Phew. Man, I am so sorry for the wait. Thank you so much for being patient and I am doing my best to get this story going on scheduled updates. Though with school and basketball season starting up, I'm not sure how that will work out but know that I am doing my best. Again, thank you so much for all of your continued support on this story and even the series in general! It means so much to me!

Happy reading~

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

WARNINGS: Darkness, violence, language, etc.

Chapter Five

Feliciano knew there was something wrong when he woke up that morning. There was something missing, that much was certain. It nagged at him the entire day he bustled about the house preparing for Sienna's sixth birthday party. Ludwig and Sienna could only watch idly in confusion as Feliciano continued making said preparations, wondering what could be bothering the Italian so horribly that he had shut them out completely.

He was now in the kitchen, spreading the princess themed cloth on the table's smooth, oak surface and placed plates and paper cups in front of each respective seat. He wasn't even aware of the inquisitive ocean eyes peering through golden bangs watching his every move, analyzing him, taking note of every flinch in his expression and flicker in honey orbs.

"Feliciano?" Ludwig placed his hand on his lover's shoulder.

The shorter of the two nearly jumped out of his skin and let out a startled yelp, fumbling with the plates in his trembling hands. Ludwig pulled his hand back from mild shock and raised an eyebrow at the latter but his eyes echoed concern.

"Are you all right, Feliciano?" the German asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm…" Feliciano trailed off, sighing heavily and rubbing his eyes. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're on edge today…"

"Yes. I'm fine," Feliciano's tone came out razor sharp, although unintentionally and rather effectively caught the blue-eyed man's attention. "I'm sorry; I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"You sleep twice a day, Feliciano. I know you. What's bothering you?"

The Italian sighed, tearing through his thoughts to find the source of his troubles, "It's Lovino. I'm worried about him. He hasn't called or anything! And today is Sienna's party. She'll be crushed if they don't show up."

"They probably were caught up in something. You know Antonio has been having trouble sleeping at night—you know, with nightmares and all," Ludwig reasoned.

"But he would've called, Ludwig. He always calls if something comes up at home. This isn't like him… I'm so worried. What if something happened? What if someone broke in again? What if he got out and—" Feliciano went into immediate panic mode, fretting about the well-being of his brother and nephew.

Ludwig pulled his lover into his strong embrace, "Feliciano, I'm sure everything's fine. We'll head over there to check on them, okay?"

Feliciano nodded into Ludwig's shoulder, attempting to compose himself. Sienna could only watch from afar, holding tightly onto the stuffed bear she named Charlie in her small arms. She scratched the top of his head, removing a speck of dirt from his chestnut fur, and kissed it. She didn't make friends with many kids in the neighborhood so she felt Charlie was the only other person outside her family who truly understood her. He always listened and never judged. Sienna continued listening to her parents' conversation with Charlie in her arms. Despite not knowing what her parents were talking about, just from the tones of their voices, she knew something was wrong.

She sat on the floor in the living room with Charlie facing her in her lap, "I wonder what's going on, Charlie. Mama's acting funny and even Daddy doesn't know what's wrong with him. Maybe it's because Uncle Lovi and Toni haven't come over yet. What do you think?"

The bear stared at her silently with beady black eyes and sewn smile.

"Yeah, I think that's what happened. Mama's just worried, that's all. Maybe we should go over to Uncle Lovi's house to make sure everything's okay. If we did that then Mama wouldn't be so scared anymore!" Sienna popped her tiny fist in her hand at her wonderful idea.

A knock at the door then drew her attention and the little girl stumbled along to answer it as her parents didn't seem to notice. She opened the door slightly and peeked through the small crack before tearing it open completely and jumping into the arms of the guests.

"Mister Arthur! Alfie! You came!" she hugged the teenager excitedly.

"Of course we did! We wouldn't miss your party for the world!" Alfred laughed, hugging and swinging Sienna around in a circle.

"Are your parents' home, Sienna?" Arthur asked.

"Yup, they sure are!" the girl was already on her feet again and took the two English speaking men by their hands, dragging them inside her home and out of the cold. "I think they're in the kitchen. Follow me!"

"Sienna, who was at the door?" Ludwig questioned.

"Mister Arthur—I mean, Mr. Kirkland and Alfred! They're here for my birthday party!" she beamed and it turned sheepish under the slight reprimanding gaze her father was giving her for opening the door without one of them present (for safety reasons and everything Sienna didn't bother to listen to at times).

"Ciao, you two! You're here early!" Feliciano grinned as he approached the duo. "It's so nice of you to come all the way from your country to attend Sienna's party."

"Like Alfred said, we wouldn't miss it for the world and we were seeing if there were any last minute preparations that we could help out with," Arthur smiled, shaking both Feliciano's and Ludwig's hands in greeting.

