(A/N): The long awaited conclusion has finally arrived! May I present to you the finale of TTEOYM! I'm sorry I've been taking so long with my updates but life and stuff...it's a hindrance to this hobby of mine.

I'd also like to take the time to announce that as of today, my League Of Legends series as accumulated over 10,000 views. I can't thank you all enough for the support and reviews and please, don't be shy; I appreciate comments and feedback more than anything!

This chapter goes out to my good friend and reviewer, the legendary Waddlebuff! Hope you all enjoy and as always, I apologize for any OOCness! And Waddlebuff, I hope I did your wife some justice in this one!

Let's get on with it!

Our Masterpiece

I stirred from my slumber as thunder cracked through the air. I looked out my window to see that the heavy downpour continued in the same vain as one hour ago. I sighed as I got out of my bed and stretched the weariness out of my bones. I sniffed myself and mentally slapped myself for not taking a shower after Tai Chi training earlier today. I entered my shower and eagerly turned on the hot water. As it warmed my freezing body, I let my mind wander.

It was two months since I confessed my feelings to Sona but we had to keep our relationship a secret from the League as it was forbidden for champion and summoner to have anything beyond professional relationships. After that fateful night, I spent all of my free time with her. She came to me everyday to ensure I was healthy and occasionally spent the night with me. Most times, it was practice with our respective instruments in our own variants of duets. No matter what song I tried to play, Sona had the uncanny ability to decipher each of them as notes on her etwahl which made her the absolute best musician I've ever heard; if she was able to simply listen and learn entire songs from a single hearing then she certainly had skill I could only dream of possessing. Despite our encounter that night two months ago, we didn't really get intimate with each other. It wasn't because we didn't want to...it was because it was difficult for us to get away with it considering so many eyes were on us; she was lucky enough whenever she got away with staying the night.

I returned to my bed but I just could not stop thinking about her. Would it be better for her to be with someone who has a greater life expectancy? Would it be better for her to be with someone she can actually be seen in public with? So many questions flew into my head as I continued to ponder. It wasn't long before I heard a knock on my door.

"Oliver? Are you awake?"

It was the unmistakable thoughts of Sona and her tone sounded immensely worried.

"Yes I'm awake, the door is open," I replied.

She entered the room.

"I'm sorry for not coming for a few days...the security began to get suspicious of my constant presence here," she said.
"It's alright," I said.

She sat beside me after putting her etwahl on the desk in front of me.

"Something is bothering you...are you going to tell me what it is?" she asked.
"It's about...you and I," I said.

She intertwined her fingers with mine.

"You know you can talk to me about anything...and I mean anything Oliver," she assured gently.

I took a breath.

"Do you like...what we have?" I asked.
"What do you mean by that?" she replied.
"After looking at this in retrospect...I've realized that I may be a burden rather than a benefit for you," I said.

She didn't respond but her golden eyes focused on mine.

"I don't have as long a lifespan as other people...I'm not legal to be with...there's so many problems that I create by simply being a me," I said.

She tried to say something but I cut her off.

"I think that I'm more of a hindrance than anything else...you deserve much better than I can provide which is why I need to know...are you happy?" I asked.

She didn't respond to my question. Instead, she picked up her etwahl and sat cross-legged in front of me and slowly began to play an absolutely heavenly melody. This was a song I had never heard before which was the only reason why I was unable to join her with my ocarina. She played for several minutes, each note gracefully entering and exiting my ears and leaving an unforgettable mark in my mind that Sona was more than worthy of the title "Maven Of The Strings". Every so often, she would open her eyes and look into mine with the most loving golden gaze one could imagine from such a beautiful woman. As she ceased her music, the etwahl gracefully levitated and rested itself in it's previous position as she held my hand.

"I have no regrets about you Oliver...when I said I wanted to be with you till the end of your melodies...I meant every word," she said.

She looked towards her etwahl.

"I composed that song a few days ago...for you," she said.
"You...wrote that?" I asked.

She nodded solemnly.

"You wrote me a song so I spent a few days doing the same for you," she said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You're scared that you won't be able to give me as luxurious of a life compared to others...is that why you're behaving so strangely?" she asked.

I nodded as I turned away. She kissed my cheek before turning my face back to her before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. I hungrily returned the gesture and she pressed her body against mine, deepening the contact. I let my tongue find it's way into her mouth and she allowed me in. It was a frenzy inside of my body; my heart rate rose to an entirely different level of rapid, my breathing became heavy and I found my hands beginning to go numb. An intense wildfire ignited inside of me once I felt her hands pull mine onto her body. She placed my hands on her breasts and stopped kissing me to gaze into my eyes.

