AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok, so i added an epilogue. This is technically the final episode of Power Rangers Super Samurai remixed. I hope you guys enjoy the little twist I added to the episode! ;)


A few weeks later, Sarah received a letter from Ji. Reading it out loud, she smiled.

"They defeated Master Xandred."

"Finally, peace will reign." Daisuke noted.

"Shall I write him back?"

A loud rear had the old guardian smiling.

"No bother Sarah. I believe it's already on its way."


Tired and exhausted, the rangers headed home in some excitement to tell Ji and Lauren of their victory and for some much needed rest. Opening the gates, they were met with the two on the front porch.

"Welcome home rangers." Ji said with a bright smile.

It was then they noticed the large black stallion munching on grass a few feet away. He leaned up to snort before eating again.

"…Ji…" Jayden started.

The door to the Shiba house opened and a familiar face appeared.

"Yes, welcome home rangers."

"Bianca!" The team cheered.

Today was definitely a day of celebration.


"Are you sure you can't stay for a couple more days? I'd love to have an actual girls' day like when we were kids." Bianca asked a few days later.

"You know I can't." Lauren noted.

"Not even to say goodbye?"

Lauren finished zipping her suitcase and faced the guardian with an uneasy smile;.

"Goodbyes are always awkward for me."

The two moved into the living room where Ji and Jayden stood.

"You're always welcome home sis." Jayden said.

The two shared a hug and then Lauren hugged their mentor.

"We're a family again Jay, you'll be seeing me again."

"I certainly hope it's soon then." Bianca stated.

A faint shine caught Lauren's eyes as she smile with a shake of her head.

"Of course, how am I not surprised?"

The two girls hugged and Ji led Lauren to her waiting ride. Upon hearing the rest of the rangers coming down the hallway, the two turned with smiles.

"We'll definitely have to make holiday plans." Emily replied to the group.

Seeing Jayden and Bianca, the rangers then began to explain what each of their plans were in excitement. The group wasn't surprised upon hearing Mike was going to be traveling with Emily but Jayden did raise a brow with a smile.

"Well come on then, Mentor is waiting."

They journeyed out to the front grounds where Ji stood with a smile.

"What about your plans Ji?" Mia asked

"My place is here at the Shiba home should a Nighlok attack ever come again."

"Well…I hope these two have normal plans including dates." Antonio joked to his two best friends.

Bianca smiled.

"Oh yes, plenty of dates…and one important one we hope you all will be here for…"

Confusion ran wild until a light hit a bright object on Bianca's hand. Mia and Emily squealed as one, the men congratulating in their own ways.

"No way! When?" Emily asked.

"Last night after the party." Bianca explained.

"It's one old tradition we aren't breaking." Jayden added.

"Of course, you guys have been together forever!" Kevin joked.

"Be ready guys." Bianca giggled.

"One more time guys." Antonio said with a smirk.

Holding samurizers together, the team smiled.

"Samurai forever!"

The three residents of the Shiba home smiled and waved as they watched their team leave.

"So what now Ji?" Bianca asked.

"Well the bamboo need pruned, and the practice dummy needs stuffed…"

Ji moved over the cover patio bench with a small smirk. Child-like excitement filled the couples' eyes as Ji produced a bright red guitar and silver-white keyboard.

"I did, however, get you two victory gifts."

With bright smiles the two walked over to receive their gifts as Ji retrieved a black guitar of his own.

"Now that the Nighlok are gone, it's time you two learned to act like normal teens…" Ji said.

"I do like the color." Jayden joked.

"Go ahead and try them out."

Jayden, taking the guitar, and Bianca, sitting before the board, played a familiar tone and smiled as one.

"Nice." Ji said as the three continued to play.

FINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE: I really hope you guys enjoyed the end because i worked hard to make sure it sounded like the final episode. :) DONT FORGET TO LET ME KNOW HOW I DID!