
Six years had passed since Naraku's death. Rin strolled along the village path with a girl by her side. It had been three years since Kagome returned, yet Rin had only seen her friend twice.

"You ready to meet Kagome," Rin asked. The girl simply nodded, giving off a small smile. "Maybe you can play with Shippou and the twins while we're here too." The girl smiled and nodded.

Down in the village, Kagome was dressed in red and white robes. She sat near the river, talking with InuYasha. Clicking footsteps brought the girl's attention elsewhere. Kagome turned, seeing Rin in the distance. She hopped onto her feet with a bright smile and waved excitedly. Rin walked over to the two and slightly bowed, Kagome graciously welcoming her back.

"I haven't seen you in a while," Kagome said. "Are you coming for a visit?"

Rin shook her head. "Not this time. Sesshomaru thinks it would be best if we both stayed here a bit."


Rin simply smiled and stepped aside, exposing the girl clinging to her thigh. Kagome and InuYasha looked at the child, bewildered.

"Now, who is this little sweet thing?" Kagome cooed. She watched the girl cling tighter to Rin's leg. Kagome looked the girl up and down, analyzing her pure white hair and the red marks along her cheeks. In that instant, she knew.

InuYasha wrinkled his nose. "Why does she smell funny?"

"InuYasha, sit!"

InuYasha crashed to the floor, forcing the small child to flinch. She clung tightly to Rin.

"You're scary," the child said.

Kagome let out a "humph" and nodded towards InuYasha before turning to the child. She leaned in, placing her hand on her knees. "Sorry about that. So, what's your name?"

The girl looked up to Rin, who gave a small nod. She turned back to Kagome. "Yue."

"Like the moon?"

She nodded.

"And how old are you, Yue?"

She held up three fingers. Kagome simply smiled. "Very smart for a three-year-old, and tall too," she said. But then again, she is a half demon.

InuYasha grumbled as he rose to his feet. "What was that for, Kagome?"

She crossed her arms. "Sometimes, you just have to learn to keep your mouth shut."

"Why? She smells like Sesshomaru."

Kagome slapped a hand to her head. "You cannot be this dense . . ."

Rin laughed. "Is Kaede here?"

Kagome took her hand from her head and nodded. "Yeah, she's just in the hut. I'll take you to her."

The girls turned to leave, voicing their goodbyes and later returns to the half demon dog. InuYasha simply watched them go, eyeing the little girl. Who would have ever guessed, he thought.

. . .

Later that night when she and Yue were fast asleep in their own hut, Rin felt a little breeze sweep in the room. She opened her eye, gasping at the dark figure standing in the corner. She flew up, ready to defend herself and Yue. However, she quickly calmed when she realized who it was.

"Sesshomaru, you have got to stop doing that," she said. "A light nudge, a tap, something, anything to keep my heart from bursting through my chest." With all this training I've done . . . Doesn't he know that I could kill him? She let out a relieved sigh.

Sesshomaru walked over to the two with his usual stolid demeanor. He knelt down beside them and stared at little Yue as he moved the hair from her face, still amazed. Rin smiled. She leaned over the girl and pecked Sesshomaru on the cheek.

"Welcome back," she said with a smile.

Sesshomaru simply blinked at the affection. Rin simply chuckled. He was still getting used to relationships even after four years. After he kissed her in the hot spring that day, she fainted, completely overwhelmed and in shock. But when she woke to Sesshomaru's eyes, things escalated pretty quickly. It was one of the greatest experiences Sesshomaru ever had, so much so he couldn't believe he had missed something so exhilarating for centuries. Of course, he wouldn't tell Rin that. But suddenly, Rin's belly was the size of a potato sack. Jaken nearly had a heart attack when he heard the news, but Rin thought it cute when Sesshomaru questioned who the father was. She thought it was a joke at first, but his scowl said otherwise. Turned out that he was simply embarrassed, which was yet another first. Then nearly ten months later, Yue was born. It freaked Sesshomaru out when she told him, "It's time." He grabbed her so quickly and zipped through the air like they were being chased by demons. (It was too bad Jaken was left in the dust). They had to find a place where villagers wouldn't care if she birthed a half-breed. The closest place at that time, however, was at Jininji's. Rin would never forget the twinkle that lit in Sesshomaru's eyes when he heard Yue cry that day. Until this day, Rin believed that any and all hatred Sesshomaru might have had towards half demons disappeared that glorious night.