"I've thought about this for a while...and now I'm sure...I want this..."

Her tone was a mix of seduction and sincerity. My brain froze at the feel of her supple assets in my palms. As much as I hated to admit it, I would find myself staring at Sona's chest. It wasn't like me to be a pervert but there were just times where I just could not avoid it, especially when she happened to take a shower and change in my room when I was 'asleep'. I was even more shocked as she compressed the width of her shoulders, allowing the large sweater to drift downwards and reveal much more of her torso. Her blue hair was still kept in it's usual pigtails but her golden gaze was what captivated me most; when one was trying to understand Sona, they had to be able to tell a lot from her gaze as she cannot speak. She pressed my hands harder against her breasts.

"I want to show you...that I meant everything I said," she said.

I didn't even think it was possible for her voice to become more tempting...but it did.

"I want to give you what I would never give to any other...my body,"

She put a hand on my cheek.

"I think it's time that we made our own masterpiece..." she whispered.

Her tone was full of a mad mix of lust and love and that was all the encouragement I needed. My hands groped harder and I leaned my body into hers, eliciting her completely unique type of moan that made my blood rise several degrees.

"I don't care about the risks or being removed from the League...all I want...is to be with you..." she said.
"I love you," I said.

She smiled at me as I brought my lips to her ear.

"You've made it difficult to keep calm...now I'm glad I don't have to hide it anymore," I said.

My hands removed the troublesome sweater shielding her upper body from my eyes to reveal a bright blue bra. My eyes indulged in the gorgeous view before me as I saw all of Sona's curves and contours for the first time in addition to really getting a good look at her well endowed chest. I wasn't one to view much below the face but Sona's beauty was all over rather than just her flawless face and captivating golden eyes. Sona was the only woman I had ever met in my entire life who could draw me in enough to want to look anywhere else apart from the face. She threw the sweater aside before unbuttoning my shirt slowly while making sure my lips stayed warm in the cold night air. I allowed her to push the shirt off my body before she tossed it aside and met my lips once more, her small hands coming to rest on my chest as she pressed me against the wall. She was an amazing contrast to the cold night air with her comforting body heat and I couldn't help but pull her closer in order to feel more. She encouraged me to touch and fondle as she guided my hands from her waist back to her modest chest, never once stopping the now intense action between our hungry tongues. I squeezed gently, absolutely loving how soft and warm she felt and my actions earned me moans dripping with longing.

"You can go further...I'm fine with it," she said.

I knew she was trying to resist her carnal desire as I could feel it in her rapid heartbeat. I swallowed some air as I nervously pulled the knot of her bra loose. She removed her arms from my neck and allowed it to fall, revealing her upper body in all it's glory. She blushed immensely at my widened eyes and shrank a little in embarrassment.

"You have no need to hide yourself...you're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on," I said smoothly.

She responded by pulling me down, sinking to her back and pressing my face near her chest. I took another deep breath as I kissed her breasts. Her moans coupled with her hands pushing my head down more indicated that she held no objection. My hands made their way to her hardened nipples before gently fiddling with them. Her moans became intense and she squirmed under my touch, her body obviously unable to process the sheer pleasure my actions were sending through every nerve involved. My fingers were soon replaced by my mouth. I couldn't think of anything that tasted as good as her skin and my tongue anxiously began to move over her nipple. She started to cry out and I was thankful that only I could hear her otherwise she very likely would've alerted someone by now. Her hands began to dig into my scalp and her legs wrapped around me, non-verbally begging me to never stop the tremendous waves of pleasure I sent through her with every action. She let out restless breaths as she lifted her head up and pulled me up by my hands back to her lips but not before I wiped her essence off my face with my hand.

"Please Oliver...I need you..." she said.

Her tone was once again dripping with longing and carnal desire but I could still sense the care she held for me. I slowly removed my boxers and positioned myself.

"If it hurts...stop me," I whispered.

She nodded as I slowly entered her. Her face turned from intoxicated to a wild mix of pain and pleasure as I heard her cry out. I shut my eyes tightly as I continued, hoping that her pain would lessen over time but considering it was her first time, she didn't give any sign that she was feeling any less. I contemplated stopping but as soon as her arms locked around my neck and her lips once again became intimate with mine, I continued. Her moaned my name through telepathy which did nothing but spur me to move faster.

