I personally thank you for taking the time to read my story. This is Sky Bird's apperance if you don't want to know to keep your imagination alive skip this. (SKIP THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW HOW SKY BIRD LOOKS I UNDERSTAND IF YOU DON'T WANT TO YOU CAN SKIP IT BUT I CAN'T SAY I WON'T SAY SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS OR THAT SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.) She is 5'6'', medium brown skin, long dark brown hair to mid-back, and also big brown eyes wearing black glasses. She has a oval/round face with a small nose, and full/plump pink lips. Her body shape is DD38 thin waist and a full equally round butt, she has a triple spiral tattoo on her shoulder and .Laugh tattooed on her left wrist and verbatim tattooed across the right wrist, all the words in black script. With scares hidden over her body and will be revealed later in the story.
Chapter 1
As I ran down the sidewalk putting pressure on the wound on my side, clutching my leather jacket to me all I could think was. Why did all this had to happen in Portland it was a really gloomy place to be like London with bad weather? I pushed my glasses up my nose as a searched for a place to lay low until the heat settled. My vision started to be a blur I saw a fancy looking restaurant so I ran in. there were a few people but not a lot, they all looked up when the door was pushed open. There were two women and two men at the bar looking directly at me. I weakly smiled at them and walked straight to a table hopefully not showing weakness. I laughed lightly to myself one of the men with them looked like an Interpol cop that chased me for a couple of years, Nathan Ford.
Everyone that was someone knew about him, he had taken out a lot of players (thieves, grifters, hackers, etc.) he had chased me for about 5 years before I lost him in South America. But, he even he wasn't a threat now I heard from numerous sources that he had gone rogue and teamed up with four thieves more precise one hacker, one hitter, one thief, and one grafter. The makings of a great team but that's only judged their ability to work together. My vision blurred more even with my glasses on that meant I probably had a concussion because I hadn't lost that much blood. I tried to control my breathing and clear my head but what seemed too unclear it was a picture of my older brother, Alec Hardison he always was the light at the end of my tunnel we were separated when we were younger. He was sent with some older woman in the north while I was taken to Texas with a younger couple one of the worst decisions my social worker EVER made.
That nice sweet looking couple was the reason I was a manipulator now. A manipulator is a person that specializes in lying to people, using their appearance to fool people into thinking whatever they want. Something like a grifter but like a thief as well, were more of a hybrid and we stick to ours we don't like groups or teams. We've also been known to double cross or double deal with people we don't know. I have loyalty only to a few people Hardison, a hitter I meet named Quinn, and a few others that earned it one way or another. Like Quinn for example, he saved my life more times than I can count, and helped me when my plan back fired. I like to think that if we were "normal" non-criminal people me and Quinn would have probably end up together with 2.5 kids and a dog or something domestic like that. It would be nice but Quinn's a hitter that loves to pretend that he cares about no one and I know that's not true. But he has to in his line of work, or they would use me or anyone else against him. I pulled myself out of my thoughts to look for my prepaid. If I didn't call Quinn in a couple hours he would freak out and come looking for me, not good for anyone not really in the mood for a lecture.
I look in my jean pockets and don't find it and start to freak out but then I looked in my jacket pockets. There it was I pulled out to find that the screen was crack making it useless. "Fuck, fuck, and fuck" this was not good I needed to get to a payphone to call Quinn but those goons were still after me. "Sky bird" a really familiar voice said I jumped out of my seat extremely too fast and moved to the closest wall. Quinn always said when you don't know how many enemies around put back to a surface and be ready to fight your way out. I got in the stance that he taught me and was ready to fight until I either lost or found a chance to run. "Nathan Ford, I thought I saw you when I first came in. What are you doing in Portland last I hear you and your crew were in Boston, taking down corrupt businessmen and such." I said looking straight into Nathan Ford's face but also keeping watch of my surrounds I decide to look at the people around who I guessed was Nate's crew.
First, person was a brunette that oozed grace who was none that the famous or infamous Sophie Deveraux. She wasn't none to fight she mostly didn't have to. The next woman was petite and blonde, that had to Parker no last name one the best thief in the world. She normally didn't trust people enough to actually team up. Hmm I thought I would overthink that later when I got away. The next man that was a little more in front of Parker and Sophie was someone I knew too well. The one and only Eliot Spencer the guy that even beat Quinn I wouldn't even think of getting away now no way I could get away from the Eliot Spencer. Quinn would definitely lecture me about this one I thought, tightening the stance not even staring at Nate anymore but just at Eliot. I did lightly think that he was missing one of his team because the rest were in a semi-circle around me. "Well, things happened and we had to change what you have been up to. Last I hear from you was when I lost you in South America." Nate said still looking at me even though my soul focus was on Eliot who wasn't in a stance but I knew better. I could have been on the floor by now but I wasn't because he chooses not to. "Yeah, fun chase but same ol' same ol' so why don't I leave and never step my boot in Portland and you forget you saw me." I said looking for an exit and seeing none that Eliot wouldn't beat me to.
"Your bleeding, darlin' you should…" Eliot started to say but was cut off. "Don't call me darlin' and I don't need help from anyone one of you. So just let me go on my merry way and I'll never darken your doorstep." I said slowly thinking about what Quinn would do but I would have to subtract the obvious height difference and fighting ability and let me say it didn't help much. I was slowly starting to panic until a door burst open with a voice talking rapidly about a new food sample the voice was really familiar but my hazy vision and mind were clouding my thoughts. That's when the talking came close and that caused my air to leave and my already big eyes to widen.
The one talking was my older brother, Alec Hardison looking dead in the in the face from across the room. "Hardison?" I said my voice weak with emotion looking at my long lost brother, tears flowing down my face clouding my already blurry vision. "Bambi…?" Hardison said walking towards me like he was in a trance while I was doing the same unknowingly. I nodded my head yes not thinking about the pain it caused me. He ran towards me limbs and all but lifted me off the ground; I clung to him like I did as kids. I could also feel his tears hit my cheek as he held me close like I would disappear. "Hardy?" I said looking up to him it took him a moment until he was looking down at me. "Yeah, Bambi?" he said looking directly into my eyes I smiled as big as I could with the pain and said one word then went with the darkness. "Pain." I said then I passed out with Hardison shouting Bambi while I danced with darkness and pain.
A&N: I'm a college freshmen so I will not being uploading alot but I will try to atleast one ever two weeks hopefully. And those who have read my Supernatural story I'm not stopping the story I just can't remember where I was going with it. It is put on Hiatus until further notice.
Sky Bird will have a possible realtionship with Quinn or Eliot, there will be a poll on my bio so ya'll can vote on which ya'll would like or both of them ;-). So either Eliot/OC or Quinn/OC or Eliot/OC/Quinn. You can also pm me your choice and review please they give a happiness and inspiration. Love ya'll see ya.