"That's very nice of you but everything is almost done. I've got it under control," Feliciano said as Ludwig finished setting up the kitchen for the party.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Here's your present, kiddo!" Alfred held out the box wrapped in beautiful purple paper spotted with white polka dots and a flamingo pink bow neatly adorned it as a final touch.

"Wow! Mama, Daddy, can I open it? Huh? Can I? Please?" Sienna bounded on the balls of her feet, clutching the gift with vigor.

"No, not yet, sweetie. We have to wait until everyone else gets here so we can sing Happy Birthday to you!" Feliciano mussed the girl's bright head of hair.

"Okay…" she handed it to Feliciano in slight defeat but then immediately perked up and took Alfred's hand in hers. "Alfie! You wanna come exploring with me until Toni and Uncle Lovi get here? It'll be tons of fun!"

"Kiddo, I, uh—" Alfred was cut off.

"No, Sienna, I'm afraid he can't. He's already in enough trouble today as it is," Arthur said.

"Huh?" the girl blinked. "What for?"

"Dad, I didn't mean to lose your book. I honestly didn't! It just disappeared like I told you before! I had it and then it was gone!" Alfred snapped his fingers. "Just like that! Poof!"

"Right, because books can just get up of their own accord and walk away."

"Well, with all the crap you mess with, I wouldn't be surprised if they ever did…" Alfred grumbled.

"Watch it," Arthur warned with scalding emerald eyes.

Ludwig, being the creature he was, was going to let the situation go as it was none of his business. However, Feliciano had other plans.

"Book? What book?" the Italian wondered, his eyes bright with curiosity.

Alfred explained, "Some kind of spell book that I found in Dad's basement. He truly believes in all of that fairies and magic stuff like that."

"And yet you believe in aliens," Arthur scoffed, rolling his gem-like eyes. "Alfred, I've told you countless times to stay out of the basement so this is no longer up for discussion."

"Magic? Wow!" Sienna's expression practically lit up the room.

"What kind of book is it? Maybe we can help you find it!" Feliciano beamed at the prospect of an adventure even as small as this one.

"I've pretty much turned the entire house upside down and haven't found it yet. Now I'm grounded until we do find it," Alfred crossed his arms with an agitated huff.

Arthur was about to end the conversation then and there but Feliciano kept repeatedly asking about the book, rambling aimlessly now that his interest was piqued. The Englishman sighed in defeat, reluctantly figuring out how to answer the question(s) knowing that neither would stop pestering him about it until he did. Both Sienna and Feliciano listened with grins stretching from ear to ear, honey and oceanic orbs sparkling.

"This book said to have originated from the mid to late 7th century—perhaps even earlier than that. It is full of unique spells, some of which no one has ever dared to try. I've never even opened it nor have I figured out how to. Despite it being very old, its leather cover still looks new and has five circular patters with symbols in their centers."

"What do those symbols mean?" Feliciano and Sienna were seated on the couch adjacent to Arthur, leaning forward, hanging on every word like children gathered around at story time.

Ludwig sat silently beside them, and to one who was not paying attention, it seemed as if he was lost to the world and blatantly ignoring those around him. However, he was just as engrossed as his lover and child were if not more. Alfred, on the other hand, sat sulking next to his father, grumbling something about "stupid magic" and "disappearing books."

"I haven't a clue as to what they say. If I remember correctly, it's Old English and that language is considered extinct," Arthur replied.

"What kind of magic does this book do?" the girl wondered, sitting in her mother's lap.

"A very…" Arthur fought to corral his words but thought it best not to beat around it too much. "It makes horrible magic that could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands—like the hands of a child. That's why I've never bothered to open it. I have no desire to see what's inside."

"Then why not destroy it? Or sell it?" Ludwig suggested.

"Don't you think I've tried? Nothing works. No one wants it no matter how much it could truly be worth," Arthur was tilting towards the frustrated end.

"And you can't find it? Odd. Where was it last seen?" Ludwig continued.

"I had it at Lovino's house when I was babysitting Antonio because Lovino had to leave for work," it was now Alfred who piped up. "I showed little Toni the book but he didn't seem very interested. When I saw the lock on the book, I went to find a paperclip so I could try and get it open but when I came back the book was already open. I think Antonio opened it."

"Then it could still be there. You haven't gone back to their house, have you?" the German asked.

"No, but I know that I put the book in my bag before I left. I promise I did!" Alfred said. Why didn't they understand? He had stuffed the stupid thing back in his bag as soon as Antonio was done with it and ignored him for the rest of the day. He remembered it very clearly!

"Ve~ it wouldn't hurt to go back and check, now would it?" Feliciano grinned.

"Not in the slightest," Arthur agreed. "But what about Sienna's party?"

