Hey guys, so here it is, the third part to my fics, 'Payback is a bitch' and 'Two down, One to go'

Disclaimer: I guess you already know that I don't own the Vampire Diaries, or else Elena would be getting all the hotties ;) and Elijah would be in every single episode for at least 42 minutes.. #dreams

anyway.. enjoy and review.

"So, Tyler is back.. for prom?" Bonnie asked dubiously.

"Yup, I made him come back, I am Miss Mystic Falls after all, I can't go to prom dateless." Caroline stated proudly and held a dark green dress in front of her body to check it out in the mirror.

"Wow, Care. After all of this mess, you still care that much about prom?" Bonnie looked like she thought her vampire friend was crazy.

"Bonnie, don't judge her. We've all been through enough. And Caroline phantasied about prom since we were nine years old." Elena defended her friend and rummaged through the racks looking for a pretty dress. "So, is he already here?"

"Nope, he'll be back tomorrow right before prom." Caroline grinned. "I've missed him soooo much. Prom is going to be awesome. Speaking of, who are you bringing?" She asked and eyed her best friends suspiciously.

"Um. I'm going with Jamie." Bonnie said and blushed. She turned and picked up a dark brown dress.

"Wow, Bon. That's great." Elena grinned widely.

"And you?" Bonnie asked Elena. And Caroline added, "Stefan or Damon?"

Elena sighed. "Nope, none of the above. Stefan's still.. you know. And Damon, well, I am still pissed at him." She didn't look up from the dresses, just thinking about Damon made her want to break something.

"Is he still seeing Rebekah?" Bonnie asked.

Elena nodded shortly. "Yes. I stopped going to the boarding house, I would seriously dagger her if I see them together ever again."

Caroline giggled and Bonnie shot her an annoyed look. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Elena replied quickly. The last thing she needed was for Bonnie to know that she had slept with two originals and her drunk self was obviously planning on making the total count three.

Bonnie raised an eyebrow and Caroline just said, "It's just funny to see how jealous she can be, makes me kind of think about the pre-vamprie stuff Elena." Then she turned around and picked up a blood red dress. "How bout this one?"

"Anyway." Elena sighed. "Since we can't use the gym for prom, where are we doing it?"

Caroline's face turned sour and she placed the dress back into it's rack. "In Klaus' mansion."

"What?" Bonnie yelled. Elena's jaw dropped. "Why?"

"Well, the lovely Rebekah is now head of the dance committee." Caroline said sarcastically and let her eyes wander around the small boutique. "She's in charge, not me."

"Great." Bonnie muttered and walked towards the dressing rooms.

"Doesn't matter, I am not going to let her destroy our prom!" Caroline said firmly. "Let's just find the perfect dresses!"

And sure enough after almost two hours, the three girls left the boutique with satisfied smiles on their lips.

"Bekah." Kol sighed shaking his head.

"No way. I am not opening my doors for a bunch of drunk teenagers." Klaus said firmly.

"Please, Nik. I already told them. Besides, you said that this it our house. I am the head of the prom committee and I'll be the prom queen, you can't take this away from me." Rebekah pouted with big innocent eyes.

Klaus bit his lower lip, but he finally gave in. "Ok, but no one goes upstairs."

Rebekah nodded enthusiastically. "No one." She promised and took off.

"Do you really think that, that's a good idea?" Elijah asked Klaus, but Klaus merely shrugged. "Doesn't really matter now, does it?"

Kol laughed until Klaus left the room. Then his face turned serious again and he looked at Elijah. "You know, that she will be here too, right?" When Elijah nodded, he continued, "And you know, that she will probably get drunk.."

"I know, Kol. But she is a human, I think we, two originals, will find a way to stop her from doing anything she would regret."

Kol smirked. "Oh, yeah. I know how to stop her from doing that." Elijah's eyes darkened and he took a step towards him. "You will not take advantage of her."

Kol burst out laughing. "Why? Because you want to?" At his words Elijah's face turned into a devilish grin. "Oh, yes."

"Game on, big bro." Kol smirked and left the room.


"I. Will. Not. Get. Drunk. Tonight." Elena muttered over and over again, while she curled her hair in front of the mirror. It was almost eight and she was getting ready for their long awaited prom. Since the party was in Klaus' mansion, she was fairly certain, that it would be too easy for her drunk self to get to him. She couldn't sleep with him, no she wouldn't. And this was her senior prom and she seriously doubted that Damon would show up, he hated all of their high school parties. So there would be no reason for her get angry and get drunk.

When she was finished with her hair and make up, she put on her glittery black dress that Caroline had picked out for her. It was really cute, with it's heart shaped neckline and it's mid thigh length. She slipped into her black five inch heels and stepped in front of the mirror. She couldn't help but think about Kathrine.

She made her way downstairs and was surprised to see a bouquet on the kitchen counter. The roses were dark red and there was a card in it. She picked it up and flipped it open.

"I am sure you will look mesmerizing tonight, darling. I can't wait to see you. Kol"

She blushed and smelled the roses. They were truly magnificent and she quickly filled a vase with water and put them into it. Then she went upstairs to place the card onto her dresser.

