory gets out of the shower we've got to start getting ready, we have to be down at the bridge by 11:30" Sookie announces.
*11am *Sookie is adjusting Lane's dress as Lorelai pins Rory's veil on.
"Alright, sweets you're all done." Lorelai says softly.
Rory takes a deep breath and then looks into the mirror, "Mom, it's perfect."
"Not exactly..." Lorelai says pulling out a small yellow box and handing it to Rory.
"What is it?"
"Something borrowed."
Rory opens the box revealing a delicate white gold necklace with a small diamond flower on it. "Where'd it come from?"
"Grandpa gave it to me for my 13th birthday" Lorelai smiles at one of the few cherished moments she had with her father.
"Thanks mom."
"Everyone ready, because my car is leaving in 5 minutes." Sookie says with authority.
*11:15 *All of Rory and Jess' family and friends are gathered in chairs along both sides of the Stars Hollow Bridge. Rory looks amazedly at the crowd, shocked by some of the faces present. There on the left side sits Paris and Ivy league boyfriend, Russell. Seated five rows down is Dean, his with Shauna and their daughter Kate. Rory's eyes suddenly travel to the front where her grandparents are seated next to Rachel and Mark who has Cole in his lap.
"Rory." Christopher Hayden's soothing voice breaks Rory's concentration.
"You, look amazing." He says breathlessly.
"Thanks dad." Rory says linking arms with her father.
Suddenly the music starts.
"Ready kiddo?" Chris smiles at hi daughter.
"Let's go." Rory says returning Chris' grin.
Luke puts is hand on Jess' shoulder causing him to look up from his feet.
"You've done good." Luke whispers as Sookie and Lane make their way dwn the aisle, Lorelai behind them.
Jess takes a deep breath as the music gets louder and Christopher appears at the end of the bridge with Rory on his arm.
Jess' eyes are fixated on Rory, her beauty comparable to no other. Tears well up in his eyes as Rory meets his gaze. Those eyes, since their first meeting had done him in every time, making him yearn for something more. Those eyes had made him run away more times than he cared to remember, but they'd also brought him home a thousand times more.
Jess' thoughts are broken by the elderly pastor's voice, "Who gives this women away?"
"Her father and mother do." Chris's calm voice answers, letting go of Rory's arm and leading her towards Jess. He kisses his daughters cheek and then takes his seat next to Sherry.
"Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today.."
The pastor's words to the spectators are lost on Jess. He hears nothing, but Rory's light breathing, he sees nothing but her dazzling blue eyes, to him there is nobody there except for him and Rory.
Tears form in Rory's eyes as she once again locks gazes with Jess. They had been through a lot in the last 7 years, if someone had asked her 5 years ago if she ever thought this day would come, she would have replied no. How could it, Jess was unstable, unreliable, and Rory was never good enough for him. Yet here today, 7 years after their first meeting their they were standing in front of their family and friends pledging their lives to one another.
Soothingly Jess takes Rory's hand in his.
Rory smiles at him, he smirks back at her. She stifles a giggle as the pastor continues. Rory watches Jess, his dark brown eyes mesmerizing, his full pink lips calling to her.
"I believe Rory and Jess have written their own vows, Jess please continue." The pastor says as all eyes turn to Jess.
Jess clears his throat slightly,
"Rory, from the first day I met you I knew that I'd never meet another person like you. Over the years I came to know your deep thoughts, your hopes and your dreams. From the moment I laid eyes on you I was taken back by all your beauty and intelligence. I've felt privileged that you chose to confide in me, I've adored our friendship and now as I stand here today I can say that you are my world my everything. I haven't heard a word this man up here has said because I was mesmerized by you. When I'm with you, I see no one other being, when you speak I hear no other sound, when you say you love me I feel nothing by my heart beating fast. Rory, I love and on this day I offer my life to you, so that we may be forever together." Jess' voice is calm, his eyes on Rory, and his tears becoming more visible.
"Rory, go ahead." The pastor says.
Rory sniffles quietly and then starts,
"Jess, I still remember our first exchange, standing in the street, the book with notes in the margins. I may not have known 7 years ago that we'd end up here, but that night, as I walked home alone I knew that I had just met a very special person. Life together has not always been easy, we've had to overcome a lot, but you make all the tears worthwhile. Jess you are the pillars that support me, you always told me that I could be anything I wanted and you were always there to make sure that I was doing exactly what I wanted to. 7 years after we first met, your voice still sends shivers down my back. With you, everything seems new and exciting. You make my life better just by being near to me, and today as I pledge my life to you I look forward to many more years of trials and tribulations, explorations and discoveries with you, my best friend, the love of my life." Tears are flowing down Rory's face as she finishes her vows, Jess lifts his hand up and wipes them away.
