Hey look who's back! Sorry it's taken so long to get this out but I've had so much going on, it's been a little insane, anyway, this month, me and my friend are practising for NaNoWriMo, so expect regular updates (yaaaay)

3.2K words, love me?


Warnings: Slash, Abuse, Forced marriage, self harm. Malnipulative!Dumbledore Evil!Dumbledore Dark!Harry (eventually)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognise! Just the plot :)

Warnings for this chapter - self harm

When Hermione and Ron returned to the tower after dinner, Harry had had the longest shower he'd thought he could get away with and was curled up in a red, plush chair by the fire with his transfiguration text book, studying up for the test that McGonagall had already promised them. His friends plopped down on the sofa next to him, Hermione leaning back into Ron as he spoke

"Think you've become a school wide legend mate, by now they're convinced that you and professor Snape actually duelled and you weren't a dinner because you were being expelled or something"

Harry snorted and bookmarked his page before setting the book on the arm of the chair next to him, eyeing his two friends position with a knowing smirk, making Hermione shift and blush.

"Well at least i've taken the attention off you two, although that does remind me, Seamus owes me two sickles, he thought it'd be another two months before you two pulled your heads out of your arses"

The bushy haired Gryffindor huffed good naturedly at the mention of there being bets on when they'd get together, but she wasn't really bothered as it was a common form of entertainment between everyone and didn't really do any harm.

"Well if you'd of been around during dinner you'd of known sooner" she chided lightly, making it very clear that she'd like an explanation, Harry had the decency to look a little bit sheepish

"I got two weeks of detention with Snape and I've got 'remedial potions' again, I didn't particularly have any appetite"

Ron winced and wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist to stop her jumping up in anger, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb to calm her down as she spoke quickly

"Harry you know that isn't a good idea, you two damn near killed each other the other time let alone with this extra stress, you should ask Dumbledore for a different tutor!"

Harry sighed and curled up a little tighter on the chair, knocking the book and making it wobble slightly as he waited for the common rooms interest to drift away from his friend's outburst.

"I don't particularly have a choice 'Mione, the headmaster is pretty pissed at us both, I'm pretty sure he was ready to just lock us in a room till we got on or one of us killed the other"

With a snort Ron stretched out slightly, shifting Hermione around as he did so,

"I think that might be what he's done anyway, detention and remedial potions? you're going to be seeing each other twice some days for the next two weeks"

Harry groaned and thudded his head on the back of his chair at the reminder, that was all he needed while he was trying to adjust to whoever he'd been forced to marry and had no way to brew the pain or healing potions he needed, Snape almost twenty four seven. Just brilliant.

"I don't honestly wanna think about it any more, what time do we have to report to the hall tomorrow?"

Both his friends frowned at the reminder and Ron tightened his hold around Hermione protectively, Harry got the feeling they'd accepted their feelings so they could have just one night together before they were potentially drawn apart.

"That's the thing we needed to tell you actually" Hermione said quietly, before showing him the shiny engagement ring on her finger, Harry looked at it, confused as Ron spoke.

"My dad managed to set up an arranged marriage between us, got it into the ministry before they set the couples, it overrides the part of the law that says we're automatically partnered - of course it still stands on the consummation and child bearing, but at the very least we're together"

Harry was completely taken aback, and slightly angry

"You didn't think to tell me about this? that there was a way for me to not be forced with someone I hated? that I could at least have some choice!"

He pushed out of his chair angrily and Hermione moved Ron's arms to stand up with him "Harry calm down we barely knew until Ron's father owled us! besides, he tried to do the same thing with you and Ginny but the ministry wouldn't accept it as they hadn't been able to contact the Dursleys and her magic wasn't enough to anchor yours!"

She stood there breathing heavily and staring at Harry, ignoring that they'd attracted the attention of every Gryffindor in the room, with a weary sigh, Harry dropped back into his hair and stuck his head in his hands.

"Sorry 'Mione, i'm just too stressed for this"

As the common room gradually returned to normal, Hermione fixed Harry with a sad look and settled a hand on his shoulder comfortingly

"Perhaps you should get an early night, you've been to bed after me and up before me almost all week, I can't imagine being tired is helping any"

Harry sighed, he'd been going to bed late because the more exhausted he was, the less likely he was to have a nightmare, then he'd been getting up at five for his morning run, all in all that had been leaving him with around three to four hours sleep a night, he was more than used to that amount, but it probably was a good excuse to get out the conversation. He stood slowly, grabbing his book as he did so, Hermione moved back to sit with Ron, worried look still set in her features.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, gotta be bright eyed and bushy tailed for my lucky suitor tomorrow after all" he attempted to make his tone light, but the way he ended up saying it made it sound like he was talking about a death sentence. To be completely honest, it felt like he was.