When the doorbell rang, Elena shot a last look into the mirror and went downstairs.

"Hey, Matt." She greeted him with a big smile.

"Hey, Lena." He replied and his eyes widened when he saw her properly. "Wow, you look amazing."

"Thanks. And thank you for taking me with you. I didn't want to show up there alone."

They walked up to Matt's truck and got in. "No worries." He smiled sweetly. "We're friends after all."

"Why don't you have a date?" Elena frowned. She hadn't thought about that earlier.

But Matt shrugged. "Don't know. I'm not in the mood to put up with all that girl drama." Elena laughed at this. "And why aren't you going with Stefan? Or Damon."

Elena sighed. "Well, Stefan doesn't want anything to do with me." She knew that Matt would understand, that she didn't want to talk about Damon. The rest of the drive they were silent.

When they arrived at the mansion, Elena gasped, it looked even better than at the ball. "Wow."

"There's Tyler. I'm going to say hi." Matt said and vanished into the crowd. Great, my worst fears have come true. She was here, at her senior prom, high school was over and she was alone. No date, no boyfriend. All alone.

Her dark thoughts were interrupted by a soft touch on her bare shoulders. She shuddered and turned around. Elijah was standing close behind her and smiled at her. His eyes were warm and kind. She smiled back automatically.

"Elijah." She breathed in relief. She wasn't completely alone after all.

"Good evening, Elena." He said and his voice was so smooth, it sent shivers trough her body. She tried very hard not to conjure the pictures of that night.

Elena just wanted to reply when she saw someone else from the corner of her eyes.

"Hello, darling." Kol smirked as he approached her and his older brother. "And I was right, you really do look enchanting."

Elena smiled at him. "Thank you." She couldn't help but blush, but that didn't stop her from seeing the calculating and challenging looks that the originals were exchanging. Oh, crap. It was awkward, Elena never had one night stands before and now she was standing between her first two and they were brothers.

"Would you like something to drink, darling?" Kol asked, when he finally broke the contact with Elijah.

Elena laughed quietly and shook her head. "Um, no. Did any of you see Caroline?" She looked at both of them and they turned their heads into the same direction. Of course, vampires. She followed their gaze and spotted Caroline in Tyler's arms, kissing passionately. "Well, that can probably wait." She muttered and this whole situation was so deja vu like. Standing in the entrance of Klaus' mansion with two brothers on each of her side. She sighed.

"On second thought, I am kind of thirsty." She said and Kol smirked. When they started walking, Elena spotted a familiar body in front of her and stopped.

"Stefan, what are you doing here?" Elena asked curiously.

"Um. Damon made me come." He said awkwardly not meeting her eyes.

Elena frowned. "Why would Damon made you go to senior prom?"

She followed Stefan's gaze and gasped. There he was, Damon in his usual black clothing. With Rebekah in his arms. Elena felt the anger boil inside of her and a low growl escaped her throat. He was here, at her senior prom. With Rebekah. "Seriously?" She spatted and shot deathly glares at them, but they didn't even noticed it.

"Caroline!" Elena yelled and stomped off to the hall, where she saw her blonde friend talking with some guys, leaving Stefan, Kol and Elijah standing there with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Hey, Elena." Caroline chirped. "What's wrong."

"Come." Elena growled and dragged her away from the crowd. She found a door along the hall way and they got into the room.

"Did you know about it?" Elena asked furiously when she turned around to face her friend.

"About what?" Caroline looked terrified.

"Don't play dumb with me. He is here. With her." She yelled out.

"Oh." Caroline breathed looking down. "Um. Yeah."

Elena ran her hands through her hair and paced back and forth. "DAMN IT!"

"Elena." Caroline said cautiously. "There's something else that you should probably know.."

Elena stopped dead and looked up. "What?"

"She compelled the voting crew, she is the prom queen." Caroline explained quietly.

"WHAT?!" Elena screamed. "NO! NO! Oh god." Caroline tried to soothe her but that made it just worse. "Caroline, you're not the only one that waited for this day for the last ten years." She shouted. "I've been dreaming about senior prom, about the perfect dress, the perfect date."

"Hey, it's ok." Caroline whispered.

"No. It's not. My boyfriend dumped me a few months ago. I fell for his big brother. I made out with him and now he is here, at my senior prom, with the bitch that wants to kill me. And I am on my own! And above all, she is prom queen. NOT YOU, NOT ME, SHE IS!" Elena shrieked.

"Elena, calm down." Caroline drew small circles on Elena's back and after a few moments Elena's breathing stabilized.

Elena laughed bitterly. "Screw him. Let's get drunk." And with those words she walked out of the room and back to the party.

So what do you think? Yes, I know nothing happened, but the next chapter will be... well you just have to find out for yourselves.

BTW. can I just tell you how much I love your reviews and favs and follows?! It makes me sooooo damn happy, I can't stop writing. So please keep reacting to my fics, then I will never ever stop!

Next Chapter should be up in a few days, but I have to warn you.. this fic could be a three parter. ;)

xo hazel.