*peers nervously around* uhm hi, it has been so long….. I'm sorry about this long overdue update, this story just kind of… slipped from my mind. Thank you "guest" for always giving me a review, I always try to start this but something always has to come up, not a really good excuse but thank you! I put aside the stuff around me and decided that I would begin writing the rest, I only have this chapter so far and a beginning to the next, but that is at least something then nothing. Thanks also to the rest that have reviewed like "Insanity's Puppet: and MisakiTheHanyou67, and InuXKag3!

Now on with the story

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and crew

Chapter 11: let it all out

So you know how I said how Inuyasha being there would be a slight change to plans? Well it was a BIG change to the plan I had formed in the time the elevator took to get to that floor. Inuyasha just stood there and stared at Kikyo as she squealed and threw herself at him. His eyes then turned to me and then her, a bewildered look on his face.

I shrugged since I honestly didn't know what to do now, I was planning on ditching Kikyo at the floor by running as fast as I could to find Inuyasha' s room, yeah not the smartest idea but it was only a twenty second elevator ride. Not enough time for me to think of an effective plan. He pried Kikyo off him as he greeted me

"Hey Kagome, and Kagome clone, and this random guy….. yeah, so how are you?". He asks as he tries to normalize the situation.

I looked at Bank who just shrugged and told me

"see you downstairs"

I cursed at him as he smiled as he rode the elevator back down. he could never handle drama well, especially when it was between girls. I turned back and Kikyo was trying to flirt with Inuyasha, this didn't sit well with me, I glared at her and Inuyasha caught me doing that. I blushed as I looked away and I swear I heard him chuckle.

"Inu-kun, I got something I need to tell you", Kikyo murmured in a sickly sweet voice. I looked at her as I realized what she was going to say. Though I saw something stick out of her jacket pocket, it was the envelope. I stood behind her.

Inuyasha was looking at me now and I indicated that he put a hand around her, he looked at me aghast but I threw my hands up saying that I was not trying to set it him up, I pointed at my pocket and hers and indicated that he take something out. He turns back to Kikyo who looked back at me with a glare.

Inuyasha did what I ask, he was pretending that he was wrapping his arms around her, I felt something in my chest again, this feeling was getting worse as I hear her giggle. Inuyasha tried his best to smile but I saw his hand reach toward the pocket. She turns all of a sudden as she says it

"I am Domo K"

He freezes and looks at her, his hand is frozen millimeters away from the letter.

"huh?" he asks

Kikyo smiles as she tells him about the locket

"it has a picture of me, smiling as a young girl and my parents, then in the back of that is a picture of a wolf howling at the moon."

His eyes widened, there was a small moment of silence when all of a sudden, a smile enlightened his face. I felt my own face fall I saw his excitement and hesitation.

I don't know how to react, though Kikyo takes the chance to grab his face and kiss him.

I felt a small pang in my chest and my eyes began to moisten, a familiar feeling of loss and wanting to run returned, to run far and to not look back.

That was the idea I always had at home, though never really acted upon it, this was my last year in high-school, I could remake the second semester easily while I was on the road. I could just become a traveling musician.

Though I knew now that I would just be running away, and I was tired of that, I needed to stand up, doesn't mean that I will be any more comfortable here, but I need to stand on my own two feet, not let other do it for me. That means I need to settle this.

I grabbed Kikyo, spun her around and grab the letter out of her pocket. She glowered at me as she tried to jump at me but I sidestepped her and I caught the heel of her foot as I stuck foot to trip her, Bank came back that instant with a security guard.

I smirked at him as he did back as the security gaurd took the phone she was waving like a weapon, I guess he knew that there was going to be some sort of fight when this was done. Inuyasha was looking at Kikyo in bewilderment then looked at me.

"Wha-?" he started saying but I held up my hand.

Kikyo was being restrained by the security guard as I tucked the letter into my coat pocket. I took a deep breath in as I yelled out the first thing I thought of...



Everyone kind of looked like I was crazy, even Kikyo stopped moving to give me a 'are-you mentally ill?" look, though I felt a lot better at that.

"Inuyasha, you are a BAKA! First of all there is always a difference In people, the first mistake you made was in believing in her so fast! When I was wearing the Domo mask my hair did not magically grow longer, nor did I ever straighten it, you see my hair, it has always been like this, from the day I was born to when I die, well if you take out the factor that I will grow white hair when I am older, but you get the point!"

I took a breath in as I continue my rant.

"Second, baka Inu is that you let a random girl who said they were me kiss you! I got the impression that you didint like being swarmed by fangirl, that you wanted to have some time to be you and not get to caught up in the band, well I-NU-YA-SHA, you just acted like one of this jerky playboy band boys! This is what I end this rant with, the saying in the locket says " We will always be with you; you just shine your way into life"!

Inuyasha stood there, his eyes widened and I just rolled my eyes, though I bit the inside of my cheek because I felt somewhat relieved but still hurt of what happened.

I held out my hand indicating that I wanted my locket back, he looked at me still slightly shocked but snapped out of it as he handed me back the locket. I welcomed the cool feel of its round surface though Inuyasha warm hand still lingered on my hand.


I looked up at him, with a small smile on my face

"it is alright Inuyasha, I wasn't entirely honest with you either, but I never did anything I did because of the fame, I did it because I thought you were a really cool guy, thanks for taking care of this, and please call of the Domo K thing, I need to go" I said as I turned away, I was half hoping that Inuyasha would say something or do something, but he didn't. I saw Bank and he smiled both proudly and sadly at me.

I just smiled as we climbed in the elevator after the security guard. It was the moment when the doors were closing that Inuyasha finally decided to move, but sadly it was too late.

