Hey guys! New chappie…YAY! So, in this chappie there is abosolutely

No Yaoi, just some brotherly love! And yes, in this chapter something else happens to Zane, sorry but this story line is just too good!

Mara's P.O.V

"Hey Cole," I say sadly, I still hadn't gotten over Zane, I just missed him so much, his smile, the way he would talk to me in the most comforting ways, I just couldn't believe he was….gone.

"Hi Mara, you okay?" Cole asked. "Not nesscarily," I say back, he frowns, "Listen, I was wondering if I could sleep in Zane's bed tonight, I mean I don't want to intrude on your privacy." I say.

"Not at all, we will just sleep in the living room." Cole replies with a smile.

"Thanks Cole."

I climb into Zane's bed and lay my head down on his pillow, he was the only one who understood, and he just, had to go. I fell into a deep sleep.

Cole's P.O.V

"Hey Kai." I said. "Hey, bro." he said back, he was watching some movie and eating popcorn.

"We have to sleep here tonight," I said, he just nods and kicked me off the couch and outstretched his legs.

"Seriously?" I ask, he nods and closes his eyes, I grab a blanket and try to sleep, but hear a loud thump come from our room.

I run to our room and see Mara had fallen off the bed, I was too tired to put her back in Zane's bed, so I just put her in mine, I then walked back to the living room to catch some Z's.

Zane's P.O.V

"Well, we need to get out of here!" Jay yelled.

"Once we break the casket, dirt will cascade down, and there will be no air, we must make it to the top before we suffercate." I say to him, "We will have 10.34 seconds to make it before dying."

"Oh, well, okay then." Jay says, we begin kicking and punching at the top of the casket, crack, crack, boom. Dirt fell, and we struggled to dig our way to the top, we made it to the top and saw the Destiny's Bounty. We ran in and saw Kai and Cole in the living room, Jay went to wake them up.

"Hey guys, we're back." Jay said shaking them, they both opened their eyes and gasped and backed away slowly.

"Z-zombies," Kai stuttered out.

"No! We're alive I assure you!" I said.

"ZANE, JAY!" They both yelled, they ran up and hugged us.

Mara walked out of our bedroom, "Guys, stop talking to yourselves." She said, and looked at Jay and I, her eyes widened and she gasped, she ran up to me and hugged me.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are alive!" she yelled, she kissed me and went to hug Jay, but I noticed something weird, she smelled like Cole, I wonder why…

After hugging Jay he came up to me, "Does she smell like Cole to you?" he whispered, I nod, he spoke up.

"Mara, why do you smell like Cole?" he asked, Cole and Mara looked at eachother, Cole tried to say something, "It's not what you-"

"I think it is what I think COLE!" Jay yelled.

"Cole…why?" I asked, my heart was shattered.

"No-" he tried to say but I ran out the door, and went to my favorite thinking spot, I sat there, weeping, s-she betrayed me, I just couldn't believe it.

Jay's P.O.V

Why Cole would do that, I have no idea. I began yelling at Cole.


It felt good to yell, but now I was sure my voice was gone, I go up to Mara and say, "You have no right, NO RIGHT, to break his heart like that!" I storm off to find Zane, I eventually found him in a forest, he was on a bench looking up at the sky, I took a seat next to him and smiled, he weakly smiled back and looked back up.

"Zane, it's ok, I mean, I'm here for you." I said, he looked at me and hugged me, I hugged back, just a brotherly hug.

"Thank you Jay, but I am convinced there is more they need to tell us about the situation." He said.

"Alright, let's go back and ask."

Zane's P.O.V

Although I feel betrayed, I am aware there is more to the situation, I do not believe Cole had an affair with Mara, but something else happened, but I cannot put my finger on it.

"Jay, do you think Cole would do such a thing?" I ask.

"Honestly not sure, Zane,"

We arrive at the Bounty, I walk inside and see Mara sitting on the table. I go up to her.

"Mara, do you know what happened?"

"Zane! Oh my gosh, I slept in your bead, then I fell off so Cole put me in his bed." She said.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say, she chuckles and kisses me, to be honest, I will never let go, she will be in my hands forever.

We heard a scream come from the girls room, not a fun scream, a frightened scream, we ran to the scene, to see Lloyd on his knees, then I realized, Belle was captured, by who?

I noticed a note on the wall, I look at it.

Hello Son,

I have taken Belle, and you must find her, you will never defeat me!

I want the heart of one of your female ninja, and I shall get what I want!


Heart? Does he mean, he wants Love? I give the note to Lloyd, only for it to burn up in flames, he runs out the door, on the search for his father.