Fan request! WARNING EROTICA! After a break up with Arthur, Ariadne finds herself falling for a bike messenger named Wylie. Inception/ Premium Rush crossover! JGL lovers, unite!

Life without you


~ Ariadne heard her cell phone ding and tried to resist the urge to look at the text message.

'I'm not going to answer it.' She thought firmly. 'I'm not even going to look at it.'

She couldn't fight the need to see what Arthur had sent her. The Point Man always needing to have the last word in everything. She reached for her cell phone. A purple light flashing that it was a text. Not to be confused with an email, a Facebook update or anything else.

She opened the app and saw two words from her former lover.

Arthur- Take care.

She wanted to throw her phone to the wall. Instead, she felt her eyes well up with tears. A painful feeling swelling in her chest.

'I will not respond to this text. I'm going to ignore it.' She thought as her fingers itched to type out a hasty reply.

For the past hour, she and Arthur had been texting and using the video chat app on the fancy smart phone he had given her for her birthday. It was a cool, futuristic app that allowed them to see each other as they talked. It was the next best thing to being in the same room.

In the same room, they were not. That was the problem.

Ariadne had accepted a position in New York City. She had made the move and started her new job within the week. It had been exciting and wonderful, all accept one nagging problem.

Arthur was in Japan.

Saito had offered the Point Man a job at his company and, with Cobb leaving dream extraction, Arthur took it. The Point Man had moved to Japan the same time the Architect moved to New York. They had spent a few weeks together in Paris as Ariadne finished school. Even taking an extended vacation together to Fiji during her break. Things with them had moved quickly and comfortably forward till the job offers drove them apart.

At first, they both agreed they could make it work. Technology allowed them to communicate everyday. Arthur would call her on her phone and they would see each other with the real time video app. The two of them doing things on that video chat that made phone sex look like a waste of time. They talked endlessly, until Arthur skipped a day. He skipped another a few weeks later. Then, an entire weekend passed and he didn't call her.

Ariadne scrolled over the text messages she had gotten from the Point Man that night.

Arthur- This isn't working. I want to be with you. Tired of cyber BF GF.

Me- You don't want to be with me anymore?

Arthur- I WANT to be with you. That's the problem. I want you to come to Japan.

Me- I can't. My job is here. You know that. We talk over the phone. Video chat.

Arthur- That's not enough. It was fun at first. I need you. I don't like not having you with me.

Me- I'm not leaving my job.

Arthur- Well, I can't keep this up. I want a girlfriend, not a long distance, cyber relationship.

Me- You're being unfair. We agreed to try and make this work.

Arthur- We tried. It's not working for me. Come to Japan. I want a woman who I can make love to. I'm sick of using my hand while I watch you on video. I need to touch you. I need to be inside you.

Ariadne shook her head at that.

Me- I know you're frustrated. But this is what I went to school for.

You're asking me to relocate halfway around the world. Why can't you come and live in New York?

Arthur- My job here is very important.

Me- So is mine! You are being unfair!

Arthur- See? We're having a fight and were on even in the same country! That's crazy! Surely you aren't fulfilled from this cyber life.

Me- I try to be. I'm happy. I thought you were to.

Arthur- I'm sorry. I need more out of a relationship then this.

Me- I'm sorry to.

Arthur- We can still talk, but no more cyber BF GF. Not unless you come to Japan.

Me- No. It's better if we just end it. It will hurt us less.

Ariadne tossed her phone onto the floor. The sturdy construction meant it didn't break and slid across the room.

'I'm allowing myself tonight. That's all Arthur gets.' She thought as she wrapped herself up in a light blanket and cried softly.

~ Morning came. Ariadne peeled back her covers like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon of sleep. She didn't look at the cell phone she had tossed on the floor. She was proud she hadn't called or texted him back.

She felt a little better now that a few hours had passed.

'A few more hours from now, I'll feel even better.' She thought as she left her phone on the floor and didn't look at it.

~ She showered and dressed. Intentionally leaving her phone on the floor. Committing the heinous sin of not taking her cell phone with her when she left her apartment for work. She didn't want to give into the urge to text Arthur.

She had always been texting the Point Man since she moved to New York. She would text him all day everyday, and he her. It felt odd to not do that anymore.

While she was on the subway, she wanted to text him. Wanted to say she was sorry about their fight. But her phone was at home, and she was thankful she had left it.