Bank made sure the take the elevator the basement level instead of the foyer, we got in his car and the security handcuffed Kikyo, though I had a feeling that he only did that because he was tired of holding her to keep her still. Kikyo for the most part remained quiet, she didn't speak much, just struggle.

We drove out and I briefly saw Silver hair in the entrance of the basement parking lot. Though I closed my eyes as I told myself that what I was doing was the right thing, I was not giving up on anything, I want to establish something in my life first before I run into something totally new to me.

I got out the envelope and looked at the writing, it was nothing too Fancy, just simply said my name and nothing else.

The envelope was blue and slightly wrinkled from around; I lifted the edge of the flap and didn't know if I really wanted to ruin the paper, I looked at bank who was slightly looking at me, he smiled at me
I smiled back as I tear off the flap of the envelope. It was just two pieces of paper, one was a letter whereas the other was a list of things. My eyes widened as I realized what it was, and I felt the tears falling already.

I looked at bank as I rubbed my eyes.

"We have a lot to talk to Kagura about" I said as I smiled. He gave me a strange look but I just showed him the paper, his eyes widened but then he started laughing like crazy.

I looked back at Kikyo and smiled at her, things were going to be different

Now I would usually end it here but since it has been a very long time since I have updated I will continue a little bit more

It has been a week since I last saw Inuyasha, I heard that his plane had left to L.A already to continue his tour. I shouldn't be upset, It was my fault to leave without giving him any way to contact me, but at the same time it has been three days since Kagura and her daughter moved out, the moved to California where naraku decided that he wanted to make a fresh start with her. She decided this when I showed her My dad's will. It was listed that I was to be handed down the house, his savings and basically everthing he and my mom owned. Kagura decided that we should part ways, I was not going to stop here, I was already 17 and this was just something I was planning on doing next year.

She didn't really say anything to me as she left, only Kanna said bye, Bank and Jank helped me fill out all the paper work and try to get ownership of everything. When everything was settled I went back to school, Sango was happier, I don't know why but there seemed to be a case of the grins today. Bank and jank could not stop smiling this morning, I know I should be happy but I didn't, I felt really tired.

When school ended, Sango left in a hurry, which was weird since we usually walked home together. When I got home Bank and Jank were also gone, saying there needed to get more food since Jank ate it all.

I sighed as I looked around the big house; it felt lonely without anyone here.

Not really knowing what to do, I busied myself around the house; I cleaned the floor, dusted the mats, wash the clothes, and even had time to wash the dishes.

I looked around and there was nothing to do, I grabbed my phone to check the time, it was already 6:00 and Bank and Jank were still not back, I hope they were alright. I went to look out the window when BAM!, a freaking light was shown right at my face, I yelped as I covered my eyes and tried my best to get those splotches out of my vision, the curtain was still closed and there light was still shining.

"this better not be one of those "Christmas carol" moments" I murmured to myself, there was no reason for there to be, well I don't think there needs to be one.

I went toward the door, the handle was cool to the touch so it definitely was not a fire, I twisted the handle and managed to not freak out when I opened the door and there as a small boy there. I recognized the orange hair and said "Shippo?"
He smiled at me as he gave me something and began skating away; I was still staring at his back when I looked down at my hand. It was a concert ticket stub, on the back It said "be there" – I.T

I looked around and the light was gone, he must have been here, the light might've been a distraction or to get my attention. Though I thought that he had already left, what was going on?

I looked at the stub and read the time that the concert started last time. It started at 6:30, and a good five minutes had already passed since the last time I checked my phone. I closed the door and looked for some car keys, I noticed that they only took one car and that was the van, I took bank's small sedan and began driving all the while just listening to the radio. The DJ then spoke up

"Inuyasha decided to take a break from the tour, departing as soon as he set foot on the ground everyone was confused, though by the look on his face you can tell that he was set on something, whatever it is I wish him luck! The rest of the band are right now hosting signings and awaiting their leaders return, though none of them are against what he is doing, even Koga had said "he is doing something he should've done days ago, that idiot will be fine". With that said he also called of the Domo K search, could it be that our young prince when to go get his Cinder-"

I shut off the radio and just switched to disc. I felt slightly guilty because it was kind of my fault that we had no contact but at the same time I didn't. I was contradicting myself in a lot of things but one thing for sure I knew, is that I wanted to see him.

When I got to the stadium, there were no other cars around; it was almost like a barren waste land or something. I got out and I walked to the entrance, there was no one there to greet me or anything so I just opened the door and surprised to find it unlocked, on the side there was a domo sticker on the wall. I chuckled as I saw another one and just followed that trail. When I got to the seat there was doormat Domo's leading toward the stairs of the stage, which curtains were closed. I followed the path as I grabbed the curtain, ready to pass through.

"Keh, you know there could be something dangerous on the other side", said a familiar male voice.. I couldn't help the grin that spread on my face.

"I'm pretty sure that I will be able to punch it before it got to me".

"So violent already, Heh, well what if it was an animal?" said the voice, now much closer to me, though I still didn't turn.

"If it's small I can evade it, though if it is big I can let you deal with it", I replied.

"Glad to see that you are putting in mind, my health" the voice said jokingly, now only a few inches behind me.

"It's a good way to get rid of some jetlag I hear, though my curiosity is killing me right now", I said as I tugged gently at the curtain.

Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell that he was smirking when he replied, now really close to my ear,

"Then open the curtain".

So I did.

Uhm, I don't have any excuse, just simply that life got in the way and I kept forgetting to update this. I leave it with this, the last chapter (maybe an epilogue) will come when it does, sorry I Can't really see when for sure but hope that this chapter was O.K, and leave a review if you have any reccomendations on what should be behind the curtain, I have the basic idea but it is nice to hear others opinion :)

Thank you Till next time, Blackreader27