Disclaimer: I don't own any of this… this chapter is actually what happen when watching Fast and the Furious five and reading Percy Jackson at the same time. Shameless plot stealing, I'm sorry.

Hades P.O.V

Hermes's son was being possessed by Dad and tried to kill Percy… I know that I've never been very conventional when it come to relationships… kidnapping my niece and marrying her, having an affair with my brothers… but damn even I thought it was a weird way to start a relationship.

If you've ever met somebody who's run for very long or run very far at all then there is one truth, eventually it all just became a list of places…. So if this year were ever to become written down by anybody I guess that's what it would become to. Chapters titled in states and towns and countries but I doubt anybody will know about it. Other than Clarisse anyway.

"Of course it had to be Clarisse," Ares muttered. I wonder where they were going after Rio.

"Hey, the better friends she and Percy are the more he'll want her to stay alive," Hestia said honestly. I suppose she would know best.


"Because we totally didn't know that already," Athena snorted. One day I was just going to punch her in the face… oooh, Poseidon's birthday present, damn it's not for another six months.

Chelsea Parker had to be either the luckiest person in the world or the most unfortunate. On one side she was nearly killed for stealing a really nice convertible, on the other she escaped and said convertible had a computer chip with the location of the biggest drug lord in Rio's cash houses on there. Equalling up to 100 million dollars.

"That's my baby girl," Hermes cheered forcing a smile onto his face. I couldn't help but pity the bastard he was fucked.

"So what do we do about it?" Chelsea asked sitting on the hood of the car, or rather what was left of it.

"Steal it, I don't have to be the God of prophesy to see that two out of three are all for stealing it" Apollo said. Obviously, Hermes children are like that.

"Idiot," Artemis muttered, shaking her head and that was the man she was in love with. On a completely unrelated side note, what the fuck is with this family and there siblings?

"We steal it" Luke said with a grin shared by the other child of Hermes. Ordinarily I would have protested but there are certain types of people in this world who only care about money, and this man was one of them. He hurt my family, something that only other members of my family can get away with and the best way to get to him was through his money.

"It's gone," Zeus said, "Like my lightning bolt in a room full of Valkyries, gone." I can't believe he made a joke about that this soon and then he looked down and saw it missing. "Hermes!"

"I didn't do it" he protested, eyes wide in a look that clearly stated get me out of here, get me out of here now. Hestia giggled.

"Brother, Hestia stashed it under her throne," Poseidon said spotting the same thing I did. She pouted and tossed it back, winking in Hermes direction.

Which lead to where we were now, sitting together with a plan to rob the bastard…. and you know how Romans and Greeks never get along? Bullshit, absolute fucking bullshit.

"Oh Lord," Artemis sighed, "This is going to get ugly."

"Yep, it can only end in tears and sex" Aphrodite said smiling.

"Don't you mean or?" I asked. She shook her head, much to my surprise.

"No, I meant and, definitely and" she chirped. I shuddered; her mind must be a scary, horrible and pink place.

Introducing our merry little band, Lyra daughter of Hera, Leticia daughter of Venus, Clarisse daughter of Ares, Andrew son of Minerva, Kevin and Miranda twins of Vulcan, Luke and Chelsea children of Hermes (or Mercury, we never found out in Chelsea's case) and me.

The parents of the named children were all beaming with pride and trying to hide it. I didn't think that Athena would be happy about her son participating in grand theft auto.

"So your saying that we burn the money from the first place, see where they consolidate the rest and swipe it, just like that?" Clarisse said with a smirk, recapping the plan.

"I got to get m'laptop, go get a flamethrower on Ebay for Clarisse," Ares said randomly, Artemis who was reading burst out into laughter.

"Like father like daughter," she said simply.

"Yeah, pretty much," Andrew said. Clarisse insisted that we bring a flamethrower, something that was really way to easy to obtain but gave us the privacy to talk about what was bothering her.

"Luke," Hermes said sighing, "You know I-"

"Wish that Lyra were still here," Apollo stated, because it wasn't a question. He knew.

"Do you trust him?" she asked, "Luke tried to kill you." I sighed, sitting on the hood of a swiped car while we waited to collect the flamethrower.