~ He job was for the city engineering. Her specialty was urban restoration. More specifically, revitalizing the High Line in Manhattan to be a tourist walking park. It had been a fun project that the city had given them. They didn't want to destroy the old west side line, but were uncertain about what to do with it. There was little money to fund the project, and Ariadne had come up with the idea of vintage New York advertisements along the old elevated rail line. No major corporations or big business. Only local institutions and stores. The city of New York literally paid for the vertical walking park. This kept it free to the public and continued the construction of turning it into something very unique.

Everyday, Ariadne got dozens of letters and hundreds of emails saying how much people liked the new life of the high line. Her boss had been so impressed, there was even an article about her in the New York Times. Not bad for someone who had only been living in the city for three months.

The Architect was proud of her work and got a great deal of satisfaction from it. She was respected and appreciated. It was everything she wanted.

Except that one thing. Arthur.

She sighed as she reached reception. The coffee in her hand was still too hot to drink as a bicycle messenger was talking to the bubbly girl at reception. She was looking over the young man with light, happy eyes.

"Oh she'll have it." The receptionist said noticing Ariadne coming into the office.

The Architect slowed down as the bike messenger turned to look at her.

He was handsome enough. Closely cropped brown hair, lean build. A tan that made him look healthy and youthful. He was about the same age as the Architect, but he looked much younger somehow. Almost carefree.

Ariadne sighed.

"I'm sure I have something. What is it?" The Architect said feeling clueless and worn out.

The bike messenger grinned at her and looked at his clip board.

"Package for Denny & Mark graphics. Madison Ave?" The messenger said. His voice far too cheery and happy.

'How can anyone be in that good a mood this early in the morning?' Ariadne thought as she couldn't help but look at his muscular calves that his long shorts exposed.

"Oh right!" The Architect started. She suddenly remembered the mock ups of the new section of the line she had drawn. She should have left them with reception yesterday and forgot.

"I'm sorry, they're in my office. Come with me, I'll get them."

She suddenly felt so unprofessional. Here it was, a work day in the big apple, and she was dropping the ball.

The bike messenger shrugged and followed her up the stairs.

"The elevator takes too long." She explained as he hopped energetically up each step.

"Why I always take the stairs and never the elevator." He said with a dazzling smile that make his eyes crinkle.

~ Her office was very nice by New York standards. She had a large water color drawing of the High Line when it would be completed. A beautiful walking park filled with tourists, tress and grass.

"Nice office." The messenger said looking over the water coloring as she readied the mock ups. Putting them in an art tube for their transport.

"You're working on the High Line?" He asked. Absorbed in the art work.

Ariadne felt a smile play over her lips. She loved her job.

"Yes. My team and I are restoring it. Have you seen what we've done so far?" She asked walking over to him and looking at the water coloring. A long, horizontal painting that took up the entire wall.

"Hell yeah. My friends and I went there the first day it opened. It's awesome. The views. We were really glad it wasn't torn down." He said.

"We put in a small restaurant. Nothing fancy. It's made out of a shipping container. We're making a real effort to be green." She told him. Pride in her work showing.
"Very cool." He said admirably.

The two of them stood looking at her water coloring before he cleared his throat.

"The package?" He asked and smiled that warm smile at her.

"Oh!" She startled "Right. Here! It needs to be delivered to Kit Killeen." She told him.
The messenger was filling out a form.

"Print you name. Sign it." He told her.

He looked over her writing.

"Ariadne? Like the girl in mythology? King Minus' daughter?" he asked.

She blushed and rolled her eyes.
"The very same." She said and tried to laugh it off.
"My name's Wylie." He told her.

"Like the coyote?" She couldn't help but laugh.

"I think it's better then Daffy. Don't you?" He asked. His lips tugging into that contagious smile and she felt herself grinning back.

"New restaurant on the Line. I might go there." Wylie said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. Check it out." She told him shifting her feet. She felt like a teenager in front of the boy she liked.

"I think I will." He said. "Think I may be there at 7 this evening."

"Oh." She said and wondered why he was giving her the exact time.
"Do you think you might be there at 7?" He asked.

"I... um... yeah. I might be there." She said feeling her cheeks become hot.

"We can be there together." He mused innocently. "Nice to meet you." He whispered taking her tube with the mock ups in it.

She watched him leave and fought the urge to fidget.

Her breath coming back to her body as she marveled at how such a thing had happened.

'Do I have a date tonight?' She thought.