People seemed to like the first one, so here's the 2nd part.

Im going to try and push these out as fast as I can.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or corrections, pm me or just write a review containing anything you want to say.

Sorry for the shortness, I haven't had much time lately.

Thank you all for the continued support.

Fluttershy rolled over in her bed. The morning sun was just rising, and the sound of bird song filled the small cottage. Fluttershy's eyes lazily open and she tried to stifle a yawn.

"Morning Shy…" came a familiar voice from the other side of the bed.

Fluttershy quickly sat upright and saw none other than Rainbow Dash.

"Oh my! Oh! Um…Rainbow! Wh-what are you doing in…in my be-bed?"

Raindbow Dash sat upright and looked at Fluttershy curiously.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that… you forget about last night?"

Rainbow smirked and Fluttershy did her best to hide the blush that crept onto her face. Rainbow Dash giggled and Fluttershy tried to hide under the covers as last night's activities all came back to her. It was just like her dream, she realized. Most of what she remembered involved a rainbow mane, pleasure, and lots and lots of sweat.

"Oh come on Shy, lighten up. You had fun didn't you?"

"Well yeah, of course… It was amazing… But…"

"But what?" Said Rainbow, propping herself up on a pillow and staring at Fluttershy curiously.

"What…what if one of our friends found out?"

"Fluttershy, you love me, don't you?"


"Then don't worry your pretty little head. As always, I got everything under control. And, if they do happen to say something…"

Rainbow Dash jumped out of bed and landed on the wooden floor and got into a fighting stance.

"Pow! Pow pow! Right to the head"

Fluttershy giggled and began to get out of bed herself.

"Ok Dashie, I believe you. Now stop fooling around and help me feed the animals."

"Dashie?" Rainbow Dash asked, staring at Fluttershy.

"Hmm… Dashie… Sounds a bit girly. But I like it!" She grinned and helped Fluttershy get everything prepared for the day.

Later that day, the two met Twilight at the library to discuss a, as Twilight had put it, "very important matter". Rainbow Dash had to practically drag Fluttershy by her tail to get her to come along, and even when she finally got the mare moving, Fluttershy continued to express second thoughts. Rainbow barged into the small library and looked around.

"Hey Egghead, you home!?"

A very tired looking Twilight emerged from the kitchen, her nose buried in some purple book.

"Yes Rainbow, I'm here. I wouldn't just leave after calling you here, now would I? Both of you make yourselves comfortable, we need to talk."

Fluttershy began to look nervous, and every now and then her eyes glanced towards the door.

Twilight gently set the book down and peered at the two Pegasi. Glanced quickly at the book, Fluttershy saw the title. All About Mating, Pegasus Edition.

"Yesterday I was going through some books and I read something. It said the most curious thing about Pegasi. It said, and I quote, that when you become, well, how do I put this… Aroused, your wings extend and lock into place. I tried to cross check with any other books I had on the subject, but I just couldn't find any additional info! Then I realized I had you two to ask!"

Twilight produced a pen and paper seeming out of nowhere and stared at the two.

"So, is it true?"

Fluttershy though back to last night. Did her wings ever snap open? She glanced at Rainbow Dash and blushed when she saw her staring back. Both ponies blushed and quickly looked the other way, with Twilight curiously looking on.

"Well… I mean…" Rainbow began.

"Yeah I suppose."

Twilight scribbled something down on the paper and looked up.

"Okay, great. Now I…uhm… I need an example. So both of you follow me."

Twilight exited the main room and entered the kitchen, Rainbow and Fluttershy right behind her. Twilight tapped the counter twice and a trapdoor sprang open from the floor. Twilight grinned.

"Very few ponies know about this place. In fact I think you two and Spike are the only ones that know about it."

She laughed and Rainbow and Fluttershy exchanged worried glances.

"Come along now, we don't have time to waste!" Giggled Twilight, descending down the stairs hidden by the trapdoor. Fluttershy poked her head in and saw Twilights purple haunches disappear into the shadows.

"Don't stare." Said Rainbow jokingly as she pushed Fluttershy inside and started down the stairs.