I'm here! Finally! hahahaha.. And with good news and bad news. Bad news is: this is the last chapter! BUT... The good news is: there's more to come! Puh-lease, I have until 7th year to cover! So... Be on a lookout for The Chamber of Secrets ;) (Yes, I'm keeping the original titles cause... let's face it. They're awesome).

As always, thank you for the lovely reviews: Poseidon'sdaughter3 (YOU CAN TOTALLY THROW THEM AT QUIRRELL! I swear I don't mind at all. He's all yours. Enjoy yourself. LOL); Bookoholic143 (omg.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Late ;x but I still hope you had a very good one! ^^); MeganAllard (Well... Tem mais Josh nesse 3 e vai ter muito mais dele no comeco do proximo hahahaha. DraJess tem um pouco, mas tambem é mais agora no comeco do proximo. DraJess de verdade soooo a partir do 4o ano :/ hahahaha. To feliz que gostou *-* E sim, Romione porque sou eles forever 3 Eles sao perfeitos juntos *-*)

Well... I hope you all enjoy this last chapter... Here it goes ~

See You Next Year

Jessica refused to stay put until Harry was safe and sound. Anna was still very angry about being petrified for a good whole hour and wasn't allowing anyone to forget it. Josh continued to tease her endlessly and eventually earned a slap across the head. The youngest Selwyn clapped and cheered when Snape walked in, carrying Harry. Madam Pomfrey treated him straight away and assured everyone he was fine. Ron was already awake and eating a large amount of ice cream. It wasn't long before the Weasley family barged through the door, with Mrs. Weasley crying and yelling at Ron for being so reckless. Josh and the twins huddled in a corner and began planning their annual end of year prank. Percy tried to listen in on them so he could rat them out to McGonagall later.

After much talking, Mrs. Weasley turned to the Selwyn sisters and smiled. "You both have grown so much since I last saw you." She hugged Anna tightly. "And to think this is your last year in Hogwarts!"

"I know... Time flies. I do wish I could stay longer and keep an eye on these two." She said, pointing to Josh and then Jessica. Josh allowed his mouth to hang open and walk straight towards them.

"I'll have you know that I am the most well mannered person in this school." He smirked. "I just tend to have a dark side every now and then."

"More like every day." George grinned.

"Well at least Percy will still be around to tell you off." Athos said as he walked into the room. Professor Dumbledore greeted Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn happily. Jessica grinned and ran over to them.

"I've missed you both so much!" She said as she hugged them tightly.

"You better not be in much trouble young lady." Elena smiled. "Otherwise no holiday this summer."

"Not to worry, Elena. Your daughter, along with the others, is considered a hero to this school." Dumbledore smiled. "And with that being said, I would like all of you to head to bed. It's late."

The children frowned but complied. After each hugging their respective parents, they headed off to bed. Dumbledore then proceeded to explain to the families what happened and why they had been called. "I cannot believe they'd risk themselves in such a manner!" Molly Weasley said in complete shock.

"They take after us." Athos said proudly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Quite frankly, I don't like the idea of my baby risking her life like this." Elena sighed.

"But there's no way we could forbid them to do what is right!" Arthur Weasley stated.

"As the parents, I will leave you to decide what is best for the four. Miss Granger's parents and Harry's family aren't wizards... Therefore I shall have to leave them up to you too." Dumbledore smiled. "If you wish for them to be punished for their actions, then so be it."

"No! Of course we wouldn't wish that!" Elena said suddenly. "I don't like what happened tonight, but it was the right thing to do. I only fear for my child's safety but they deserve to be rewarded for their actions and not punished."

"But you weren't going to punish them even if we asked, were you Albus?" Athos smiled.

"Of course he wasn't!" Molly smiled. "And I completely agree with Elena."

"Very well... Then I shall be going too. The early bird catches the worm!" Dumbledore smiled and left.

Athos and Arthur Weasley soon engaged in conversation as they walked out of the Hospital wing. Elena grabbed her bag and made sure everything was in check. Molly watched in silence and eventually sighed. "We're adults... Surely we can put the past behind us." Molly said quietly.

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Elena smiled. "Although I hope you don't expect me to like the way you live."

"Never crossed my mind!" Molly laughed. "You were always the luxurious type."

"Yes... It's a curse." Elena smirked. "Come... You and Arthur can stay with us tonight. We live much closer to King's Cross than you do and the children come home in two days." Athos and Arthur tried to hide their surprised faces when they saw their wives exiting the school while having a civilized conversation.


The last day of school finally came around and it was filled with cheers and tears. The Seventh years were all crying about how much they'd miss their time here and their friends. The others were all making plans about what they'd do the following year. Fred, George and Josh casually walked through the halls smirking. The older students already knew what it meant and did their best to avoid the troublesome trio at all costs. McGonagall made her way towards them with the angriest look she could come up with. "I trust you three are smart enough to know that you'll get into severe trouble if you pull anything."

"Is that really how you feel about us Professor?" Josh asked innocently. "We'd never do anything on such an important day like this!"

The Seventh years walked into the Great Hall and were met with a grand applause. Anna had to control herself so she wouldn't burst into tears. Richard Patrick held her hand tightly and they both made their way to the front of the school.

"Our graduates!" Dumbledore said proudly. "You shall always be remembered in this school. Each of you has unique talents and personalities. We at Hogwarts hope you succeed in the future. Remember never give up on your dreams because they can become reality." By then Anna was crying her heart out in front of everyone.

Slowly, the students took their places. Anna sat next to Jessica and Josh. "I have to admit I'm quite curious to know what you three have come up with this year." Anna whispred to Josh and the twins.

"You'll have to wait and see." George said.