"The guests won't show up for another two hours or so. I was just getting everything ready. It shouldn't take us that long. I say we go! Plus, I'm really worried for my fratello and nephew. I haven't heard from them in a few days…" Feliciano trailed off.

"Can I go, too, Mama? Can I?" Sienna tugged at the Italian's sleeve and then at her father's with pleading electric blue eyes. "Daddy? Can I go? Please?"

"I don't think it's such a good idea. I'm not even comfortable with Feliciano going," Ludwig placed his hand atop his daughter's head of strawberry-blonde hair. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"I'll be fine, Ludwig. Besides, I think Sienna will feel safer with you here. Remember the last time I was home alone with her?" Feliciano offered a feigned smile at the blurry but very vivid memory. How could one ever forget such a tragedy?

"That's exactly why I'm not comfortable with you going without me. I don't want it to happen again," said the German who was all but begging his lover to stay.

"Feliciano," Arthur started. "It's just a book. I'm sure we can handle looking for it ourselves."

"True, but with more than two people looking, it'll go much quicker!" the Italian was determined. "And I really need to see for myself if Lovino and Antonio are okay. It's nothing against you two. I just… need to make sure that they're all right."

"Then we'd better get going so we can make it back before the party starts," Arthur stood, fixating his coat on his shoulders. "Alfred, come along."

"I'll be right back, I promise," Feliciano placed a tender kiss on Ludwig's cheek and one on Sienna's head. "Lovino and Antonio will be with us, too."

Catching a sliver of hope shine from the small smile Sienna gave him made Feliciano's heart swell. Even though his stomach was tied in a large knot, he allowed his own grin to grace his delicate features, fighting past his building anxiety. Like his blonde lover, Feliciano wasn't receiving a pleasant vibe in the least.

"Be careful," Ludwig said.

"Always," Feliciano followed the two English-speaking men out the door and to their vehicle.

It was odd, really, how foreboding Lovino's house felt at that moment when they pulled into the driveway. The way the grey clouds hung over the residence like a shadow, constantly watching over it, congregating into one large body… The trio climbed out of the vehicle, all hesitant to approach the house. Arthur scanned it with calculating eyes, making a grunt in acknowledgement of the note he mental note he made—almost a scoff of sorts.

"M-Maybe we should go b-back," Alfred stuttered, not enjoying the chill running from the crown of his head to his heels. The teen shuddered underneath his coat and he stuffed his hands in his pockets, assuming such chills originated from the weather.

"It already knows we're here," the Englishman stepped up the porch and to the front door, quickly followed by Feliciano and a frightened teenager.

Arthur placed his palm flush against the door, his eyes narrowing after a moment, commenting, "It's strong. Stronger than I ever thought it would be…"

"What is it? What're you talking about?" Feliciano questioned.

The door's hinges let out a low shriek as it opened slowly, revealing a dark living room and the house let out a low rumble. A frigid burst of air smashed into them, freezing them to the core, and Alfred crouched (hid) behind his much shorter father, who gazed into the home rather fearlessly.

"You'll see," Arthur entered the home. "Be careful and don't wander. Stay close. We have to find Lovino and Antonio and get the hell out of here."

"What about the b-book, Dad?" Alfred wondered.

"Forget about the book. It's no longer here. We've got bigger problems to worry about that I'd rather not deal with at the moment."

"How do you know it's not here?" Feliciano whispered.

"I could never forget such a presence that the book has after experiencing it. It's… overwhelming to say the least. Now come on. We don't have much time."

"A presence? What kind of presence?" Alfred couldn't help but ask.

"You'll see in due time."

The trio cautiously went in, their shoes crunching over the thin layer of ice coating the floors. Alfred slammed something into something what felt like a brick wall, shuddering and his breath coming out in short puffs of smoke. This feeling… he had never experienced anything like it before. He felt so small, as if he was a child again. All he wanted to do was run out of there like a dog with its tail between its legs. A cowardly but justified action.

Arthur felt along the walls for any sort of light switch, immediately turning it on once finding one. White light washed into the room, revealing its frozen condition.

"What happened here…?" Feliciano asked aloud.

"No time for questions, Feliciano. We need to get done with this as soon as possible," Arthur stood in the middle of the living room. "Where's Lovino's or Antonio's room?"

"Just up the stairs. Follow me," Feliciano nearly slipped by going up the steps too fast. He quickly regained his footing and dashed to the room on his immediate right, turning the handle that was iced in place. The door opened easily to the sight of Antonio lying in bed, pale and petrified but sleeping peacefully.

"Antonio!" Feliciano rushed over to the boy, wanting to shake him awake.

"Don't touch him!" Arthur shouted from the doorway. "Do not wake him so carelessly. In his current state, the shock could be fatal."

"Then how are we supposed to get him out of here?" Feliciano questioned bitterly.

"Just be gentle. We need to find Lovino. Come on," Arthur was already heading down the hall to check the other rooms.

