BlossomxBrick Fanfiction SEQUEL!

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING to do with the PPGs or the RRBs. Seriously, don't even believe me if I say different.

A/N: Hey guys! So I'll tell you now. I WASN'T going to write a sequel. I like REALLY REALLY wasn't going to. Mainly cause I couldn't get a good idea and I have so many bad things going on in my life right now, I just couldn't get the energy for it. But, some guest named LordCybot and two others named gilly boy and breaker99 has requested that I make a sequel (Plus many others). So I'll give it my best dudes. I will, just for you all. Lol. I love all you readers, and I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while. R and R!

Dedication: Yeah LordCybot, this is for you. Others did request a sequel, but it made me laugh how you said you wanted a sequel XP

Blossom stepped inside her house, returning from her summer job, and she dropped her bag down on the couch. The house was empty except for the slight tinkering of the Professor in his lab, and Blossom sighed in relief.

Finally, she could relax.

It had been a long day at her work, helping people and answering a billion and one questions, and all Blossom wanted to do was sleep. Granit, it was four o'clock in the afternoon so the sleeping would have to wait, but she still wanted to lie down of her soft bed and not move.

She hovered up the stairs, rubbing the back of her neck and blinking a bit, her pink eyes a bit drowsy. She walked down the hall to her door, pulling it open. Her lights were off and only her windows let in the sunlight from outside. Home sweet home.

She walked in and smirked to herself, clicking the light on her night stand, and she commented seemingly to nothing.

"You're really not good at sneaking around anymore. I know you're there."

For a split moment, Blossom thought she was wrong and she was alone. But then a figure hovered down off the ceiling and dropped next to her.

"K, you got me."

Blossom turned and smiled as Brick's lips brushed against hers, his arms encircling her waist. Her arms went around his neck and the two kissed for a moment before pulling back, that signature tingly feeling lingering on Blossom's lips.

Two months. For two months Blossom and Brick 'hated' each other. Consistently acting like they despise each other and fighting with their siblings, the two reds would both receive awards for their fantastic performances. The truth was they could barely stand being away from each other. That one day had grown into something so much bigger that both the reds couldn't have seen it coming. Blossom could feel Brick's addiction coursing through her, and judging by the look on his face when he saw her, he had it too. Despite all the attraction they were feeling, there were just four little problems that were stopping them from being an open couple.

Their siblings.

After the day Blossom decided to give Brick a chance, they agreed that no one could know about them. No exceptions, no buts. No one could know. The minute someone found out, it would be over, and that was the last thing they wanted. Making that silent pack not to tell was the first stepping stone to their relationship… but it also brought lies.

Sure Blossom felt guilty about lying to her sisters about where she was going or who she was with. It killed the red deep inside, but being with Brick made all the guilt melt away. It was like a constant battle that she was stuck in. One minute she hated herself and wanted to tell her sisters, and the next her brain was fuzzy and sparks were shooting happiness through her body. Blossom didn't know what to do for like the first time ever, and frankly she was both torn and ok about it.

Brick's eyes looked down into hers as his smirk was present on his lips. Blossom stepped back and laid down on her bed, her hand pulling Brick with her.

Blossom closed her eyes and sighed happily, asking Brick, "What are you doing here? I thought you had things to do today."

"Gott'um done. Plus I saw you walking home from work and wanted to say hi." He replied, nuzzling into her neck as his arm held on to her waist. His breath danced across her jaw and she shivered happily, turning into him.

"You know my family could've been home. Buttercup would've killed you if found you in here." Blossom laughed against his chest, growing more tired as she lay against him. He was really warm, almost like an electric blanket, and Blossom could feel herself drifting off. She had to admit, it was nice having a personal heater.

Blossom could feel Brick shrug under her as he smiled.

"Ahh I don't care about BC," a smirk grazed his words as he continued, "Plus, I'd rather see you when I was black and blue rather than not at all."

Blossom felt her heart skip a beat when he said that, her cliché insides melting, and she moved into him more. His fingers moved through her long hair as she listened to his heart beat. It was a steady sound that calmed her. Who knew that her once worse enemy would be the one person who could relax her the most?

There was a long pause between the two, both just taking in the others presence, when Brick broke it by speaking, "We should tell them some time soon."

