
by Mint Mochi

Chapter 1

Being a small country was never fun. You were constantly tormented by larger countries like America, Russia, and even England sometimes. But what if you were different?


A small country out in the ocean, not part of the European Union, not part of North America, but…just by yourself? You had one or two friends, but people would think of them weird – because they were animals. Maybe you just didn't have friends after all.

Iceland could relate. Nobody around to entertain him, he spent his days sitting on the rocky surface of his country and observe the volcanic activity that was battering his country. On his shoulder was Mr. Puffin and on the right side was a small plastic bag filled with licorice. Popping the hard black pieces of candy in his mouth, grunting. Not only did winters at his country make him awfully sleepy, but it confused him an awful lot, like predicting which times to fall asleep and when to wake up without it feeling like waking up at nine at night.

What could possibly topple off this grumpy Icelandic? Another Nordic meeting. He always despised them – Norway forcing Iceland to call him "Big Brother", Denmark beating down the two brothers, even Sweden taking sides during the fight. When Iceland headed for the door, he overheard the Dane mentioning another Nordic country that would show up, a country that Denmark was ruling.

"Anoder country like him," Iceland puffed. "Tomorrow will surely be hell."

Mr. Puffin flew off of his shoulder and landed in front of him. "Don't be such a judgmental punk!" he chirped.

"And dat's coming from 'ye?" Iceland teased.

"Shut up."

I open one of my blue eyes, close it, and turn over, pulling the covers over my head. Even though it was morning, it was still dark outside. Actually, the sun wouldn't show until spring, and it would only rise for a few hours before disappearing behind the horizon. Then, during the summer, the sun would never leave. It was something I had to live with.

I feel a lump pushing down on the covers. I kick it a bit. "G'off, sheep. What'd I tell 'ye about sleeping on d'bed?" I groan, half asleep. I kick the animal off my bed. "You're like a cat, y'know dat?" I smirk. I sit up and stretch, letting out a loud yawn. I glance at the clock: 8:00 A.M. Figures, since I'm not really a morning person. Wait…eight A.M.?

I was late.

I jump out of my bed and sprint to the bathroom to fix myself up. I had to be at Denmark's house by nine. I knew I couldn't make it in time but better be five minutes late than an hour late, am I right?

I spot the sheep from the corner of my eye walking past the doorway. "AHA!" I point, my toothbrush on the right side of my mouth. "You're the idiot dat didn't let me sleep!" I shout. Like a normal animal, the sheep just looked at me, then walked off. "How did I get s'many of 'em in m'house in the first place?" I asked.

"Crap, I'm late," I say to myself as I run across the icy rock road to Denmark's house. My view was slightly covered with snowflakes, emphasizing the arrival of winter. With my messenger bag hitting my leg as I ran through and my red-blue-and-white striped scarf, I felt awkward running. I spotted the Dane's house. Picking up my speed (which was a big mistake) I reach my hands out to knock on the door. Before I know it, I'm slipping on the rocky sidewalk which leads right to Denmark's house. I slam into the door, twisting the knob and falling in. "I-I'm here!" I say cheekily. I look up to see a table, where five other countries were sitting at, all of them looking at me.

"She's obviously yours," one of them scoffed at Denmark. The boy had light blonde hair with a curl sticking out the side and a yellow cross by the side. He had large, empty dark blue eyes that seemed a bit scary at first – but like my boss always said; never judge anyone by their cover, especially another country.

"Oh, hallo Faroe Islands," the boy with wild blonde hair and blue eyes – Denmark, snickered. "It's about time you comes to one of our meetings!"

"I-I know," I quiver. I felt really nervous with those significant countries gazing at me. I couldn't even put words together – maybe this is why I haven't come back to one of the meetings for the longest time. My past self was actually smart! As I've heard that most people want to hit their childhood choices with a lead pipe, I guess mine are worth keeping.

"Faroe Islands, eh?" A boy with blonde hair and chocolate eyes stood up and waved. "Hallo, I'm Finland! You can also call me Tino!" the cheerful boy chirped. "It's been such a long time, you've probably forgotten most of our names, haven't you?"

I nod nervously, knowing that if I try to speak I'd sound like a complete fool.

"Well, just in case you forgot, I am the amazing Denmark – or Mathias. Whatever you want to calls me!" Denmark announced.

"She should already know," the boy with the curl said. "I mean, she is now part of your annoying kingdom. I'm Norway, also known as Lukas." This Norwegian didn't seem to like the Dane that much.

The man with glasses and the trademark Nordic blonde hair looked down at me. "I'm Sweden," he says with a thunderous voice, which made me jump a bit. "That's m'wife," he said, pointing at Finland. Tino's face grew pale and he began to shake.

I look over to the last of the Nordics who hasn't spoken yet. He had the lightest hair of all the boys. He had violet orbs and wore a brown jacket overlapping a white shirt with ribbons and wore matching white gloves, like the ones I wore. He seemed so familiar – I just couldn't place it. No, not like I've seen him at the previous meeting, but…long before that. As we both stare at each other, I finally gather up the courage to introduce myself. "I-I'm Faroe Islands. My human name is L-Lara," I allege.

"Hullo. I'm Iceland, also known as Emil," the Icelandic said. I spotted a puffin on the table next to him and recognize the bird.

Pointing at it with wide eyes, I feel a bit surprised by its presence. On my island, we ate puffins on special occasions. I was about to mention that, but I remembered that he could be judgmental and take that the wrong way. I decide to keep my mouth shut and sit down next to him (well, it was the only seat left anyways.)

After about half an hour of talking, I grew tired. My eyes grew heavier and my head dropped down on my arms, putting me in a deep slumber.

Author Note: Hey guys, this is my first Hetalia fanfiction I'm posting ^^ I'll be working on a Spamano fic at the same time. Warning! This story will have Iceland x OC ;w; (It's historically accurate though D:) Otherwise, enjoy~!