Hey everyone! Sorry for not putting this up earlier. I was so busy. :(

I decided to do kind of a one shot thing for each activity on the bucket list. They're in no particular order, but graduating will be last. So, this isn't the end! But, I won't be uploading as much and they won't be very long.

So here's the prank for the bucket list. I just love pranks... 3

I don't own PJO or HoO. All rights belong to Rick Riordan!

I was back to being the most popular girl in school, but not the bad type. I was now the type people actually looked up to in a different way than I was before. I couldn't say that I didn't like it but it did come with its disadvantages. All the teachers knew me. Every student knew me. I was too... what's the word? Famous? I don't know, but everyone time I walked down the hallway, people would separate and give me a pathway even though I didn't ask for it. Too much attention, but I wanted to be an actress later, so I guess I had to deal with it.

I was with my friends in front of my locker, which might I add, is really close to the principal's office. I could live like this everyday. I had the best boyfriend and friends in the world. We respected each other and joked around all the time.

We heard a muffled scream and a stumble from inside the principal's office, once he entered. I stifled a laugh.


"Move out of the way, amateurs," Connor ordered. We obeyed and he came through with Travis behind him and picked the lock. The door opened and we stepped in with our equipment.

"Okay. Step one! Paint it pink!" I exclaimed. There was no use being quite, because it was the dead of the night and nobody would be here... well, except for us lunatics. Travis had also deactivated the security cameras. We each grabbed a paintbrush or those things that go roll when you paint a wall. I was bouncing up and down as I painted the walls pink. I just couldn't wait to see the principal's expression.

"Step two! Splashing paint!" Travis shouted. We grabbed the paintballs from the bucket and chucked them against the wall, creating... beautiful patterns and colours on the walls and ceiling... Kaycie hadn't joined us because she needed her 'beauty sleep' and she didn't want to get her hands dirty. There were blotches of blue, green and yellow on the pink walls, which used to be a creamy white. What a masterpiece we have created. We trashed all the paper and files on his desk around the room, some sticking to the wet wall and others on the ground.

After that, the guys took care of the pail of water and the string. The string was meant to be somehow connected to the door and the bucket of ice cold water would be above the door inside the office. Us girls squeezed glue all over the large rug outside his office. The glue was long lasting, so it would stay sticky for a long time, even with nothing sticking on it. We hung up a banner saying 'WASSUP DAWG?!" over the door.

"And our job here is done," Leo said as we admired our handiwork.


The principal came out and slammed the door open. A pail of ice cold water came pouring over his head, drenching himself and his clothes. He gasped in surprise and his entire head turned red. Literally. I swear I saw a vein pop. His shouts had attracted the majority of the student body and everyone was crowded around us. As we expected, he stepped onto the rug. When he realised that he was stuck, he grew even redder if that was possible. He was so frantic, he fell onto the rug back first. He looked up and saw the banner saying "WASSUP DAWG?!" I clamped my hands over my mouth to stop myself laughing, like many others. He shrugged his blazer off and tried standing back up, but it didn't work seeing as his pants were stuck. A giggle escaped from Katie's lips and somehow that started the laughing fit everyone had. He tried pushing himself up. The result of this was getting his pants ripped, but hey. At least he got up. He took his feet out of his shoes and stormed off making sure he didn't step on the rug again.

He ran away with only a ripped shirt, neon yellow boxers and ducky socks. Hilarious!

Everyone went back to where they were before seeing as the show was over. Our group eventually calmed down. "I wish I helped you guys," Kaycie said. A silence came upon us, but I knew they all wanted to laugh as much as I did. I giggled, starting yet another laughing fit.

"We definitely have to redo this activity," Travis said.

Oh yes, we did.

One down, fourteen to go.

I hope you liked the first bucket list dare thing! I think it's awesome, not that I'm bragging.

Song for the Chapter: You Found Me by The Fray


PS: I will continue writing with the dares only. They will be short though. Not the end! :)