"Mmm flamethrower," Ares said happily. I… wasn't he supposed to be more than we gave him credit for?

"I know, trust me when I say that he didn't want to. You know what happened to you Dad, about how he was possessed by Kronos?" I asked stopping and waiting for her to nod, "It's happening to Luke, one day he wont be Luke anymore… so if his eyes have gone a funny gold colour get away as fast as you can without drawing suspicion"

"Good advise, wise almost," Athena said.

"Oh shut up Athena, wise isn't the best complement in the book and what the fuck do you mean almost? Your either wise or your not" Hera spat irritated. Oh happy day, the one person she can't say anything against.

"And your just going to run about the world until you can't anymore" She questioned with a sad smile, "You can't run forever"

"Watch him" Hestia said smiling wistfully, "Just you watch him." She had such faith in him… and it was a good thing I think? I guess that we'd just see.

"I don't know, I haven't stopped yet," I said grinning. She thought that I meant the running I was doing with Luke… I didn't, the end of the Time War… the day where I die… and so does everybody and everything else was what I was running from.

"Fucking Time War, I hate the stupid thing. I wish it'd just stop, I wish it'd just end" Ares whispered desperately. What was that bad, I mean I know how bad it was, but it was turning the God of war himself off war.

The next day we snuck into the cash house with guns and Clarisse set a few million on fire with her flamethrower. They moved the cash into, wait for it; this is the best bit… the police station. It was in a vault in the evidence room, the vault had a palm scanner and pin number. Andrew was having fun learning how to crack that son of bitch.

"Oh joy, you children are corrupting mine" Athena spat at Hermes. Crack, she was KO'd…. OMG, I know I swore I'd never say that again… I mean ever, but OMG, there's nothing else that really covers it.

"She never shuts up, I live in New Orleans and she still gives me a headache," a woman says frowning and staring at Athena's unconscious form hold a dented metal baseball bat.

"Hi Nix" Apollo says smiling cheerfully. Oh crap it's the Valkyrie.

"Hey, I'm going to hug you right now" Poseidon said smiling blindingly standing up and hugging her so tight she couldn't breath.

"So long as nobody cancels the credit card I found, it's all good," she said before running out in a blur.

"Well that was fucking weird," I said staring at the spot where she was.

"Yeah but hey, but she's hot and left me her number," Hera said blandly. I didn't fall off my throne… not at all. OMG.

Meanwhile Leticia, who had asked everyone to call her Letty, had taken off with Kevin to go get that handprint. I don't even want to know about how she's planning to go get it, but it was trouble. Luke was scanning the Police radio and hacking into the FBI.

"Well that's a useful skill to have." Zeus said blandly, we stare at him strangely.

"Oh Dad, I'm so proud," Hermes said wiping away fake tears, well they were real… they were actually there, but he didn't mean them. I hope.

When Chelsea stole the car the people she was pulling the hit with shot some FBI agents, killing them and even though she didn't actually do it, it put her at the tippy top of the wanted list and us by default. Agent Hobbs was a technical difficulty that none of us were looking forward to dealing with.

"Opps," Demeter said, was she still eating cereal? Damn, slow down.

"You know you've eaten the whole box of that," I pointed out. She threw it at my head, sisters.

"Hey guys" Luke yelled, "I have an idea about how to get us a little more breathing room." We all gathered around to listen to his plan, put a tracker on the car they were using. When Kevin and Letty came back with the handprint I cringed. She had somehow managed to get a solid print on the ass of her bikini… and trust me this is not the kind of guy you want grabbing your ass.

"Apollo, what are you doing?" Artemis asked, he paused bottle of bleach in his hand.

"I'm bleaching my brain, that guy is ug-ly" he responded. Okay then.

If you casually attend a street race with people that Chelsea had spent the last few months befriending and making them willing to help her out you will apparently get caught.

"Wait, what," Athena said sitting up, "There was a girl and a bat and…. That little bitch knocked me out,"

"Yeah, Nix doesn't like you," Poseidon said smiling.

"Nix?" she questioned tiredly, "Oh come on, that's so not fair,"

"Your under arrest" Agent Hobbs said aiming a machine gun at us. We just sat there and smirked.

"I really, really, really think that that isn't going to work," I said examining my fingernails.