"Don't hold back...I'll get used to it," she pleaded.

I obeyed her, speeding my pace until I thankfully sensed no pain in her thoughts. Every maddening thrust familiarized me more with the feel and warmth of her, sending me into an overdrive of euphoria and her now painless moans only added to it. Soon, I began to tire; my hips began to reach the limit of their muscles and my breathing became much more about keeping oxygen inside of me rather than from the pleasure. As if she sensed it, she leaned up and gently pushed me to the pillow behind my head and straddled my body with her legs. Before I could question why, she eased me back inside of her. Unlike before where I felt in control, the feeling did a complete 180. Instead of the euphoria that I was satisfying her, it was the other way around. I allowed her to develop a pace of her own, at first slowly but surely picking up speed until we were right back to my pace that exhausted itself only only mere minutes ago. She continued to encourage me to touch and fondle when she pulled my tired hands onto her body and I obliged, plunging a nipple into my mouth while my hands held onto her backside, feeling the softness in it's pure and heavenly entirety. Her skin was so soft that I considered using her as a pillow rather than the disappointing feather filled sacs behind me. I moved to the other nipple after a few seconds but I soon allowed myself to sink back to the pillow, barely able to process the intoxicating waves of pleasure she sent through me with every bounce. My hands fell to my sides as I was assaulted more and more with heat and pleasure until Sona finally stopped, raising her head skyward as she cried out my name. Her walls tightened and I felt a spill on my abdominal region. Not wanting to know if it was blood or simply the essence I tasted minutes ago, I regained my senses and flipped our positions.

I took the opportunity to examine her face. She was sweating profusely, her face was pink with the heat and her golden eyes looked pleadingly into mine. I couldn't help but smile at her as I slowly eased myself inside of her once again. In response, she flung her arms around my neck and held me close. My lower body went on auto pilot as I continued the assault of pleasure I started before. I did my best to resist the carnal urges to be rough rather than gentle but with every moan and cry she released, it drove me more and to the edge until finally, I gave in. My hands gripped her waist and I leaned back from her embrace before raising her legs up with my hands and continuing at a pace I didn't even know I was capable of without a shot of adrenaline. She didn't seem to mind the sudden change of pace and seemed to embrace it as her moans and cries turned to heavy pants of my name and "oh". I felt myself begin to tire and a pressure built up inside of me until I felt myself give off a shot inside of her. Instantly, the energy from the adrenaline vanished and I collapsed onto her body, hopefully slowly enough to not hurt her. When she stroked the back of my head, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You didn't hurt me...and I thank you for that," she said.
"It was difficult not to," I replied, making my tone all too obvious for the reason why.

She laughed softly before pulling my face back to hers and once again capturing my lips in hers.

"I love you," I said.

I had said those three words probably a million times but I could think of nothing stronger to say that could express how I feel about the woman in front of me. She smiled but not one of those common smiles that a lover would give to another; it was one of the smiles that only she could do in combination with her golden eyes.

"I love you too...and I always will," she replied.

15 Years Later- In A Meadow Outside Of Ionia


"Mom? Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine sweetheart,"

I looked down.

"Filling him in again?"
"Yes...it is his birthday after all,"

She hugged me tightly as I knelt down and began to fill him in on everything that happened this month. I made it a habit to do so at the end of every month and now on November 30th, it was his birthday. Everything was calm and peaceful...just as I wanted it to be. After talking for about fifteen minutes, it was her turn.

"Hi Daddy...I'm doing really good at the Summoner's Academy just like you did before! I'm at the top of my class!" she said with a smile.

She continued to fill him in, spending about 20 minutes talking about her time in school and her birthday which was two weeks ago. I looked down at the watch on my wrist to see the time at 6 PM. We had to leave for me to do another performance.

"Kiara, we have to go now," I said.

She seemed sad but rose to her feet.

"See you next month daddy," she said.

She hugged me before walking off to the car to give me some alone time.

"I miss you...so much...and even though you can't play your melodies anymore, I'll always keep you in my heart," I said.

I looked at the ring on my finger and recalled our wedding 8 years ago. It also reminded me of the fateful day that he warned me off so long ago. I let some of my tears fall onto the ground as I placed a bouquet there.

"I'll be back next month...and every month until we're together again," I said.

I began to walk away but turned back to read the engravement.

"Here lies Oliver Maxter, a loving husband, a dear father...a true lover of the musical arts"