A/N: More Traught week. Please enjoy and review!


Never in his life has Dick Grayson felt so powerless.

Never has he felt so restrained—hopeless—scared—desperate—helpless—the words keep on flashing through his mind as he watches. With his elbows and wrists handcuffed behind his back he is useless. He can't do anything, but watch.

And watch he did.

He isn't a hero anymore. He is just a kid watching. Just a witness to a murder—or at least a murder that was soon to be committed. He is just a kid. Just a kid. Bruce Wayne's useless ward that is only good at getting himself kidnapped. He was just money. He was just a tool. He's…he's nothing.

A glance at Artemis whom is right next to him—she's also tied up, forced to just sit there on the high tower part of the bridge—tells him that she's also watching. That she's observing. Watching.

Just watching.

Her ears are pink from the high wind; her mouth slightly agape as she actually listens to what the thugs are saying. Words get caught in the wind—Black Mask, Shadows, and drugs but Dick isn't really listening. He's too distracted watching.

Another gust of wind causes them to sway a bit and Dick is suddenly absorbed by just how close to the edge they are—how far up they are—how far they would fall—how hard they would hit—the cracking, smashing, breaking.

The push brings him forty feet back up, back to watching out the corner of his eyes as the thugs seem to converse as they wait for Black Mask to finally reach a decision.

"Kill the girl, but leave the bird.

It feels like time is skipping and nothing is making sense because they just triggered him. He sees Artemis falling and then he sees his parents, uncle, aunt, and cousin falling. He knows he's screaming for it to stop, for people to stop dying, but he's not exactly sure to who. The thugs aren't really taking an interest in him—if anything, they look scared.

They broke the Bird.

Which equates to the Bat breaking them.

Dick cries out for them to let him go, but the handcuffs are tight and the thugs' grips on him is unbreakable. Maybe if Dick had powers Artemis wouldn't have fallen. If he had been M'gann or Conner he would have been able to fly down and catch her. Wally would have run down and caught her. Zatanna would have been able to cast a spell to stop her from falling.

Dick just watched.

Just like he watched his parents die. He watched Artemis die and did nothing.

He wasn't a hero. He couldn't save her. Something so menial as falling and he couldn't even save her. He was just a kid.

He is just a kid.

He isn't sure how he gets down to the ground because his mind is too consumed with falling. He's sees it happen over and over again. The push that sends her over the bridge and down to the ground and then he sees his parents. He sees it over and over again like it was the only thing he can see at the moment.

The thugs throw him to the ground and he stumbles over to the body. The necks wrong and he knows that he shouldn't even approach the body, but he does. He kneels and just stares down at her.

He watches her.

He gets the ghosted feeling of someone behind him. His parents lying on the ground behind him. He wasn't able to do anything to save them and the same was now true with Artemis. The arms of Batman secure around his shoulders and try to pull him up, but he remains on the ground, stunned.

Ten years had past and he was still just as powerless as before.