Sesshomaru removed something from the sleeve of his kimono and placed a next to Rin. It was a kendama.

"For Yue?" she asked. Sesshomaru nodded. Rin nodded in return and thanked him as she stroked the sleeping child's cheek. "She'll love it." She paused. "I'm guessing you left Jaken waiting outside of the village again. Heh. I guess some things never change. Oh, by the way, how is training going?"

Sesshomaru quickly shot Rin a stern look, which made her cringe a little, but she knew the glare was harmless.

"Oh, right," she said, almost sarcastic. "The great and powerful Sesshomaru doesn't need to do something as feeble as training. So, how is improvement going?"

"Bakusaiga is being stubborn," he said.

Rin simply shook her head. For years now, Sesshomaru had increased his strength and the strength of his sword tenfold. He was a better master and he discovered limitless new capabilities, but he never could seem to stop and praise himself on his accomplishments. He just wanted to be stronger and reach his full potential.

Sesshomaru spat, "Totosai knows of the swords capabilities and what needs to be done to reach them, yet he refuses to tell."

"Well, I don't blame him. Your resume is one long death wish."

For a second, Sesshomaru just stared at the woman in front of him, taking note of her candidness. Before he could stop himself, a smirk formed on his lips and quickly turned into a smile – a smile he quickly concealed behind his usual stolid demeanor. Rin's eyes widened at the sight. Sesshomaru would occasionally put on cunning smirks here and there, but she NEVER saw him smile before. Yet this time, she was able to witness a small grin, one with teeth! Jaken had once mentioned seeing his lord simply curl his lips when he sensed the return of his father's sword, Souunga, but wow! She figured it was nothing compared to that time. This was heartwarming. His smile could cure any disease! If only he'd smile more . . .

Sesshomaru and Rin chatted for a bit, talking about one another's small adventures. Sesshomaru took amusement in hearing Rin's story of turning InuYasha mortal again just for kicks when the half-breed was picking on her, but the thought of her using her power on him sent a dangerous scowl to his face, one that confused Rin for a bit. Alas, it came the time. If he stayed too long, demons might pick up on his scent.

"When will we see you again?" Rin asked.

"Soon," he said.

"I would ask if you wanted to stay, but I know how you can be around us humans." She gave him a little smirk. "The full moon is in a few days too. Yue will be human soon, beautiful with black hair. Similar to how you looked when you turned human."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, which made her laugh.

"Don't forget this." Rin reached under her pillow and handed him her flute. "When you get back, I'll play you and Yue a song. I might even sing a little."

Sesshomaru took the flute and slid it into his kimono. He got up and turned to leave.

"Sesshomaru . . ." Rin said. He turned. She paused for a moment, taking in his acknowledgment. "I love you."

For a while, Sesshomaru simply stared at her, unable to take his eyes from her caring brown ones. Rin didn't know why, but he would always get choked up when she said those words so openly. It was always hard to say it in return.

Sesshomaru pursed his lips. He leaned in and kissed her quickly on the hand. That was how he said it. That was a good sign, because normally after hearing the words, "I love you," he would simply nod and fly away. Sometimes, he would only return glares. But this time, he kissed her and and even went the extra mile.

Is was faint, but she heard it. As he walked through the doors of the hut, Rin could hear him say the words, "I love you too, Rin." And it lit her up like the moonlight. A truly rare moment (indeed).


AN: Thank you one and all who have read this entire fanfic. Alas, it has come to an end. I am so happy you stuck with the story (especially when it took me so long to update at times), and I'm glad I was able to entertain you for all these years. I know I have a lot of improving to do with my writing, but I thank you for all of your support. Thank you! And by the way, that episode where Sesshomaru smiled was in season 2 episode 7. (He also smiled in the third movie of InuYasha, but I think of that as more of a smirk).

So, tell me, what were your favorite parts of the story? Why?