Feliciano carefully lifted the pallid child into his arms and the latter did not stir in the slightest, falling limp like a rag doll. The Italian stroked Antonio's frigid cheek and over the tear stains that so carefully flowed along it. So many tears had been shed… the proof of a broken heart.

"He's freezing…" the Italian remarked.

"I'll take him," Alfred was now without his jacket and held out his arms so Feliciano could delicately place the Spanish boy there as if he were made of the finest porcelain. The teenager proceeded to wrap Antonio in his thick, leather coat to offer the least bit of warmth. They then hurried along to catch up to Arthur who was currently standing in front of Lovino's closed door.

"What's g-going on? Let's go i-inside," Feliciano's teeth chattered.

"It won't let me in," Arthur sighed in exasperation.

"What won't let you in, Dad?" Arthur shuddered. "What this thing you keep talking about?"

"I never thought I'd have to use this again," Arthur placed his palm against the door, ignoring Alfred's question for the time being.

"Use what? Dad, you're not making any sense!" Alfred panicked.

"I don't have to make sense. Now, in the best interest of you both, I suggest you get back."

The Italian and British-American teenager did as told and watched Arthur in the darkness of the hall. A bright, glowing pink circle surrounding a star that was outlined with intricate but unknown symbols surrounded Arthur's feet and grew brighter as merely seconds went by. Feliciano and Alfred shielded their eyes as the light grew in intensity, enveloped the Englishman and channeled to the palm of his hand and to the door where it faded.

Suddenly, and without much warning on Arthur's part, the door flew open and another burst of icy air greeted them ferociously. Inside, the only light to illuminate the figure lying motionless was from the lamp sitting alone on the nightstand.

Lovino looked exactly like Antonio, if not worse. With pastel skin and fixated what looked to be a peaceful yet pained expression, Lovino remained a statue as all signs of him being a living, breathing human were done away with. Arthur made way for Feliciano who stormed inside and sat beside his frozen brother.

"Fratello? Fratello, please wake up! Per favore…" honey eyes brimmed and burned with tears threatening to flood.

"Feliciano, we don't have time for this. We have to go. Right now!" Arthur demanded, scaring the Italian into shifting his brother precariously onto his back. Feliciano struggled in regaining his balance as Lovino was nothing but dead weight on his back. His brother was always the strongest out of them both.

There was a loud roar as the entire house shook, causing furniture to topple and lights to burst. Within the darkness, another howl resounded, one of anger and animosity, sounding animalistic. Alfred held Antonio closer to his chest, shielding the unconscious boy from harm.

"Dad, what's going on?!" the teenager cried out.

"Follow me! We have to get out of here!" Arthur guided the two to the front door and out of the house with seconds to spare. Black mist molded into a hand reached out for them from the inside, narrowly missing Feliciano, before retreating back.


Such a growl boomed like a ferocious animal ready to pounce its prey. A pair of glowing crimson eyes glowered at them, cursing them for taking what was rightfully his. A monstrous form made of the same black mist peered out its head and roared viciously, its eyes burning with hatred, damning them. It was nothing compared to the snarls from moments before. What they were listening to was the screech of a demon that had not been able to trap the unfortunate souls it craved.

They scurried to the car, piling in and driving away just as the mist drew back and Lovino's house crumpled to nothing but a mass of wood and glass. Hearts thundered and breathing erratic, the group struggled to calm themselves as their ears rang with the deafening roars.

"What… the hell. Was that?!" Feliciano yelled, surprising only Alfred with such terror and ferocity in the usually bubbly Italian's voice. "What the hell just happened back there!? Care to explain!?"

Arthur kept his eyes transfixed on the road ahead of them, not daring to look back lest that black and ghastly mist was following them. Upon not receiving an answer, a frustrated Feliciano made sure the two unconscious passengers were seated comfortably in the backseat, moving carefully and precisely as to not startle them to death… literally. Alfred sat shivering and isolated from the others next to Lovino with Antonio still secure in his arms. He held onto the child, eyes wide with fear. This had to be some sort of—of—trick! There was no way that this could possibly be happening! Magic didn't exist yet he had seen it with those beautiful sky blue eyes!

"Feliciano, call Ludwig and tell him we're on our way back, please," Arthur said, desperate to control his quivering tone, his voice breaking more than once.

"But you still haven't—!"

"Mr. Vargas, I'm asking nicely. I will explain everything back at your house," Arthur was firm in his demand but his hands and eyes said otherwise. The Englishman's knuckles were white as they gripped the steering wheel and his emerald orbs were the very epitome of fear. "Please. Call him and tell him to get a fire started. These two need to be warmed up and quickly."

Feliciano pulled out his phone after a few agonizing seconds and dialed Ludwig's number.

So much for Sienna's party…