Hello! I have a new story! good news is that it's finished so no waiting forever for an ending! yayaya

Hope you like it!

The Lake.

The one place I'm 100% happy.

Where my family actually acts like a family, no tours in the way or my moms bitchiness.

Everyone throws their problems aside, no drama, just 10 days of pure happiness.

So right after I graduated I moved out here, not to my parents liking.

There was the whole, me getting into four colleges thing, and them "having the money to pay for it" blah blah, whatever I had a trust fund.

I got an apartment and a job...which I'm going to right now.

I wait tables. It's fun, easy, and I make a lot of money in tips.

What can I say I'm a people person.

So I get to work and it's not as packed as usual...guess Ill have to work my charm on the tables I do get.

It's all good, like I said "people person."

My manager tells me what my section is today and I get started with a whole two tables! That's sarcasm.

I get some drinks for table one and head to table two which is a family. This could be a good table, dads usually tip well, they have those weird ways with waiters.

I don't know, but every dad does it.

I walk up and am met with a good looking bunch. The dad looks up at me, "Hey there."

"Hey, welcome. How are you guys doing today?" I say looking around at what looks like his wife, 2 daughters, a son and maybe a friend or another daughter.

they all nod and some give a response of "good" and "fine."

I'm about to ask what they want to drink when Madison walks by and says with a laugh, "Hey, way to ruin last night with those stupid TV show references."

"Hey! You watch 'Veronica Mars' too!"

"Yeah because you forced me! Nobody else knows what the hell that is!"

"Whatever. they should know. Oh and Aiden knew what 'Buffy' was."

"I doubt he watched for the story lines.. and anyways he was my date!"

"Whatever, I cant help it if nobody watches good TV anymore, Jeez! I'm with customers stop talking to me!" I say while pushing her away.

"Haha fine. I'll just make fun of you for it later." she says with a sweet smile.

"LOSER!" I yell after her and turn back to my table, " Ha sorry about that, I swear there's something wrong with her." they laugh.

Ok they are not mad, that's good.

One of the daughters speaks up. She looks about my age, blonde, cute, gorgeous eyes, "I watch those shows."

"what?" I say

"'Veronica Mars' and 'Buffy', they are like two of my favorite shows."

"Yeah she's kinda obsessed!" Her brother pipes in.

"Glen!" She yells and hits him on the arm. She turns back to me with a hint of pink on her cheeks.

I smile, "Hey I get it. It's easy to get obsessed when it comes to those shows."

She smiles at me then her friend pulls her closer to her..Guess she is more then a friend... and a little possessive.


I turn back to the table.

"Sooo, drinks?"

they all tell me what they want, and I go and get there order while checking on my other tables.

I get back to their table and give them there drinks, "are you guys ready to order or do you need a little bit more time?" I ask.

"I think we are ready," the mom says. so I go around the table getting their orders and am left with the blonde. "Sorry I don't know what I want!" She laughs.

"Well the burgers are good...I eat here almost everyday and am not sick of them." I say with a smile.

She looks up and smiles back, "Thanks but that's actually what I'm stuck on, I don't know what burger to get...hmmm hooww about theee 'southwestern burger'."

"That's my favorite, good choice," I say with a wink.. ooohhh and the evil glare from the girlfriend! I should really stop myself from flirting with customers...but its just so fun...especially with this blonde.

I get another smile from her and I leave the table to place my orders in. As I'm waiting Madison walks up to me, "Hey chica what are you staring at?"

oohh I'm caught haha my bad. "That blonde over there," I say while I point her out.

Madison nods "Oh that one over there...with the GIRLFRIEND!" she says/yells.

"Hey! 1. You don't know if that's her girlfriend and 2. I'm just looking, there's no harm in that." She is being ridiculous.

"Ha yeah just looking...darling I saw those eyes of yours sparkle when she said she watched those nerdy TV shows." What the fuck is she talking about?

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She is so weird.

"Don't pretend with me," she says while looking me straight in the eye.

"No I mean..I KNOW what your talking about just...why the fuck are you talking like a 19 year old wannabe poet...Sparkling? Really?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Out of all that, that is what you want to talk about? really! ? Hahaha stop avoiding loser!" She says and then sticks her tongue out at me.

"Whatever Madison, stop trying to make nothing into something." She always does this...trying to make drama...or set me up...just butting into my life really.

"Oh, you get that from one of your TV shows!" God Latino women are so...crazy.

"Sometimes you make no fucking sense," I say. she starts to laugh hysterically. Its kind of freaking me out so I walk away and go check on my tables.

