Well, this is my first Miranda/Andy fanfic. My beautiful beta Hannah did a great work here. Hope you like it!


"Mmmm..." Miranda moaned when Andrea put her hand on her thigh, underneath her skirt.

"Let me, let me," Andrea whispered, while her tongue ravished Miranda's collarbone, above her breasts. When Andrea bit her neck a little, Miranda instantly open her legs, giving better access for Andrea's hands.

Miranda didn't realize how incredible it would be. When she asked to Andrea deliver The Book, the engines from her mind were working hard to create a plan how to approach Andrea without scaring the girl. She wasn't sure if Andrea would be "open" to what she wanted to propose. About a year ago, the girl has been hired as the second assistant and in a short time, she had become better than Emily - the first assistant.

There was something about the girl, who was always smiling, even after the "Harry Potter incident" and the whole situation in Paris. Miranda realized that her days were better when Andrea was with her when she went to meetings or events and it wasn't because the girl was doing a good job. It was because she was there, and Miranda felt safe with her.

Then the 'touching' started. Firstly, when Andrea arrived with the coffee. All of the other assistants just left the Starbucks on the table but, one day Miranda decided to reach the cup when it was still in Andrea's hands. Their fingers touched a little, but Miranda was sure she saw the girl shiver. Then, when their shoulders touched when they entered the lift. These little things were burning in her head, Andrea's reactions were subtle, but they were there. In the last three months, Andrea became the main reason she had dreams and even nightmares. Aside from her girls, Andrea became her reason to get up in the morning, to breathe. Andrea became her reason to live.

After Paris, Miranda noticed Andrea wasn't the smiley and bubbly girl that she'd always been. All she wanted to do was ask the girl what happened to change this, but she soon found out why. One day, she had just finished a call and went to tell Andrea to cancel a meeting when she heard the girl and Nigel whispering. Well, their attempt at whispering – she could still hear.

"… and then she touched my back!"

"Well, this is really weird. I know she likes you, she really likes you." Nigel said.

"She is driving me crazy! All of this touching, can you believe she said 'thank you'? Can you?" Miranda's heart skipped a beat.

"Six, I don't know what to say, Miranda is a unpredictable. You like her though, don't you?"

Andrea's voice was blurry. "I don't know Nigel. I just… argh."

Miranda took a look at her watch, it read 7pm, she went back to her desk and shut down the computer. 'Breathe, just breathe' she told herself.

"Andrea, cancel the meeting with Dior tomorrow." Andrea stood up in two seconds and in five, she had Miranda's bag and coat in her hands. Miranda deliberately brushed her fingers against Andrea's, looking for a reaction. Andrea bit her bottom lip.

"Y-yes Miranda."

"And deliver The Book tonight. I'll be in my study."

"O-okay." Andrea blinked.

When she entered the lift, the editor façade wasn't up anymore. Her heart was racing, her hands sweating. 'Oh God, what I'm supposed to do?' she thought.

About ten o'clock, Miranda heard the clacking on her marble floor from Andrea's heels.

"I am here." Miranda said.

The sound accelerated. 'Was she eager for it too?' Miranda thought.

Andy handed over the book, "Good night, Miranda." She said as she went to leave.

Oh, there was that smile again.

"Sit down, please."

Andrea froze.


"Nothing. I'm just… not used to hearing 'please' and 'thank you' from… you."

"I see." Miranda closed her eyes, hoping for some strength, opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"I-is something wrong?"

"You tell me. Why am I 'driving you crazy'?" The moment it came out, she instantly regretted. She was supposed to relaxing the girl. 'I can't believe you made a fool of yourself, Miranda!'

"Y-you d-driving m-me c-crazy? Y-you heard me?" Andrea was pale, maybe a little green… Or was she blushing?

"Yes, I heard. You don't like when I touched you." Miranda was curious as to why.

"No! I didn't say that! But, you know, nobody touches Miranda Priestly. Then, you let me ride the lift with you, your fingers brush against mine when you take the coffee from my hands and your skin is so soft and…" Andrea was red when she realized what she said. Miranda smiled, it was the opportunity she was looking for.