"Me either," Zeus agreed, as I leaned comfortably against Poseidon's shoulder.

"Really, I don't feel under arrest… do you guys feel under arrest" I said cockily, as the all answered in negative.

"Better question, do they feel dead yet?" Ares asked shaking his head. It seemed he was getting sober again. Hopeful we don't have to stop again so he can go in search of more liquor.

"Well then it seems you've made a mistake then" he retorted. Chelsea laughed and walked up to him until they were only inches apart, seeing how she didn't even reach his shoulders with heels it was amusing.

"If he shoots her or at her I'm gonna incinerate him," Hermes threatened angrily. Not if Percy gets there first I thought to myself.

"And your mistake, is thinking your in America" she said before taking a step back and throwing her arm wide, "This is Brazil." The sound of many, many handguns cocking as all of two hundred or so people pointed their guns at them, safety off filled the air.

"Awesome," we chorus, because really it was. How the hell did they manage that?

They left, reluctantly, uneasily, but they left. Miranda had managed to stick the tracker into the bulletproof car. Which meant tomorrow we could do it, as soon as he was far enough away. We were packing up and getting ready to go, but as is the way with all great plans… it didn't work.

"What do you mean plan don't work?" Athena questioned.

"Anything you can plan a counter plan can be made," Ares said, "Improvisation is harder to work around." Well there you go, the hidden intelligence is back again.

Smash! Their car drove through a wall, nearly hitting Letty, which pissed off Clarisse and you know what I completely supported he attempts to beat the dumb fuck to death with a socket wrench after he almost killed her almost-sort-of-not-really-but-were-sleeping-together-anyway-not-girlfriend. She could have killed him and for a moment I thought that she was going to… but the appliance chipped concrete next to his head.

Ares just smirked, a smirk that said simply, that's my girl. The scary thought was that Percy sounded disappointed about it. I shuddered and ignored it.

For our amusement we let them arrest us, just cause. Until the dumb ass drug lord (whose name I should probably learn before I take the thing that means most to him away) sent assassin's to kill us. Agent Hobbs, the poor bastard lost his whole team.

"Wait, he's planning on stealing a hundred mill from this idiot and he doesn't even know his name?" Hera questioned.

"That Percy for you," Hestia said amused.

"If your going after him I'm coming to," he said, "And I'll warn you now, I'm taking him out not bringing him in." Clarisse, in her own special way of helping brought him over to her weapons rack (Enough to supply a small army).

"Aw, that so sweet," Aphrodite squealed. I know the goddesses in our family are generally crazy vicious bitches, but I wasn't expecting them all to agree.

"Have at," she said walking away. His eyebrow shot up to almost the back of his neck.

There was a round of laughing we tried to imagine that. He must me bald, I thought idly.

"What the fuck kind of kids are you?" he asked in awe. We just smiled and got to work, the police station was surrounded. Every corrupt cop in Rio was there and fuck me there were many. Lyra and I got into the two non-descript black cars and followed what we affectionately called 'Hobbs armoured tank' as it smashed through the room in the evidence locker.

"Well that's one way to break in to somewhere," Poseidon laughed.

"That it is brother, that it is," I responded squeezing his hand.

Pop, pop, pop, pop. Machine guns fired as we ducked around the car and hooked the cables to the vault. We were going to rip it out the wall. Zoom, we were out of there with cops on our ass.

"They're really not sneaking around are they?" Apollo laughed, "No wait yes they are,"

"How is that sneaky?" Athena asked.

"Just wait for it," Apollo said, "It's coming."

"You guys know where your going," Andrew spoke over the radio, "Bring it home." Later in the years after it happen, there was always one thing that I would be adamant about… sending the vault full of money through that bank and destroying it was an accident, in fact o was quiet content to say it never even happened.

There were roars of laughter. This was just to good I decided.

"Like anybody going to believe that," Hestia said laughing hysterically, "I think we know better by now."

"Did you guys just take out a bank?" Luke asked in amused and unsurprised.

"Possible," Aphrodite said, drawing out the word.

"No" I said back way to fast, obviously joking as the others in there cop cars knocked out most of our problems, giving us a thirty second window. Miranda had parked a garbage truck under an overpass with our practice vault next to it.