"But we're sure you'll like it." Fred grinned.

"A lot." The three mischief makers said in unison. Anna sighed.

A soft buzzing noise was heard at the entrance of the hall. It gradually became louder and soon even the teachers could hear it. Snape was already on his feet waiting for something to happen. The three boys looked at each other and grinned. With a loud 'pop!' foam exploded from the ceiling. It would have covered every student and teacher in the room if it wasn't for some sort of shield above everyone. "No way! That wasn't supposed to happen!" Josh groaned.

"Who do you suppose did this?" Fred asked.

"Whoever it was, I'm thankful for them." Jessica grinned. Josh began scanning the room of amazed students, hoping to find the culprit. His eyes soon landed on McGonagall's. She was smirking in victory.

"I wonder if Dumbledore told my parents about what happened." Hermione said worriedly. "They'd probably not allow me to come back!"

"I'm sure he didn't. Muggles have a hard time understanding what goes on in our world." Ron stated.

"Dumbledore told me that we did nothing wrong." Harry said calmly. "And that the whole school knows."

"We're possibly the bravest first years ever!" Jessica said happily.

"Or the craziest." Ron laughed.

"And now, for the house cup!" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the room. "In fourth place with 312 points... Gryffindor!" Cheers could be heard from the Slytherin table as all the Gryffindor's frowned. "In third place with 352 points... Hufflepuff!" The Hufflepuff's seemed to be happy that they were above Gryffindor and cheered loudly. "In second place with 426 points is Ravenclaw and in first place with 522 points is Slytherin!" The Gryffindor's groaned as the Slytherin's cheered their hearts out. Draco met Jessica's eyes and she let out a small smile and mouthed 'congratulations' to him. He smiled back before continuing his celebration with his friends. "Yes! Well done Slytherin, however... Due to recent events, I have a few last minute rewards to hand out." The room fell silent as he took out a small piece of paper from his pocket. "To Miss Hermione Granger, for maintaining your calm whilst caught in vines. I award you 50 points." Hermione grinned and the entire house gave her a loud applause. "To Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years. I award you 50 points." Ron's face went red when it was his turn to receive the applause and cheers. "To Miss Jessica Selwyn, for the use of cool logic in the face of fire. I award you 50 points!" Anna screamed, Josh shouted loudly and Jessica tried to bury her head in her arms. "To Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage! I award you 60 points!" Gryffindor house was going crazy, even McGonagall was cheering by now.

"We're tied with Slytherin!" Fred and George shouted eagerly.

"There are many types of courage." Dumbledore continued. "It takes a great deal to stand up to our enemies and more to stand up to our family and friends. For this reason and many others, I awards 10 points to Miss Anna Selwyn!"

McGonagall was on her feet clapping happily. The entire Gryffindor table had managed to add up the points and realise it was now time for celebration. They cheered even louder when their flag appeared hanging from the ceiling and Dumbledore awarded them with the House Cup. Anna began crying once again and grabbed hold of her brother and sister.


The train's whistle blew loudly. Harry and Ron helped Hermione and Jessica put their bags on the train. "Why do girls need so many bags?" Ron complained.

"Because we like to look good all the time." Jessica grinned. "Stop complaining and help us."

"Part of me doesn't want to go home." Hermione said sadly.

"It's only six weeks." Jessica grinned.

"I actually agree. I don't feel like going back to my aunt and uncle." Harry frowned.

"You can stay with me. I'm sure mum and dad won't mind." Ron said happily.

"Or with me... We've got plenty of empty rooms." Jessica smiled.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind." Harry said.

Jessica spotted something interesting on the other side of the platform as they were making their way on to the train. "You go ahead. There's something I forgot to do." The three nodded and continued on. Jessica quickly ran through the large crowd of students and stopped in front of a blond boy leaning against the wall. "I'll see you in six weeks then?" She smiled.

"Of course." Draco smirked. "But I'd much rather see you in France."

"You're going too?" She asked happily. "Good... I hope you're still up for our little tradition."

"Wouldn't miss it." Draco smiled. "But you best get going before your friends find you over here."

"I'm not worried about that, Draco. I've known you longer."

"That doesn't change how I feel about them." He frowned. "You should've been in Slytherin."

"I quite like it in Gryffindor, actually." She grinned.

"It doesn't suite you. Slytherin's in your blood." He said, rolling his eyes. "Besides, you're too secretive to be a Gryffindor."

"Well too late now." She shrugged.

"I'll see you in France." Draco ruffled Jessica's hair and walked on to the train.


Athos and Elena happily greeted their children once they arrived. Ron and Hermione had both already left and Harry felt quite alone. Jessica grabbed his arm and dragged him towards her parents. "Mum, dad... This is Harry Potter! Tell him he can stay with us if he needs to!"

"Very nice to see you again, Harry." Athos laughed. "And of course you can stay with us."

"You look a lot like your father." Elena smiled. "Although you have Lily's eyes."

"You knew my parents?" Harry asked bewildered.

"Of course! We were all good friends." Athos smiled.

Harry walked out of the platform with the Selwyn's, where he finally met his uncle. Athos had a short word with Vernon and Jessica watched as the fat man paled slightly. She smirked to herself, knowing her father had just made sure Harry would be safe and sound this summer. Jessica casually walked up to Harry. "Write as often as you can. I'll see you in six weeks." She pulled him into a tight hug.

"Have fun in France." He smiled.

- Fin -

Well, for now at least :p Ohh I just love it when I complete a story. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... Though reviews have a much better effect. You know what that means! Go on... Tell me what you thought about this! ^^

And like I said... Keep an eye out for Chamber of Secrets. ^^ You can always follow me to know exactly when I post it! XOXO!