"Jess repeat after me..." The pastor interrupts this touching moment as he begins the ring ceremony.
*10 minutes later.
"It is my privilege now to pronounce you husband and wife."
Rory squeezes Jess' hand.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Jess pulls Rory into a gentle kiss, as everyone looks on clapping and cheering.
"I love you." Jess says as he breaks the kiss.
Rory answers him with another kiss.
"I would now like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Marino" The pastor says with delight as the music starts up and Jess and Rory make their way down the aisle.
*3 hours later. *Pictures have been taken, The cocktail hour is over and the reception has started at the inn.
*The first notes to 'Fan of your life" begin marking the first dance.
"Please welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Marino." The band announces.
Jess leads Rory onto the dance floor. She cuddles close to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
All the guests watch as the two newlyweds move gracefully across the floor.
"Dance?" Luke asks holding his hand out for Lorelai.
"I thought you don't dance." Lorelai smirks.
"I think I can make an exception this one time." Luke smiles at Lorelai Gilmore, the love of his life, he loved to make her crazy as she did him, but even more he basked in the glory of giving in just to see her genuine smile at simple victories.
*10 minutes later.
*Rory and Jess are standing off to the side taking a break from dancing; Lorelai and Luke approach them.
"Hey there Mrs. Marino!" Lorelai exclaims.
"Isn't that weird." Rory asks.
"It is, and what's weirder...your kids are going to have Danes blood." Lorelai crinkles her face in disgust.
Rory giggles.
"It doesn't turn you into a vampire or werewolf or anything." Luke defends.
"It does, however cause you to have a distaste for coffee and red meat." Jess smirks.
"Bite your tongue!"
"My grandchildren will be drinking coffee black form their bottles, and as for red meet, I am now issuing a Saturday night dinner every other Saturday where we will eat nothing but red meet and fried foods."
"You can't mandate that." Jess grins.
"My mother did, why can't I?"
"Grandma did it because we owed her money." Rory replies. Seeing Lorelai's fake pout she continues, "But I think it's a great idea, so every other Saturday!!"
Lorelai and Rory hug.
Jess moves closer to Luke, "You, know thanks for, uh being there for me."
"I wouldn't have missed your wedding for anything, you've grown on me kid." Luke says patting Jess on the shoulder.
"Not just today, you've been like a father to me and put up with a ton of crap and I just wanted to thank you. There's no way I would be here today if you hadn't come into my life."
"Yeah, well I think we did each other good." Luke says eyeing Lorelai who whispering to a giggling Rory.
Lorelai interrupts this touching moment, "You know, I didn't get my puppy."
"What?!" Luke asks.
"Jess said he'd get me a puppy if I didn't tell Rory about today, and I didn't." She says folding her arms.
Jess clears his throat, "You know that I could never get a dog into your house without look kicking my ass...."
"Yeah." Lorelai grumbles.
"So I waited to have it brought over until I was sure Luke would be far away from the house." Jess smirks.
"You mean..it's there right now!?" Lorelai exclaims.
"Might be, the place was supposed to send him over sometime between 3-8."
"You got mom a dog?" Rory asks wrapping her arms around Jess.
"Well, no."
"What?!" Lorelai says angry.
"It's not really fair to the dog to be all alone, so I got two. One for Lorelai and one for Luke." Jess' smirk broadens.
Lorelai screams, "I have two dogs!"
Jess nods.
Luke gives Jess a stern look, "Why would you do something like that?"
"Because, I love how your forehead creases when you're angry."
"Come on Luke! Let's go check on our babies!" Lorelai says pulling Luke away.
Rory giggles, "You're amazing you know that?"
"Just keep that in mind for future reference."
"Come on, let's go dance." Rory pulls Jess towards the dance floor.
As they dance, holding tightly onto one another Rory sighs, remembering that day in the diner that changed everything, the day that Jess found himself and admitted that he loved her.
Jess looks down at Rory and kisses her forehead. Jess had changed so much in 7 years, he was no longer a boy, but a man with a future, someone to go home to, family and friends, and a great life ahead of him.
Their hands now intertwined, their hearts beating at one, Rory and Jess Marino continue dancing; there eyes are oblivious to the people around them, they see only each other, hear only their hearts beating until the song ends and they walk off the dance floor prepared to start their new life together.
A/N This is the last chapter. I haven't decided yet, I may continue this into another story but deff. Not for another few weeks. I'm a sorry if the ending's abrupt or too sappy, but I'm strapped for time and I only had 2 hours before class to write this. Thank you all for your support and positive comments. I hope you enjoyed my work. Thank you