Lucy,Erza,Frey,and Tracey are maids that are like a family with a younger sister that lives with them named Wendy.

They opened a Maid shop named Fairy Cafe and are gonna start working tomorrow morning.

The rock band~

Natsu,Jellal,Loke,and Gray are in a Famous rockband,have a billions of fangirls,live in a all star castle like house,and have awsome bosses.

What more do they need? But they take a break from stardom for only two weeks. Oh and I forgot to tell you they brought along their little brother Romeo.

What happens in one unexpected day they meet maybe fall in love and have 30 babies or so? But that's not what happens in this story!~

Maid Cafe~

A blonde girl woke up from hearing so much music coming from the left side of her wall and stuff being thrown on the right part of the wall.

She stood up and got in the shower still half asleep and yawning. Thats when she remembered what day it was today!

It was the opening of they're new cafe! I completely forgot! Thats why there was loud music! Frey must've put on the music while she was getting ready! And Erza must already be looking or throwing her closet empty just to see what she would wear!

"I haven't even tooken a shower yet!" she scolded her self for not waking up early enough.

She randomly got clothes and took a shower. KNOCK KNOCK! Erza thumped on Frey's door loud enough for everyone in the entire house to Wake up.

The music stopped and the door opened to see a toweled Frey with a annoyed look. "stop trying to destroy my door Erza!" she put her hands on her hips and was about to close the door when..

Erza caught it hard and opened the door wide open and slammed the door on the wall. "lower the VOLUME! I can't think with that music on!" she yelled straight at Frey's face.

She had a super angry look on her and had dark aura around her. "o-ok I'm going, oh ya I forgot! What time is it?" she asked while clapping her hands together.

Erza fell on the ground anime style because of how dense she somtimes was.

Tracey ran up stairs she was the earliest to wake up so she was already ready to go. She was in the kitchen making breakfast when she saw what time it was.

"Hurry up! Now! Someone wake up Wendy or tell Lucy to hurry up! It's 8:23! We have to get there before 9 am so hurry up and get dressed!"

She yelled at the two and ran back down stairs to check if the eggs or toast was burned.

Erza and Frey looked at each other and did what they were told.

Another story! I am on a roll! Ok I do not own Fairy tail! If I did I would make them sing and dance! Just kidding but ya maybe.. I'll tell you what they're wearing in the next chapter!:)