A/n: I know that in an extended edition of the Christmas episode Kurt said he didn't like Christmas but… well he grew out of it or something. There is a full length, smuttier version of this chapter in How To Be A Dad Uncut.

Christmas had always been Kurt's favourite holiday, the joy the cheer…. But he just couldn't get into the spirit of it this year. His proposal at work was dragging and Rachel was 7 months pregnant and he still hadn't felt the unnamed baby kick yet.
"She always seems to fall asleep when you're around." Rachel said prodding her expanding belly gently. Kurt sighed.
"Maybe she just doesn't like me." He said dejectedly.
"Of course she does." Blaine said kissing Kurt on the ear. "Let's keep putting the tree up, maybe she'll wake up to the sound of carols?"
"If I have to hear one more jaded Christmas song I'm gonna scream." Kurt muttered but stood up and helped Blaine dress their tree. The fireplace was roaring and Rachel sat in front of it with her feet up, Liam played with a plastic bauble.
"Don't put that in your mouth sweetie." Rachel reminded him. Blaine placed two things underneath the tree, both said KURT on it in his usual curly script. Kurt didn't even bat an eyelash.

His Christmas spirit was well and truly dead. He had a baby due in two months, no job security as his whole career depending on this pitch at work, no relationship security with a boyfriend who still slept on the couch.
"Cheer up Uncle Kurt!" Liam said, running up to his uncle and holding the bauble aloft. "You can have my shiny, if you smile." Kurt smiled weakly and was handed his own bauble.
"Thank you Liam, you're a star, we should put you on top of the tree."
"No!" Liam begged shaking his messy mop of dark hair. Kurt laughed, and it was a beautiful sound, getting rarer by the day.

Sure enough Christmas day rolled around and Blaine woke up at 10am, surprised, Kurt normally pounced on him at 7am on Christmas day. He dragged himself up off the uncomfortable couch and called up the stairs.
"Kurt, you okay?"
"Yeah yeah let's just get this over with, so I can go back to bed." Came Kurt's bland response. Blaine sighed and made them both a cup of coffee. He arrived downstairs still in his pyjamas as was traditional.
"Kurt can I go first this year?" he asked softly. Kurt nodded morosely, staring at the clock as if silently wondering whether it was a valid option to go back to bed and sleep through Christmas.

"It's been one hell of a year." Blaine said picking up his two presents for Kurt. "And I just wanted to make things right."
"If you think you can make things okay with a new pair of pyjamas and a Judy Garland box set you're severely mistaken." Kurt said, his eyes watering. "Truthfully Blaine I think we're over and I really don't want to lose you from my life but I feel that's the direction we're headed." He sniffed. "I just… I can't do this." He said standing up, Blaine grabbed his wrist.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way Kurt," Blaine said apologetically. "But this present is to show you I'm truly… TRULY committed to our baby girl." He said handing over a red envelope with a green ribbon on it. Kurt turned it over a few times in his hands before sitting down and opening it. Inside was a tiny slip of paper with one word written on it in Blaine's trademark curly script.

"Harlow?" He queried.
"If you'll let me… I'd like to name the baby Harlow…" He said softly. Kurt fell quiet. "Oh no… you don't like it? I'm so sorry I thought you'd love it as much as I do and… Kurt I meant well…" He babbled.
"It's perfect." Kurt whispered in shock. Blaine relaxed.
"Seriously?" Kurt flung his arms around Blaine's neck.
"You do care!" He exclaimed.
"I've been trying to tell you that all along." Blaine whispered, wrapping his arms around his estranged lover and kissing him on the forehead. "The next gift is to show my commitment to you. Open it." He said excitedly, handing Kurt the box. Kurt was overwhelmed with joy already, feeling his love for Blaine rekindling by the second. He tore the gold wrapping paper off the small box and opened it to reveal a ring.

"I've been a fool Kurt." Blaine said getting down on one knee in front of the couch, in front of the roaring fire. The glow from it illuminated Kurt's surprised face. "I went away and I forgot the one thing I've known since I was 17... I love you Kurt. I love the way your voice goes up an octave when you're mad, I love the way you're in your pyjamas right now but you've still found the time to do your hair, I love the way you get passionate about something and then just go for it. I love you. The money for a trip to England's all gone on getting baby Harlow, our daughter, ready for the world… but if you'll have me in any of the states where it's legal I'd like to marry you… Kurt Hummel will you do me the honour of being my husband? Blaine asked. Kurt raised his hand to his heart, speechless for a moment.
"Yes." He said when he found his voice. "Yes I'll marry you!" Blaine slid the solid gold band with a single diamond onto Kurt's ring finger and Kurt admired it glinting in the fireplace.

He stared deep into Blaine's eyes.
"Five minutes ago I thought we were splitting up, you just went and turned everything around," He whispered. Blaine smiled softly.
"Just like you always do, every day of my life." He leaned up from his kneeling position and kissed Kurt on the lips.
"I have to go tell Rachel!" He said standing up. Blaine grabbed him by the wrist.
"Nuh uh. We're sharing the biggest moment of our lives with Rachel, she can wait an hour or so for this." He said firmly. Kurt raised an eyebrow.
"What did you have in mind?" He asked cheekily.
"Well… you said you wanted to go back to bed…" Blaine said seductively. Kurt blushed and nodded, taking Blaine's hand and leading him upstairs.

"I factored in cuddle time." Blaine added pulling Kurt's naked body closer to his.
"I'm so glad we're talking again." Kurt mewled rubbing his head against Blaine's chest.
"I'd say that was a little more than talking. Merry Christmas Kurt." Blaine said kissing Kurt's forehead.
"Merry Christmas." Both lay together, silently acknowledging that the awkwardness between them was over.

Rachel screamed. Kurt screamed. Liam copied them. Finn and Blaine put their hands over their ears.
"When's the wedding?" Finn asked when Kurt and Rachel and Liam had finally quietened down.
"We haven't really decided yet…" Blaine admitted, they had been too busy celebrating.
"And and and!" Kurt blurted, his left hand still in Rachel's grasp. "We've named the baby! Well… Blaine named the baby."
"Tell!" Rachel insisted.
"Tell!" Liam repeated. Blaine picked him up and spun him round, cuddling his godson close to him as Kurt proudly announced:
"Oh!" Rachel said suddenly. Everyone stared at her wondering what was the matter.
"She kicked…" Rachel whispered, pulling Kurt's hand toward her stomach. Kurt froze, his eyes widening.
"Blaine come feel this!" He insisted. Blaine was hesitant but approached Rachel and placed his free hand (the one not supporting Liam on his hip) on her burgeoning baby bump. Sure enough he could feel sharp sudden movements beneath her skin. Blaine had to admit it didn't stir anything in him emotionally, if he was completely honest with himself it just felt weird, but he'd only just got Kurt back and wasn't about to risk losing that due to another bout of fear.

"It's like she responded to her name." Rachel whispered, not wanting to break the magic of the moment. Kurt thought he'd received the best presents ever this year.

A/n: Another split chapter, if you're reading 'How To Be A Dad Uncut' feel free to review, perves :P