The families food is ready so I bring it to them and hand it out. "Ok enjoy and I'll be back in a little to check on you," I say then nudge the blonde,
"Hey watch out for that burger, you'll be full but for some reason you'll keep eating... You know how much exercising I have to do to keep from gaining 50 pounds because of it!" I say with a laugh.

She laughs to...oh wait, she totally just checked me out! whats up! how you doing sweet thang! ha

She catches my eye and smiles shyly, "well you look great to me." She looks down and I see a blush... Oh yeah she likes me! She likes me!...I really should stop singing in my head.

I look at her even though shes not looking back and even though I can feel her girlfriend staring holes through me, "thanks, you know I try...plus I'm not gonna lie," I lean in a little and whisper loudly, "I do get tipped more then I probably should and I'm guessing its not because of my friendly attitude"

She laughs "I bet." aaand shes flirting back...Oh ow, and she gets elbowed by the girlfriend. "Ow! What I'm sorry!" She says to the brown headed demon spawn and glances at me, then looks back down.

Yeah I really need to save this girl.

Super Ashley to the rescue! I've come to save the damsel in distress! Mean girlfriends beware!...Damn id look hella sexy in a superhero costume...I should look into that.

I give one last smile and leave so they can eat. I walk up to Madison "OK. I want her." I say matter of factly.

She smiles at me knowingly, "I know sweet heart. Good thing I'm your best friend and am going to help you out with the hot blond and crazy Jenny over there."
Oh 'L word' reference, I've taught her well.


Ok, so that was a bust.

I saw evil girl go to the bathroom so I walked over there to try and talk to blondie. I got nervous...then kinda just stood there for a couple minutes looking like a total creeper.

ugh... then she saw me and I smiled weird and walked away.

god I'm a loser... Madison keeps laughing at me.

like right now shes waiting a table while pointing and laughing at me! Her table is giving her weird stares and keeps looking over here.

why does she always tend to freak people out.

I'm so dreading going back to her table but I havent been there in a while and they probably want their check...ok, breathe.

Now walk.


I get to there table and blondie gives me a questioning look, I look away and ask if everything was going good.

they ask for their check like I thought. I set that down VERY quickly and jogged away...I'm an idiot.

they did leave a good tip though..

I can't believe Im never going to see her again. they left and I did nothing. fuck my life...

Sso am I fucking great or what!" Holy shit! she scared the shit out of me!

"Damn it Madison! What did I say about sneaking up on me!"

She huffs and rolls her eye,s "Madison, when you sneak up on me it gives me a heart attach and it makes me want to vomit on your face," she says in a really high pitched voice that sounds nothing like me.

I smile, "exactly."

"You are so over dramatic," she says "anyways, I said your name, its not my fault you were day dreaming about your lost love!" she even put a hand on her heart. what a bitch.

"I was not!" I soooo was.

"yes you were. But thanks to me you dont have to pine anymore juliet!" Clever. "I talked to her sister."

Wait what? "When and how and why did you do that!" Oh my god what did she say. Fuck she probably embarrassed the shit out of me and now shes going to laugh in my face. Why do i put up with this shit.

"I saw you were tanking hard core and...hold on! Why did you sound scared! I helped you!" Well she thinks she did. she always thinks she does and it just ends up with me stuck at an arcade with a tranny.

Long story.

"Ok,ok. What did you do? Better? My voice calm enough for you?"

She smiles, "Yes, thank you. Anyways, I stopped her on the way out and found out a couple of things. She dosent like her girlfriend cause shes a bitch," duh "and she likes you." hm sounds good so far, "and they are going to be at the grocery store around 9."

"Coo...wait what does that have to do with anything?" least she didnt embarrasse me.

"You know? You are lucky you're hot because if you werent you wouldnt get any girls." She says while rolling her eyes.

"Hey I have game!" She's crazy.

"Yeah I'm sure standing behind someone like a creeper for 5 minutes breathing on their neck would totally get you some!"

"I was not breathing on her neck!" Sarcastic bitch. "God...just...ugh. Finish your story."

"anyyywayyys it meaannnsss that we are going to be at the grocery store too" she says in way that makes me feel like im 2... "so we can see them t..."

"I get it Madison. Fuck i'm not stupid!" She raises her eyebrows then walks away..

Ugh! She is so frustrating!

Madison calls back to me, when I look up she yells "Spener, her name is Spencer."

Spencer... I like it.

It fits and for some reason makes her even more cute...


That name is going to be running through my head all day.

Please review! Thankssss