The words woke Blossom up and caused her to sit up, pink mixing with red. His crimson eyes burned into hers and she saw the seriousness in his gaze. Did he really want that? Did he want to possibly put their relationship in danger by telling their siblings?

She tried to stop the worry from crossing her face as she tried to reply, "Brick I-"

But Brick cut her off.

He sat up, her legs moving around his waist and his arms went around her waist. Brick touched their foreheads together as he looked at her and explained, "Red," Blossom couldn't help but smile at the nickname as he spoke, "listen to me. I haven't had the best ideas in the past, nor have I made the best choices." He faltered in his words and looked away from her before speaking again, "But… I'm sure about this. If my brothers don't except us, fine then. Screw um, I don't need them. If your sisters don't approve… well we'll have to see what we're gonna do. But I want to tell them. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But soon. Blossom… I hate hiding this, and I want people to know I have the best girl in the universe."

Blossom stared at him for a while, her mind racing.

He had just given her the biggest compliment she's ever gotten from him… but it also had an under line to it. Brick wanted to tell people? He wanted people to know about them? For some reason, the idea didn't appeal to Blossom very much. What would the people of Townsville say? What would her family say? What would happen to them after the secret was out?

Wait a sec… why did she care? Since when did Blossom EVER care about other people's opinions? She's always been different and she's always been judged. Why would this now amazing relationship be the thing that causes her to worry about judgment?

It shouldn't be, and Blossom could see that now.

She touched the side of Brick's face, turning it slowly so he'd look her in the eye, and she kissed him lightly. Her lips moved gently against his, her worry melting and her mind setting straight. Yeah, she'd tell them.

They broke apart and Brick looked at her a bit confused.

"We'll tell them." She whispered, fingers staying of the side of his face. She knew what she wanted and she knew it'd be the best thing. No matter the consequences.

Brick eyes lit up a bit more and he kissed her again, both of his hands moving to her face. The touch was rough but his hold was gentle. He broke the kiss and hugged her. Blossom's nose went against his shoulder and she could smell his intoxicating scent as it filled her nose.

"I'm glad you think so too… I really am." Brick whispered against her ear. Blossom nodded slowly, his warmth and scent soothing her, causing her to close her eyes.

Brick could feel her relax and he pulled back a bit, smirking. He pushed her bangs out her face, asking, "You wanna sleep Red?"

All Blossom could do was nod, slumping against him. Brick moved and laid her down, pulling the blankets over her. She pulled them up against her chin and sighed happily. Brick was about to leave out the window he always uses when Blossom reached out and grabbed his wrist. Her eyes were half open and she looked up at him.


The one word was all that need to be said as Blossom felt Brick moving in next to her. His arms hugged onto her waist and his heat was absorbed into Blossom. She couldn't help but sigh happily. Yeah… she could get use to this.

A small smile crossed her lips as she uttered three words before she dozed off, "I hate you."

Brick deep chuckle played against her shoulder as he remembered their old joke with each other.

He kissed her shoulder and whispered back before falling asleep as well, "I hate you too."

The pair fell asleep perfectly content… together.

Only a few hours later, Bubbles and Buttercup peaked their heads into Blossom's room to see if she was ready to come down to dinner. Both of the puffs saw the sleeping reds and closed the door quietly, careful not to wake them.

Buttercup stood staring at the door, shock evident on her face, but Bubbles just smiled. The blue puff held out her hand, the other on her hip, and a smirk crossed her face.

Buttercup sighed and pulled a twenty out of her pocket, putting it in Bubbles' hand. The green puff grumbled as she trudged down the stairs and Bubbles could only beam back at their red-headed sister's bedroom door.

Bubbles joined Buttercup on the couch after a moment and made one final comment before watching TV.

"Told you so."

A/N: And there you have it! Now if it sucks…. I'm really sorry. I kinda just sat at my computer today and was like, 'I need to write this sequel'. If it's terrible… be nice with the reviews. You can say you didn't like it, but don't hate on me all THAT much. Please? I tried, I really did. Like I said I wasn't going to write a sequel cause I didn't really have other ideas, but I thought this was ok. Maybe I was wrong to write this… idk. Just R and R please? Thanks guys.