Sorry the update took so long my laptop crashed, so ALL my stories were deleted including the ones I was in the process of putting up. So I finally got it fixed as you can see I had to write these chapters all over again please excuse any errors! Enjoy!
P.S. Review+You= Love
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC Skybird/Bambi
Reread this chapter I improved it a little!
Chapter 3
I walk over to the couch that Quinn that sitting at with the others around on the sofa and love seats. I sit on the left side and swing my legs over on Quinn's lap and wait expectantly looking at Quinn through my lashes. He loudly sighs taking off my boots to have pieces of glass to fell out of my boot. He stopped and looked me over again; I put my long, unruly curly dark hair in one hand to show small cuts around my neck.
He growled deep in his throat and shot a look at Eliot but went back to taking off my shoes to rub my feet. "Okay first of all have you all heard of the Espinosa's?" I asked even though I'm sure they ALL knew them or of them. "WHAT!? I know you don't mean crime family Espinosa as in Martin Espinosa the tycoon that owns his own personal drug cartel that's also a huge known serial rapist/killer!" Hardison basically screeched while looking at me I flinched a little.
I felt Quinn tensed and froze his movements on my foot so to loosen him up I wiggled my feet on his lap. Silently asking him to continue what he was doing him quietly laughed and continued. I sighed and looked right in Hardison's eyes "Are you going to let me continue all I needed was a yes or no." I said seeing he was calming with Parker's hands in his.
I'm Happy he finally found someone to love him and his quirkiness. I hope they don't hurt each other of course I'm worried about Hardy but I know Parker and it's hard for her to show emotions and Hardy shows a lot and falls quick. No wonder he loves this team I can tell he was always an open book to me. "Alright, continue" he said fully calm down and rubbing circle in Parker's hand. "Thank you." I said softly pointedly looking at his and Parker's joined hands, he blushed furiously.
"Okay, I wasn't doing a con on them an acquaintance of mine was and she told me she might be over her head so to insecure her safety she would call me every four hours and if she couldn't call she would text. I didn't hear from her in 9 hours any call or text I knew something was wrong. So I hacked her computer and got the information she had on them and added some of my own."
I say and I feel Hardison's proud grin before he even shows it. "Yeah, anyway, I infiltrated them as a seller of cocaine my alias was Monique Daniels she has a rap sheet as long as my leg and was basically fool proof but that isn't what went wrong." I say my smile instantly leaving my lips to a scowl that felt unnatural, that it could rival Quinn or Eliot's.
"I saw someone from my past when I was in foster care with the Moretti family. They weren't bad but not good either just looking for money from the state they had at least 15 kids from ages 2-17. But they had one guy that helped them with the kids, the Moretti's Cecily and Jonathan said they guy was a "family friend". The sarcasm heavily noted. His name was… Juan Hernandez but he was called Junior by all the kids."
Quinn completely stopped and slowly almost painful looked me in the eye the blind rage and fury was very visible. So strong that if I didn't know Quinn any better I would have flinched. He had known this story already but that didn't stop the unadulterated hatred and rage in his eyes or body. "Who is…?" Eliot started to say but before I could cut him off Quinn beat me to it.
"Don't you fucking say his name Spencer!" Quinn almost screamed I knew how he felt about it. Eliot was shocked by Quinn's reaction but hide it well. "Quinn, I have to tell them." I said grabbing his face with both my hands looking him in the eyes.
I stared into his eyes until I felt the tension in his shoulders go down considerably; he still put both arms around my waist and held me tight. I pulled away slightly to put my hand in his to start rubbing circles much like Parker with Hardison. I chanced a look at Hardy's team to see Sophie with a knowing look; Nate was blank while drinking a glass of scotch. How I wish I had a drink for what I was about to say to my big brother because it would crush him.
Looking Hardison I saw the tears he was trying he keep from spilling over like he already knew what I was about to say, I tried to give him a reassuring smile but it was easier said than done. Parker had tears running her cheeks; she was in the foster care too so she would know. "Okay, when I was with the Moretti I was 11, and not to drag this out but Junior molested me. I told my foster parents they called me a liar and made me spend a whole day with him alone. I basically spent the whole day running and hiding from him, that day he promised that for my 12th birthday he would take my innocence for me. He said it like he was doing a favor for me or something."
I took a deep breathe to continue, "My birthday wasn't for a couple of weeks, so during those weeks I did all I could for them to give me different parents. Hell I stole money from their wallets, destroyed the house everything but they wouldn't let me go. A few days before my birthday I had almost gave up, Junior had been trying to touch me all day and the foster parents didn't care or pretended like they didn't see it. I don't know where the idea came from but I decided I was going to blow up their car, needless to say I was immediately taken from there in put in another foster home."
"So when I see him today, I fucking flipped out. He called out to me, "Oh Cassandra is that you!" that was the name I had when I was there." I said finally done with explaining that fucked up story I call my life. Not wanting to see any reaction I got closer to Quinn and put my head on his shoulder blocking everyone from looking in my eyes. Because I knew if they did I would break and the tears would flow and I wouldn't be sure if I could stop them.
"So how did you get here all banged up?" Sophie asked her voice shaking slightly at the end and her eyes were bloodshot when I peeked at her. "I might have stabbed him in the stomach with my pocket knife and may or may not have kicked him in the nuts." I say laughing at the memory that sparked the room to laugh. "But I should have run, so I had to fight my way out of a room full of bodyguards with military backgrounds. After I could fight anymore I jumped out a window..." Before I could finish I heard Sophie gasp. "Oh no it was only out the 3rd story a car broke my fall, it was kind of fun." I said remembering just the window jumping and not what led to it.
"Wow, so would you do it again?" Parker said curious not thinking of how the question sounded to other people, but I knew what she meant. "There's something wrong with you." Eliot said looking at her with a sideways glance. "All cats have nine lives remember, Parker I got a good 6 left now." I said with a cheeky grin.
Review and tell me what you think. Love ya!