She stood up from the chair and went to the couch. "Come here."

Andrea sat next to her. Miranda extended her arm. "Do you want to touch?"

Andrea thought she was going to faint. Although, she reached for the arm and her fingers lingered on the inside of Miranda's forearm. She closed her eyes and Miranda closed the distance between them. Their thighs brushed a little.

"Oh my God!"

"Ssh," Miranda whispered "you can touch everything you want, Andrea." She nuzzled and lingered on Andrea's earlobe. Andrea let out a whimper and Miranda grabbed her waist. Andrea pulled her boss closer, whilst Miranda traced a line with her tongue on the girl's jaw and then down to her neck. Their eyes locked and Andrea took her bottom lip in the mouth. The editor closed her eyes and sucked on the girl's upper lip. Their hands were running up and down each other's bodies. Andrea was pressing Miranda on the couch, her hand under her boss' skirt.

"Let me, let me."

Miranda opened her legs and Andrea grabbed her thigh.

"Mmm… oh God!"

All clothes were gone, the air was gone, the entire world was gone. Just both of them, two bodies naked, so close, so tight. Hands finding their ways between each others legs and tongues battling against each other. Orgasm after orgasm. Then they slept, exhausted, after being consumed in lust and desire.

So, the game started.

A month passed by. Little encounters, in the car, where Andrea came twice, thanks to the talented Miranda's tongue, or in the Closet, where Miranda came so hard she'd bitten Andrea's hand, shutting out a cry.

Although this whole situation was a danger for both of them, mostly to the older woman. Miranda had a career, a public life, two daughters, three ex-husbands. An affair with a younger woman, who is her assistant, wasn't something she really wanted to see on Page Six. It would ruin everything she'd worked to have and to be. This had to end.

One night, when Andrea arrived with the book, Miranda already had made her decision. Andrea knew something was wrong, she left the book in it's usual place on the table, and sat next to Miranda on the couch.

"Andrea, I can't."

Andrea closed her eyes. "I knew it."

"You knew what?"

"I knew you would get bored, or realize that I'm not worthy of being with. I…just… I don't want to leave you." The plea in Andrea's voice was hard to ignore.

"Andrea, you are beautiful, smart, you have your life ahead of you. You can't be with me and I can't be with you."

"But I can't… I can't leave you. I can't live without you. Don't do that. No."

Miranda closed her eyes. She couldn't look into those big brown eyes and the tears that came from them. "Andrea, just leave." The editor fought the urge to grab Andrea and embrace her in her arms. Tears were threatening to fall and she closed her eyes tightly. "Leave."

Andrea stood up.

"I knew it. But I can't fight with you… I… l-love you."

Then, Andrea was gone.

The next day, when she arrived at the office, Miranda didn't see Andrea. On her desk was a resignation letter. Andrea was leaving. 'That was what you asked her to do, you old fool.' When Miranda picked up the letter, there was another little piece of paper underneath. It was a note.

I'm leaving. Just like you asked me.


Six months after Andrea had left Runway, Miranda heard Nigel, Emily and Serena talking, she wasn't paying much attention, until that one name grabbed her attention.

"It's from Andy."

"So, it's really serious. She told me last month they were thinking about it, but I didn't believe it." Serena said. "I've only talked to him twice."

"He is a great guy, I met him about four months ago. Eric really loves her. They're a great couple." Nigel seemed really excited about the whole thing, but what was happening? Who is Eric? Andrea has a boyfriend? What the hell?

"Um… Do you think she will… um… invite… her?" Emily was nervous, for sure.

"I don't think so."

"I still can't believe she left, to go and work for a newspaper?"

"Yes, but now she is editor junior, the girl worked hard."

"She got the job, and she got the guy."

"It will be a great wedding! I can't wait."

Miranda was in shock. Andrea was engaged.

Andrea. Was. Engaged.

"No. This can't be. No. No!"

Should I continue?