"Night mate" Ron said quietly, Hermione echoing his sentiment as Harry gave them a weak smile and turned to trudge up to the dormitories. He had no intention of going to sleep, he'd probably stay up and study with the curtains around his bed closed and spelled to stay there. Part of him debated using this time to go down to Snape's labs, but one of the potions needed a few days and by that point - he'd be in detention, he was best off leaving it the two weeks or ordering the potions in. Harry didn't particularly want to resort to that, but if the pain got bad enough he'd have to, Snape was hardly going to tolerate slacking after all, nor believe him when he told him why.

By the time he put his books down to go to sleep, it was close to two and all his dorm mates had come up to bed hours ago, trying to be silent in an attempt not to 'wake' Harry, but really only succeeding in falling over Ron's trunk and bursting into laughter. He'd pretend he'd had a silencing charm up in the morning, or something along those lines, if they did chose to question him, but really, their minds were probably going to be on more important things.

With that grim thought, he set an alarm, pulled the covers over his head, and settled in to try and get some sleep.

When his alarm went off at five am, Harry dressed almost on auto pilot, tugging out his old pair of trainers and some shorts he'd adopted for running from his trunk then scrabbling around for a T-shirt. With one located he slipped out of the dorm and the common room and headed towards the great lake at a slow jog, only speeding up once he got there to do laps around.

Harry loved running as a start to his day, he couldn't describe it but there was something about the slight tightness in his chest and burn in his muscles that made him feel brilliant. It of course made his various injuries feel like hell, but they didn't seem so important when he was out here, he just didn't think about them, think about anything. He was disappointed when his watch beeped angrily, informing him it had been an hour and he needed to go have a shower then make himself present at the great hall for breakfast and then what was sure to be some of the worst news he'd had in a while.

He rolled his eyes at his own exaggeration as he headed toward the common room, really, it was only marriage, he'd faced Voldermort several times, watched people die, he could manage this. The more pessimistic part of his brain reminded him that it wasn't just marriage, it was children as well, it was a life long commitment when he was barely seventeen. The thoughts followed him into the shower and he found himself reaching for the razor before he realised, dragging it slowly across the skin on the inside of his thighs so that he didn't have to think for a moment. It gave him the same rush as the running did, and by the time he was dry and dressed and ready to head down to breakfast, he was once again relaxed and had a clear head.

His ribs twinged when he sat down, a sign he'd done the wrap just a little too tight, he'd have to sneak of to the bathroom and adjust it at some point, hopefully he'd have the chance whilst packing his stuff to move into his new living quarters with his partner. A table had been set up to the side of the staff table and around it several adults sat talking, he presumed these were the people that some of the students were to be married off to, he didn't recognise most of them, which all things considering, was probably a good thing. They all seemed friendly enough, but there were a few gaps at the table which Harry decided must be for people who would turn up later on.

He turned back to his coffee and his porridge with a sigh, downing half a cup before starting to pick at the contents of the bowl, dobby had put sugar and apples in it for him, a small gesture that once again made him smile, but he couldn't bring himself to eat more than half the bowl, he'd have to go down later and apologise, not that the elf would accept it.

As he finished his meal, more students started to drift in, the Ravenclaw table filling up the fastest and the Gryffindor the slowest as usual, Ron and Hermione sat opposite Harry with bleary eyes, and he wondered if they'd stayed up late like he had, now that he thought about it, he hadn't heard Ron's voice among the whispers of his dorm mates last night. Hermione started cutting up fruit into a bowl and Ron grabbed a bacon roll, nodding to Harry as a way of greeting. He nodded back with a week smile, he couldn't draw up the energy to pretend like today was going to be alright. It wasn't.

The lower years had evidently been given some instruction the seventh years had missed as they all left the hall almost instantly after finishing their breakfast, shooting their various older house mates sympathetic looks. Lots of people had rings under their eyes, or red, puffy faces indicating a lack of sleep and crying. Harry had to wonder why a support group hadn't been set up, this wasn't just a small thing after all, but then, he supposed, students could go to their head of house and Dumbledore probably had his reasons, right?

Finally, Ron and Hermione left and it was only the required people in the hall, along with some of the professors, who, Hermione pointed out earlier, would have to be in here to learn about their partners too, Snape's face was set in a furious scowl, McGonagall looked resigned and even professor Flitwick didn't have his usual energy. A few ministry officials that nobody in their group seemed to be able to name hovered in the corner, talking in quiet whispers and Harry suddenly found himself missing his friends. Dumbledore stood and the hall fell silent.

"Good morning seventh years" he boomed calmly, seemingly unaffected by what was about to happen "today you will learn who you are to be bound to in accordance to the new law, you will be called up in your pairs, handed the date your bonding is to occur and then sent to move into new rooms - I must also take this time to remind you that failure to abide will result in serious consequences" The ministry workers moved to stand behind Dumbledore, an old man with long greying hair and a black robe held a long roll of parchment that Harry could only assume held the partners.