"Why?" Artemis muttered frowning.

"Well if you shut up maybe we'd find out," Athena bitched. Whack, an arrow lodged millimetres away from her head.

"Oi, be nice to my sis," Apollo threatened knocking another arrow. She looked at him with absolute shock; it was almost like she didn't remember why he was so protective over her.

"This is it," Lyra said moving her car over to the right. Screech, it slides right into the truck, cables attached to the practise vault and we sped out from under the overpass and headed to the bridge. Time to lose them.

"That is really cool, but what's the point?" Zeus asked frowning.

"Hobbs, he's going to try and make them give up the money," Ares supplied. That actually made a lot of sense.

We made it about halfway down the bridge before we initiated the plan. I disconnected and got the fuck out the way. Waiting out of the way of ground zero as Lyra use the vault to take out the corrupt cops. Crashing Mr Asshole drug lord's car.

There was a moment of silence before we all cracked it. This kid is really too much, I thought to myself. How the hell does he keep doing this crap?

Bang! Oh look, Hobbs shot him in the head. Lyra moved over to my car, and opened the driver door.

"Percy, you can't just say stuff like that," Hestia complained through giggles.

"Yeah, oh look he just got shot in the head should not be a twelve year olds reaction to death," Poseidon said.

"Yeah well he's crazy, personally I think it's great," Dionysus said. Of course you do.

"I can't just let you kids go, but I think you've earned yourself a 24 hour head start," he said, "But I'll see you soon."

"Nope," Apollo said, "Never ever again shall you see him again." Especially if he doesn't want you to, then again that may be better for his life span.

"No you wont," I said, smirking. He looked at us a shook his head, going to check the vault. Whoops, time to get out of there. Which was what lead us to where we were now, sitting nervously while Andrew hacked the vaults security system.

"I don't know whether to be proud of him or ground him," Athena groaned.

"Yeah, go with proud," Hermes said, "It messes with you head less when you go with proud."

"Come on, give us this one," he whispered pressing our makeshift handprint to the palm scanner. Beep, the light flashed green and the door open… money spilled all over the floor like in the cartoons. There was a moment of pure silence, before the screaming cheering and hugging came in.

I have no idea why, but we seemed to all be cheering to. I had to admit, theft or not that was awesome. I was proud of my relatives, surprisingly, that's new.

"Money, money will come and go" Lyra said standing at the head of our makeshift table at dinner that night holding up her glass, "We all know that but the thing that are really important are the people in this room. The people that at the end of the day we know will always always have our back. We salute to our family" she said pride in her voice, repeating the last bit in Greek and Latin.

"That, that is beautiful" Hera said crying, "That is what our family should be." I felt a twinge of… something. I… I wished our family were like that to.

"Ain't love grand," Aphrodite said breezily, smiling.

Later that night Luke and I found Clarisse sitting on the floor staring at her phone lost. "My Mom wants me to come home… she's going to have twins, maybe she's better now but if I don't see…. If I don't check that those kids will be okay then I'll never forgive myself," she said quietly.

"Do you think they'll go with her?" Zeus asked. Hera nodded. I hoped so, because family bonding wasn't going to give me a heart attack.

"You need us to go with you," I said, "No don't argue we'll go with you, because you may need help to get them out of there,"

"What is she going to do with kids?" Ares asked, worrying about his daughter.

"She'll make sure that there okay," Hestia said comfortingly.

"Clarisse, if there not okay there… what will you do?" Luke asked her.

"What's right," Artemis said, "Hopefully." I think that if she couldn't help them then Percy would.

"Well I just got myself 11 million, is it really child abduction when it's the best thing for them?" she asked blankly. Luke and I took a seat on either side of her and sat in silence. Looks like it's back to New York tomorrow.

"Done," Artemis said tossing the book to Apollo, who turned the page and started to read. Here we go again, I thought shutting my eyes and snuggling into Poseidon.

"Feeling sleepy there?" Poseidon teased.

"Mmm, shut up and be a good pillow," I mumbled. There were chuckles.

Oh Gods, I finally finished the first chapter. I had major writers block, so this chapter is kind crap but now their uber rich and can do whatever they want. So, yay for having no limits. Review if you have any idea or comments!