"I will now hand over to the department for bonding and magical partnerships - good day"

The headmaster moved away from the podium and back to sit in the middle of the teachers table, Harry wondered if he had to be pared off too. He was answered almost immediately.

" Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin (first class), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot!" A slightly taller man with a worryingly large moustache and a balding patch called "To be bonded with Carmen Daselberry Deputy Warlock of the Wizengamot!" there was silence as the two men approached a third man and received a piece of paper, before leaving the hall together.

"Professor Flitwick!"

Slowly, all the teachers were paired off with various witches and wizards that were sat on the table in the corner, Flitwick's partner burst into tears part way though leaving the hall and the grip McGonagall's partner had on her arm almost looked painful. Eventually, it was just Snape left.

"Professor Severus Tobias Snape, Potions Master! To be bonded with Harry James Potter!"

If the silence in the hall had been bad before, it was almost deafening now, every face in the hall turned to stare at him as he got to his feet and walked towards the official, feeling completely numb, detached. It was if the only thing he could process was that he'd been called - and not that he'd been asked to bond with the man who had gone out of his way to hate, and bully him, since the moment he'd set foot in Hogwarts. He reached the sympathetic looking man at the same time Snape did, the potions master having taken some time to actually get out of his seat. In opposition of how Harry was coping, his face seemed to be a veritable thunderstorm, lightning flashing across the onyx coloured eyes and hands clenched at his sides as if stuck together. He snatched at the paper angrily and grabbed Harry by the arm before tugging him from the hall, walking so fast that Harry had to jog for fear of just being dragged there. He didn't dare say anything, aware that the mans anger would instantly be funnelled his way. No, it was best to adopt the same mannerisms that he had with his uncle, and then, perhaps, Snape would at the very least, not hurt him.

The walk to his quarters was a long one, students jumped out of their way and stared at them on their way past, but by the time they got into the dungeons, Harry couldn't bring himself to care anymore, eyes fixed on the ground he simply allowed himself to be lead through several corridors until they reached a statue of a snake. Snape leaned over and whispered something to it, of course Harry wouldn't be trusted with the password, and a doorway appeared, the professor pushed through and dropped Harry's hand the moment they were in, making a beeline for his liquor cupboard.

As the man poured himself a drink, Harry couldn't help but look around curiously, the room didn't have Slytherin colours but was instead decorated in warm chocolates and creams which were softened by the glow thrown out from the fire. A three seater sofa with white fleeces draped over the back was flanked by two matching chairs and the wall behind was almost covered with book shelves. Opposite where they'd entered, a single door stood, and Harry could only assume it lead to a hallway and the rest of his quarters, although he wasn't about to risk going out there. In the corner, Hedwig was perched on a small coffee table and after a nervous glance at his professor, he went over to stroke the back of her head, receiving an affectionate nip. In the other corner, Snape was pouring himself a second tumblr of whiskey.

"You will not touch anything that belongs to me" Snape said suddenly and Harry's head snapped up to look at him "You will share my bed due to what the law dictates, but you shall keep to your own side, you will not enter my lab or my study except in dire emergencies and even then I expect you to knock, you may not have any of your friends down here and you will not disturb me when you're down here, have I made that clear Mr Potter?"

Harry could feel his anger threatening to boil over, but he tried to reign it back in, reminding himself he needed to treat Snape like uncle Vernon, no eye contact, no back chat, complete obedience.

"Yes sir"

"I have had enough of my life ruined making sacrifices for you, your pampered brat attitude shall not make this worse for me"

So much for keeping a check on his anger, his brain sighed as Harry straightened up and glared at the professor

"This isn't easy on either of us sir" Snape sneered at him, stalking over and backing him into a table

"Oh is poor little Potter feeling sorry for himself? didn't he get to marry one of his simpering fans, someone who would of spoilt him like he was used to? Does he have to sleep with the mean potions master with his greasy hair and crooked nose?" he spun around and walked back over to the fire place "Go whine to someone who cares Potter, just make sure you're back before curfew, I am still entitled to take points and assign detention. Our bonding is booked for two weeks from now - I suggest you find a witness, perhaps the mangy werewolf you're so fond of"

"Leave Remus alone!" Harry snapped "You're such a git when you're feeling sorry for yourself you know that?"

Snape's eyes narrowed and he glared at Harry with an intensity that made him want to flee and instantly regret his words.

"I suggest you leave now Mr Potter before I do something Albus won't like"

Harry nodded and practically bolted out of the doorway and into the hall, Hedwig swooping after him as he started to head for the Gryffindor common room, changing his mind at the last moment and heading for the lake instead, deciding a run was what he needed to get everything out of his system.

Back in Snape's quarters, the potions master collapsed into a chair and hid his head in his hands unhappily, how the hell was he meant to manage this without killing the boy? They could barely look at each other, let alone raise a child. He groaned and reached for the whiskey bottle, this week was not going his way.